Saturday, September 30, 2017

A Thoroughly Modern Romance-Ingrid Bergman And Cary Grant’s “Indiscreet” (1958)-A Snap Film Review

A Thoroughly Modern Romance-Ingrid Bergman And Cary Grant’s “Indiscreet” (1958)-A Snap Film Review   

DVD Review

By Associate Film Editor Austin Riley

Indiscreet, starring Ingrid Bergman, Cary Grant, 1958    

Everybody knows, or should know, at least those who have been to the cinema enough times that half of what passes for plotlines in many stories is the old boy meets girl (or reverse it if you like) trope .That notion has held together more lame (and more beautiful) films than the most cynical producers could dream of in a million years. It all depends on how the whole thing is carried off. With a sledge-hammer or as in the film under review, Indiscreet, with some style. Of course adding to the style factor is having a suave and dashing older Cary Grant, last seen in this space trying to steal half the jewels on the French Rivera (or was it Monaco I will have ask my editor Sandy Salmon about that since he did the review) to impress and win the heart of fetching Grace Kelly in To Catch A Thief . And to receive those manly attentions Ingrid Bergman last seen in this space torn between her duty to liberation fighter Victor Lazlo and her passion for hard-nosed café owner  Rick in Casablanca. (I think that is right I will have to ask film critic emeritus Sam Lowell about that one since he did the original review on that one.)

Although I did not going kicking and screaming about having to do a review on this film unlike with a documentary about Janis Joplin when I erroneously confessed to Sandy that I did not know who she was since I knew who both of the actors here were I still felt that a 1950s film when I had not even been born was a stretch. A stretch because after watching the thing under today’s social and moral standards I do not understand the indiscreet part-the supposed illicit love affair between two consenting adults. What was the big deal these type of affairs are like rainwater today. Sandy assured me that such affairs had to be discreet back then especially in high society since divorce (and accompanying alimony) was a hard nut to crack.   

But style is what really drives this romantic comedy from the first minute Phillip, Cary’s role, steps into Anna’s, Ingrid part, apartment to change clothes before a speech he is to give. Anna, unlucky in love of late, was easy pickings for the jut-jagged suave Phillip. And so after very few preliminaries they become lovers. There is one little problem though which twists around the plot a bit. Phillip is married, very married, meaning he cannot get a divorce from that scorned wife. Can’t even when Anna puts a full-court press on to get him to the altar. Except that little problem is not really a problem since in a reverse of what usually happens which is the man says he is single when he is really married just to get at the unsuspecting woman Phillip is not married, very not married meaning he can get married. When Anna finds out all bets are off as she plots her revenge. Almost off that is. Yeah, a boy meets girl vehicle but it’s all how you pull it off.        

As The Burns-Novick Vietnam War Documentary Airs- Another Time To Try Men's Souls- The Detroit Winter Soldier Investigations-1971

As The Burns-Novick Vietnam War Documentary Airs- Another Time To Try Men's Souls- The Detroit Winter Soldier Investigations-1971

DVD Review

Winter Soldier, various soldier witnesses, Winterfest Productions, 1972

I am rather fond of invoking, especially in writing of the American Revolution that we have just again celebrated, Tom Paine’s little propaganda piece in defense of that revolution which hails the winter soldiers of 1776 for staying at their posts when others either ran away or became faint-hearted at the prospects of defeating the bloody English. It is those efforts by those long ago winter soldiers that other leftists and I have honored in the past and continue to honor today. We will leave the hollow holiday rhetoric and mindless flag waving to the sunshine patriots. Needless to say, given the title of the film under review, I am not the only one who appreciates that description and the producers here, I believe, have caught the essence of the spirit of those long ago winter soldiers in this documentary about the rank and file soldier-driven investigation in 1971 into the atrocities and horrors produced by the American military in the Vietnam War.

It is an old hoary truism, if not now something of a cliché, that war does not bring out humankind’s nobler instincts. For a very recent example one need look no further back than at the newspaper headlines of the past few years concerning various atrocities and acts of torture committed by the American military in Iraq and Afghanistan. However, Iraq and Afghanistan are hardly the first time that the American military has been exposed acting in less than its self-proclaimed ‘agent of liberation’ role in its various imperial adventures. If one rolls the film of history back to the last generation, for those who have forgotten or were not around, Vietnam presents that same story. As against prior wars two things made awareness that something had gone horribly wrong possible in Vietnam. First, Vietnam was the first televised war and at some point it became impossible for the military to hide everything that it was doing. Secondly, a small critical mass of American military personnel, mainly those rank and file personnel who actually carried out military policy, wanted to clear the air of their complicity in that policy.

Needless to say, an investigation into atrocities and torture is not something that the American military establishment wished to have aired in public (and as the fate of this film indicates raised hell to successfully keep it out of the major media markets of the time). That establishment was much more comfortable with internal governmental investigations or whitewashes of their actions as occurred, ultimately, in the case of My Lai. However the traumatic reaction of a significant element of the rank and file soldiery in Vietnam caused this 'unofficial' investigation to take place. For those who grew up, like this reviewer, believing something of Lincoln’s expression that the American democratic experience was the ‘last, best hope for mankind’ this was not pretty viewing. For one, also like the reviewer, who was a soldier during the Vietnam War period and who had friends and ‘buddies’ just like those that populate this documentary AND DID SOME OF THE SAME THINGS it was doubly hard. But, dear reader, for the most part what the citizen-soldiers- our brothers, sons and other relatives- have to say here needed to be said.

Naturally in a documentary that films an investigation into atrocities, torture and military standard operating procedure (SOP) during the Vietnam War the interviewees are going to be a little more articulate, a little more remorseful and a lot more angry than the average soldier who went through Vietnam came home and tried to forget the experience. These soldiers had an agenda- and that agenda was to get their buddies- the troops still in Vietnam- home. Nevertheless one must be impressed by the way they expressed themselves –sometimes haltingly, sometimes inarticulately, sometimes from some depth that we have no understanding of. Moreover, their testimony has the ring of truth. Not the SOP military truth but this truth- humankind has a long way to go before it can, without embarrassment, use the word civilized to describe itself. No, my friends, these were not our soldiers but, they were our people-these were the winter soldiers of the Vietnam War.

A View From The International Left- Quebec Trotskyists Launch Newspaper For Independence and Socialism!

Workers Vanguard No. 1117
8 September 2017
Quebec Trotskyists Launch Newspaper
For Independence and Socialism!
The following article is translated from République ouvrière (No. 1, Autumn-Winter 2017-2018), newspaper of our comrades of the Trotskyist League in Quebec and Canada.
We are proud to introduce the first issue of République ouvrière, French-language newspaper of the Trotskyist League in Quebec and Canada, section of the International Communist League. République ouvrière will be the organ of Leninist intervention in Quebec, based on the ICL’s proletarian, revolutionary and internationalist program. This is a historic first. Never before in Quebec has a group proclaiming itself Marxist fought to make the struggle against national oppression an integral part of the fight to overthrow capitalism. In fact, whole generations of militants have wasted their energies in groups like the Communist Party of Canada and the Maoist organizations that defended the oppressive federal status quo, or in organizations like Parti pris and the Ligue socialiste ouvrière, which claimed that the venal and reactionary Québécois bourgeoisie can be a “progressive” ally.
We are in favor of Quebec independence, without preconditions. But République ouvrière fights above all to give national and social struggles a proletarian, revolutionary leadership. We call for workers councils to power, for expropriation of the bourgeoisie, for a planned economy, for a workers republic of Quebec! With our comrades in English Canada, as well as those of the Spartacist League/U.S. and of the ICL across the world, we fight to build a vanguard party that can lead the world socialist revolution, which is the only hope for humanity’s future in the face of imperialist barbarism and the specter of nuclear annihilation.
The fight for national independence can and must serve as a motor force for social revolution. This was demonstrated in Quebec by the postwar [World War II] workers’ struggles. The second-class status (or worse) of French-speaking working men and women opened up a period of sharp class struggle against national oppression and against the bosses, whether those bosses were American or English Canadians or even Québécois. These struggles culminated in the May 1972 general strike, which took on semi-insurrectionary proportions.
But in the absence of a party of their own, the workers were sold the idea that the Parti Québécois [PQ] is the only choice to lead to their liberation. The result was that in power the PQ, as a bourgeois party, went to work to stabilize Quebec for the benefit of the bosses, to attain “social peace” and to bring the trade unions into line with the help of the sellout union leaders who politically supported the PQ. What is more, the PQ has increasingly pushed a racist “identity” agenda that cuts against the interests of the working class by trying to divide the class along ethnic and religious lines. With all of this, the PQ has only managed to reduce popular support for independence.
Ultimately, the PQ will never be able to achieve the real national liberation of Quebec because it will always be in the pay of the banks, the credit bureaus, Wall Street, etc. And as [another RO] article explains [see information above right to order], Québec solidaire, which is similar to the PQ in its early years, has nothing better to offer than warmed-over left nationalism. République ouvrière will dedicate itself to exposing all these political dead ends.
It is high time for our tendency to launch a paper that addresses Quebec workers in their own language. République ouvrière is the product of hard debates within our organization that allowed us to break with our anti-Leninist positions on the national question. Our Canadian organization, the Trotskyist League, founded in 1975, was in effect hostile to the national liberation of Quebec and promoted a program of forced assimilation—like most of the Anglo-Canadian left. For example, we opposed independence and the language laws such as Law 101 [which makes French the official language of Quebec], while supporting the “bilingual” policies of Pierre Trudeau [prime minister from 1968-79 and 1980-84].
In the pages of Spartacist Canada (the English-language paper of the TLC), we denounced the call for independence and socialism raised by some leftist organizations, such as the Groupe marxiste révolutionnaire and its slogan, “For a Quebec workers republic.” But even though such groups were capitulating to petty-bourgeois nationalism (and not only in Quebec), we were simply and wrongly opposed to the Quebec workers forming a separate state, whether under capitalism or socialism.
“Unlike the left nationalists, we put no stock in the reactionary-utopian strategy of fighting for a ‘Quebec workers republic’ or an ‘independent socialist Quebec.’ The achievement of a ‘Quebec workers republic’ is no more conceivable than a ‘California workers republic’.”
Spartacist Canada No. 12, January 1977
On the contrary, the Quebec workers republic could in fact spark revolutions on the scale of the American continent and the world.
After an internal struggle in our party in 1995, we formally called for independence. But this change remained within a centrist framework that still considered the fight against national oppression an obstacle to revolution. Thus, it took the recent internal struggle—which started in the Canadian section in 2016 and culminated in the Seventh International Conference of the ICL this spring—for us to break from this false program on the national question. The document of this conference, which deals in depth with this struggle and its programmatic conclusions, has been published in French Spartacist No. 43 [English No. 65] (Summer 2017), “The Fight for Leninism on the National Question.”
Our aim in Quebec and in Canada is the creation of two parties in two separate states. Even after the socialist revolution, the right of Quebec workers to form their own separate state must be defended. As the revolutionary leader V.I. Lenin stated:
“In the same way as mankind can arrive at the abolition of classes only through a transition period of the dictatorship of the oppressed class, it can arrive at the inevitable integration of nations only through a transition period of the complete emancipation of all oppressed nations, i.e., their freedom to secede.”
— “The Socialist Revolution and the Right of Nations to Self-Determination” (1916)
The International Conference also corrected our organization’s position on language laws like Law 101. In the absence of national sovereignty, we support such laws because they represent defensive measures with respect to the very existence of the oppressed nation and a partial expression of self-determination.
In its articles, République ouvrière will draw the fundamental class line between the working class and the bourgeoisie on all political and social questions, exposing the capitalists’ hypocrisy and lies. It is also through direct polemical intervention against pseudo-Marxist and “left” organizations, frankly putting forward our political differences, that we can provide the programmatic clarity necessary for the building of a vanguard party. Finally, our paper is committed to having a strong international content, in contrast to the parochial spirit of the dominant media in Quebec. It is crucial for revolutionaries to assimilate the historic lessons of the workers movement here and in all countries in order to be educated in a spirit of proletarian internationalism.
The fight for a Leninist position on the national question has allowed us to reaffirm the Trotskyist revolutionary continuity of the ICL, going back directly to the Russian Revolution of 1917. For example, we were the only organization in the world that fought against the capitalist counterrevolution in East Europe and the Soviet Union in 1989-92, while also fighting for proletarian political revolutions against the bankrupt Stalinist bureaucracies. As we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the victorious seizure of power by the Russian working class, the work of the Bolsheviks remains our model for new October Revolutions throughout the world.
République ouvrière will strive to rise to its historic tasks. What Lenin wrote in 1902 in What Is To Be Done? is still the burning question for the tasks of a revolutionary press today:
“This newspaper would become part of an enormous pair of smith’s bellows that would fan every spark of the class struggle and of popular indignation into a general conflagration. Around what is in itself still a very innocuous and very small, but regular and common, effort, in the full sense of the word, a regular army of tried fighters would systematically gather and receive their training.”

As The Burns-Novick Vietnam Documentary Airs- From Veterans For Peace-Full Disclosure

As The Burns-Novick Vietnam Documentary Airs- From Veterans For Peace-Full Disclosure

The Vietnam War & Full Disclosure

In September 2017, PBS will air a documentary about the Vietnam War, directed by respected documentarians Ken Burns and Lynn Novick. The goal of this 10-episode, 18-hour project is, according to the directors, to “create a film everyone could embrace” and to provide the viewer with information and insights that are “new and revelatory.” Just as importantly, they intend the film to provide the impetus and parameters for a much needed national conversation about this controversial and divisive period in American history.
The film will be accompanied by an unprecedented outreach and public engagement program, providing opportunities for communities to participate in a national conversation about what happened during the Vietnam War, what went wrong and what lessons are to be learned. In addition, there will be a robust interactive website and an educational initiative designed to engage teachers and students in multiple platforms.
The release of this documentary is an opportunity to seize the moment about telling the full story of the U.S war on Viet Nam.

What Can You Do?

Want to Continue to Be Part of the Conversation?

Sign up to be on the "Full Disclosure" email list if you want to communicate with VFP activists around the country who are working on this.
To join the Vietnam Full Disclosure "google group" you must have a Google login. Once logged onto Google, go to: and submit a request to join the group. 
Alternatively, send a request to group manager Becky Luening at and she will directly add you to the group. After being subscribed, anyone can post to the group via the email address 
Get involved in this rare opportunity to get America talking about what really went down in Viet Nam!




JOIN Centro Presente in a vigil in solidarity with the immigrant

WHEN: TOMORROW Saturday, September, 30th at 4:00 to  6 p.m.

WHERE: East Boston, Maverick Station.

The government of the United States through its ICE Paramilitary Force
continues to criminalize our communities.

For years we have been informing our communities about our rights but
now our struggle must escalate and be in resistance to such oppression.
For more information call Centro Presente 857 256 2981


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From The Committee For International Labor Defense-Israel Free Salah Hamouri!

From The Committee For International Labor Defense-Israel Free Salah Hamouri!    

Date: August 30, 2017

The Committee for International Labor Defense joins with the Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, the French Communist Party, and the European United Left / Nordic Green Left of the European Parliament, in calling on Israeli authorities to release field researcher and human rights defender Salah Hamouri, 32, who has received a six month administrative detention order.

Hamouri, a Palestinian-French dual citizen was arrested in a pre-dawn raid on his home last Wednesday, August 16, 2017, by the Israeli army. 

The Israeli practice of arbitrary detention is a grave violation of international laws and human rights standards, particularly articles 78 and 72 of the Fourth Geneva Convention which state that an accused individual has the right to defend himself or herself. Hamouri’s administrative detention also violates article 66 of the Fourth Geneva Convention and the basic standards of fair trial.

This case is not simply the arrest of an individual. It is part of a systematic policy of oppression and exploitation on the part of the Israeli government against the Palestinian people, and as such, it should not be tolerated by the working people of either country who are the basis of their societies and economies.

We join with organizations, activists, and parliamentarians across Europe and the Middle East who are mobilizing to demand Hamouri's freedom and to pressure the French government to take action on this case. 

The Committee for International Labor Defense urges French president Emanuel Macron and European officials to act now to demand Hamouri’s release. 

The Committee for International Labor Defense entrusts the safety and good health of Salah Hamouri, and the hundreds of other Palestinian political prisoners held at Al-Moskobyeh and other detention centers, in the hands of Israeli government. 

Finally, we call on organized labor in Palestine, Israel and other countries to rise up and defend the human rights of those detained by the Israeli authorities, and especially Salah Hamouri and his comrades.



In Boston- Vigil & Rally, US Out of Afghanistan, Park St., Oct. 4, 5:15-6:15-16 Years Is More Than Enough

To  act-ma  

Wednesday, October 4, 5:15-6:15 pm

Park St. Station

End the Endless Wars!


The U.S. began the "War on Terror" by attacking Afghanistan on October 6,
2001. Rather than ending terror, a War OF Terror was unleashed. It has
cost thousands of US troops, tens of thousands of Afghan lives and 2.4
Trillion dollars!

President Trump is continuing the wars of the past decades and making
unhinged threats towards Iran, North Korea, Venezuela and many other

This has to stop!

What can you do?

Join us at a monthly vigil and rally on the most urgent issues of the
endless wars.

Park St., Oct. 4, Nov. 8 and Dec. 6 from 5:15-6:15 pm.

<> )

Co-Sponsors (in formation): Mass. Peace Action, United National Antiwar

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Allen Ginsberg Ballad Of The Skeletons

Once Again Out In The Summer Of Love, 1967- “Buddha Swings-Jack Kerouac Wings”

Once Again Out In The Summer Of Love, 1967- “Buddha Swings-Jack Kerouac Wings”  

By Jeffrey Thorne

Beat down (not to be mistaken for abuse, child abuse or anything like that against up against it mothers and distant fathers but just poor, bedraggled poor, “wanting habit” as the Scribe would have coming jointly out of their respective Acres).  Beat around (check beat down except just hanging around luckless, shoeless, waiting for somebody else’s shoe to drop). Beat sound (hell easier to figure, listen to the swish of the sticks battling the pots and pans, some out of Africa our mother riff culled into cool be-bop be-bop and all that jazz away from big swing and into the big blast air). Beat to the ground (luckless fellahins stashed away in back room closets, gambling, washing endless dishes, what did some wit call it-diving for pearls, losing always losing, losing worst when blood-lust bullies take the law into their own hands).

Fuck it, fuck explanation since everybody will get it wrong just like the guys back in the Acre could never figure what was bothering the guy, what made him jump. Fuck it Jack just jumped into it, into its sea, into it misty sea, foghorn blasting some jazz-like moan, from his beautified beatified skull, maybe thinking of youthful skull behind some bushes or out on some back road highway jumping the bones of some friend’s one and only, that is pure speculation though. But really and truly Jack man, Jean-bon in old times jumped from some river of life, mill town life like a million guys before him and now in foreign lands a million guys after him, the river flowing to steam up some engine to grind the fabric that will clothe the world. Ha, like we who come naked into this holy coil can take solace from that low catholic trip it took him, and not just him but lots of others who broke the square habit at least for a time, for the youth duration. Damn beatitude in the end when all the shouting was over and Jack in some drunken grave under a pile of suffering dirt (the Buddha in him cried out as it did for that guy down in Sonora before they found him in some hideous back alley unnamed and unloved, maybe un-nameable if there is such a word) Why couldn’t he have listened to that guy out in Frisco town, the guy, a kid really, maybe sixteen set up in a too big older brother 1940s zoot suit, a wisp of beard which could not be shaven so wisp, eyes glazed on dope , on love on the high, on the low, who all nervous on bennie nevertheless blew that high white note that was in his DNA, provided by grandma, mother left for parts unknown, father shiva blew town with some chick who had a stash and gave her gash, to like everything else out to the fucking China seas. But that was at the end. That was when the music was over, when it no longer made sense. At the beginning hell no said Jack.

The world wasn’t big enough to hold all his desperations, keep them in check, keep those wanting habits every poor boy has inside him talk about DNA. Even rama jamma Buddha didn’t have no cure for that except maybe some jimson and jetsam and mystical balm for a shattered world. Like I say that was at the end though. At the beginning our boy took off as fast as he could from that mill town river and never looked back (except to take the dust off his shoes and bow down before our Lady of the River when luck ran out, the booze ran out, hell, the sweet tea sticks ran out and all of beat solace ran to catholic rivers, yeah I know capital C but those were the breaks, the end knotted up in some rat hole, some mother-forgotten rat hole and no more joy, stick either). Took it on the lam, went west east south north (I think on that last direction maybe back to the homeland, back to the stinking big river up north that some earlier Jack, some Jacques, crossed to get to that fucking mill river, Jesus, looking for the holy grail, looking for about six ways to get out of that beat down, beat around, beat sound, beat to the ground bitch stuff. Took up with some fat fast mad secular monk with crazed mom and sweet word poet father, not father William Blake but worldly father, who spouted stuff about negro streets (and angel-headed hipsters like we didn’t know he hung around Time Square Joe and Nemo’s midnight coffees looking for queers, con artists and hustlers, always hustlers, crazies (in and out of the asylums of the mind) and Moloch devouring the land (make no mistake ancient and evil dressed in grey flannel suits and quoting stock prices into those same China seas as that benny-suckled kid blowing that high white Frisco note), the land of milk and honey, rama rama, went to the mat (secret love in more ways than one with that loose bastard who couldn’t keep his mouth shut or cock in his pants -and that was that-for a time). No, not then that street wise New Jack City gangster poet taking liberties with the language and ladies’ pocketbooks or that highbrow junkie hanging around New Orleans looking for quick fixes although they qualified if it came to that.

For a time no question since the pull of fast fat monks could wear off fast under the sun of boze, booze, bennies and grand simon jimson ladies. Took his hat off and let the world slip in-thought maybe the way was the way. Startled guys like desolation angels and dharma bums into thinking they could do what had never been done like some lead pipe cinch. Ran up the mountain (no Prometheus Adonis more likely who was to know) to place incense in the fatted calf body singing, singing, singing some cross between the stations of the cross and plastic nirvana (just to be cute, cute as a nine thieves). Saw Siva run the river gauntlet and leave satiated beyond compare, saw Rama too walking down Post Street in his nightshirt.

Then fame got in his way, somebody bought into his million word notebook thoughts wanderings this is poor boy long time waiting wanting habits Jack we are talking about remember in case you have lost the drift. Make him surly and brazen wondering why the hell if fame was fame didn’t it jump out at him when he started on his Calvary Road road(and it was such a road breaking from deep incense and Adam and Eve free falls so much for free will, started out in dirty sneakers and crusted blue jeans, and when he jumped out of his skull and fled that mountebank river town. Funny no more Harvard hipsters and Columbia ranters and raspers or Denver Adonis. Now fools and jesters following his every move, hiding in bushes and make that fat monk look like some holy fool, like a goof (again remember please not that street-wise New Jack City gangster poet taking liberties with language and ladies’ pocketbooks). Ah, sullen lost planet life.         

How was he to know, how was Jack to blessed know that his illegitimate children, not child, children would abandon their flea-etched sins only a short time later, hang out their own signs, reach for their own suns, reach with thumbs furled, and follow the pied piper. Follow the brethren saint mad man with the wooly beard and the incense announcing his arrival at the table singing, singing, singing and it wasn’t hosannas but some odd unspoken tune which ripped across the land for a while. Defying that man in the grey suit (defying mother and father got to dust and never figured out). Drew magnetic forces around themselves and expected the kingdom to last until end times. Hah, Jack could have given them the word on that little mistake. I am the light Jack thought and then he faded from the scene into utter darkness those unwashed, unloved, unspoken for illegitimate children to lay waste to the desert for forty years. Jesus