Sunday, February 24, 2019

"A modern-day draft, if marketed carefully and cleverly" Courage to Resist

Courage to Resist Jeff Paterson<>
Courage to Resist
end draft registration
"A modern-day draft, if marketed carefully and cleverly"
Don't expand draft registration to women!
End it once and for all!
FOIA request uncovers Selective Service messaging for the  commission tasked with recommending fate of mandatory draft registration. 
By Edward Hasbrouck
say no to draft“A modern-day draft, if marketed carefully and cleverly, could foster patriotism via the investment of every family in the nation. A greater involvement of the population to include National (nonmilitary) Service could reach every social demographic within the U.S.”
The comments above were included in the recommendations from the Selective Service System made to the National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service. This report was sent to the NCMNPS in December 2017, but wasn’t made public until this week, in response to my FOIA requests.
There’s some, but only minimal, acknowledgement in the Selective Service System report of opposition to conscription. But dissent is conceptualized as “protest” (complaint) rather than as resistance (direct action) — a political, religious, or moral, rather than a practical, impediment to the draft:
“Historically, involuntary induction into the Armed Forces has been controversial, has initiated public dissent and protest…. Low registration compliance rates may reflect elements of society that do not have a incentive to serve, or exposure to the value of National or public service. Although many young men fail to register because they are unaware of the requirement (high school dropouts, immigrants, isolated communities), some populations and communities may be averse to service by religious conviction, moral perspective, or social pressures.” ...
The NCMNPS will hold two days of public hearings on the future of the Selective Service System, military conscription, and compulsory national “service”, including whether draft registration should be ended, extended to women, or modified in other ways, at Gallaudet University in Washington, DC, on Wednesday and Thursday, April 24th and 25th, 2019. ...
I’ve been invited to testify at the hearings, and I hope to see some of you there. The Commission needs to hear from those who will resist and from those who will defend and support resisters in court, in the court of public opinion, and in and out of prison.

Read Edward Hasbrouck's compete report

to Support GI Resistance to Endless War & Empire
484 Lake Park Ave #41, Oakland, California 94610 ~ 510-488-3559 ~

End the Wars against YemeEnd the Wars against Yemen and Venezuela! Veterans For Peace n and Venezuela! Veterans For Peace

Veterans For Peace<>

Dear VFP Members and Friends,
Wow, lot’s going on in the real world and in the world of Trump.  By declaring a National Emergency to get more funding for his racist wall, President Trump continues to set the agenda for the 24 hour news cycle, which is all Trump, all the Time.  This takes much needed attention away from other important developments.
End the U.S./Saudi War on Yemen
Last week the House of Representatives voted to cut off all funding for U.S. involvement in the brutal genocidal war against the civilian population of Yemen, where tens of thousands of children are literally starving to death as a result of conscious policies being implemented by Saudi Arabia and the United States. 
The U.S. Senate passed a similar bill in December, and now must get together with the House to bring their two bills into alignment (a bunch of pro-Israel crap was added to the House bill in order to sweeten the deal).  President Trump has promised to veto that bill if it gets to his desk, which would actually be his first veto as president. 
Whether it becomes law or not, the House and the Senate are finally representing the will of the People, who do not want to be party to the starvation of children as a weapon in a war that has no significance whatsoever for real security in the U.S. 
I encourage VFP members to write letters to the editor this week calling for an end to the war on the children of Yemen.
No War on Venezuela – All Out for February 23!
In the meantime, the United States government’s regime change war against Venezuela continues.  Fortunately, there is at least SOME opposition being mounted in the Congress.  Rep. Ilhan Omar, the courageous Somali American congresswoman from Minnesota, grilled war criminal Elliott Abrams, who has been resurrected to lead the dirty war against Venezuela. 
Activists in over 50 cities are planning for internationally coordinated local actions calling for No War on Venezuela. These include a growing number of Veterans For Peace chapters.
It is critically important that we end the brutal war in Yemen and that we stop the U.S. from completing its attempted coup in Venezuela.
Keep on Waging Peace!

All out for February 23!

Hands Off Venezuela!

Gerry Condon
P.S. If your chapter is taking action, please email any pictures or reports
1404 N. Broadway Blvd
St. Louis, MO 63102
Veterans For Peace welcomes your tax deductible donations.
We also encourage you to join our ranks.


Meeting this mark would send an unmistakable message about the strength of our movement: Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders<>

Since Tuesday's announcement, I am proud to report that more than 600,000 people have signed up to join our campaign. Thank you for being one of the first.
Let me be very clear: no single person can address the enormous challenges our country faces. That’s something we can only do together, which is why we are putting together an unprecedented grassroots campaign of one million people.
The powerful special interests that dominate our economic and political life may have unlimited amounts of money for campaign contributions and lobbying, but we have something they don't have. We have people power. That is our strength and that is why, together, we will win the Democratic nomination, the general election and begin the process of transforming our country.
Since you’ve already signed on to show your support, I’d like to ask for your help with reaching another goal.
Right now we’re hoping to reach 300,000 donations made to our campaign since Tuesday morning. Meeting that mark would send an unmistakable message about the strength of our campaign and our ability to take on Donald Trump and the billionaire class of this country. That’s why I am asking you directly:
This is a pivotal moment for our country and our democracy, and it means a lot to know we are in this fight together.
In solidarity,
Bernie Sanders
We’re hoping to reach 300,000 grassroots donations since Tuesday’s announcement. 

Your contribution will help us get there. Donate today.

PART 3: Chapel Hill and the “4 for Fair Food” Tour Coalition of Immokalee Workers

Coalition of Immokalee Workers<>
Coalition of Immokalee Workers
Connect with us

The corporate media underestimated us from the start Bernie 2020

Bernie 2020<>

Remember this?
It was April 30, 2015 and Bernie ducked out of the Senate to announce he was running for president. He told the reporters he didn’t have all day out here, and then went back to work…
Bernie announcing his 2016 presidential campaign
The corporate media underestimated us from the start, but we knew there was something there immediately when we raised more than $1.5 million in our first 24 hours in 2015.
Then crowds started showing up on our first tour. Like this overflow crowd in Minnesota.
Outside a rally in Minnesota in 2015
Then more than 10,000 showed up in Madison.
A rally in Madison, Wisconsin in 2015
No one underestimated us after that.
But the truth is, taking on this guy…
Donald Trump
And these guys…
The Koch brothers
Is our most important challenge yet.
And this guy can’t do it alone.
Bernie when Birdie Sanders landed on his podium at a rally in Portland
He needs you with him. So we have to ask:
Our campaign was never about one person – it’s about a movement of Americans coming together and saying they have had ENOUGH of the billionaire class buying elections in this country. It’s time for a government that works for all of us, and not just the 1 percent.
- Team Bernie