Sunday, February 07, 2010

*Make Every Military Installation A Soldiers And Sailors Solidarity Committee Fortress- No Anti-War Soldier, Sailor Or Airman Should Stand Alone!

Click on the title to link to an "American Left History" blog entry, "*From The Archives Of Bolshevik Anti-War Work- V.I. Lenin On Imperialist War And The Tasks Of Socialists-"Appeal To All Soldiers", dated February 1, 2010, referred to in today's entry.

Every Month Is The Struggle Against American Imperialism Month

Markin comment:

As our local anti-war activists circle was making the rounds of various workshops at a New England-wide anti-war conference held in Cambridge last month, trying to garner support for creating anti-war soldiers and sailors solidarity committees, I was approached by a young militant who told me that she was very interested in the idea but that in the section of Vermont that she came from there were no military bases. As least any known to her. Well, this time, my friends, old Internet technology was our friend indeed. After Googling for a while I did find one small military support unit that was housed in a larger federal building. Who would have thought? Right?

I only bring this up to make a point that it is almost impossible not to be near some military installation, or as here some military support unit, of the United States government not only here but any place in the world. Which only mean that our job is very hard if, as the headline for this entry states, we want to make every installation an anti-war fortress. But I am here to you tell, especially after listening to some of the stories from current and ex-service personnel,we must do it. I will be hammering on this theme as long as it takes, the anti-war soldiers, sailors and airmen must not stand alone, and we must make sure that they know that they do not stand alone.

Note: The answer that we received from our Internet efforts to the question that the young woman militant brought up is another important point concerning where to spent our limited resources. Although we now have proof positive that unless you live on an iceberg somewhere and, probably not even there now, you will have some kind of American imperial military installation to focus on.

The real question is whether, as in the Vermont case, it is worthwhile to do anything at such a spot or, as I proposed, join with others at more visible and populated installations where you are liable to get a better response, and some media coverage. I feel that it is very important to focus on military installations in our anti-war work these days to bring the message home more clearly but some spots have more value than others. The real key is to link up the with work in places like Fort Hood, Fort Lewis, Fort Bragg and Fort Drum that are critical to the current Obama war policies and have some history of G.I. anti-war work already. I do not know if you can Google for this kind of information or not but I would think that while the area around every military installation of any worth has its big share of military retirees it also has its small contingent of anti-warriors as well. You just have to dig down and find them. Again, the anti-war soldiers, sailors and airmen must not stand alone.

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