Showing posts with label free lynne stewart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label free lynne stewart. Show all posts

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Speech on behalf of Lynne Stewart by Ralph Poynter at 2012 NLG Convention

November 14th, 2012

The following is the speech that Ralph Poynter, the husband of Lynne Stewart, presented half of during his limited speaking time at the National Lawyers Guild convention, October, in Pasadena, California. As his speaking time was running out, before the end of the speech, he called upon the delegates to stand, as a commitment to support Lynne’s struggle for justice and freedom, at which time the Guild members provided a thundering standing ovation. Thanks to Carole Seligman for the transcript and Roxana Orell for the photo.
Brothers and Sisters, Comrades, Supporters and Friends, I hope you’re not saying Lynne Stewart is just old news. Those of you who know her personally and remember her at these conventions know she will always be a vital force among us. Those of you who were still in high school when she was arrested back in 2002 owe it to yourselves to find out about her, her career, and her case, which is still crucial to all that the Guild stands for.
Let me just say that I am Lynne’s husband and a lot prejudiced in her favor. I have lived with her, fought with her and beside her, and loved her for almost 50 years. I want her to be out of Prison where she has languished for the last three years. Did I say languish? – Lynne can’t languish – she is always the activist, always political, always compassionate. They can’t jail her spirit. But WE need her out here with us on the front lines!
The federal government locked her up because they wanted to control her defense of Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman and she believed that ethically and morally she had obligations to her client; and that her adversary should not, could not, dictate or curtail what strategy a lawyer must adopt. Maybe you would not have been audacious in the same way Lynne was, in issuing a press release, but she was representing a man who had been subjected to a vicious solitary confinement for many years, was ill, and appeared to be fading. It was “mandatory” to do this to save him. Now that Mubarak has been toppled and the new President has been calling for the repatriation to Egypt of that client, Sheik Omar; Lynne was right, and the lie has been put to the government’s's strident and false claims that her actions somehow contributed to terrorism. And we are still fighting her case – now in a petition for Certiorari to the US Supreme Court due in December.
The last thing I want to speak on at this convention of lawyers are the legal arguments that are available in Lynne’s petition and the chances that any of them might have before the Supremes.
Many of you are familiar with the trial and have followed her appeal, and then her re-sentencing, and that appeal. I do want to say that Lynne’s case should be important to all criminal defense lawyers and particularly to Guild lawyers because what the Government has done to her can happen again. And it can particularly happen to Guild lawyers who regularly take on the cases of people whom the Government despises and who they believe cannot be permitted to win. In essence, using regulations promulgated by the Department of Justice and Bureau of Prisons, Lynne’s adversaries attempted to thwart her campaign to keep her client alive in Egypt and the world. Her press release, not secret, to Reuters, mirrored the many that her co-counsel Ramsey Clark had issued in the face of the same regulations. But they came after her. She is nothing more, or less, than a smart woman with great politics from a working class background. But her amazing loyalty and relationships with her clients were a threat.
Lynne’s case is important for all of you to support because someday you may be confronted in your professional life with a choice between conforming to conduct that pleases the “system”, “authority,” and doing that which you know to be right and just. Lynne chose her client and her obligation to him, and if you want to increase the safety zone for lawyers centered as she was, you will support her. To be reminded of just who Lynne is, she asked me to read a portion of a speech she gave to the Guild in Minneapolis at the convention there in 2007. It is her credo:
“I believe we have formidable enemies not unlike those in the tales of ancient days. There is a consummate evil that unleashes its dogs of war on the helpless. Our enemy is motivated only by insatiable greed with no thought of other consequences. In this enemy there is no love of the land or the creatures who live there, no compassion for the people. No thought of future generations. This enemy will destroy the air we breathe and the water we drink as long as the the dollars keep filling up their money boxes.
We have been charged here, once again, with, and for our quests, … to shake the very foundations of the continents. We go out to stop police brutality; to rescue the imprisoned; to change the rules for those who never have been able to get to the starting line, much less run the race, because of color, physical condition, gender, mental impairment.
“We go forth to preserve the air and land and water and sky and all the beasts that crawl and fly. We go forth to safeguard the right to speak and write; to join; to learn; to rest safe at home, to be secure, fed, healthy, sheltered, loved and loving, to be at peace with one’s identity.
“Our quests are formidable. We have in Washington poisonous government that spreads its venom to the body politic in all corners of the globe. We have wars – big war in Afghanistan, smaller wars in Palestine, Central Africa, Columbia, Kashmir …. Now we have those Democratic and Republican candidates and then an election, with the corporate media ready to hype the results and drown out the righteous protests.”
I now need to raise to you the plight of political prisoners in the US, (not just because Lynne is one) – numbering more and more Muslims, Earth Firsters, veterans of the 1960s, 70s, and 80s defense of minority communities, resisters, peace activists… brave men and women, held in the harshest conditions, some for more than 40 years. This is more than a worthy focus for Guild lawyers, whose opposition to illicit power should be consistent and militant. Check these folks out at Jericho and Project Salam websites. And join their struggles. Many have no legal representation or contact. Even if you correspond, or visit, or join a defense team, or take on one of their cases, your reward will be great – the satisfaction of doing the right thing with people who remain the best among us.
In closing I want to urge you to defend and champion Lynne Stewart, one of our own! Defend and champion all political prisoners! Set her free! Set ‘em all free!

Message to Civil Liberties Conference, Dec. 8, Connecticut, from Lynne Stewart

December 9th, 2012
Message to Civil Liberties Conference, Dec. 8, Connecticut, from Lynne Stewart
There is a disturbing image of our brother, the Polar Bear, floating on a piece of shrinking ice in a hostile sea as Global Warming closes in on him. We, Progressive, Radical, Revolutionary Activists likewise find ourselves on a shrinking islet in a hostile sea of government repression. Make no mistake, Bothers and Sisters, they are out to destroy us and the only solution is to shake their foundations–to make it so public and so despicable that they dare not.
We all, I hope, know that the original Bill of Rights had to be added to the Constitution because the people, a revolutionary lot, recognized that if Government were not restrained they were no better off than they had been under the King. Since the ratification finally made the Bill of Rights the law of the land, there has been a consistent tension engendered by the entrenched powers of privilege to erode those basic rights and silence those who believe in change. We are well aware that 9/11 was instantaneously followed by the Patriot Act, which had actually been the repressive forces’ wish list for many eons. Hiding behind the fear of that moment, the people through their so-called representatives ceded to “Big Brother” most if not all of the crucial rights necessary to Resist and Organize. Technology has complimented this Government plan with spy devices that are not only unseen but virtually undetectable.
More important to us, I think, are the all too human techniques used to infiltrate and destroy the movement. These “undercover” “spy in the camp” maneuvers implicate the rights to free speech and assembly. There is no freedom if every projected cause and idea is reported back to the very entity that it challenges. Nor is there freedom if ” initiatives” come not from a dedicated group of freedom fighters but from trained infiltrators whose mission is to incriminate and arrest. Historically we should be aware that the Black Panthers and the BLA as viable organizations were destroyed from within by the twists and turns of Iago like evil informants. It was revealed and there were a series of well publicized hearings. Consciences of the Left were shocked and saddened. But today the volumes produced by the Church Committee of the US senate are relegated to use as doorstops. The human lives targeted (Fred Hampton, Little Bobby Hutton) lie in cold graves and those that were prosecuted continue to rot in jail. ( Angola 3, Sekou Odinga, Mutulu Shakur, Sundiata Acoli, Bashir Hamid, Jalil Montaquil, Mondo Eyen we Longa, etc etc etc.)Unfortunately the relevance of what occured to the BPP is rarely taken into account by us. To the enemies of positive change however, those techniques are alive and thriving. The arrest of activists, the targeting of the impressionable and naive, and also even long term but impatient wiser persons, sometimes Muslim, sometimes Anarchist, sometimes Anti War, sometimes Earth and Animal Firsters, sometimes Marxists, or Nationalists, is more often than not a plot concocted and carried out and financed by Government.
I am often criticized and rightly so for Not talking about the assault on my own civil liberties. I guess, sitting here in the belly of the beast with the Ten year sentence still in place, I feel that I am old news ! But there can be no more fundamental affront to us than the silencing, the icing of the lawyers that have always, as part of their personal and political commitment, been there to defend against the criminalization of the movement. Not only in the courts but in the torture chambers and in the press, lawyers should be on the front line. What happened to me is the method the Government used to intimidate and also to delimit the decisions that once were the sole province of Attorney and Client. When people ask what I am in jail for, I frequently boil it down to that I was too good a lawyer for the clients and the government decided I must be silenced and forgotten. What I did was to make a public press release to Reuters on behalf of my client–his right ? my right? In my view, this was pure First Amendment to say nothing of the Sixth, Right to Counsel. It also has the imprint of rescuing him from cruel and unusual punishment as he was held (and still is !) in solitary confinement, exacerbated by his blindness, his inability to read Braille as diabetes takes its toll on the sensitivity in his fingers, and his lack of fluency in English. By imposing Prison Restrictions known as SAMS, the Department of Justice ? made rules into laws and then indicted me for breaking them. We go to the US Supreme Court in the very near future and will be raising many issues of Constitutional dimension. Will they even hear the case? Stay tuned, but know that we will fight on. What else ?
Finally, I think that outrage and anger also must be our response to the Killing by Drones. To think of the President sitting in the Oval office checking off names on a list prepared by the hopelessly inept intelligence community of those to be murdered because “they bother us”… Sounds more like the Godfather and maybe it is. The USA being the Criminal Enterprise to be upheld at any cost. As people in prison say when a fight starts “Don’t put MY name in it !” BUT all our names are in it because the population believes that these assassinations are what protects us. That FEAR is the greatest stumbling block we face in organizing.
Right after 9/11 our in-laws, blonde, blue eyed apolitical people announced that they were happy to give up their “rights” in order to be safe. Our son in law, a bright and sympathetic young man, turned to them and said ” it isn’t You who will be pinched by this outrage but my wife (our daughter) will be constantly harassed’”. Our daughter, who has a name out of ancient Palmyra (Syria) and most decidedly a person of “color” has definitely found this to be the case. I use this story to close because it is our most daunting and difficult task to convince people that the degree of separation between persons is really a mirage and what happens in this shrinkage of liberties if it affects one of us, it affects and harms and can ultimately destroy all of us! Let Us Keep Up Our Fight until Victory is Ours !

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Latest From The Lynne Stewart Defense Committee- Free Lynne Stewart And Her Co-Workers Now!

Click on the headline to link to the  “Justice For Lynn Stewart Defense Committee” for the latest in her case.

Markin comment:

Free Lynne Stewart and her co-workers! Free Grandma Now!

Markin comment (reposted from 2010)

In “surfing” the  "National Jericho Movement" Website recently in order to find out more, if possible, about class- war prisoner and 1960s radical, Marilyn Buck (now deceased), whom I had read about in a <i>The Rag Blog</i> post I linked to the Jericho list of class war prisoners. I found Marilyn Buck listed there but also others, some of whose cases, like that of the “voice of the voiceless” Pennsylvania death row prisoner, Mumia Abu-Jamal, are well-known and others who seemingly have languished in obscurity. All of the cases, at least from the information that I could glean from the site, seemed compelling. And all seemed worthy of far more publicity and of a more public fight for their freedom.

That last notion set me to the task at hand. Readers of this space know that I have been a longtime supporter of the Partisan Defense Committee, a class struggle, non-sectarian legal and social defense organization which supports class war prisoners as part of the process of advancing the international working class’ struggle for socialism. In that spirit I am honoring the class war prisoners on the National Jericho Movement list this June as the start of what I hope will be an on-going attempt by all serious leftist militants to do their duty- fighting for freedom for these brothers and sisters. We will fight out our political differences and disagreements as a separate matter. What matters here and now is the old Wobblie (IWW) slogan - <strong>An injury to one is an injury to all.</strong>

Note: This list, right now, is composed of class-war prisoners held in American detention. If others are likewise incarcerated that are not listed here feel free to leave information on their cases in the comment section. Likewise any cases internationally that are brought to your attention. I am sure there are many, many such cases out there. <strong>Make this June, and every June, a Class-War Prisoners Freedom Month- Free All Class-War Prisoners Now! </strong>



Sunday, July 01, 2012

The Latest From The Lynne Stewart Defense Committee- Free Lynne Stewart And Her Co-Workers Now!-“Court Confirms Ten-Year Sentence for Lynne Stewart” by Jeff Mackler

Click on the headline to link to the Justice For Lynn Stewart Defense Committee for the latest in her case.

Markin comment:

Free Lynne Stewart and her co-workers! Free Grandma Now!

Markin comment (reposted from 2010)

In “surfing” the National Jericho Movement Website recently in order to find out more, if possible, about class- war prisoner and 1960s radical, Marilyn Buck, whom I had read about in a The Rag Blog post I linked to the Jericho list of class war prisoners. I found Marilyn Buck listed there but also others, some of whose cases, like that of the “voice of the voiceless” Pennsylvania death row prisoner, Mumia Abu-Jamal, are well-known and others who seemingly have languished in obscurity. All of the cases, at least from the information that I could glean from the site, seemed compelling. And all seemed worthy of far more publicity and of a more public fight for their freedom.

That last notion set me to the task at hand. Readers of this space know that I am a long time supporter of the Partisan Defense Committee, a class struggle, non-sectarian legal and social defense organization which supports class war prisoners as part of the process of advancing the international working class’ struggle for socialism. In that spirit I am honoring the class war prisoners on the National Jericho Movement list this June as the start of what I hope will be an on-going attempt by all serious leftist militants to do their duty- fighting for freedom for these brothers and sisters. We will fight out our political differences and disagreements as a separate matter. What matters here and now is the old Wobblie (IWW) slogan - An injury to one is an injury to all.

Note: This list, right now, is composed of class-war prisoners held in American detention. If others are likewise incarcerated that are not listed here feel free to leave information on their cases in the comment section. Likewise any cases, internationally, that come to your attention. I am sure there are many, many such cases out there. Make this June, and every June, a Class-War Prisoners Freedom Month- Free All Class-War Prisoners Now!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

From The Lynne Stewart Defense Committee- A Poem

Click on headline.

Poem from Prisoner
May 13th, 2012

(From Carole Seligman)

Lynne sent this poem, which was sent by a prisoner at ADX Florence “as a reflection on the ‘exercise’ yard and other things!”

From the Paris Zoo — The Panther

By Rainer Maria Rilke (German)

His vision from the constantly passing bars,

has grown so weary that it cannot hold

anything else. It seems to him there are

a thousand bars; and behind the bars, no world.

As he paces in cramped circles over and over,

the movement of his powerful strides

is like a ritual dance around a center

in which a mighty will stands paralyzed.

Only at Times, the curtain of the pupils

lifts, quietly — , an image enters in,

Rushes down through the tensed, arrested muscles,

plunges into the heart and is gone.

Friday, June 01, 2012

The Latest From The Lynne Stewart Defense Committee- Free Lynne Stewart And Her Co-Workers Now!-

Click on the headline to link to the Justice For Lynn Stewart Defense Committee for the latest in her case.

Markin comment:

Free Lynne Stewart and her co-workers! Free Grandma Now!

Make June Class-War Prisoners Freedom Month

Markin comment (reposted from 2010)

In “surfing” the National Jericho Movement Website recently in order to find out more, if possible, about class- war prisoner and 1960s radical, Marilyn Buck, whom I had read about in a The Rag Blog post I linked to the Jericho list of class war prisoners. I found Marilyn Buck listed there but also others, some of whose cases, like that of the “voice of the voiceless” Pennsylvania death row prisoner, Mumia Abu-Jamal, are well-known and others who seemingly have languished in obscurity. All of the cases, at least from the information that I could glean from the site, seemed compelling. And all seemed worthy of far more publicity and of a more public fight for their freedom.

That last notion set me to the task at hand. Readers of this space know that I am a long time supporter of the Partisan Defense Committee, a class struggle, non-sectarian legal and social defense organization which supports class war prisoners as part of the process of advancing the international working class’ struggle for socialism. In that spirit I am honoring the class war prisoners on the National Jericho Movement list this June as the start of what I hope will be an on-going attempt by all serious leftist militants to do their duty- fighting for freedom for these brothers and sisters. We will fight out our political differences and disagreements as a separate matter. What matters here and now is the old Wobblie (IWW) slogan - An injury to one is an injury to all.

Note: This list, right now, is composed of class-war prisoners held in American detention. If others are likewise incarcerated that are not listed here feel free to leave information on their cases in the comment section. Likewise any cases, internationally, that come to your attention. I am sure there are many, many such cases out there. Make this June, and every June, a Class-War Prisoners Freedom Month- Free All Class-War Prisoners Now!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Monday, March 05, 2012

We Have Some Unfinished Business From The 1960s- Free "Love And Struggle" Author David Gilbert

Click on the headline to link to a website with information on American poltical prisoner David Gilbert.

Markin comment:

We Have Some Unfinished Business From The 1960s- Free "Love And Struggle" Author David Gilbert says it all. Free David Gilbert Now! Free All The Class-War Prisoners!

Sunday, March 04, 2012

Justice on Trial: Lynne Stewart's Appeal-by Stephen Lendman

Friday, March 02, 2012

Justice on Trial: Lynne Stewart's Appeal

Justice on Trial: Lynne Stewart's Appeal-by Stephen Lendman

Lynne's case highlights American judicial unfairness. Her wrongful indictment, prosecution, conviction, sentencing, and harsher re-sentencing sacrificed her on the alter of upholding wrong over right.

On February 29, US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit arguments were heard on her behalf. She wasn't there, but supporters packed the courtroom as she hoped. More on the hearing below.

Criminal justice includes law enforcement involved in apprehending, prosecuting, defending, sentencing, and incarcerating those found guilty of crimes following rule of law standards.

Doing so requires proving guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Prosecutors bear the burden, or they're supposed to. Judicial fairness can't exist without it. In America, it never did and doesn't now.

Moreover, US law gives jurors no reasonable doubt guidance. Prosecutors take full advantage. Innocent victims suffer unjustly. America's system is inherently unfair. Nothing's done to fix it.

The American Bar Association's Model Code of Judicial Conduct preamble calls for:

•"An independent, fair and impartial judiciary," calling it "indispensable to our system of justice, (composed of) men and women of integrity;

• all times (ensuring) the greatest possible public confidence in their independence, impartiality, integrity, and competence; (and)

•standards (of) ethical conduct, (including) overarching principles of judicial ethics (and fairness), consistent with constitutional requirements, statutes, other court rules, and decisional law, and with due regard for all relevant circumstances."

•Above all, it requires truth, impartiality, and judicial fairness upholding fundamental rule of law standards.

Merriam-Webster defines fair as:

•"marked by impartiality and honesty;

•free from self-interest, prejudice, or favoritism;

•conforming with the established rules; (and)

•free from favor toward either or any side."

Often, American justice excludes them all. Lynne said when she began practicing law, she collected cartoons and clippings relating to it "and the absurdity of the legal system."

One of her favorites was a "smarmy, grinning lawyer leaning over his desk and saying to a client 'You have an excellent case, Mr. Jones. Now just how much justice can you afford??' "

That's the root injustice issue, she said, but it's worse than that. People of color, the poor, disadvantaged, and accused Muslims get no justice at all. Neither does anyone federal and state prosecutors target to convict. In Lynne's case, it was for doing her job honorably and responsibly for decades, including defending unpopular clients.

When lawyers defend ones authorities want to convict, they risk running afoul of the law. As a result, Lynne's wrongfully serving 10 years. Paul Bergrin's in the fight of his life for the same reason.

Moreover, thousands of political prisoners languish in America's gulag for challenging US injustice, supporting right over wrong, or praying to the wrong God.

Constitutionally protected rights don't matter. Yet they're supposed to require probable cause for arrests and prosecutions (Fourth Amendment), as well as freedoms:

from unreasonable searches and seizures (Fourth Amendment);

self-incrimination (Fifth Amendment);

double jeopardy (Fifth Amendment);

cruel and unusual punishment (Eighth Amendment);

excessive bail or fines (Eighth Amendment);

speedy, public, fair trials (Sixth Amendment);

an impartial jury (Sixth Amendment);

right to competent counsel (Sixth Amendment); and

from being deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law (Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments).

When prosecutors and courts, including appellate and Supreme Court, permit exceptions or ignore rule of law standards, freedom no longer exists. America's war on crime (especially on elicit drugs) eroded numerous protections.

Post-9/11, they've practically disappeared altogether. America's spurious war on terror takes precedence. Everyone's vulnerable to terrorism charges, conspiracy to commit it, or threatening national security other ways.

Secret evidence is withheld. Defense counsel can't challenge it. Defendants are convicted by accusation. Jurors are intimidated to go along even when no crime or intent to commit one exists.

As a result, justice is unfairly denied. America's poor and disadvantaged get none. Neither do those challenging state and/or corporate crimes. In contrast, white collar offenses are rarely punished. Those caught red-handed at most pay fines too small to matter and rarely serve prison time. Occasional exceptions prove the rule.

A former corporate felon once said only little people pay taxes. They also comprise the vast majority in America's gulag. In fact, a small fraction of prosecutions are for white collar crime. Few top officials are convicted, today virtually none, especially those guilty of the grandest of grand thefts.

America's criminal justice system protects them. Mostly little people are targeted, including many innocent ones. America's drug and terror wars punctuate how unjustly.

Elicit possession accounts for over half of America's prison population. Those imprisoned represent a 20-fold increase since 1980. Their numbers exceed those incarcerated in 1980 for all offenses. They're the most significant reason for America's 700% federal prison population growth.

Post-9/11, Muslims became America's target of choice. They've been ruthlessly vilified, hunted down, rounded up, detained, isolated, denied bail, tried on secret evidence, convicted on spurious charges, and given long sentences as war on terror scapegoats for political advantage.

Illegal entrapment's commonly used. Guilt or innocence doesn't matter, just the illusion that America is safer when, in fact, every victim assures greater insecurity, injustice, and fear. Many wonder who's next. Today, no one's safe, especially Muslims and those outspoken for justice.

In contrast, Wall Street and other corporate crooks continue to plunder and steal with impunity. One's hard pressed to name a single corporate official ever given hard time or capital punishment. Innocent Blacks, Latinos and Muslims face them often, as well as disproportionately longer sentences for many offenses little more than misdemeanors at best.

Moreover, street crime's inconsequential compared to high-level white collar ones harming millions. For corporate crooks, crime pays. Wall Street's business model features it.

As a result, America's criminal justice system is grossly discriminatory, inequitable, biased, and unfair. None's worse in Western society.

In Manhattan alone, said Lynne, "there is a litany of wrongs perpetrated in each and every Courthouse" in sight. She saw it firsthand defending unpopular clients, then unjustly against herself.

She was tried in the same Foley Square federal court that unjustly framed, convicted, and sentenced Julius and Ethel Rosenberg to death. At an earlier time of hysteria, it was done vengefully for allegedly conspiring to violate the WW I era 1917 Espionage Act.

Today, for America's 99%, the wheels came off the wagon, said Lynne. Only a just replacement can fix it - "a different economic system that will in turn mend the legal system because it will be forced to serve the People, not" wealth and power interests alone.

Lynne's Appeal

Arbitrary injustice must end. Freeing Lynne and others like her is vital. On February 29, Herald Prince Fahringer argued for her in appellate court. He said one of America's most cherished freedoms is being "allowed to speak freely. This case puts that principle to a very great test."

He called using her First Amendment right against her "highly hazardous." In fact, he added, comments made "on the steps of the courthouse (have) much wider latitude." He urged the justices not to go "down that road (because) no one will be able to comment after a sentence for fear that the same thing could happen to them."

Justice Robert Sack challenged him saying, "I'm not sure that freedom of speech means absolute immunity from the consequences of what you say."

Judge John Walker asked, "How else do you get a window into the character of the defendant?"

Fahringer responded, calling Lynne's comments ambiguous, adding:

"If it's ambiguous under the First Amendment, you have to give the speaker the benefit of the doubt."

On March 1, New York Law Journal contributor Mark Hamblett said Fahringer "ran into a dubious (three judge) appellate panel" as he argued for reversing Lynne's grossly unfair sentence.

Expect months perhaps before they rule. Their earlier decision against Lynne was harsh. She has an uphill struggle, especially in today's climate of fear and injustice.

Nonetheless, she's upbeat, saying if she serves her full 10 year term, she'll emerge as she entered, her "principles unsullied and strong!!"

She thanked supporters for cards, letters, books, contributions, and mostly for believing in her just cause.

"It is being remembered that counts," she said, "and you all keep me alive!! Shoulder to Shoulder, Onward to Victory!!"

She's already vindicated by friends, family, and legions of worldwide supporters aware of her lifelong struggle honorably for equity, justice, fairness, and rule of law standards without compromise. It doesn't get any better than that.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at

Also visit his blog site at and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.

posted by Steve Lendman @ 12:27 AM

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Latest From The Lynne Stewart Defense Committee- Free Lynne Stewart And Her Co-Workers Now!-Lynne's Message To Supporters On Her Appeal

Click on the headline to link to the Justice For Lynn Stewart Defense Committee for the latest in her case.

Markin comment:

Free Lynne Stewart and her co-workers! Free Grandma Now!

From The StevenLendmanBlog- The latest On Lynne Stewart's Case

Click on the headline to link to the SteveLendmanBlog for information about the Lynne Stewart case.

Markin comment:

Today appears to be one of those days when we have lots of unfinished business to discuss. Free Leonard Peltier! for one. And Free Lynne Stewart, also now!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Monday, December 19, 2011

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Latest From The Lynne Stewart Defense Committee- Free Lynne Stewart Now And Her Co-Workers Now!

Click on the headline to link to the Justice For Lynn Stewart Defense Committee for the latest in her case.

Markin comment:

Free Lynne Stewart and her co-workers! Free Grandma Now!

class struggle defend, free lynne stewart, free all class-war prisoners, ZEALOUS ADVOCACY, an injury to one is an injury to all, PARTISAN DEFENSE COMMITTEE,

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Latest From The Lynne Stewart Defense Committee- Free Lynne Stewart Now And Her Co-Workers Now!

Click on the headline to link to the Justice For Lynn Stewart Defense Committee for the latest in her case.

Markin comment:

Free Lynne Stewart and her co-workers! Free Grandma Now!

Jose Padilla's Sentence Overturned-The Wrong Way

Click on the headline to link to a report of the overturning (the wrong way) of political prisoner (and torture victim) Jose Padilla's, sentencing by a U.S. Appeals Court.

Markin comment:

We saw with New York Attorney Lynne Stewart's upwardly enhanced sentence (from two to ten years) that any case that touches on the so-called "war on terrorism" creates a feeding frenzy in the U.S. Justice Department and the federal courts. Yes, justice, bourgeois justice, is blind, very blind.