Tuesday, July 09, 2019

Can we send you this sticker? Bernie 2020

Bernie 2020<info@berniesanders.com>
To  alfred johnson  

alfred -
Tomorrow we're sending the first batch of stickers to the printer, and your name isn't on the list yet.
Bernie FDR sticker
This is a brand-new sticker design we released this month, and it's inspired by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
Our campaign is carrying out FDR's vision by fighting for an economic bill of rights including health care for all, education for all, and jobs for all.
You can show you're a part of that fight by chipping in to receive this new sticker. We're sending a list to the printer tomorrow, and this offer won't be around much longer.
Thanks for showing you stand with Bernie.
In solidarity,
Team Bernie

Convert War $$ to Green New Deal July 8, 2019 By Kelly Merrill


Convert War $$ to Green New Deal

By Kelly Merrill
Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
PO Box 652
Brunswick, ME 04011
(207) 607-4255
http://space4peace.blogspot.com (blog)

'Thank God men cannot fly, and lay waste the sky as well as the earth.'
~ Henry David Thoreau 

NO WAY TO TREAT A CHILD: Stand Up for Palestinian Children A New Day Jeff Klein

A New Day Jeff Klein<info@masspeaceaction.org>
To  Al Johnson  
A New Day for Israel/Palestine
Dear Al,

Tell Rep. Kennedy and other Massachusetts Congress Members:
Child Abuse is Wrong at the US-Mexico Border – and in Palestine!

Wednesday July 10  
outside Representative Kennedy's Newton office
29 Crafts St, Newton (near Whole Foods)
4 pm-5:30 pm
If you are not a constituent, come anyway!

Massachusetts Rep. Joe Kennedy recently joined with other Democratic members of Congress to observe and condemn the deplorable conditions for families and children held in detention near the US-Mexico border. But unlike his truly progressive colleagues -- like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar -- he apparently sees no problem with the US continuing to finance the abuse of Palestinian children.  Israel receives more than $3.8billion in US aid every year.

Rep. Betty McCollum (D-MN) has reintroduced her Promoting Human Rights for Palestinian Children Living Under Israeli Military Occupation Act, HR 2407.  Last year, a similar bill – the first in Congress to explicitly uphold the human rights of Palestinian children – garnered 30 cosponsors (Including McGovernClark and Moulton from Massachusetts) but was blocked in the then Republican-controlled House.  

Kennedy has refused repeated requests from constituents to cosponsor HR 2407 to protect Palestinian children. Now people are taking direct action that Kennedy should not be able to ignore:

Wednesday July 10  
outside Representative Kennedy's Newton office
29 Crafts St, Newton (near Whole Foods)
4 pm-5:30 pm
If you are not a constituent, come anyway!

Newly-elected Rep. Ayanna Pressley was the first – and thus far the only -- Massachusetts Congress member to sign on as a sponsor of this year’s HR 2407.  Kudos to her!  We hope that the other members of our state delegation who cosponsored last year – and others who did not -- will step up soon, BUT THEY NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU.

Katherine Clark
  (202) 225-2836
Stephen Lynch
  (202) 225-8273
Jim McGovern
  (202) 225-6101
Lori Trahan
  (202) 225-3411
Ayanna Pressley
 (202) 225-5111
William Keating
  (202) 225-3111
Joe Kennedy
  (202) 225-5931
Seth Moulton
  (202) 225-8020
Richard Neal
  (202) 225-5601

Elizabeth Warren
  (202) 224-4543

Ed Markey
  (202) 224-2742

Kennedy has complained that the McCollum Bill somehow unfairly “singles out” Israel – even though it makes military aid to any country contingent on upholding the rights of children.  Moreover, Kennedy has no problem in ”singling out” the US abuse of migrants at our border – nor in cosponsoring a bill to halt military aid to Honduras for its human rights violations.  Years ago, every decent supporter of human rights ”singled out” Apartheid South Africa.  No Liberals complained then about it then.

At the same time, Kennedy has signed on as a cosponsor to H.Res. 246, which condemns non-violent civic action to pressure Israel. He is joined in this hypocrisy by Reps. NealKeating and Trahan and by Sen. Markey.   LET THEM KNOW YOU OPPOSE THIS DOUBLE STANDARD!

An estimated 10,000 Palestinian children have been detained by Israeli security forces and prosecuted in the Israeli military court system since 2000. Independent monitors such as Human Rights Watch have documented that these children are subject to abuse and, in some cases, torture — specifically citing the use of chokeholds, beatings, and coercive interrogation on children between the ages of 11 and 15.  Palestinian children are typically seized during nighttime raids on their houses, blindfolded, hauled away and held without prompt access to their families or legal representation.

So far, none of the cosponsors of  last year’s McCollum Bill have yet joined Ayanna Pressley to uphold their values in cosponsoring HR 2407. 
Jeff Klein
For justice and human rights,
Jeff Klein

Jeff Klein
Co-ordinator, A New Day initiative
P.S. Please call Congress today!

A NEW DAY is a network sponsored by Massachusetts Peace Action.
PLEASE SIGN UP for regular “A NEW DAY” Action Alerts if you have not already done so and please reach out to your contacts to have them sign up for by emailing A-NEW-DAY@masspeaceaction.org (and please note your Congressional District).
(NEW DAY members will receive a limited number of action-oriented emails)
Massachusetts Peace Action, 11 Garden St., Cambridge, MA 02138
617-354-2169  • info@masspeaceaction.org • Follow us on Facebook or Twitter
A New Day for Israel/Palestine - Action Alert 

Boston Lights for Liberty: A Vigil to End Detention Camps Friday, July 12, 2019 7:00 PM 8:30 PM Massachusetts State House 24 Beacon Street Boston, MA 02111 (map)

Boston Lights for Liberty: A Vigil to End Detention Camps

  • Massachusetts State House 24 Beacon Street Boston, MA 02111 (map)
Inspired by a national call to action, the Boston Lights for Liberty vigil will bring hundreds -- maybe even thousands -- of people together to protest the inhumane conditions faced by refugees. Join us on the steps of the MA State House - or even in front of your own home - to hold a candle and share a moment of silence. We will hear testimonies from immigrants, educators, health worker testimonies. We'll also have mini teach-ins, songs/chants, a reading of the names of immigrants who have died in CBP custody or trying to get to the US, and of course light candles in a show of solidarity with our immigrant brothers and sisters. This event is being planned in partnership with a host of organization working on the front-lines with immigrants and refugees. Massachusetts Jobs with Justice! is the lead organizer, and partners include ACLU MassachusettsAmerican Friends Service CommitteeAsian American Resource Workshop (AARW)Brazilian Worker Center/Centro do Trabalhador BrasileiroCentro Comunitario de TrabajadoresDriving Families ForwardFree SihamIndivisible MassachusettsMassachusetts Interfaith Worker JusticeMassachusetts TPS CommitteeMuslim Justice LeagueMassachusetts Safe Communities CoalitionSol y CantoSURJ Boston - Showing Up for Racial Justice, and The Welcome Project, with additional organizations joining daily. Invite your friends, and together we will light up the world (and social media - #lights4liberty #dontlookaway #endusconcentrationcamps) to demand an end to these concentration camps. RSVP at https://actionnetwork.org/events/boston-lights-for-liberty Volunteer: https://tinyurl.com/July12BostonVolunteers For other questions: bostonlightsforliberty@gmail.com

Sponsor the National Grassroots Reparations Convening in Ferguson Truth Telling Project

Truth Telling Project<thetruthtellingproject@gmail.com>

Many of you saw Fredrick Douglass’s July 5 speech from 1852 entitled “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?,” to the then president, friends and fellow citizens, he proclaimed: 

Fellow-citizens; above your national, tumultuous joy, I hear the mournful wail of millions! whose chains, heavy and grievous yesterday, are, to-day, rendered more intolerable by the jubilee shouts that reach them. If I do forget, if I do not faithfully remember those bleeding children of sorrow this day, “may my right hand forget her cunning, and may my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth!” To forget them, to pass lightly over their wrongs, and to chime in with the popular theme, would be treason most scandalous and shocking, and would make me a reproach before God and the world. My subject, then fellow-citizens, is AMERICAN SLAVERY. 

The first images that might come to mind in Douglass’s lesson on our shared history,  are those depicting the current systemic cruelty being meted out to babies, and young children imprisoned in “migrant detention centers.” His words should remind us that we are not free until all of us are free.  
Freedom involves taking a stand right now.  You can be a part of the important work that links our freedom to healing one of this nations original sins.  We believe reparations to be a spiritual, social and political intervention. 
We need your support to spread the word about reparations as a spiritual journey toward redemption and belonging. 
The Truth Telling Project  in coalition with many others who will be in Ferguson for our National Grassroots Reparations Convening during the 5 year Mike Brown Jr. Commemoration Weekend in Ferguson from August 8 - 11th.  Please consider giving to strengthen our movement through the reparative relationships that spiritual and faith communities will be creating with Black led grassroots organizations on our National Days of Reparations for faith and spiritual communities (#ReparationSundays) August 11th & December 22nd.   
We welcome you donate or to become an official co-sponsor. Donate $200 or get your organization to support at $500.  With a $500 donation we will list your organization logo on our program booklet. 
Click here to donate.
Click here to see where your organization would be recognized. 
Your gift will help our nation understand that reparations is not a just a transaction, but part of the healing that can get us from truth to reconciliation.

Thank you for making change with us,
The Truth Telling Team

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