Saturday, February 05, 2011

On The 277th Goof-Up Of The CIA- Egyptian Case Study- The Pharoahs Have Not Been Arouund For A While- Got It

Markin comment:

Ya, I know as well as anybody, at least any radical, revolutionary, or even consistent liberal politico, whatever that is, that we cry no tears over the misdeeds, mishaps, and misplacements of the CIA. At least not since the days of the Pharaohs (which I have on good authority is who they think is in power in Egypt. Go figure). In our left-wing movement, or at least the traditional Trotskyist trend of it, the CIA stands, has stood, and will always stand as the prime example of a counter-revolutionary organization, through and through. Everyone else with claims to that title falls in the rear. So why am I even bothering to mention the recent trials and tribulations over yet another CIA goof-up in not seeing the tidal wave of revolutionary and radical action that has inflamed the Middle East over the past few weeks starting with Tunisia and working its way eastward.

Well, frankly, just to do a little revolutionary tweaking (not the techno-cyberspace thing but the old-fashioned kind) of a hard opponent who is under the gun, rightly under the gun, and its not often that we get a chance to kick the CIA when they are down, so that is a factor as well for good measure. Moreover, while it is no concern of ours I still wonder what the hell are these guys (and it is mainly guys from what I see) doing with that thirty billion plus U.S. dollars per year that the American taxpayers fork out to get "intelligence" so that the various bourgeois governments are not , like right now, blindsided by every whirlwind tsunami, hurricane and political event that happens in the world.

A litany is in order. Ya, the CIA gloated over their "victory" in Afghanistan with the withdrawal of Soviet troops in the late 1980s, and the subsequent fall of the Soviet Union, after supplying what turned out to be the Taliban and Al Queda with weapons to the teeth. I would not, if was them, be bragging about their former buddy Osama Bin Liden- a guy we also have on our "hit" list when we take power. Then there were the various breakdowns with Iraq starting with Bush 41 in 1990. Although the Bush 41 thing was kid's stuff when you think about it. At least compared to Bush 43's "slam dunk" on weapons of mass destruction. I am, however, perfectly willing to "excuse" that one only because the "boss ordered the data fudged if only someone would admit that little fact. And now missing the recent tidal wave that any graduate student working on a Middle East dissertation could have told them about for free (or maybe the price of tuition).

So you can see why I am in a quandary about where all the dough is going. Look. I always like a good intriguing Graham Green spy story. But that is fiction, or mainly fiction. What I think is happening is that these guys (again, mainly) are spending the dough in some Casbah bar, fans whirling to cool everybody, well every imperial agent somebody, from the hot desert winds. That I could understand. And that will have to do until the real day of reckoning comes. But for now we best build workers parties to fight for workers governments (allied with peasants and others in the Middle East) everywhere. And pronto-these explosive situations, CIA missed or not, don't come all that often

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