Wednesday, November 21, 2012

"The New Jim Crow"- A Book Review

Book Review: ‘The New Jim Crow’ — Review of Michelle Alexander’s The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness
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Nov 18, 2012
By Eljeer Hawkins
Today the United States of America has become the leading society in world history to incarcerate its own population, standing shoulders above Iran, China, and even Stalin’s monstrous gulags in the Soviet Union, with 2.3 million men and women warehoused in prison cells and six million under criminal “justice” supervision.
A hugely disproportionate number of these inmates are African American or Latino. The NY Times reports the conclusions reached by Dr. Becky Pettit in Invisible Men: Mass Incarceration and the Myth of Black Progress: “Among male high school dropouts born between 1975 and 1979, 68 percent of blacks (compared with 28 percent of whites) had been imprisoned at some point by 2009, and 37 percent of blacks (compared with 12 percent of whites) were incarcerated that year,” (10/27/2012). With increased numbers of youth caught in the school-to-prison pipeline, and with police state tactics like Stop and Frisk and vile acts of police violence like in Anaheim, CA, we are witnessing a system of social control, criminality, and cheap, prison-based labor.
Why History Matters
Michelle Alexander’s book The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness has greatly helped the developing grassroots movement to challenge this system of mass incarceration of working and poor people, particularly people of color and youth. Published in 2010 and recently released in paperback with a new introduction from Dr. Cornel West, The New Jim Crow has brought into focus this new system of incarceration as a deliberate plan of social control.
Alexander explains how, following the abolition of slavery and the brief period of reconstruction, a “great comprise” between the Democratic and Republican parties came about in the 1870s. Federal troops were withdrawn from the South, and the Democratic Party, allied with the former planter caste, introduced the Jim Crow system to re-enslave black people.
Alexander shows how the establishment of this Jim Crow caste system was based on fostering disunity, dividing and conquering poor whites and blacks. Despite being given a status elevated above that of blacks, white workers and poor whites still suffered low wages and remained economically exploited by the ruling white elite.
Alexander explains the Jim Crow system of social control as racial segregation, political disenfranchisement, judicial racism, an imprisoned black labor force based on phony criminal charges like vagrancy, and unbridled terror by the racist Ku Klux Klan. Alexander states, “Convicts had no meaningful legal rights at this time and no effective redress. They were understood, quite literally, to be slaves of the state. The Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution had abolished slavery but allowed one major exception: slavery remained appropriate as punishment for a crime,” (p.31). Despite the formal abolition of slavery, black labor was enslaved in a system of mass incarceration cemented by judicial rulings and state and vigilante violence.
Alexander affirms the historic importance of the Civil Rights Movement and militant social struggle on the street in smashing the Southern Jim Crow system and in legal victories: Brown v. Board of Education and the Civil Rights and Voting Rights acts. However, a “law and order” Southern strategy was soon developed by the rich white elite. This culminated in Richard Nixon’s successful 1968 presidential campaign. Using coded racial language to define the revolutionary movements and people of color - particularly black youth - as “criminals,” this strategy politically disoriented and galvanized sections of white workers and poor not only in the South, but around the country, to the side of the rich elite.
New War on Communities of Color
Today both parties of big business - Democrats and Republicans - follow policies that criminalize black and brown youth, using this same strategy of labeling blacks as “criminals,” “welfare queens,” and “menaces to society.” This method of social control is so normalized in U.S. society that it’s not even critically questioned by the mainstream. Crime and drug activity has been racialized, despite similar crime rates among different ethnicities and whites.
Alexander points out how communities of color became war zones: a highly militarized police force, millions of dollars allocated to fight “crime,” the elimination of well-paid union jobs and benefits, and the flooding of drugs to depoliticize the community. The War on Drugs became a one-sided attack on working-class and poor communities.
The New N-Word is “Felony”
Under the War on Drugs, extremely long mandatory minimum prison sentences were established for low-level drug dealing and possession of crack cocaine. Alexander makes the point that, while many whites are ensnared in these drug policies, black and brown youth are disproportionately targeted. Alexander shows how prison population continued to grow during President Bill Clinton’s eight years in office. Clinton was responsible for passing the federal “three strikes and you’re out” law in 1994.
Even the first black president has sought to continue the War on Drugs, despite his rhetoric against the policy. Alexander notes: “Obama is pledging to revive President Clinton’s Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) program and increase funding for the Byrne Grant program - two of the worst federal drug programs of the Clinton era,” (p. 240).
The prison label has become a scarlet letter on those entrapped in a system of incarceration, particularly non-violent drug offenders. Alexander states that “people whose only crime is drug addiction or possession of a small amount of drugs for recreational use find themselves locked out of the mainstream society and economy – permanently,” (p. 92). Upon release from prison, these men and women are denied voting rights, employment opportunities, and federally funded public assistance and housing, rendering them outcasts in U.S. society. This is the final nail in the coffin that is the New Jim Crow system of social control, which has now entrapped tens of millions of mainly black and Latino people – a system of economic servitude and denial of rights that affects every aspect of their lives.
Why The New Jim Crow Matters
Alexander correctly calls for a struggle against mass incarceration as part of a wider struggle against poverty and economic inequality. She invokes the need to rekindle the radical vision of Dr. Martin Luther King and the need for a radical grassroots social and political movement to challenge the policies of big business. Dr. King’s legacy and political work should be instructive to us all as a great counterweight to the betrayal of the black misleadership class and the agenda of both parties of big business to criminalize, incarcerate, and ignore a whole generation of youth of color trapped in the prison system.
In order to make Dr. King’s radical vision a reality, a system change is necessary to uproot the seeds of racism and mass incarceration. Alexander fails to show how this New Jim Crow incarceration is a crucial tool of the elite to maintain the capitalist system by dividing the working class. As Eugene Debs stated, “Under the capitalist system, based upon private property in the means of life, the exploitation that follows impoverishes the masses, and their precarious economic condition, their bitter struggle for existence, drives increasing numbers of them to despair and desperation, to crime and destruction.”
The New Jim Crow has raised the consciousness of this present generation, criminalized and discarded by capitalism. Community organizations like Cop Watch and activists like 70-year-old Joseph “Jazz” Hayden, a former prisoner, utilize this book as an organizing tool for study groups and forums, beginning a process of educating and politically arming the working class, poor, and youth. A united movement of the working class, poor, youth, and people of color, and a resurgent militant prisoners’ rights movement, is needed to lead a struggle to dismantle the New Jim Crow. By combining this with a struggle against capitalism, we can forge unity among workers - irrespective of color or race - in the movement to create a truly egalitarian society based on cooperation, solidarity, and democratic socialism.

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