Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Student debt relief Change.org

Alfred — A new Congress means a new opportunity to address the looming Student Debt Crisis. Experts say the student debt burden will push millions of Americans into default by 2023 – hurling the entire U.S. economy into recession. This campaign is taking off – over 60,000 supporters have joined. Add your name to tell Congress to take action on student debt relief now.
Student debt will be the next bubble to burst. Tell Congress to forgive student debt
Petition by Terry Turner
Newark, NJ, United States
Student loan debt in America is the largest form of any debt, other than home mortgages. Many student loan borrowers are defaulting. If nothing is done, this could be the next bubble to burst, propelling the economy into another recession.

It doesn’t help that overall earnings for young people is substantially lower than past generations. With rising cost of living, the burden of student loans, and the reality of lower wages - recent graduates are struggling for the basics. It’s only a matter of time before more student loan borrowers default on their loans. Congress could do something about it, they could forgive student loan debt by passing the Student Loan Forgiveness Act.

Tell Congress to help reinvigorate the economy and simultaneously avert the next financial crisis - forgive all federal student loan debt and pass the House Student Loan Forgiveness Act.

Across the U.S., student debt is holding an entire generation back from life’s major milestones; from buying a first home to starting a family. Some states are starting to take notice. Maine is one of the first U.S. states trying to help student loan borrowers. Over one-third of Maine’s population is at or near-retirement. In an effort to attract young Mainers who’ve left the state for higher paying jobs elsewhere - while also reinvigorating the state’s economy - Maine is giving student borrowers a second chance. In the state’s new program, the state will help recent grads pay off their student loan debt through a state-tax reimbursement, ranging from $3,500 to $5,000 a year over a ten-year period. States shouldn’t have to go it alone. Tell Congress to forgive federal student loan debt.

Large student loan burdens have meant graduates aren’t investing in themselves or the economy like past generations of Americans. It’s easy to see why. Forty-four million Americans are carrying the burden of student loan debt, amounting to a whopping $1.5 trillion. For perspective, America’s credit card debt was $1 trillion in 2017. Only one-third of student loans are in repayment, the rest has essentially been put on hold or is in default. Across the U.S., 1 million Americans default on their student loans every year. By 2023, 40% of borrowers will default on their student loans - pushing us all into the next recession and shrinking the middle class.

Whether or not you have student loan debt, student loan defaults will devastate the economy - hurling us all into the next recession. Tell Congress to prevent the next recession before it happens, forgive student loan debt.
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VICTORY! Wendy’s not welcome on University of Michigan campus until the fast food giant joins the Fair Food Program!

Coalition of Immokalee Workers<workers@ciw-online.org>
Intrepid students from the University of Michigan post up outside of the campus Wendy’s, urging passing students to join the national boycott in 2016.
"As influential public institutions, our universities have a responsibility to maintain a clear and unwavering moral standard in their business relationships. Wendy’s, as the sole fast-food company that has yet to join the Fair Food Program, has refused to meet that standard. Instead of cheap '4 for $4' meals, as students, we need to see human rights on the menu. Until then, students, university officials and local leaders alike in Ann Arbor have declared that Wendy’s is not welcome on our campus.”

Michiganders have made one thing abundantly clear: Wendy’s has worn out its welcome in Ann Arbor, and will most certainly not be invited back until it cleans up its act and joins the Fair Food Program like the rest of the fast-food industry giants. Now the attention of the Fair Food Nation turns to the other universities on the tour – principal among them UM’s key rival just a few hours away, Ohio State University – contemplating whether to continue doing business with a company as deeply compromised as Wendy’s...
Coalition of Immokalee Workers
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#MeToo: The Umbrella of Sexual Violence - Thursday, Feb. 21 6:30PM-8:00PM

United for Justice with Peace<info@justicewithpeace.org>
To  markin  

#MeToo: The Umbrella of Sexual Violence - Thursday, Feb. 21 6:30PM-8:00PM

When: Thursday, February 21, 2019, 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Where: encuentro 5 • 9A Hamilton Place • Boston
Let's talk about it!  The goal of this workshop is to better understand oppression in society and how to best support survivors of sexual violence.  Presentation by Sharon Schiffer, Boston Area Rape Crisis Center.
Sharon is the Community Awareness and Prevention Services Coordinator at BARCC.  She manages volunteer groups and leads workshops in Bystander Intervention, Consent, and Responding to Disclosures.  She gives several workshops on anti-oppression and understanding how to be intersectional in supporting survivors and is a trained rape crisis counselor.  Sharon holds a MS degree from UMass and also speaks extensively about human trafficking in India based on socioeconomic oppression.  She is committed to creating positive change for the future.
We apologize that the location is not wheelchair accessible.
A program of the Boston Socialist Unity Project / bostonsocialistunity.org
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