Friday, April 03, 2015

Follow Chelsea Manning @xychelsea
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NEW: Chelsea's own Twitter account!

Chelsea Manning now has her own personal Twitter account, @xychelsea!
Since her imprisonment in Fort Leavenworth, KS, Chelsea has been speaking out in op-eds featured in The Guardian and The New York Times.
Now, with her new Twitter account, you can hear updates from our heroic Wikileaks whistleblower on a more regular basis!
Follow @xychelsea today for tweets written by Chelsea Manning herself!
Chelsea Manning’s Twitter is made possible by the Chelsea Manning Support Network and communications with Fitzgibbon Media.

Chelsea can continue to be a powerful voice for reform, but we need your help to make that happen. Help us support Chelsea in prison, maximize her voice in the media, continue public education, fund her legal appeals team, and build a powerful movement for presidential pardon.

> > > Please donate today! < < <

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