Click on the headline to link to the United National Anti-War Coalition (UNAC) website.
Markin comment:
Although the conference has passed (March 23-25), in keeping with one of the aims of this blog, this UNAC pre-conference material is presented for archival purposes. The actual passed resolutions will be placed here as soon as they become available.
Under the following section:
We, the 99 percent, demand an end to government cover-ups of its heinous and criminal deeds!
I propose adding the following:
- Free accused WikiLeaks whistle-blower PFC Bradley Manning! According to
journalists, the release of improperly classified documents helped fuel the
democratic Arab Spring movements, shed light on secret corporate influence
on our foreign policies, and most recently contributed to the Obama
Administration reluctantly agreeing to withdraw most U.S. troops from Iraq.
Now PFC Manning is facing life in prison for 22 charges for nothing more
than sharing the truth. We demand that military and government officials
acknowledge PFC Manning as a whistle-blower and drop the charges against
Under the following section:
We, the United National Antiwar Coalition, will:
I propose adding:
-Promote and participate in actions supporting PFC Bradley Manning, the most
important whistle-blower of the “War on Terror” era. Specifically, we will
endorse and participate in public events in support of Bradley during the
court martial proceedings against him.
Emma Cape
Campaign Organizer
Join our facebook page: savebradley !
Media Freedom Foundation/Project Censored Position Statement on the Necessity of an Open and Transparent National Peace Movement
Inside the US/NATO Military Industrial Media Complex there is a deliberate news management effort that undermines the freedom of information on the powerful military/corporate elites though overt censorship, mass distractions and artificial news—stories timed for release to influence public opinion.
New research in the journal American Behavioral Scientist (Sage publications, February 2010) addresses the concept of “State Crimes Against Democracy” (SCADs). Professor Lance deHaven-Smith from Florida State University writes that SCADs involve high- level government officials, often in combination with private interests, that engage in covert activities for political advantages and power. Proven SCADs since World War II include McCarthyism (fabrication of evidence of a communist infiltration), Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (President Johnson and Robert McNamara falsely claimed North Vietnam attacked a US ship), burglary of the office of Daniel Ellsberg’s psychiatrist in effort to discredit Ellsberg, the Watergate break-in, Iran-Contra, Florida’s 2000 Election (felon disenfranchisement program), and fixed intelligence on WMDs to justify the Iraq War.
Other suspected SCADs include the assassination of Lee Harvey Oswald, the
shooting of George Wallace, the October Surprise near the end of the Carter presidency,military grade anthrax mailed to Senators Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy, Martin Luther King’s assassination, widespread covert torture by US forces, and the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 on September 11, 2001. The proven SCADs have a long trail of congressional hearings, public records, and academic research establishing the truth of the activities. The suspected SCADs listed above have substantial evidence of covert actions with some countervailing deniability that tends to leave the facts in dispute.
All of these subjects deserve the attention of the American public. No matter where one stands on these topics, these studies should be part of a vibrant dialogue within peace movements in any democratic society. Anything less is simply a matter of censorship.
Resolution for No Censorship
National Peace Assembly Albany, NY July 2010
Resolve: The National Peace Movement demands the immediate and total withdrawal of U.S. military forces, mercenaries and contractors from Afghanistan and Iraq, and the end to drone attacks on Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other countries and calls for self-determination for the people of all countries. In this demand is the necessity for full truth and transparency regarding all US/NATO actions and an expanded development of independent news sources for broad public knowledge of the state of the wars and occupations. We demand an end to censorship of news topics and full democratic access to freedom of information within the US NATO Military Industrial Media Empire.
Further Resolve: that the National Peace Movement supports full and open public discussion and investigation of all State Crimes Against Democracy and corporate malfeasances.
From Project Censored
Proposal from the Rhode Island Mobilization Committee to amend/add to
to draft proposal demands:
1. Stop attacks, repression and discrimination directed against
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered and Transsexual individuals and
communities everywhere;
2. Stop all attacks on Women's Reproductive Rights; No to
patriarchal misogyny in all its forms;
3. Free the Cuban Five!
Two proposals from the Middle East Crisis Center
Fight Imperialism, Fight All Oppression
Imperialist wars are clearly the #1 threat to humanity. These criminal actions have created millions of victims. NATO is a criminal organization.
However, that doesn't mean that we blindly support all the regimes or movements that are in the bad graces of the imperialists. Because a nation has been savagely treated by imperialists or fascists does not give its ruling groups cover from all criticism.
UNAC opposes all governments which violently suppress opinions, employ torture, execute prisoners and deny basic worker and human rights, which bomb civilians and which suppress national or religious minorities.
While we oppose any attacks, interventions, low intensity wars by the UN or the imperialist powers or their subservient allies, we oppose all oppression and agree with the Arab street, "Down with the regimes"
We say, "No to Imperialism, No Support for Dictatorships or Theocracy, For the People Always"
In response to the March killing spree in Gaza, the Egyptian Parliament has demanded the recall of the Israeli ambassador, the "freezing" of its peace with Israel and the furnishing of "all kinds of support" to the Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank
We applaud all efforts to help the Palestinian people and urge revival of the plans talked about in Egypt last May to stage a massive peaceful march to completely open the Rafah Gaza border to free passage and trade.
Break the siege of Gaza and bring thousands of truckloads of food, construction material and all the necessities and good things of life to the Gaza Strip.
The so-called “leaders” and bankers of the eight richest countries as well as the military heads of 28 members of NATO – dominated by the U.S. are meeting in Chicago in May 2012 at the NATO/G8 Summits. Military leaders, strategists, and defense contractors round out this cast of oppressive world “leaders” who are key in promoting continued war and occupation among the developing countries of the world, especially in the Middle East . The only group shut out of these meetings and their war and poverty agenda are ordinary people affected by their decisions.
The leading countries in NATO and the G8 are all former or current colonial nations. As part of the legacy of colonialism, there is still close cooperation between the occupying army and the bankers who exploit the occupied economy. It should come as no surprise that both NATO’s and the G8's position toward Israel and Palestine reflects this colonialist perspective.
NATO and Israel engage in joint military exercises and sharing of intelligence including studying Israeli military tactics in the occupied areas. Without Palestinian input, NATO has secured close ties to the Israeli Army despite Israel’s military committing numerous human rights violations while maintaining an illegal occupation.
NATO and the G8 consistently support the Israeli position. During the 2006 Israeli invasion of Lebanon they blamed Hezbollah and Hamas for the conflict, affirming Israel’s right to “defend itself.” They refuse to condemn Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip and continue to politically and financially support Israel’s illegal, collective punishment of the people of Gaza. At every opportunity, they urge the Palestinians to return to peace talks, while failing to stop the establishment of new, and the expansion of existing, Israeli settlements.
The G8 and it's implementation arms - the IMF and World Bank - exploit the economy of Palestine as well as all the countries involved in the Arab Spring. Economic plans developed for Palestine, Tunisia, Libya, or Egypt encourage cuts in social services; reduce food and fuel subsidies; "reform" labor market policies; cut public employment; and open local markets for foreign investment (especially by members of the G8). The G8 will support and invest in Palestine and other Arab countries as long as they move toward western-style democracy (as defined by the G8) and become markets for the G8’s global corporations and the IMF/World Bank economic policies.
NATO and the G8 support the policies of the Israeli state; actively fund its apartheid practices including the occupation of Palestine; and engage in joint military exercises and the sharing of intelligence with the state of Israel. The G8 and it's implementation arms - the IMF and World Bank – actively exploit the economy of Palestine as well as the countries involved in the Arab Spring.
Amendment to Draft Action Program:
For these reasons, the United National Antiwar Committee calls for all Palestine solidarity groups and activists who support an end to the occupation; granting full equality to Palestinian-Arab citizens of Israel; and guaranteeing the Right of Return to join the Palestine solidarity contingent of the NATO/G8 protest march on May 20, 2012. Occupy the streets, not Palestine!
We, the 99 percent, demand the end of privatization of public functions:
No to the privatization of public functions such as military operations, prisons, schools, and postal service!
No to the sale of public property to private entities and of below-market leases of mineral, grazing and logging right on public land for private profit!
Guaranteed public employment at living wages to citizens who can find no private sector work in order to address unmet infrastructure and human service needs as well as cultural enhancements satisfying to workers and audiences, such as provided through the Works Progress Administration and the Farm Security Administration.
From Michael Rice, Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace.
Resolution to the United National Antiwar Coalition: Support the Mobilizations at the Republican and Democratic National Conventions
Submitted jointly by the Coalition to March on the RNC and the Coalition to Protest at the DNC
This fall, the two corporate parties will hold their nominating conventions. The Republicans will meet from August 27-30 in Tampa, Florida, and the Democrats will meet the following week from September 3-6 in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Broad coalitions have formed -- uniting labor, civil rights, immigrants rights, students, anti-war, women's and LGBTQ groups, and more -- to challenge the pro-Wall Street, pro-war agendas of the two parties. There will be marches, demonstrations, and other actions to raise peoples' demands for jobs, justice, and freedom during the conventions.
Our communities have been devastated by the policies of the Republicans and Democrats. The economic crisis continues to deepen with mass unemployment and underemployment, home foreclosures and evictions, utility shutoffs, and punishing austerity programs that are wiping out public education, health programs and all social services. Both parties broker deal after deal that benefit the banks and corporations at the expense of the great majority of people in this country. Raids and deportations of immigrants continue to increase, and racism, xenophobia, and bigotry are being whipped up to sow divisions among the 99%.
U.S. wars abroad have expanded. The brutal occupation of Afghanistan has surpassed the 10 year mark and continues on, and U.S./NATO bombs rained down last year on Libya. The U.S. sent more than 100 troops into Uganda and has continued to expand AFRICOM, targeting the entire continent of Africa. Everyday, the war drums beat louder and louder against Iran and Syria. Hundreds of billions of dollars continued to be poured into imperial U.S. adventures abroad that visit terror upon the world's peoples, while people are suffering here at home.
It's clear that both the Republicans and Democrats serve and protect the interests of the 1%, not the 99%. We need a powerful movement from below to raise peoples' demands and challenge the banks, corporations, and political parties that represent their interests. We call on the progressive, social justice, and anti-war movements in the U.S. to join thousands in the streets of Tampa and Charlotte this fall. The Occupy Movement, and the history of all peoples' movements for justice, has shown that we can't rely on the political establishment to make progress -- it's up to us to stand up, speak out, and fight back to demand the world that we deserve.
Call to March on the RNC
Tampa Florida, August 27-30, 2012
·Demand Good Jobs, Healthcare, Affordable Education, Equality and Peace
·Say NO to the Republican Agenda
·Money for human needs, not for corporate greed
On August 27, 2012, while the Republican National Convention selects a candidate for president, we will be marching in the streets of Tampa, Florida demanding jobs, healthcare, education, equality and peace. We will let the entire world know, “We have had enough of the endless attacks on the rights of working people and our standard of living!” We will defend Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. We will defend ourselves against union busting. We will defend our children's right to an affordable, quality education. We want money spent on human needs, not on wars overseas and corporate greed.
In Congress and in states across the country, the Republicans and their Tea Party allies have unleashed a war on the people of this country. While the Republicans bailed out Wall Street, many of us lost our homes. While they push tax cuts for the rich, they are destroying working families and our way of life by cutting programs that serve us. The Republicans are trying to break our unions and take away our right to bargain collectively. They are spearheading attacks on immigrants and promoting an agenda of racism and hatred.
For too long, too many politicians in both political parties have ignored our needs, while serving the interests of the rich and powerful. We need to take things into our own hands and make them understand the consequences of their actions. Monday, August 27, 2012, is the time to advance the cause of justice and make our voices heard. Tampa, Florida is the place for all of us to raise our demands. Whether you are working to defend reproductive rights, standing up against attacks on immigrants and racist discrimination, resisting attacks on working people, or saying no to government cutbacks, we can come together from across the country to let our voices be heard. From California, to Illinois, to New York, we can join our brothers and sisters in the South in mobilizing and building a united protest with a clear message, “No to the Republicans! We demand good jobs, healthcare, affordable education, equality and peace!”
On Monday, August 27, 2012, the attention of the entire world will be focused on Tampa, Florida. The Republican National Convention brings together some of the worst politicians that this country has to offer. We're calling on all those ready to fight back against the attacks launched by the Republican Party and their corporate masters to take to the streets and demand a better future for our families, our communities and our children.
September 2012: Join the Coalition to Protest at the DNC in Charlotte, NC
We Demand:
· Good jobs for all! Economic justice now — Make the banks and corporations pay for their crisis!
· Money for education, health care, housing and all human needs, not for war and incarceration
· Justice for immigrants and all oppressed peoples! Stop the raids and deportations!
In September of 2012, the social justice movements of the United States have an opportunity and obligation to use the spectacle of the Democratic National Convention as a platform to raise people’s demands for justice on the world stage.
Progressives from around the state, from across the South and from all over the country will converge in Charlotte to oppose policies of the Democratic Party and their banking cronies. Charlotte is the “Wall Street of the South.” With the world headquarters of Bank of America and the East Coast headquarters of Wells Fargo, it is the second largest concentration of finance capital in the U.S., after New York City.
We need a people’s movement for justice for the 99%.
Economic crises at home and abroad intensify while jobs and vital services have been cut at municipal, state and federal levels. The Democrats and Republicans are pushing austerity programs while simultaneously brokering deals that bail out and benefit banks and large corporations.
Public workers in North Carolina and Virginia are denied their right to collectively bargain, and workers elsewhere across the country are seeing this right under attack. Under the Democratic Party, the reach of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) expanded and deportations skyrocketed. U.S. wars abroad have extended and the US continues to spend billions in Afghanistan and Iraq. U.S. war drones fly over the Middle East and Africa. Antiwar and international solidarity activists are targeted in FBI raids and Grand Jury witch hunts while we continue to fight for freedom for long-incarcerated U.S. political prisoners like Leonard Peltier and Mumia Abu-Jamal. We have seen a rise in bigotry and political targeting of Muslim and Arab people. We want to see justice and equality for Black, Native, Latina/o peoples, for women and for LGBTQ peoples. We must call for a moratorium on foreclosures and evictions! We oppose the attack on our planet by big corporations; we must continue the fight for environmental justice and demand our right to a healthy air, land, and water.
Now more than ever we need a powerful mass movement that can challenge the pro-war, pro-Wall Street agendas of the two corporate parties. We see the seeds of this movement all around us.
Join the Coalition to Protest at the DNC to plan actions and events that will take place during the convention. Read through our Principles of Unity (adapted from the St. Paul Principles & Chicago Principles). Then begin working with us to develop plans for Charlotte, as we come together in resistance to the economic crisis, the banks, the wars and all the attacks on working people!
Resolved that UNAC adopt the following point of unity:
We oppose war and sanctions against the Iranian people and stand in solidarity with their struggle against state repression and all forms of outside intervention.
Presented by Havaar: Iranian Initiative Against War, Sanctions, and State Repression
Raha Iranian Feminist Collective is part of Havaar: Iranian Initiative Against War, Sanctions, and State Repression. A member of Havaar, who is attending the conference on both days, will be present Sunday to put this forward. Thank you.
Resolved that UNAC adopt the following point of unity:
We oppose war and sanctions against the Iranian people and stand in solidarity with their struggle against state repression and all forms of outside intervention.
Resolution to Expose the Censorship that Represses the 99 Percent
In line with the foundations of , which are “1) unity in the movement, 2) independence from political parties, 3) democratic decision-making, 4) U.S. Out Now from Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan (and now Libya), and 5) a commitment to mass action as the major strategy for building a powerful and inclusive movement, while endorsing other kinds of actions as well to build a movement capable of bringing about fundamental change”, we supporters of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth are in solidarity with the 99 percent of humanity “who want peace, a healthy planet and a society that prioritizes human needs, democracy and civil liberties for all”[1]. No social movement can succeed for long without an understanding of the forces that are arrayed against them. That is why we call attention to the tactics of the 1 percent. “They go after truth tellers and whistle blowers.”[2] They use the complicit corporate media. “They make speaking out and protesting a crime, claiming this gives material support to terrorists.”[3]
Therefore, we call on the United National Anti-war Conference (UNAC) to oppose these repressive tactics by uniting with us to expose the most injurious, dangerous instance of disinformation, which the 1 percent have used as the main pretext for their imperial, global warmaking. We resolve that the UNAC adopt the evidence endorsed by over 1600 certified Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth as the basis for ending the censorship that facilitates the repression of the 99 percent and justifies the 1 percent’s disastrous “War on [of] Terror”.
Respectively submitted,
Connecticut 911Truth
For years the lobby “ J Street” has advertised itself as a “progressive” Jewish alternative to the infamous AIPAC. It was never true. For instance in October 2009 J-Street proudly published a letter to it of congratulations from Tzipi Livni who had been Israeli Foreign Minister during the Gaza Massacre (2008-2009).
Now it has outdone itself. At its upcoming conference, its “Gala” will be keynoted by Ehud Olmert, the former Israeli Prime Minister. It was Olmert who launched war against Lebanon in which over 1,000 Lebanese died and Israel fired over a million cluster munitions, most after the ceasefire had been worked out. He was also responsible for the Gaza Massacre in which over 1,400 Palestinians were killed.
Incidentally, he left office under a cloud of corruption and is under indictment for “obtaining by fraud under aggravating circumstances, fraud, breach of trust, falsifying corporate documents, and tax evasion”
Btselem USA (whose parent group does great work in documenting Palestinian oppression) is a cosponsor of the conference. The great folk singer Theodore Bikel is inexplicably master of ceremonies of the Gala
UNAC condemns J Street for inviting this war criminal Olmert to its conference and calls on Btselem USA, Theodore Bikel and anyone else participating or supporting this event to cancel and to apologize.
Submitted by Stanley Heller, Connecticut
Amendment to the Draft Action Proposal of the United National Antiwar Coalition National Conference by the Greater Hartford Coalition on Cuba, March 19, 2012
[to be inserted as the fourth bullet in the first “We, the 99 percent, demand” section]
End the 50-plus year U.S. economic war on the Cuban people and their Revolution! Stop the illegal support and use of U.S. territory by rightwing Cuban terrorists in violent attacks on the people and elected officials of Cuba! Close the U.S. military base at Guantanamo and return the occupied territory to Cuba! Lift all travel restrictions on U.S. citizens to visit Cuba!
[to be inserted in the last bullet of the last “We, the 99 percent, demand” section]
Free the Cuban Five antiterrorists – Fernando González, Antonio Guerrero, RamÏŒn Labañino, Gerardo Hernández, and René González – held in U.S. prisons for over 13 years on frame-up charges of conspiracy to commit espionage and murder!
On behalf of the Greater Hartford Coalition on Cuba,
Tim Craine, Coordinator and Alex A. Koskinas, Treasurer
P.O. Box 330161 West Hartford, CT 06133-0161
(860) 930-5615 (Alex) (860) 794-7384 (Tim)
In the spirit of wanting important issues to be discussed with full mutual respect and without weakening our collective wisdom and resolve, WE PROPOSE:
That be supported by UNAC to join with those of varying opinions to hold, as appropriate and possible, mutually respectful discussions here at this conference, and to organize at least an hour long panel at the next UNAC gathering or conference, to debate whether or not 9/11 was a false flag operation, with no other presentation occurring simultaneously. Our blog spot is here:
Jews and Muslims Asking for a
Credible Scientific Investigation of 9/11
Sunday presentation to be done by Orthodox Jew Yehuda Littmann
Saturday presentation to be done by David Slesinger
Resolution to Endorse Global March to Jerusalem March 30:
The Global March to Jerusalem (GMJ) is a groundbreaking new initiative that is organizing non-violent civil resistance on 30th March 2012, which is Palestinian Land Day. The march will unite the efforts of Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims, Christians, Jews, and all citizens of conscience in the world to put an end to Israel’s disregard for international law through the continuing occupation of Jerusalem and the rest of Palestinian land. Our plan is to organize massive peaceful marches towards Jerusalem, or to the nearest point possible according to the circumstances of each country, in Palestine (the 1948 seizures, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip) and the four neighboring countries: Jordan, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon. Internationals will participate in land caravans traveling through Asia or fly directly to one of the main sites for the march. Around the world solidarity actions will also take place to support the demands of the GMJ: an to end the Zionist policies of apartheid, ethnic cleansing and Judaisation. Global participation in the march will confirm to the world that these racist policies and practices of the state of Israel against Jerusalem and its people are a crime not only against Palestinians but against all humanity.
Resolved: that UNAC endorses the Global March to Jerusalem on March 30, 2012, and encourages its affiliates, where possible, to organize and support solidarity actions within the USA on that day.
In solidarity, Ken Stone
We recognize that for at least two decades international opinion has supported the “two-state solution” to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. However, we view this solution as neither democratic nor viable in the face of international law, material conditions and the “facts on the ground” that now exist in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT), particularly the fact that the West Bank (WB) has been integrated into Israel demographically, economically as well as territorially. Thus, the "two-state solution" is a chimera, at best meant only to end Israeli military occupation in parts of the West Bank. As such, it is unsustainable, offering neither justice nor peace because 1) it is premised on legitimizing permanent inequality between Israeli Jews and Palestinians and 2) it does not address the heart of the conflict: the ongoing dispossession of Christian and Muslim Palestinians within Israel and in the OPT because they are not Jews and Israel’s refusal to allow Palestinian refugees to return to their homes.
In light of this reality and the fact that Israel-Palestine is and always has been a multicultural land, we support the creation of one democratic state for Palestinians and Israelis on the land between the Mediterranean Sea and the River Jordan as the homeland of both peoples, with equality before the law for all.
Justine McCabe
Co-Chair, International Committee
Green Party of the United States
U.S./NATO Troops Out Now! No to Imperialist Wars, Occupations, Sanctions, Embargoes!
Self-determination for All Oppressed People!
The United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) was founded on the principle of self-determination for all oppressed nations and peoples. We demand the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of all U.S./NATO troops, mercenaries and drones from Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and Libya. We have every confidence that, free from imperialist intervention of every type, the oppressed nations and peoples of the world are fully capable of building societies that represent their interests as opposed to the imperial exploiters, neo-colonialists and would-be subjugators.
We have seen the horrific consequences of U.S. wars, "humanitarian" interventions, starvation sanctions, crippling embargoes and targeted assassinations. All have been employed to justify renewed imperialist conquest.
It is our task and obligation as antiwar and social justice activists within the United States to prevent the U.S./NATO's enormous military, economic and media power from imposing its will on the oppressed of the world in order to benefit the interest of the U.S. power elite – the 1%. UNAC opposes any form of U.S. military or economic intervention, sanctions, sabotage and assassinations in Iran and Syria, in Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia, Ecuador and Haiti, and in all other countries where the Pentagon, the CIA, the State Department or their allies seek to impose their will.
Submitted by UNAC Administrative Committee
The People’s Congress proposes the following amendment to the draft action proposal of UNAC
Amendment on the People’s Congress
UNAC recognizes The People’s Congress as a means to organize Americans to end war, social injustice and the tyranny of our current government.
UNAC agrees to support and to participate in the Inaugural National General Assembly of the People’s Congress, July 25 - 29, 2012.
UNAC endorses the Mission of the People’s Congress as expressed herein:
“We ordain and establish the People’s Congress to represent ourselves, as Americans, as one people to enable us to alter our government to these end:
- To design its Bylaws to form itself as a legitimate First Amendment Deliberative Assembly of the American people
- To exercise the self-evident sovereignty of the American people over our government and our Constitution
- To alter our national government’s structure and dynamics to make a more perfect union so the public policies of our national government come to match the public opinion of our citizens
- To bring about the rule of law in fairly enforcing domestic, electoral and foreign policies
- And to enable the democratic majority of the American people to end the tyranny of the illegitimate rule of wealthy plutocrats and despotic corporations
First Proposal:
In the spirit of wanting important issues to be discussed with full mutual respect and without weakening our collective wisdom and resolve, WE PROPOSE:
That be supported by UNAC to join with those of varying opinions to hold, as appropriate and possible, mutually respectful discussions here at this conference, and to organize at least an hour long panel at the next UNAC gathering or conference, to debate whether or not 9/11 was a false flag operation, with no other presentation occurring simultaneously. Our blog spot is here:
Jews and Muslims Asking for a
Credible Scientific Investigation of 9/11
Sunday presentation to be done by Orthodox Jew Yehuda Littmann
Saturday presentation to be done by David Slesinger
Second Proposal
Since almost no 911truth group is democratic and the movement as a whole is more atomized that hierarchical, we hereby agree that Ed Ciaccio, a regular writer for Dandelion Salad, be authorized to join the UNAC board or to designate a replacement who has equal dedication to collegiality and support for progressive values. This is designed to encourage more pleasant communication rather than as a guarantee that any given proposal from the truth movement be adopted by UNAC.
To be presented by David Slesinger or his designee
99% language is opportunistic as a peace organization since even the occupiers don't have a strong anti-war message, so my suggestion is to change the "99%" references to "We the people"...
nothing major, but the change does close the door of opportunism.
Peace, Mark D. Stansbery