Monday, September 02, 2019

From The Archives-The Future Belongs To Us-Maybe If We Can Keep It

Dear Friend,

I would like to ask all sympathizers and participants (active or inactive) in  our unique utopian project, “Future Historians,” to take five or ten minutes now to view the results of a year of collective research and writing, visible on our WIKI. I think you will be impressed.

The homepage gives the background on us and our project.

The utopian fiction we are trying to write has taken the form of a history, “Then, Now and How,” telling the millenials of 2118 the story of how we got “here” (their peaceful, sustainable, egalitarian world) from “there” (the capitalist chaos of 2018). For a one-page summary, please click on “How to Use This History.”

Interested? Why not click on the “grid,” which is both the Index and Table of Contents. Pick a topic that interests you (e.g. Ecology, Politics) and see what the Historians of 2118 have imagined. 

Many the texts in this patchwork history are very sketchy at this point. It’s a work in progress. If you have something to add, you can pick up your virtual pencil and write it in. Thanks to Fred Murphy, who combines political vision with technical skills, this immense project has achieved simplicity and facility of navigation for anyone who wants to read it or add to it.

The bibliographical results of our year of research into each of these topics is available in a Resources Dropbox (for which you need an invitation) and the videos of our year’s discussion are on line.

We are now moving into the writing and collective editing phase of our work. If you have a sentence, paragraph or page to add and you’re already a Future Historian, go to and copy it in. Or send us an email and we’ll help you insert it.

Best wishes to all,
Richard Greeman,
Convener, Future Historians

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