Showing posts with label victory to the Quebec students. Show all posts
Showing posts with label victory to the Quebec students. Show all posts

Saturday, September 08, 2012

From The Pages Of "Workers Vanguard"-Lessons of the Struggles in Quebec-Students: Ally with the Working Class!

Click on the headline to link to the International Communist League website.

Markin comment:

I place some material in this space which may be of interest to the radical public that I do not necessarily agree with or support. Off hand, as I have mentioned before, I think it would be easier, infinitely easier, to fight for the socialist revolution straight up than some of the “remedies” provided by the commentators in these entries. But part of that struggle for the socialist revolution is to sort out the “real” stuff from the fluff as we struggle for that more just world that animates our efforts.
Workers Vanguard No. 1007
31 August 2012

Lessons of the Struggles in Quebec-Students: Ally with the Working Class!

(Young Spartacus pages)

We print below the translation of a French-language Spartacist Canada supplement issued on August 20, which our comrades distributed at a large student demonstration in Montreal on August 22.

The student strike and mass defiance of the Liberal government’s repressive law (Law 78) have produced the most sustained social struggle in Quebec since the 1970s. Premier Jean Charest called the September 4 elections in large part to “solve” this crisis. This may very well work, even if the Liberals lose the vote. After months of exhausting struggle, intense police repression, media slanders and no tangible results, many students are now voting to go back to class. The Parti Québécois [PQ] is calling for a “truce” so as to not disturb the elections—actually a cynical excuse to re-establish “social peace.” The pro-PQ leaders of the FEUQ and FECQ student federations are campaigning to “get out the youth vote.” And Françoise David of Québec Solidaire (QS) has now explicitly pledged to support a possible minority PQ government—with PQ leader Pauline Marois already promising to increase tuition “with the cost of living.”

Youth who have mobilized and fought courageously for more than six months must ask themselves: What next? The solution is certainly not to be found in the electoral circus, nor can militancy alone provide a way forward. As we wrote three months ago, the student strike “has illustrated in a fundamental way the limitations of a struggle that has not been connected to the social power of the working class” [“Student Strike Shakes Quebec,” WV No. 1003, 25 May]. What is needed is a viewpoint broader than the immediate struggle in Quebec: a class-struggle, internationalist perspective that seeks to mobilize that social power.

The attacks on students in Quebec are part of a global capitalist assault on workers and the oppressed. From Greece to Spain, the U.S., Canada and beyond, the onslaught has been especially brutal since the latest capitalist economic crisis erupted in 2008. The fight for free education is an integral part of an international class struggle against the exploiters. And if there is one lesson to be drawn from the struggles to date it is that looking to “progressive” capitalist parties or the bosses’ social-democratic agents is a road to disaster. In the U.S., Obama continued the attacks (and the wars) of his predecessor George W. Bush; in France, the Socialist Party will continue the job-slashing and austerity seen under Sarkozy.

A defeat of the student strike would embolden the Québécois capitalists to push through their assault on social programs, the labor movement, youth and minorities. Both the Liberals and François Legault’s Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ) openly call to “re-engineer” Quebec society to make the workers “more productive.” While its rhetoric is more duplicitous, the PQ would do more or less the same thing, as it did with its “deficit zero” attacks in the 1990s. Pushing reactionary “identity” politics, the PQ is also already making clear that it will fan the flames of the “reasonable accommodation” scapegoating of immigrants and ethnic/religious minorities, particularly Muslims. Whether under the Liberals, CAQ or PQ (or the latter’s QS and Option Nationale tails), youth and workers will lose.

Québec Solidaire: A Pro-Capitalist Dead End

Primary responsibility for the current state of affairs lies with the trade-union bureaucracy and its decades-long alliance with the bourgeois-nationalist PQ. But also guilty is the reformist left—the Parti Communiste du Québec, Gauche Socialiste, Socialisme International, La Riposte, Alternative Socialiste, etc. These groups have all helped to create, build and sow illusions in Québec Solidaire, a petty-bourgeois populist party whose purpose is and has always been to channel the anger of youth and workers back into the safe channels of bourgeois parliamentarism and Québécois nationalism.

The groups who support QS will tell you that having QS deputies in the National Assembly is a way to ensure gains for students and workers. This is an absolute falsehood! First off, as some of these groups themselves admit, QS does not even pretend to be a socialist organization; it has no organic links with labor; its whole political framework accepts the continued existence of capitalist exploitation. The QS election platform includes calls for national protectionism and other measures flatly contrary to the workers’ interests. Pledging to support a PQ government is only icing on the cake.

At the height of the student strike, QS spokesmen joined in the “violence”-baiting furor against militant students. For our part, we have called throughout to defend all protesters against the repression of the Charest government and its police. It is also noteworthy that pretty much all of the reformist “socialist” outfits who back QS in Quebec support the social-democratic NDP [New Democratic Party] federally—the same New Democrats who have shown nothing but contempt for the students’ struggle!

One cannot “reform” away capitalist oppression or render the farce of the bourgeoisie’s parliament (or the “constituent assembly” that QS calls for) anything other than an instrument of class domination by the exploiters. As Russian revolutionary leader Vladimir Lenin explained: “The working people are barred from participation in bourgeois parliaments (they never decide important questions under bourgeois democracy, which are decided by the stock exchange and the banks) by thousands of obstacles” (The Proletarian Revolution and the Renegade Kautsky, 1918). The economic domination of capital can only be ended by a workers revolution and the subsequent reorganization of society in the interests of the vast majority.

Unlike the FEUQ and FECQ, the CLASSE student union does not directly promote the idea that the elections will “settle” the student struggle. But CLASSE too is incapable of stepping outside the framework set by the capitalist class. Its worldview is limited to a fight against so-called “neoliberalism,” which can only mean that in its eyes a “better” version of capitalism is possible. CLASSE focuses all of its attacks on Charest and the Liberals, leaving open the option of voting for the PQ, QS or Option Nationale as a “lesser evil.”

The recent CLASSE Manifesto revolves entirely around the need for more democracy, “a direct democracy,” “a democracy for everyone,” “new democratic spaces,” etc., etc. “We are the people,” it affirms. But speaking of democracy without asking for what class—the capitalists or the workers—inevitably reinforces illusions in the present system, which is a democracy for the rich, a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.

The same illusions are sowed by groups who falsely claim to be Marxist. Alternative Socialiste, an ardent partisan of QS, salutes the student movement for “putting on the agenda the contestation of the neoliberal order” (, 8 August). For its part, the Maoist Parti Communiste Révolutionnaire (PCR), which claims to oppose both the PQ and QS, thunders on the front page of its Drapeau Rouge [Red Flag] (August-September 2012): “If We Want Democracy, We Must Change the System!” Calling for “people’s power,” the PCR also dissolves the unique social power of the proletariat into a class-collaborationist concept of “the people.”

The Power of the Working Class

Many students have understood that they cannot win the battle for free tuition or even a freeze without the active support of broader forces, including the labor movement. This understanding lay behind CLASSE’s proposal for a 24-hour “social strike,” which the union bureaucracy predictably rejected. For CLASSE, the social strike was seen as a way to broaden popular support and put more pressure on Charest. But the working class isn’t just another “sector” of society—it is the only class with the power to bring the capitalist system to its knees.

A mobilization of the working class in defense of the student struggle remains essential to beat back this (or any) capitalist government. In 2003, union mobilizations and a few strikes managed to stop many of Charest’s attacks on the labor movement. At a much higher level, the May 1968 uprising in France, sparked by a student struggle, saw a general strike of the working class that could have overthrown French capitalism. Only the treachery of the workers’ leaders, centrally the reformist Communist Party of France, enabled the government to re-establish bourgeois order. May ’68 showed the enormous social power of the proletariat. Four years later, the Québécois workers demonstrated their own power in the May 1972 general strike against the jailing of union leaders.

The capitalist class—a tiny minority that owns all the means of production—derives its astronomical profits from the exploitation of labor. Workers have to sell their labor power to survive. When they are “lucky” enough to have a job, they toil away in the mines, factories, etc., adding the value of their work to what they produce, but only get paid what they are deemed to be worth on the labor market. This difference—between the value added by the workers and what they actually get paid—ends up in the capitalists’ pockets in the form of what Karl Marx termed surplus value. In other words, the workers produce the material wealth of capitalist society, but this is expropriated by a handful of ruling parasites.

When workers go on strike, this immediately hits the bottom line of the capitalist corporations. Thus the working class has the social power to attack the profit system at its very core. This is something that students, a petty-bourgeois layer with no direct relation to the means of production, lack entirely. An exploited class that makes just enough to live on and to produce the next generation of wage-slaves, the working class has no interest in the preservation of the capitalist system, but has a direct objective interest in its overthrow.

Students in Montreal don’t have to look far to find this social power. The area employs more than 200,000 people in the manufacturing sector alone, including workers in factories from Longueuil to St-Jérôme. Montreal has one of the largest concentrations of aerospace workers in the world. Tens of thousands more toil in transport—longshoremen, airport crews, transit workers—another key part of the capitalist economy. Beyond Montreal, there are huge proletarian concentrations in and around Trois-Rivières, Saguenay, the Abitibi and elsewhere. Cascades, Bombardier, SNC-Lavalin, Quebecor—these are the backbone of Quebec Inc., and all are powered by the sweat and blood of the proletariat.

The Role of the Union Bureaucracy

The working class, in Quebec as elsewhere, has a direct interest in the elimination of tuition fees: it is the workers and their children who are overwhelmingly denied the fruits of higher education, fundamentally because the capitalists only want them to know what is necessary to do their work. The student strike has been widely popular among the workers, as shown by the labor contingents at various demos, the cheers and honks that have greeted protesters everywhere, even the money donated by various unions.

Yet in the six months of student protests and strikes, not a single strike in support of the students has been undertaken by the unionized working class anywhere in Quebec. Why? Because the union leaders uphold the capitalist system, backing the PQ in particular; they seek to contain whatever social struggles erupt, diverting them onto the shoals of nationalism and parliamentary reformism.

The unions are the basic organizations for defense of the workers against the bosses’ constant attacks. They enable workers to have relatively better wages and benefits, and protect them somewhat against arbitrary firing and general abuse. They must be built and defended. But the present union leadership is an obstacle to mobilizing labor’s power.

Most North American unions were built in the last century through hard class battles including strikes and plant occupations, facing massive repression from the police, army and company thugs. Countless workers were murdered fighting to forge unions, from West Virginia to British Columbia, Detroit to Murdochville. The key activists who led this fight were leftists, mostly self-described communists. Many of these militants were purged from the unions in the anti-Communist witchhunts of the 1940s and ’50s. In their stead rose an openly pro-capitalist layer of bureaucrats who still run the unions today, including in Quebec.

Under imperialism, the system of modern capitalism where the world is divided among a few big powers and the dominance of finance capital ensures the flow of profits into the coffers of U.S., German, Japanese (and Canadian) banks, the capitalist class throws a few crumbs off its table to corrupt a layer of labor misleaders and turn them into willing “partners.” Seeing the world through the same lens as the capitalists, the heads of the AFL-CIO, Canadian Labour Congress [CLC], [Quebec trade-union federations] FTQ, CSN, etc. are willing to sacrifice the interests of their members in pursuit of partnership with their own national bosses. In the U.S., they largely support the capitalist Democratic Party. In English Canada, the CLC tops wave the Maple Leaf, tying workers to their exploiters, centrally through the NDP. In Quebec, the heads of the FTQ, CSN, etc. utilize Québécois nationalism and support to the PQ to undermine the workers’ consciousness and sabotage struggle in the name of “national solidarity.” They are all, truly, in the words of American socialist Daniel De Leon, the labor lieutenants of capital.

For a Revolutionary Internationalist Workers Party!

To resolve the intractable contradiction between the true, material interests of the working class and the deadly grip of the conservative union misleaders, a revolutionary agency must be forged: a vanguard workers party built around a program that is revolutionary and internationalist. As Lenin argued in his book What Is To Be Done?, such a party would fuse the most conscious elements of the proletariat with declassed intellectuals, including students, who dedicate themselves to the fight for workers revolution.

To transform the unions from narrow craft and industry-limited bargaining agents into organs of revolutionary struggle, the vanguard elements must fight to preserve the integrity and unity of the working class. They must combat all the forms of special oppression that divide workers along national, ethnic, language and gender lines.

Most Québécois workers continue to support the PQ, despite its many attacks on the working class over the years, while the bulk of student activists also back one or another nationalist party, whether the PQ, QS or Option Nationale. The hold of nationalism flows from and is constantly reinforced by the Anglo chauvinism that dominates the Canadian state. With workers in English Canada supporting the NDP or even the Liberals—parties with a long record of hostility to Quebec’s national rights—the working class of Canada is deeply divided, undermining its ability to fight the ruling exploiters. For this reason, we Marxists advocate Quebec independence. We do so as proletarian internationalists: getting the national question off the agenda would create better conditions for the workers to understand that their “own” national capitalists are not allies but class enemies.

Nationalism necessarily promotes racism. A particular flash point in Quebec has been the Liberals’ Bill 94, which foments anti-Muslim bigotry by calling to bar women who wear the niqab or burqa from getting government services or being employed in the public sector. Amir Khadir, the QS deputy in the National Assembly, supported this reactionary bill, while the PQ goes even further, demanding a complete ban on Muslim headscarfs and Sikh turbans in the public sector.

A revolutionary workers party would oppose all forms of discrimination against such minorities, in particular the racist state sanctions against Muslim women. At the same time, it would combat the religious backwardness that consigns so many women to the hideous oppression symbolized by the veil. Such a party would champion women’s right to abortion, equal pay for equal work and free 24-hour day care. It would also fight to mobilize the working class in defense of the black and Latino youth who are in the gunsights of the police in places like Montréal-Nord.

It is vital to oppose the divisions along linguistic lines promoted both by Anglo-chauvinist bigots and by Quebec nationalists who call to toughen the French-language Charter (Law 101). For example, the PQ seeks to compel everyone but anglophones to attend French Cégeps [junior colleges]. Marxists oppose all “official language” laws and any school system based on language or religion. We are for a single public, integrated and secular school system with bilingual or multilingual education wherever necessary. The working class can only be united by opposing all privileges for any nation or language.

For a Marxist Perspective

Through their struggles, layers of student youth have learned firsthand some basic truths about capitalism. They have witnessed the repressive role of the bourgeois state, centrally including the cops who have arrested over 2,500 students and their supporters. It is crucial that these and other lessons be assimilated and generalized by studying the historical experiences of the international workers movement and the program of revolutionary Marxism.

The best model for successful social struggle is the October 1917 workers revolution in Russia, which overthrew capitalism in the tsarist “prison house of peoples.” A myriad of national and ethnic minorities were denied their rights under the tsar’s brutal autocracy. Lenin’s Bolshevik Party fought for the right to self-determination—i.e., to secession—for such nations, combating Great Russian chauvinism and winning support from the non-Russian minorities. The Bolsheviks denounced national exclusiveness and privileges for any nation or language, which serve only to divide the working class.

By abolishing capitalist private property, the Revolution gave the Soviet masses access to jobs, housing and free education. Despite its degeneration under the nationalist bureaucracy of Joseph Stalin starting in 1924, the Soviet Union was able to maintain a centralized planned economy and develop into a modern industrial power. Illiteracy was practically eliminated. Students from around the neocolonial world flocked to Moscow for the quality of its free education system. The Soviets were able to compete with the much more powerful U.S. imperialists in a decades-long arms race (provoked by the U.S.), and achieved such huge technological advances as the first artificial satellite and the first man into space.

All this and more showed the huge advantages of economic planning no longer directed by the drive for private profit. But these achievements were undermined by the parasitic Stalinist bureaucracy, and the Soviet Union was eventually destroyed by capitalist counterrevolution in 1991-92. We Trotskyists fought for its unconditional defense against imperialism and counterrevolution, while seeking a proletarian political revolution to oust the bureaucracy and establish workers democracy. This remains our stance toward the bureaucratically deformed workers states of China, Vietnam, Laos, North Korea and Cuba. This stands in sharp contrast to the reformist left groups, including those who back Québec Solidaire as well as the Maoists and anarchists; indeed, most of them openly took the side of their own imperialists against the Soviet Union.

Only the overthrow of capitalism and the establishment of workers rule can put an end to poverty and all-sided oppression and open up new vistas for humanity. This is not just a task for Quebec, but for all of Canada, the U.S. and the entire world. The way forward for Quebec student radicals is to commit their energy to forging a binational, multiethnic Marxist vanguard party, part of a reforged Fourth International, world party of socialist revolution. We urge you to examine the principles, program and analyses of the Trotskyist League/Ligue Trotskyste—section of the International Communist League (Fourth Internationalist)—and join us in this fight, which is essential to the future of mankind. 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

From QuebecThe Strike is Ending, But the Movement Will Continue

The Strike is Ending, But the Movement Will Continue

Ethan Cox August 20, 20120

This originally appeared over at

Over the past few days students at eight of fourteen CEGEPs (junior colleges which provide both pre-university and professional degrees) have voted in general assemblies to end their strike and return to class. Students at the two CEGEPs who did vote to continue the strike, Vieux-Montreal and St. Laurent, will reconvene general assemblies on Friday morning to reconsider their decision.

It appears as if the strike is winding down, or at least going dormant, with many schools promising to revisit the issue after the election. It would, however, be a mistake to assume that the resumption of classes means an end to the broader social movement born out of the longest student strike in Quebec history.

Anecdotal evidence from students voting this week seems to show that while most continue to support the aims of the strike, and remain committed to the goal of broad social change, they fear the power of Quebec’s Bill 78, now known as Law 12, to erase their semester and impose hefty fines on individuals and student associations who support the strike.

In fact, in the mother of all poison pills, Bill 78 allows the government to prevent a student union from collecting dues from its members if it supports a strike which impedes the return to classes, at a rate of one semester for each day that the strike continues.

This controversial clause, one of many in a law condemned as a violation of basic human rights by everyone from the UN High Commissioner on Human Rights to the Quebec Bar Association, would allow Jean Charest’s Liberal government to simply eliminate pesky student unions who continue to strike, and leave students at affected schools without representation for a decade or longer.

Bill 78 also mandated the early return to classes, with striking schools set to complete the interrupted spring semester over the next few weeks. The threat that a continued strike could simply eradicate that semester, and leave students as much as a year behind in their education, was also clearly a factor as students voted this week.

Add to these concerns the oft-repeated, but only somewhat accurate, idea that a continued strike would play into Jean Charest’s hands as he seeks another mandate in the provincial election set for September 4th, and it’s not hard to understand why students chose to put at least a temporary end to their strike.

In lieu of a continued strike, many student associations are focusing on ramping up their political presence in the election campaign, and in the streets. Many schools will hold a one day strike on August 22nd, the latest in a series of monthly demonstrations on that date which have attracted hundreds of thousands of Quebeckers. Organizers have called for a half million people to take to the streets in defiance of Premier Charest and his Liberal government, a number they last flirted with on May 22nd, when an estimated three to four hundred thousand took to the streets.

The three main student groups are also targeting vulnerable Liberal ridings, where student volunteers will use traditional electoral tactics like door knocking to convince voters to turn their back on the government. FEUQ President Martine Desjardins told that an appeal for election volunteers posted on their website received over a thousand sign-ups in its first twenty-four hours. In a close race like this one, a strong student campaign could tip the balance in enough ridings to determine the victor.

On this note, it will be fascinating to see the campaign unfold in Sherbrooke, the home riding of embattled Premier Charest, and a riding the student federations have confirmed they will target. A rare riding level poll was released over the weekend showing Charest trailing his Parti Quebecois challenger by fifteen points. It would be foolhardy to write off an experienced campaigner like Charest, but his seeming vulnerability has already forced him to take a break from the provincial campaign to pound the pavement in his own riding. The question of what happens if voters return his government to power, but he is defeated, will no doubt continue to hang over him as this campaign progresses.

In addition to a targeted riding level campaign, student federations will be pushing their members to vote, and increase an abysmal youth participation rate in Quebec elections. While many students rightly point out that replacing Charest with PQ leader Pauline Marois will not bring about the type of broad social change they are seeking, and that democracy does not mean simply voting every four years, students would be foolhardy not to exercise their power to bring down a government which has essentially accused them of being terrorists for exercising their right to strike and demonstrate.

So as the strike hits the pause button, and students focus on defeating the Liberals and mobilizing their supporters for a series of demonstrations which will culminate on the 22nd, don’t be fooled into thinking the broader movement they represent has been defeated.

The issue of governmental priorities, and how a government which has reduced its revenue by over ten billion dollars in the past decade, mostly in tax cuts to corporations and the wealthy, can claim poverty when it comes to funding social priorities like education and healthcare, has never been more prominent on the political scene.

The students put it there. They moved close to forty percent of Quebeckers to support the cause of accessible education, and forced many more to question why we can’t follow the European model of free, or nearly free, post-secondary education.

They have already taken down two education ministers, and seem likely to be able to claim credit for taking down a premier, and perhaps even his entire government. As the strike winds down students have much to feel proud about, not least their ability to mobilize global sentiment around the now universally relevant issue of austerity and neo-liberalism.

In Egypt they have a saying I find particularly appropriate now. “The people know the way back to the square”.

If the next government, regardless of political stripe, continues Charest’s contemptuous and dismissive treatment of our society’s youth, the students will return to the streets with a vengeance.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Spartacist Canada No. 173- Summer 2012-La grève étudiante secoue le Québec-Mobilisez la puissance de la classe ouvrière !

Spartacist Canada No. 173- Summer 2012

La grève étudiante secoue le Québec-Mobilisez la puissance de la classe ouvrière !

1er juin—Après l’adoption par le gouvernement libéral du Québec de la loi 78, communément appelée « loi des matraques », la grève combative des étudiants commencée en février s’est transformée en une crise sociale profonde. Cette loi d’urgence, instaurée le soir du 18 mai, qui interdit toute manifestation à l’intérieur ou à l’extérieur des établissements d’enseignement, restreint sévèrement les autres manifestations et prévoit de lourdes amendes pour tous groupes ou personnes faisant fi de ses restrictions. Il est même illégal d’appeler à ces manifestations, tout comme il l’est de soutenir une grève dans un campus universitaire ou cégep !

Le soir du 18 mai, au moins 10 000 étudiants et sympathisants sont descendus dans la rue à Montréal. La police a déclaré « illégales » les manifestations des nuits suivantes, procédant à un nombre massif d’arrestations. Au total, durant cette grève étudiante, plus de 2500 personnes ont été arrêtées, ce qui dépasse déjà de beaucoup le nombre d’arrestations survenues en vertu de la Loi sur les mesures de guerre d’octobre 1970, quand Ottawa a suspendu les libertés civiles et jeté des centaines de militants de gauche, de nationalistes et de dirigeants syndicaux en prison pour tenter de réprimer un énorme mouvement contestataire au Québec.

Il est clair qu’en intensifiant la répression et en prévoyant des amendes astronomiques, le gouvernement du Québec espérait mettre fin à la contestation étudiante et casser la grève. Mais c’est tout le contraire qui s’est produit. Le 22 mai à Montréal, au moins 300 000 personnes ont pris part à la manifestation. Parmi elles se trouvaient des milliers de syndiqués marchant sous leurs banderoles ainsi qu’un grand nombre d’enseignants, de parents et d’élèves du secondaire. Etant donné la mobilisation gigantesque et l’imposante présence de contingents syndicaux, les flics n’ont pas pu réprimer la manif et ce, malgré le fait que la fédération étudiante CLASSE ait refusé d’en annoncer le trajet, ce qui rendait la marche « illégale » en vertu de la loi 78.

La CLASSE avait appelé les autres organisations opposées à la loi d’urgence à la rejoindre dans son acte de défiance. Mais la bureaucratie syndicale, les autres organisations étudiantes en grève et les dirigeants de l’organisation nationaliste petite-bourgeoise Québec Solidaire ont répondu qu’ils ne pouvaient appuyer que des manifestations « pacifiques et légales ». Ceci n’a nullement empêché une forte majorité des manifestants d’emboîter le pas à la CLASSE lorsque la manif s’est scindée en deux au bout de dix minutes.

Malgré un tollé quotidien dans la presse bourgeoise contre la « violence » des étudiants, les sondages indiquent que la majorité des francophones est opposée à la loi d’urgence. On voit partout à Montréal des gens portant le carré rouge, symbole de la lutte étudiante. Quand la manif du 22 mai est passée devant un grand hôpital du centre-ville, des patients âgés en chaise roulante, connectés à des intraveineuses et arborant des carrés rouges, ont applaudi et levé le poing. Les manifestants leur ont répondu avec des hourras ressentis.

Chaque soir, comme le faisaient les manifestants chiliens lors de leurs récentes grèves étudiantes, des marches de casseroles contre la loi 78 déambulent dans les quartiers de Montréal et d’autres villes. Et pourtant, malgré cette colère généralisée des travailleurs contre le gouvernement libéral, il n’y a rien eu de plus que d’occasionnels cortèges syndicaux dans les manifestations. La puissance potentielle des syndicats du Québec n’a pas été mobilisée. Pour renverser les attaques de la classe capitaliste contre les étudiants, les travailleurs, les minorités ethniques et les démunis, il est absolument nécessaire de mettre en branle le pouvoir social du mouvement ouvrier.

Les négociations entre le gouvernement et les associations étudiantes ont été rompues le 31 mai. Les étudiants ont rejeté une offre insultante proposant de diminuer la hausse des frais de scolarité de 1 dollar (!). Le premier ministre libéral Jean Charest a ensuite brandi la menace de la répression et accusé la CLASSE d’être « des gens qui menacent les Québécois » (La Presse, 1er juin). Nous reproduisons ci-dessous un supplément du 17 mai de Spartacist Canada, dont des milliers de copies ont été distribuées lors de manifestations à Montréal.


La grève étudiante de 2012 est la plus longue de l’histoire du Québec. Plus de trois mois après le début de la grève, environ 160 000 étudiants sont encore en grève, boycottent les cours, organisent des lignes de piquetage pour fermer les universités et les cégeps, souvent au mépris d’injonctions judiciaires. Il y a eu plus d’un millier d’arrestations et les manifestants subissent des agressions policières brutales pratiquement chaque jour.

La lutte étudiante a intersecté et exacerbé une crise sociale croissante au Québec. Le Parti libéral de Jean Charest actuellement au pouvoir est extrêmement impopulaire et empêtré dans les scandales. Le rassemblement de 200 000 personnes à Montréal le 22 mars, pour soutenir les étudiants en grève, était l’une des plus grosses manifestations de l’histoire du Canada. Un mois plus tard, alors que la manif du Jour de la Terre consiste habituellement en rien de plus qu’une sorte de marche de charité, celle-ci a rassemblé 250 000 personnes, dont beaucoup ont repris des mots d’ordre à la fois contre les Libéraux du Québec et contre les Conservateurs du gouvernement fédéral.

La grève témoigne de l’ampleur de la colère et de la révolte parmi les jeunes Québécois, qui ont poursuivi cette lutte importante en dépit de la répression brutale de l’Etat et des calomnies de la presse bourgeoise. Il y a de bonnes raisons d’être en colère vu l’énorme taux de chômage et de pauvreté parmi les jeunes au Québec. Cependant, cette bataille qui dure depuis plusieurs mois a aussi fait clairement apparaître les limites d’une lutte qui n’a pas été reliée à la puissance sociale de la classe ouvrière.

Partout dans le monde, les gouvernements capitalistes cherchent à faire payer aux ouvriers et aux opprimés la crise financière, qui est une conséquence directe du système de profit bourgeois. Les Conservateurs de Harper se sont attaqués aux syndicats à Postes Canada, Air Canada et ailleurs, et ont imposé des mesures d’austérité aux travailleurs du secteur public. Les ouvriers au Québec ont eu à affronter les cassages de grève de Quebecor, d’Aveos, de Rio-Tinto et d’autres. La grève étudiante, provoquée par le projet du gouvernement Charest d’augmenter les droits de scolarité de 75 pour cent, fait en quelque sorte exception à la guerre unilatérale que mènent les patrons contre les ouvriers et les opprimés.

La bourgeoisie et ses porte-paroles dans les médias pestent contre la « violence » et « l’irresponsabilité » des étudiants. Pourtant, au Québec depuis quelques années la vénalité de la bourgeoisie s’étale au grand jour. Il y a eu une série interminable de révélations de corruption impliquant des maires et des ministres libéraux, et même la ministre de l’Education Line Beauchamp, qui a démissionné sous la pression de la grève étudiante. Toute cette corruption, ainsi que les révélations quotidiennes sur les pots de vin illégaux des sociétés du bâtiment et d’ingénierie, contraste fortement avec le courage et la vitalité des militants étudiants. La fameuse taxe non officielle des « cinq pour cent » sur la construction publique, qui se retrouve dans les poches de divers agents de la mafia et des Hells Angels, et qui les aide à leur tour à financer des politiciens bien disposés envers eux, est une pratique vieille comme le monde au Québec. Le Parti libéral fédéraliste est particulièrement sans vergogne, mais ce type d’opération se déroulait aussi quand le Parti Québécois était au pouvoir. Quant aux frères ennemis, les flics de la SPVM de Montréal et de la Sûreté du Québec, dont la brutalité est légendaire, ils ne se sont jamais si bien entendu que lorsqu’il s’agit de tabasser les étudiants.

Depuis les bancs de l’opposition, le PQ nationaliste-bourgeois prétend soutenir les étudiants afin d’améliorer ses chances électorales contre Charest. Ce n’est qu’une manœuvre cynique de la part de ce parti qui a accusé tout récemment les libéraux de réduire les dépenses trop « timidement » pour équilibrer le budget. Le PQ a lui-même tenté d’augmenter les frais de scolarité lorsqu’il était au gouvernement dans les années 1990. Cela faisait partie de son offensive contre les ouvriers et les programmes sociaux dans le cadre du « Déficit Zéro ». De toute façon, la dirigeante du PQ Pauline Marois promet seulement un gel temporaire des frais de scolarité si elle devenait premier ministre.

Etudiants : Alliez-vous à la classe ouvrière !

Dans les années 1960, lorsque le Québec s’est libéré du joug des anglo-capitalistes de Westmount et de leurs alliés de l’Eglise catholique, l’éducation était l’un des principaux champs de bataille. Des luttes syndicales avaient longtemps cherché à rendre l’enseignement supérieur accessible à la jeunesse ouvrière francophone. Comme le notait Patrick Lagacé dans un article du Globe and Mail du 4 mai soutenant les étudiants : « il y a 50 ans, le Québec était plus proche d’un pays du tiers-monde que d’un pays développé, à en juger par les statistiques du niveau d’enseignement ». Cinquante quatre pour cent de ceux qui avaient 25 ans en 1962 n’avaient pas terminé la sixième année, et sept pour cent seulement avaient été à l’université. Le développement et la laïcisation de l’enseignement — un des principaux aspects de la « Révolution tranquille » — faisait partie d’une campagne de modernisation de l’élite francophone qui voulait être « maîtres chez nous » et créer une bourgeoisie québécoise ainsi qu’une couche de professionnels et de technocrates québécois.

Aujourd’hui, même si le Québec est toujours subordonné en tant que nation au sein de l’Etat canadien anglo-chauvin, des sociétés québécoises comme Bombardier, SNC-Lavalin et Quebecor sont capables de faire concurrence aux multinationales américaines et européennes à l’échelle mondiale. Et dans leur course aux profits, les gouvernements tant du parti libéral que du PQ s’attaquent sans cesse à la classe ouvrière et aux opprimés, y compris en effectuant des coupes sombres dans les budgets de la santé, de l’enseignement et d’autres programmes sociaux.

Les capitalistes ne sont prêts à investir dans l’enseignement public que dans la mesure où ils peuvent en tirer des profits. Ces profits sont le produit du travail des ouvriers, la plus-value que la bourgeoisie leur arrache en les exploitant. Etant donné son rôle central dans la production sociale, la classe ouvrière est la seule qui a la puissance sociale de mettre le système capitaliste à genoux en refusant son travail. Les étudiants, en tant que couche petite-bourgeoise sans lien direct à la production, n’ont pas cette capacité. La lutte étudiante peut certainement déclencher des batailles sociales plus générales, comme le montre la grève actuelle. Mais au bout du compte, la seule solution c’est de s’allier à la classe ouvrière.

Les ouvriers, eux, ont tout intérêt à soutenir activement les étudiants en lutte. Notamment en exigeant que l’enseignement soit gratuit pour tous et de bonne qualité, et que les étudiants reçoivent un salaire. Pour contrer la dette de plus en plus importante des étudiants envers les banques, nous demandons l’abolition de la dette étudiante. Il faut chasser les flics qui occupent actuellement un certain nombre d’universités et de collèges. Nous demandons l’abolition des administrations, dont le rôle est d’imposer la loi des capitalistes au sein des universités. Les cégeps et les universités doivent être gérés par les étudiants, les enseignants et les employés !

On ne pourra mettre fin pour de bon à toutes les attaques contre les ouvriers et les pauvres que dans une lutte politique généralisée centrée sur la puissance sociale de la classe ouvrière. Pour cela il faut que les militants comprennent que le système capitaliste doit être balayé dans son intégrité et remplacé par une société socialiste égalitaire qui servira les besoins de l’humanité et non pas les profits privés. Seule une révolution ouvrière peut arracher les moyens de production des mains des criminels bourgeois qui exploitent la classe ouvrière et sa jeunesse. Pour mener cette lutte à la victoire, il faut forger des partis révolutionnaires d’avant-garde, c’est-à-dire des partis trotskystes, dans le monde entier.

Les étudiants, les travailleurs et la bureaucratie syndicale

Le soutien à la grève étudiante et l’hostilité au gouvernement Charest se sont fait sentir pendant toute la durée du conflit. C’est à l’honneur de la majorité des enseignants et des professeurs syndiqués touchés par la grève qu’ils aient refusé de traverser les lignes de piquetage des étudiants malgré les injonctions judiciaires qui les encourageaient à le faire. Cependant, la bureaucratie syndicale nationaliste, tout en prétendant soutenir les étudiants, n’a pas levé le petit doigt pour mobiliser les travailleurs dans des grèves contre les attaques du gouvernement Charest. Au contraire, les dirigeants syndicaux ont travaillé dur pour rétablir « la paix sociale ». L’entente du 5 mai visant à mettre fin à la grève étudiante a été négociée par Gilles Duceppe, l’ancien dirigeant du Bloc Québécois, et par les dirigeants des trois principales fédérations syndicales. Elle a vite été rejetée par les étudiants dans tout le Québec.

La bureaucratie syndicale, en soutenant les nationalistes-bourgeois du PQ et du Bloc, enchaîne les ouvriers québécois au système capitaliste. C’est aussi le cas des dirigeants de la Fédération étudiante universitaire du Québec (FEUQ) et de la Fédération étudiante collégiale du Québec (FECQ), qui sont alliés aux dirigeants syndicaux dans l’Alliance sociale. La majorité des étudiants grévistes font partie de la CLASSE (Coalition large de l’Association pour une solidarité syndicale étudiante), un syndicat étudiant plus à gauche influencé par des anarchistes. Dans un appel daté de fin avril et intitulé « Vers une grève sociale », la CLASSE faisait remarquer :

« Les étudiantes et étudiants en grève sont conscients de leur impuissance à faire reculer seul le gouvernement sur ces divers mesures. D’où la nécessité pour le mouvement étudiant de s’adjoindre de l’ensemble des forces sociales dans sa lutte contre la révolution culturelle de Bachand [ministre des Finances]. Nous ne faisons pas ici un appel à un appui de façade où quelques permanents syndicaux rédigent un communiqué pour réitérer une énième fois leur appui à la lutte étudiante…. C’est, donc, un appel à la grève sociale que nous lançons à l’ensemble de la population ! »

Il est en effet absolument nécessaire d’unir les étudiants en lutte et la puissance sociale de la classe ouvrière. Mais les appels à la solidarité lancés par la CLASSE ne sont pas liés à la perspective plus large de lutte ouvrière contre le capitalisme. Tout comme la FEUQ et la FECQ, ils ne font en fin de compte que chercher des moyens d’améliorer l’enseignement dans le cadre du système capitaliste. Ainsi, l’entente éphémère signée par toutes les fédérations étudiantes le 5 mai tentait de compenser l’augmentation des frais d’inscription en faisant des « économies » dans les budgets des universités et des collèges individuels. Cela revient à accepter encore plus d’austérité dans l’enseignement, et cela pourrait bien se retourner contre les employés des universités et des cégeps sous forme de diminution de salaires et même de licenciements.

La solution déborde du domaine « normal » de la politique étudiante et syndicale, qui se limite strictement à ce qui est « réalisable » sous le capitalisme. Pour lutter contre la trahison des dirigeants syndicaux, il faut une opposition dans les syndicats qui veuille mener la lutte des classes et soit prête à mettre en branle l’immense pouvoir potentiel de la classe ouvrière en défense de toutes les victimes du système de profit bourgeois. Entre autres, cela veut dire défendre les droits des immigrés et des minorités ethniques et religieuses, en particulier les musulmans qui sont victimes d’une offensive raciste concertée des dirigeants politiques tant nationalistes que fédéralistes.

Québec Solidaire : cinquième roue du PQ

La lutte étudiante met de nouveau en lumière la réalité de la division nationale entre le Canada anglais et le Québec. Pendant les premières semaines, la presse bourgeoise anglo-canadienne a fait un black-out total sur les manifestations. Puis, lorsque la violence des flics contre les étudiants a pris de l’ampleur, la presse s’est mise à dénoncer les grévistes étudiants, avec une forte dose de mépris et d’anglo-chauvinisme. Les conservateurs de Harper, originaires de l’Ouest du Canada, ne prennent même plus en compte le Québec dans leurs calculs électoraux, et sont entrain de mettre en œuvre des politiques réactionnaires sur la criminalité, l’armée, la monarchie et l’environnement qui, aux yeux de la plupart des Québécois, semblent venir de la planète Mars. Les divers éditorialistes et commentateurs anglo-canadiens qui avaient proclamé (une fois de plus) la « mort » de la question nationale au Québec sont maintenant bien embarrassés.

Le Québec est une société distincte et de plus en plus séparée de celle du reste du Canada. L’anglo-chauvinisme, et le nationalisme québécois qu’il favorise, ont longtemps servi à diviser la classe ouvrière selon des lignes nationales, ce qui ne fait que renforcer l’illusion selon laquelle les ouvriers et « leurs » patrons respectifs auraient des intérêts communs. En tant qu’internationalistes prolétariens, nous marxistes sommes pour l’indépendance du Québec. C’est le moyen de couper le nœud gordien et d’enlever la question nationale de l’ordre du jour politique ; cela servirait à montrer aux ouvriers des deux nations qu’ils n’ont aucun allié parmi leurs propres capitalistes. Cela enlèverait par conséquent un obstacle important à la lutte commune de la classe ouvrière contre le système capitaliste.

Le PQ a pour objectif de construire un Québec capitaliste indépendant au service de la bourgeoisie québécoise. Un certain nombre d’ouvriers et de jeunes radicalisés qui cherchent une alternative se sont détachés de lui à cause de ses multiples attaques au nom de l’austérité lorsqu’il était au pouvoir. L’organisation petite-bourgeoise populiste Québec Solidaire (QS) en est un des sous-produits. Ils se disent solidaires des revendications de la grève étudiante, mais fin avril, alors que les luttes avaient atteint un point culminant, le dirigeant du QS Amir Khadir a lancé un « appel au calme ». Dans la même déclaration, QS critiquait la violence policière et s’attaquait en même temps au soi-disant « vandalisme » des « casseurs » parmi les manifestants étudiants (, 26 avril).

Le programme de QS ne propose que des réformes superficielles afin de rendre le système capitaliste plus « social ». Cela n’est pas très différent du « projet de société » initial du PQ à la fin des années 1960 et pendant les années 1970. Comme pour insister là-dessus, les dirigeants de QS ont récemment tenté de conclure des accords de non-concurrence électorale avec le PQ capitaliste. Tout cela n’empêche bien entendu pas la majeure partie de la gauche pseudo-marxiste au Québec de soutenir QS, dans lequel ces groupes se sont plus ou moins liquidés. Que ce soit les deux ailes du Parti communiste, Gauche Socialiste, La Riposte, Alternative socialiste (AS) ou d’autres encore, ces réformistes présentent tous à tort QS comme une sorte d’étape vers le socialisme.

AS, un groupe affilié au Comité pour une internationale ouvrière de Peter Taaffe, a exposé cela de manière particulièrement claire dans un tract distribué aux manifestations du 1er mai cette année. Après avoir noté cyniquement que « QS n’est ni un parti de classe ni un parti socialiste », AS prétend que : « Néanmoins, QS a ouvert une brèche dans le discours dominant et contribue à faire prendre conscience à de plus en plus de gens que la source de nos problèmes, c’est le capitalisme. » Et portant le crétinisme parlementaire à de nouveaux sommets, AS conclut :

« Les issues possibles à la présente grève générale du mouvement étudiant montrent qu’il lui faut un relais politique au Parlement pour implanter ses projets et entretenir la flamme de la contestation lorsqu’elle s’essoufflera dans la rue. Ce ne sera pas sur le boul. René Lévesque que s’adoptera la gratuité scolaire. Lors des prochaines élections, les étudiant-e-s grévistes n’auront pas 36 solutions. Seul Québec solidaire défendra leurs positions. »

—« Pour un parti de masse des travailleur-euse-s ! »

L’idée même que « la flamme de la contestation » puisse brûler dans le salon bleu de l’Assemblée nationale est ridicule. Mais malgré son humour involontaire, AS exprime bien le programme politique réformiste que partagent tous les groupes de gauche au sein de QS. Autrement dit, le Québec c’est « notre Etat » et cet Etat peut servir les intérêts des ouvriers, de la jeunesse et des opprimés, si seulement on applique les bonnes politiques « sociales ». Pourtant c’est faux.

Certains des groupes qui soutiennent QS ont également salué la « vague orange » du NPD qui a déferlé sur le Québec lors de l’élection fédérale l’an dernier. La Riposte a, par exemple, déclaré que le succès du NPD était un rejet du « débat dépassé entre le Fédéralisme et le Nationalisme » et « une véritable occasion pour que la politique de classe vienne au devant de la scène et que le NPD devienne le véhicule politique de la riposte contre l’austérité de Harper » (, 3 mai 2011).

Quel rôle le NPD a-t-il donc joué dans la grève étudiante, la lutte sociale la plus importante du Québec depuis de nombreuses années ? Thomas Mulcair a demandé aux membres du parlement NPD de se taire pour éviter « de se mettre à dos » des électeurs « centristes » potentiels. Pourtant Mulcair, ancien ministre du conseil de Charest et avant cela, avocat de l’Alliance Quebec anglo-chauvine, s’est exprimé…mais pour dénoncer la « violence » des étudiants québécois (La Presse, 29 avril) ! Le NPD, qui a toujours été un parti social-démocrate de droite, essaye de plus en plus de couper les ponts avec les syndicats au Canada anglais. Les Néo-démocrates sont profondément opposés aux droits nationaux du Québec, et lorsque la question nationale redeviendra une question brûlante (ce qui est seulement une question de temps), ces contradictions feront éclater le parti au Québec. Les marxistes luttent contre toute illusion selon laquelle le NPD représenterait une alternative « progressiste » pour les ouvriers et la jeunesse.

L’appareil répressif de l’Etat capitaliste

L’intensité de la répression contre les grévistes étudiants témoigne d’une vérité marxiste fondamentale quant à la nature de l’Etat capitaliste. Les flics ont utilisé d’énormes quantités de gaz lacrymogène, de grenades incapacitantes et de balles en caoutchouc contre les étudiants, souvent après avoir déclaré les manifestations « illégales ». Lors de la manifestation du 4 mai contre le congrès du Parti libéral du Québec à Victoriaville, un étudiant a perdu un œil et un autre a été victime de blessures à la tête, qui auraient pu mettre sa vie en danger, après une agression policière particulièrement brutale. A la violence policière dans la rue s’ajoute la chasse aux sorcières menée par la police secrète du SCRS visant les militants anarchistes et divers groupes de gauche, y compris le Parti communiste révolutionnaire (PCR) maoïste. Selon un nouveau projet de loi fédérale, le port d’un masque par les manifestants est devenu un délit encourant des peines de prison pouvant aller jusqu’à dix ans.

L’Etat capitaliste n’est jamais un « arbitre neutre » et sa principale raison d’être, c’est de défendre la domination du capital. L’Etat est un instrument de répression contre la classe ouvrière et les opprimés. Il comprend les flics, les juges, les prisons et l’armée, qui dépendent du pouvoir exécutif du gouvernement. Comme le précisait Lénine, qui dirigea la Révolution russe de 1917 (la seule révolution ouvrière victorieuse de l’histoire), c’est « une machine pour l’oppression d’une classe par une autre » (l’Etat, 1919). Sous les Libéraux et le PQ, c’est bien évidemment le cas, mais il en va de même lorsque l’Etat est dirigé par des partis qui trompent les travailleurs en prétendant être de leur côté. Lorsqu’il est au pouvoir, comme en Ontario et en Colombie-Britannique dans les années 1990, le NPD gouverne toujours au service des patrons. Et si QS en a jamais l’occasion, il en fera autant.

La Riposte et Alternative socialiste prétendent scandaleusement que les flics sont des « ouvriers en uniforme », c’est-à-dire des alliés potentiels de la lutte ouvrière. Les trois derniers mois de lutte et de répression policière devraient mettre un terme à ces illusions. Ces organisations profondément réformistes sont toutes les deux issues du groupe Militant en Grande-Bretagne, qui est connu pour sa fidélité au Parti travailliste (et qui avait envoyé des avis de licenciement à quelque 30 000 travailleurs publics de la ville de Liverpool dans les années 1980 lorsqu’il en dirigeait le conseil municipal!).

Nous nous opposons aux accusations de « violence » que font le NPD et QS contre les manifestants étudiants, et appelons à défendre tous les militants pris dans les filets de l’Etat. Nous exigeons la levée de toutes les inculpations. La presse s’est particulièrement acharnée contre le « vandalisme » de manifestants qui s’en sont pris à des bureaux d’administration universitaire ainsi qu’à des symboles du pouvoir des grosses entreprises. Du point de vue de la classe ouvrière, des actions de ce type ne sont pas des crimes. Ce qui est criminel c’est la brutalité policière contre les étudiants grévistes et la barbarie bien plus grave encore du système capitaliste dans son ensemble. Cependant, la politique d’« action directe » préconisée par divers anarchistes n’est qu’une expression de rage impuissante. La lutte sociale doit, pour être victorieuse, chercher à mobiliser la puissance de la classe ouvrière, et cela est directement lié à la lutte pour la direction révolutionnaire du prolétariat.

Certains anarchistes et maoïstes dénoncent le mouvement ouvrier organisé qu’ils accusent d’être « acheté » et réactionnaire. Le PCR maoïste, par exemple, déclare que le mouvement syndical au Québec « est devenu en fait un instrument aux mains des capitalistes pour contrôler et mater la classe ouvrière », ajoutant : « Mais ce n’est pas qu’une simple question d’orientation, qu’il suffirait de modifier pour en changer la nature profonde » (« Programme du Parti communiste révolutionnaire »). Ceci efface toute distinction entre la base ouvrière des syndicats et la bureaucratie pro-capitaliste, qui est une caste parasitaire qui repose sur le mouvement ouvrier et qui bénéficie de quelques miettes de la table des patrons. Le PCR qui refuse de soutenir les syndicats, c’est-à-dire les organisations de défense fondamentales de la classe ouvrière, dévoile ensuite sa propre perspective de collaboration de classe : selon lui, « la guerre populaire prolongée » constituerait « la voie de la révolution au Canada ». Non seulement cela est ridicule, mais cela est en contradiction totale avec la centralité du prolétariat selon le marxisme.

Puis il y a les bandits politiques du Parti de l’égalité socialiste (PES) et leur « World Socialist Web Site ». Dans une déclaration du 16 avril sur la grève étudiante, cette organisation dit (en gras !) : « Il faut rejeter l’orientation vers les syndicats ». Et ils ajoutent : « Ici comme partout ailleurs dans le monde, le rôle des syndicats est de soumettre les travailleurs au système de profit et à l’État capitaliste ». Une « version corrigée » de la même déclaration, publiée en anglais deux jours plus tard, est encore plus explicite et appelle à aider les ouvriers « à se libérer des syndicats pro-capitalistes ». Le PES se fait parfois passer pour trotskyste, mais son désir de destruction des syndicats converge avec les intérêts des patrons capitalistes. Il en va de même pour leur position sur la question nationale, où ils se font les échos de la bourgeoisie chauvine anglo-canadienne en s’opposant au droit du Québec à l’autodétermination.

La destruction des syndicats aurait inévitablement comme conséquence une diminution des salaires et des avantages sociaux, ainsi que des conditions de travail plus dangereuses. Il faut défendre les syndicats contre les attaques des patrons. En même temps, il faut chasser la bureaucratie syndicale pro-capitaliste et se battre pour une direction menant une lutte de classe contre la politique du nationalisme bourgeois. C’est le seul moyen de transformer les syndicats en organisations luttant pour l’émancipation de la classe ouvrière.

La classe ouvrière du Québec, alliée à la jeunesse étudiante en lutte, peut jouer un rôle important pour revigorer le mouvement ouvrier nord-américain, meurtri par des décennies d’austérité et de cassage de grèves. La grève générale spontanée de mai 1972 au Québec, contre l’emprisonnement de dirigeants syndicaux, a bien montré cette puissance. Mais au bout du compte, les aspirations des ouvriers québécois ont été contenues dans le cadre du nationalisme bourgeois que représentait le PQ. Pour que la puissance du prolétariat puisse se mettre en branle, il faut rompre politiquement avec ce type de nationalisme, y compris sa variante « de gauche » actuelle, Québec Solidaire.

Seule une révolution ouvrière qui renverse l’Etat capitaliste et le remplace par un Etat ouvrier, c’est-à-dire la dictature du prolétariat, est capable d’ouvrir la voie au socialisme. Pour cela il faut remplacer la démocratie bourgeoise (une « démocratie » pour les riches) par la démocratie ouvrière. C’est le seul moyen d’ouvrir la voie à la construction d’une société communiste égalitaire où la misère et la répression seront des reliques du passé.

La Ligue trotskyste/Trotskyist League lutte pour forger un parti ouvrier internationaliste binational et multiethnique, qui se consacre à la lutte pour des révolutions de ce type à travers le Canada, l’Amérique du Nord et au-delà. Cela fait partie intégrante de notre perspective de reforger la Quatrième Internationale, parti mondial de la révolution socialiste. Après les luttes difficiles de ces derniers mois, nous invitons les militants étudiants qui cherchent un programme plus général pour la libération sociale à examiner le programme du trotskysme authentique.

Monday, June 18, 2012

From The Pages Of The International Communist League Press-La grève étudiante secoue le Québec

Click on the headline to link to the International Communist League website and this article.

From The Pages Of "Workers Vanguard"-Defend Quebec Students!

Click on the headline to link to the International Communist League website.

Workers Vanguard No. 1004
8 June 2012

Defend Quebec Students!

The following statement was written by our comrades of the Trotskyist League/Ligue Trotskyste, Canadian section of the International Communist League (Fourth Internationalist).

Since their strike began in mid February, Quebec students and their supporters have faced brutal repression at the hands of the capitalist state. A recent “Request for solidarity and support” by the Legal Committee of the CLASSE student federation notes that the Quebec government’s Law 78 represents “the biggest attack on civil and democratic rights since the enactment of the War Measures Act in 1970.” As of May 18, the Legal Committee had already “documented and is supporting 472 criminal accusations as well as 1047 ticket and penal offenses.” Following the passage of Law 78 that same evening, the number of arrests has risen to well over 2,500.

The CLASSE Legal Committee adds that “those numbers only reflect those charged with an offense, without mentioning the thousands pepper sprayed and tear gassed, clubbed and beaten, detained and released. It does not mention Francis Grenier, who lost use of most of an eye when a sound grenade was illegally thrown by a police officer into his face in downtown Montreal. It does not mention Maxence Valade who lost a full eye and Alexandre Allard who clung to life in a coma on a hospital bed for days, both having received a police rubber bullet to the head in Victoriaville.” In addition, students who have called to defend strike pickets in the face of court injunctions, including CLASSE spokesman Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, face “contempt of court” charges that carry fines of up to $50,000 and possible jail time. Drop all charges against students and their supporters!

The Partisan Defense Committee—the legal and social defense organization associated with the Trotskyist League/Ligue Trotskyste—has made a donation to the CLASSE Legal Committee, and we join with the Committee in urging that trade unions, other organizations and individuals do the same. Make cheques payable to “Association pour une solidarité syndicale étudiante,” and send them to: ASSÉ, 2065 rue Parthenais, Bureau 383, Montreal QC H2K 3T1. “CLASSE Legal Committee” should be noted in the memo line.

From The Pages Of "Workers Vanguard"-Quebec: Mass Defiance of Anti-Protest Law

Click on the headline to link to the International Communist League website.

Workers Vanguard No. 1004
8 June 2012

Quebec: Mass Defiance of Anti-Protest Law

Broad Support for Student Strike

JUNE 4—The nearly four-month student strike in Quebec, which was sparked by proposed massive tuition hikes, has now escalated into a major social crisis. Fueling protest is the repressive Law 78—popularly known as the “loi des matraques” (law of the nightsticks). This measure was enacted on May 18 by the widely despised provincial Liberal government after up to 200,000 students throughout Quebec had boycotted classes and shut down the campuses with mass pickets, often in defiance of court injunctions. Students have faced brutal, near daily assaults by the police. The emergency law bans any protests in or outside the schools, severely restricts all other protests and threatens fines of up to $125,000 for groups who defy these edicts. Even advertising such protests is now illegal, as is supporting any kind of strike at a university or college.

The evening that Law 78 was enacted, at least 10,000 students and their supporters took to the streets of Montreal. Protests continued over the following nights and the police declared them illegal, moving in with tear gas, sound cannons and pepper spray and staging mass roundups. Altogether, more than 2,500 people have now been arrested during the student strike (see “Defend Quebec Students!” above). This total far exceeds the arrests even under the War Measures Act in October 1970, when the federal government in Ottawa suspended civil liberties and imprisoned hundreds of leftists, nationalists and union leaders in a move to suppress widespread social struggle over national rights for the French-speaking Québécois.

The Quebec government clearly hoped that the threat of stepped-up repression and huge fines would quell the student protests and smash the strike. But the opposite happened. Four days later on May 22, thousands of trade unionists marching behind union banners as well as large numbers of teachers, parents and high school students joined a 300,000-strong demonstration in Montreal. CLASSE, the more left-wing, anarchist-influenced student union representing the majority of strikers, refused to announce the route of the march and thus effectively dared the government to ban the “illegal” protest and arrest its leaders. The immense size of the protest and substantial union presence stayed the hand of the police.

CLASSE had called on other organizations opposed to the emergency law to join it in active defiance. The union bureaucracy, other striking student groups and leaders of the petty-bourgeois nationalist Québec Solidaire responded by saying that they could support only “peaceful and legal” protests. Nonetheless, a significant majority of protesters went with CLASSE when the demonstration split about ten minutes into the march.

Despite a daily media barrage demonizing “violent” students, polls show that a majority of the francophone Québécois oppose the emergency law. Many are wearing red squares, the symbol of support to the students and opposition to the crippling student debt (i.e., “being in the red”). As the May 22 demo passed a major downtown hospital, elderly wheelchair-bound patients hooked up to IVs sat on the sidewalk with red squares pinned to their hospital gowns, applauding and raising their fists. The protesters responded with massive cheers. Nightly “pots and pans” marches against Law 78 have broken out in Montreal and other cities, emulating protests during the recent student strikes in Chile.

Having earlier, and repeatedly, vowed that there was nothing to negotiate, the Quebec government did an about-face and resumed talks with the student federations. But the negotiations collapsed on May 31 after the students rejected a gratuitously insulting “offer” to cut one dollar off the planned 75 percent tuition hike. Liberal premier Jean Charest soon after raised the prospect of further repression, slandering CLASSE as “people who are threatening the Québécois” (La Presse, 1 June).

Our comrades intervening in the demonstrations reported that many students put forward the notion that better “democracy” is the answer to government repression. In fact, “democracy” does not exist in a vacuum but rather its content is determined by the class that rules society. Under capitalism, democracy is a thin veil to hide the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, which is enforced by its state machinery of violence, namely the cops, courts and prisons—the very forces that are beating and jailing strikers.

While campus activists clearly welcome support from the unions, there is little sense of the unique social power of the working class. Students do not have any direct relationship to the means of production and lack the social power to beat back the capitalist onslaught. This power resides with the working class, which can withhold its labor and bring the capitalist system to a grinding halt. In the French-language supplement that our comrades distributed at the May 22 mass protest, which appeared in English translation as “Student Strike Shakes Quebec” in WV No. 1003 (25 May), we noted: “Student struggle can certainly spark broader social battles, as the current strike shows. But ultimately the only way forward is to ally with the working class.”

It also is in the interest of workers to champion the struggle for free, quality education for all, with a state-paid living stipend and free childcare for students. In the face of mounting debt servitude to the banks, there should be a fight to abolish the student debt. Since all reforms wrested from the bourgeoisie are temporary and reversible under capitalism, such struggles on behalf of students, workers and the oppressed must be linked to the necessary task of overthrowing this system through socialist revolution.

CLASSE has called for workers to strike in solidarity with the students. But in no way is it advancing a perspective of working-class struggle against the very capitalist system that deprives youth and working people of their basic needs. Like the other two student federations leading the strike, CLASSE seeks to refurbish the education system within the framework of capitalism. A short-lived May 5 deal that the CLASSE leaders endorsed—which was later widely rejected by students—simply tinkered with the terms of austerity and could easily have spelled wage cuts and layoffs for university and college employees.

The abortive deal was brokered in part by the union bureaucracy, which has done its part to attempt to restore “social peace.” Despite the broad anger among working people against the Liberal government, the potentially powerful trade unions of Quebec have not been mobilized for strike action or anything more than an occasional contingent at a demonstration. The union misleaders are firmly wedded to a class-collaborationist outlook, as expressed by their support to one or another bourgeois nationalist party.

The French-speaking Québécois have long been forcibly retained in a “united” Canada. We call for independence for Quebec as a means to combat Anglo chauvinism and address the national antagonisms that divide the workers of both nations. The mutually reinforcing nationalisms of the Maple Leaf and fleur de lys serve to tie workers to their own exploiters, poisoning prospects for united class struggle.

When in the provincial government in the 1990s, the bourgeois-nationalist Parti Québécois (PQ) carried out sweeping attacks on the working class and social programs in the interests of the francophone bourgeoisie. A darling of the reformist left, Québec Solidaire employs populist rhetoric to attract those dissatisfied with the PQ, keeping them firmly in the grip of bourgeois nationalism. Its founding “principles and orientation” foster terrible illusions in a “reformed” bourgeois rule, upholding “democracy,” pacifism and environmentalism while eschewing socialism or class struggle.

Struggle against the all-sided attacks of the capitalist rulers must proceed from an understanding that the interests of the workers and their exploiters are irreconcilable. Only after the working class, standing at the head of all the oppressed, sweeps away the capitalist state and expropriates the bourgeoisie will the right of all to free, quality education, much less jobs, housing and health care, be secured. We are dedicated to winning advanced workers and radical youth to the struggle to forge a revolutionary workers party, one that can unite capitalism’s many victims behind the social power of the proletariat in the fight for a socialist egalitarian society.

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Quebec-Mass student strike passes 100th day

Quebec-Mass student strike passes 100th day


When authoritarianism faces resistance

Olivier Lachance, Alternative Socialiste (CWI Quebec)

For the past one hundred days, students in Quebec have been on strike against hikes in tuition fees in the amount of C$1625. This movement has faced harsh repression from the beginning, and things have only gotten worse since the government implemented the “Law 78”, which imposes strict limits the right to demonstrate. Despite this horrendously anti-democratic law (see box at end of article), there were reports of as many as 250,000 demonstrating yesterday in Montreal to protest the rise of tuition fees as well as Law 78 itself. To mark the occasion of the hundredth day of the struggle, we publish an article about the ongoing strike movement by Olivier Lachance from Alternative Socialiste (CWI Quebec).

Despite the pronouncements of journalists and politicians about the marginalization and slowing down of the student movement, in reality the struggle against rising tuition fees is setting new records. About 150,000 students are still on strike after three months of struggle. Demonstrations and protest actions are taking place day after day in every corner of Quebec. Several trade unions, popular movements, and political and citizen organizations are siding with the students.

Moreover, the struggle has evolved a lot since the beginning of the conflict. The point is no longer merely to express disagreement with the government’s decision to increase the tuition fees by C$1625, but also to resist an unprecedented authoritarian crackdown, which is a last-ditch attempt by the government to defeat the student movement.

Indeed, what has been seen in the last several days is quite disturbing. But this will not prevent the fight from continuing. On the contrary, this is one more reason to struggle.

Confronting an opposition that was too big to simply ignore, the Charest government had to offer proposals to students despite Charest saying he does not have to comply with their demands. Of course, these proposals were nothing more than a decoy – distractions from the genuine changes being demanded by students. The first was only a trivial change in the amount of financial aid available for students, and the second was an offer to discuss the management of universities with the students unions, on the conditions that they condemn the protestors’ “hooliganism”. Fortunately, the students have not been fooled, and the attempts to divide them were ineffective.

Heads of universities and colleges are up against the wall. Consequently, some of them tried to end the conflict themselves at the beginning of May. Their solution: seeking court injunctions to forcibly end the student strikes at their respective institutions, ignoring the decisions democratically taken by the students. But whether the injunctions are granted or not, it was a fanciful hope by the government that such a movement would simply concede to this ridiculous measure.

At Valleyfield and Saint Jean-sur-Richelieu colleges, students and professors have continued demonstrating, forcing classes to be cancelled despite the injunctions. The same thing happened at the Université du Québec en Outaouais, where the situation soon degenerated when the rector (a sympathiser of the Liberal Party) called out the security forces. Over the course of three days, several hundred students, professors, and others were arrested. This only spurred the demonstrations to grow stronger, but the demonstrators suffered severe repression, resulting in several people being injured by the brutality of the police.

At the University of Montreal, the injunction was not granted. Nonetheless, the college administration, carried forward by the momentum of its own repressive zealousness, asked its security agents, the police, and a private security company to come put an end the protests anyway. This provocation brought with it a growing atmosphere of intimidation and anger, and it resulted in some property damage.

Though there are not many strikers in Quebec City, the struggle is taking place all the same. On 17 April, there was a march to denounce a piece published in an important local newspaper by a high-ranking official praising the methods used by fascists to suppress protests. Another spontaneous demonstration took place two days later to protest the threats by a head administrator of CEGEP (a secondary school) against a teacher who wanted to lecture outside to symbolically oppose the rise of tuition fees. The police once again abused their authority during this otherwise peaceful demonstration, making approximately 50 totally arbitrary arrests.

It was in this context that the day of action on 20 April took place, when hundreds of determined demonstrators tried to disrupt a speech the prime minister was giving in Montreal. The tension rose quickly. When the police used all they had (including teargas, batons, violent arrests, sound grenades, and rubber bullets) to attempt to once again repress the demonstration arbitrarily, demonstrators started a riot that lasted several hours. Barricades in the streets, projectiles from all sides, smoke clouds from the fires and gas – it was complete mayhem, ending not only with numerous arrests, but with many injured demonstrators, bystanders, and even policemen.

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister (compelled to delay starting his “Plan Nord” presentation to the businesspeople gathered at the Congress Palace) could do no more than make jokes about the situation, saying that, thanks to him, students could go find jobs in the north of the province, and that soon enough we would not be hearing from them anymore. This “joke” is not only an insult to all students trying to be heard on an issue that concerns them, but also an insult to the population as a whole, who want a real dialogue and a real solution to this crisis.

The incompetence of the Liberals in managing this conflict – coupled with corruption scandals and their “Plan Nord”, which is selling off Quebec’s natural resources at a discount to the private sector – only exposes the fact that the government does not care at all what the people of Quebec think or want. All that matters for them is their own interests and the interests of their friends in big business. But even using force, their contempt for the population was not able to shut down the students and their allies. The struggle against rising tuition fees must go on – and this ongoing struggle is in fact a type of victory in itself. Of course, this is not a total victory for the moment, but this struggle has already developed a consciousness and an approach of mobilizing large numbers of demonstrators that will help to defend our collective interests in Quebec in the future.

This is why we, Alternative Socialiste (CWI in Quebec), believe that the struggle can and must progress even further. In particular, we have to widen the struggle to fight against austerity as a whole and build a base among ordinary working people, who, with the students, will be able to act as a counterbalance to the scheming of our elites. But this struggle must not only beat back the attacks of the establishment. It also has to be channelled into a political struggle to overthrow the dictatorship of markets generating all these problems.

Hikes in tuition fees: a “baton law” to impose the reactionary views of the government

Everyone in the streets against corruption and fees!

This 17 May the Liberals, led by Jean Charest, adopted a special law (Law Project 78) to try to destroy the student struggle, a measure reminiscent of the “Grande Noirceur” (“Great Darkness”) era during the regime of Maurice Duplessis.

Basically, this baton law will impose special arrests and fines (C$7,000 and more) on anyone (such as students and professors, mainly) who encourages, prepares, or participates in activities forbidden by the court injunctions and compulsory return to lectures in August. Students’ associations can receive fines of more than C$25,000 for taking part in these activities. This law also requires all demonstrations of more than 25 people to inform the police of their march route at least eight hours before they take place. The police are then empowered to change the route. Additionally, some cities as well as Stephen Harper’s government are now about to implement a law forbidding the wearing of masks during demonstrations.

We are already facing police brutality, arbitrary arrests, and unfair court injunctions; these new measures will only speed the transformation of Quebec into a police state designed to forcibly suppress the struggles of social movements. Indeed, the crisis facing Quebec is so deep that our rulers are ready to do anything to get what they want.

Let’s not be intimidated by this authoritarian government! Today more than ever, we have to intensify the struggle! Everyone should stay in the streets to continue demonstrating and occupying!
Students and workers, we are all being victimized by the hypocritical policies of the establishment. We have to stand up and unite against the handful of liars in power and their friends in the private sector who are making us foot the bill for their poor management, and who are only interested in their own individual profitability. In our students unions and trade unions, let’s organize a general strike against corruption, fees, and privatisations!
Let’s stop tolerating and complying with the Liberal Party of Quebec and with the CAQ and PQ, both of which are incapable of defending us and whose main concern is befriending the elites. Only Quebec Solidaire has the potential to become the loudspeaker of this protest movement. Let’s get involved in this party and back it!

The Québec Student Strike: From ‘Maple Spring’ to Summer Rebellion?

The Québec Student Strike: From ‘Maple Spring’ to Summer Rebellion?

Posted by Andrew Gavin Marshall ⋅ April 30, 2012⋅ 42 Comments

Filed Under debt, education, Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, Jean Charest, Line Beauchamp, Montreal, Paul Desmarais, protest, Quebec, resistance, revolution, student movement, student protest, student strike, tuition hikes

11 Votes

The Québec Student Strike: From ‘Maple Spring’ to Summer Rebellion?

Tuition Hikes, Student Strikes, Police Batons, and Teargas Bombs

By: Andrew Gavin Marshall

The following is Part 6 of the series, “Class War and the College Crisis.”

The “red square” symbol of the Québec student movement

Part 1: The “Crisis of Democracy” and the Attack on Education

Part 2: The Purpose of Education: Social Uplift or Social Control?

Part 3: Of Prophets, Power, and the Purpose of Intellectuals

Part 4: Student Strikes, Debt Domination, and Class War in Canada

Part 5: Canada’s Economic Collapse and Social Crisis

In Montréal, where I live, and across the Canadian province of Québec, there is a growing and expanding student movement which emerged as a strike in February against the provincial government’s plan to increase the cost of university tuition by $325 per year for the next five years, for a total of $1,625. The students have been seeking and demanding a halt to the tuition hike in order to keep higher education accessible, a concept that the province of Québec alone has held onto with greater strength than any other province in Canada. The government continues to dismiss and deride the students, meeting their protests with batons, teargas bombs, and mass arrests. The universities in Québec are complicit with the government in their repression of students and the struggle for basic democratic rights, bringing in private security firms to patrol and harass students in the schools. While the university administrations claim they are ‘neutral’ on the issue of tuition hikes, privately, the boards of governors are made up of bankers and business executives who lobby the government to increase tuition. After all, in April of 2007 – five years ago – Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Bank Group), one of Canada’s ‘big five’ banks which dominate the economy, released a “plan for prosperity” for the province of Quebec, which recommended, among other things, raising the cost of tuition: “by raising tuition fees but focusing on increased financial assistance for those in need, post secondary education (PSE) institutions will be better-positioned to prosper and provide world-class education and research.”[1]

The movement is becoming more radicalized, more activated, and is consistently met with more state repression. Almost daily, it seems, there are protests all over the city, drawing in other social organizers and activists in solidarity. The little red square patch – the symbol of the Québec student strike – is adorned across the province of Québec and the city of Montréal and on the jackets and bags of a large percentage of its residents. The city and the province, it seems, are at the forefront of a youth-driven social struggle, a growing and rumbling resistance movement. As the issues spread from tuition hikes to a more broad conception of social justice, the movement has the potential to grow both within and far beyond Québec. If the situation continues as it has until present, already the longest student strike in Québec’s history, with increased activism and accelerated state repression, it is not inconceivable to imagine a growing student-led social rebellion by the end of the summer. As the economic situation in Canada – and indeed, the world – continues to get worse for the people of the world (as opposed to the corporations and banks, who are doing very well!), the momentum behind the current student movement has the potential to spill across Québec’s borders into the rest of Canada, with some people referring to this as the beginnings of the ‘Québec Spring,’ or the ‘Maple Spring.’

Protest in Montréal

Emotions are running high in Québec, and increasingly, the government and the Canadian media are presenting the protesters as violent and destructive, and framing the debate in a misleading context, presenting the students as whining about “entitlements.” The rest of Canada is especially fed a line of intellectual excrement, repeating the same invalid and misleading arguments ad nauseum. This article seeks to present the issues of the strike, and the actions of protesters and the government into a wider context, so that other young Canadians (and youth around the world) may understand what is truly taking place, what is truly being struggled for, what the government and media are doing to stop it, the absurdity of the arguments against the students, and the need for this movement to spread beyond this province, to let this truly be the dawn of the ‘Maple Spring.’

Entitlements and Social Justice: Putting the Protests in Context

The most commonly spewed argument against the student protests – and for the tuition increases – emanating from the ‘stenographers of power’ (the media) and others, is that the students are complaining about their supposed ‘right’ to entitlements for cheap education. Québec has the cheapest university tuition in Canada (for residents of the province), and even with the tuition increases, it will still remain among the cheapest nation-wide. Thus, claims the media, there is no rational basis for the complaints and strike. The argument is, however, based upon the fallacious argument that, “the rest of Canada does it, so why not Québec?” In Québec’s history, however, the claim that “the rest of Canada does it” has never been an argument that has won the sympathy of residents of Canada’s French-speaking province. This argument, however, goes beyond a cultural difference between Québec and English-speaking Canada. The most basic problem with this line of thinking is that what is taking place in the rest of Canada is something to aspire to, that because the rest of Canada has higher tuition costs, this is not something to struggle against. When placed in context, we are left with the conclusion that the rest of Canada should be following the example of the students in Québec, not the other way around. So let’s break down the numbers.

Currently, the average yearly cost of tuition for Québec residents is $2,519. With the projected increases of $325 over five years (for a total of $1,625), the annual cost would reach roughly $4,000. The province of Ontario has the highest tuition costs in the country, which has also increased over the past four years from $5,388 to $6,640, an increase of 23% between 2008 and 2012. Québec’s proposed 75% increase over the next five years would mean that Newfoundland would have the lowest tuition in Canada, at $2,649 per year. Québec, while currently the cheapest in Canada, has already undergone a number of tuition hikes in recent years. While maintaining a tuition freeze between 1994 and 2007, while the rest of Canada had consistent hikes, Québec premier Jean Charest introduced a five-year tuition hike of $100 per year between 2007 and 2012. So the reality is that Jean Charest has undertaken and is attempting to undertake a 10-year tuition hike for a total of $2,125 in additional costs, more than doubling what tuition cost in 2007, prior to the onset of the global economic crisis.[2]

So, what does this have to do with the rest of Canada? Let’s pretend, for a moment, that the argument that “the rest of Canada does it” is a valid one. So let’s look at what the rest of Canada actually does, and therefore, if this is something which should be accepted and promoted, instead of struggled against. An article in the Kamloops Daily News pointed out that the average tuition cost in Canadian schools is $5,000, while Québec currently has roughly half that cost. Thus, stated the author, “despite all the whining and crying coming from post-secondary students in Quebec, it’s hard — really hard — to feel sorry for them.” Describing the students like children throwing a tantrum for lack of getting what they want – “kicking up a fuss” – the author contends that since we’re not in a “perfect world,” tuition has to be increased. This line of thinking is, of course, beyond ignorant. Its premise is that because we don’t live in a “perfect world,” there is no basis for trying to struggle for a “better world.” I suppose that black Americans in a liberation struggle in the 1950s, 60s and 70s should have just listened to those who claimed that, “hey, it’s not a perfect world, accept your place in it!” Or perhaps gays and lesbians should just accept that it’s “not a perfect world,” so, why bother attempting to attain rights? Or, for that matter, just tell women to get back in the kitchen. After all, it’s not a “perfect world,” so there’s really no point in trying to make it better, in trying to achieve even small victories along the way. With this absurd argument out of the way, it is true that Québec has roughly half the tuition costs as the rest of Canada. As well as this, Québec students have less student debt than the rest of Canada, at roughly $13,000, also nearly half as what the rest of Canada has. The author of the absurd article contends, therefore, that the real reason for the strike is that, “like a lot of things in Quebec, the sense of entitlement seems to have become a normal part of the culture.”[3]

Now, think about this for a moment. Let’s put this in its proper context. The average tuition for students in Québec is $2,500, and the average debt for Québec students is $13,000. On the other hand, the average tuition costs for Canadian students is $5,000, with the average debt for Canadian students at $27,000. Is this really something to aspire to? Is this really the type of “equality” that we should want, that we should accept, or adhere to? Is it really a valid argument in stating that since the rest of Canadian students pay excessive tuition costs and graduate with absurd debts, that we should too? Especially important in this equation is the current condition for students and youth in Canada today, where upon graduating with an average of $27,000 (a national average, which, by the way, is kept lower due to Quebec’s lower fees), and “once they complete their degrees, there are fewer jobs around that pay the kind of money that allows grads to seriously whittle away at their debt.” This massive debt for students in Canada “is bankrupting a generation of students,” explained the Globe and Mail. It’s not simply the money which is being borrowed, but the interest rates being paid, varying from province to province at between 5 and 9 percent. Interest rates, more over, are expected to increase, and thus, the cost of the debt will increase, and with that, so too will youth poverty increase.[4]

With tuition hikes to add to that, the debt burden will become greater. So not only will the average interest payments on student debt increase with more student debt required to pay for tuition, but the interest rates themselves will increase. What this translates into is class warfare. Thus, the argument that “the rest of Canada does it, so stop complaining,” is akin to saying, “Everyone else is screwed, doomed to be a ‘lost generation’, so stop complaining that we’re throwing you to the wolves too!” Since debt essentially amounts to a form of slavery, let’s use the example of slavery itself to look at this argument. Let’s build a premise of ten slave plantations, one of which is made of indentured slaves (meaning that they will be freed after a set amount of time), and the other nine consist of absolute slavery (from birth to death). Indentured slavery, while not desirable, is better than absolute slavery from birth to death. So, if the plantation owners begin to change the system of slavery of the unique plantation from indentured to life-time slavery, and the indentured slaves revolt, the plantation owners would then argue, “All nine other plantations operate under that system, stop complaining.” Is this a legitimate argument? So when Québec’s student-slave plantation owners tell us that, “the rest of Canada does it,” what they’re really saying is that they want to enslave us in debt and plunge us into a poverty of future opportunities to the same degree that exists in the rest of Canada. And when we fight against this, they say we are “whining and crying” about “entitlements.”

Québec students, themselves, are not living the easy life, as the picture is often painted. A study from November of 2010 put to shame these notions, based upon surveys of students in 2009, and thus, before the $500 tuition increase that ended in 2012, meaning that the numbers are likely much worse today. Half of all full-time students in Québec live on less than $12,200 per year, significantly below the national poverty line. To add to that, 25% of full-time students live on less than $7,400 per year. This data includes the amounts that students get in government loans, leading the president of the Fédération étudiante universitaire du Québec (University Student Federation of Quebec), Louis-Philippe Savoie, to comment, “Imagine the disastrous effect that raising tuition fees by the Charest government” would then have on the students. The largest source of finances for students does not come from government loans, but from working: part-time students work more, and have less debt, with their work accounting for 83% of their financing; full-time students have more debt, but still 55% of their financing comes from working, and over 80% of full-time students work an average of 18.8 hours per week. Thus, Savoie noted, “The portrait of the lazy student is totally false.” The second largest source of financial support for students is from parents, accounting for 22%, with 60% of full-time students getting support from their parents and families, while 23% of part-time students get financial support from their parents, accounting for a total of 7% of their total financing. Roughly 60% of full-time students in Québec will go into debt, averaging at around $14,000, with student loans making up the majority of that debt, as 44.5% of full-time students have government loans, 23.4% take out bank loans or credit lines, and 22.1% take on credit card debt. The study further showed that 46.6% of part-time students will even end up in debt, averaging at $11,500. The report concluded that the government should freeze tuition and increase financial assistance.[5] Over one year later, the government announced a 75% increase in tuition costs.

To Strike and Strike Down!

By April 26, 2012, the student strike – the longest in Québec’s history – had lasted 72 days and had a running total of 160 different protests, hundreds of people arrested, multiple injuries, and still the government stands stubborn in its refusal to even enter a negotiation with the students in good faith. As a result of the government’s intransigence to democratic appeals, some have taken to acts of violence and destruction. Bricks have been tossed off a downtown overpass, and onto the tracks of the Montréal metro system, leading to road and metro closures. Cars and businesses in downtown are left with broken windows and shattered debris, the remnants of protests in which police invariably turn to oppression and brutality. As the government and police become more repressive, the issue becomes less and less about tuition, and develops a wider social position. Thus, the nomenclature has begun to change from “student strike” to “Québec Spring” – or “Maple Spring” emblematic of “a broader, international Occupy-style fight for a new economic order.” In French, ‘Maple Spring’ is translated as “Printemps Érable,” with érable being very close to the French word for ‘Arab,’ thus drawing an even closer dialectical connection with the ‘Arab Spring.’ One student commented, “A lot of people have stopped calling it a student movement; now it’s a social movement, and I think that it affects people in a much deeper way than just tuition fees.” Another student added, “the whole protest is against the neoconservative and neoliberal point of view of doing politics… People in Quebec are using this movement as a means of venting against the current government.”[6]

In March of 2011, Québec’s Finance Minister under the Liberal Jean Charest government announced the tuition hikes of $325 per year, over five years. In August of 2011, students began campaigning against the tuition hikes, with a large peaceful rally held in Montréal in November, establishing a “common front” of student groups attempting to apply democratic pressure against the government. On February 13, 2012, the strike officially began, with several student groups voting in favour of a walk out. The decisions in the student group are, after all, made democratically, unlike the decisions of the government.

On February 23, students occupied a downtown bridge, and were subsequently pepper-sprayed by police. During a protest on March 7, one student, Francis Grenier, almost lost an eye due to a police stun grenade. On March 21, student tactics changed – as the government refused to even consider negotiations – and were now seeking to disrupt the economy in order to be heard. One group of students occupied the busy city Champlain Bridge in Montréal during rush hour, leading to each student involved being fined $494. On March 22, a massive rally of students from around the province took place in Montréal, drawing hundreds of thousands of students and supporters. The government again refused to negotiate or even consider changing its position. Line Beauchamp, the Quebec [Mis]Education Minister, had the outside of her Montréal office painted red – the symbolic colour of the protests – as she continued to deride the protests and refuse to negotiate with the students. On April 16, the city’s subway (metro) system was shut down in a number of places as some individuals (who remain unidentified) tossed bags of rocks onto the metro tracks at a number of different stations. On April 18 and 19, over 300 people were arrested in the city of Gatineau, Québec, in a confrontation with police at a local university campus. On April 20 and 21, as Jean Charest was attending a job fair, speaking to an audience of business leaders in promoting his ‘Plan Nord’ (Plan North) which seeks to provide government funds to subsidize multi-million and multi-billion dollar mining corporations to exploit the mineral resources of northern Québec, had his speech interrupted by protests. Outside the convention centre, protesters clashed with police, leading to the arrests of over 100 people.[7]

Francis Grenier, who almost lost his eye

In what was described by the Globe and Mail as Jean Charest’s “Marie Antoinette moment,” as tear gas filled the streets with students fleeing the riot police protecting the comfortable lap-dog-to-the-rich premier inside the convention centre, Charest, speaking at a business lunch with his real constituency (the wealthy elite), joked, “we could offer them a job … in the North, as far as possible.”[8]

Jean Charest, when he paused from making jokes about giving jobs to students “as far as possible” in the North, commented that, “[t]his is 2012, this is Quebec. We have had ministers find tanks of gas on their verandas… Molotov cocktails in front of their offices. There are ministers who have had death threats.” He added, “I find it unacceptable that one student association refuses to condemn violence,” referring to C.L.A.S.S.E (the largest and most militant of the student groups). Meanwhile, as Charest joked and complained, students were being brutalized by police just outside his conference meeting, with tear gas and concussion grenades being tossed at Québec’s youth by riot police. Charest declared social disruption to be “unacceptable,” but apparently state repression and violence is therefore, totally acceptable.[9]

With Jean Charest’s ‘Marie Antoinette moment’ during his conference of congratulating Quebec’s business elite on their new government subsidization from his administration (the latest Québec budget allocated massive funds for mining companies), protests continued outside, with students setting up barricades “made from construction site materials and restaurant patio furniture to impede the circulation of police,” and so of course, the police “responded with stun grenades, pepper spray and batons.” As the violence erupted, Charest was inside making more jokes to his real constituents, stating, “[t]he (event) that we’re holding today is very popular. People are running all over the place to get in.” The crowd of businessmen erupted in laughter and applause. Charest added, “It’s an opportunity for job hunters.” The spokesperson for the student group, CLASSE, replied to the premier’s contemptuous comments, stating, “all my calls for calm won’t do anything… He’s laughing at us. I don’t know if he realizes were in a crisis right now.”[10]

The Schools Side Against the Students

The schools themselves have been participating in the repression of student strikes. Injunctions were issued to protesters, demanding that they permit other students to attend their classes and exams. The legal injunctions declared that those who were not attending classes were not considered to be participating in a legitimate strike. After the injunctions were issued, and two days after the school’s director demanded classes resume, student protesters blocked the entrance to College de Valleyfield, with hundreds blocking the main doors to the school. The school director threatened students that if they did not return to class they would fail the semester. The director, however, canceled the classes in order to avoid a physical confrontation with protesters. Education minister Line Beauchamp then reminded schools that, “they are legally obliged to provide courses.” Premier Charest, who was in Brazil at the time, again serving corporate interests on a trade mission, suggested the possibility of “forcing the schools to open.” He added, “We leave to each institution the task of taking the decisions they must make based on several criteria that include safety as well as the management of their establishments.”[11]

At Concordia University, protesters also blocked the entrance doors, preventing other students and teachers from entering the building during exams. The school responded by calling in the riot police to ‘remove’ the protesters, with fights breaking out between various students, and police then began “intervening” with pepper spray. The University of Montreal won a court injunction which banned protests from assembling on the school campus. The school informed students that, “all individuals must refrain from blocking access to campus buildings, individual classrooms, and even parking lots. Protesters are also banned from taking any action that interferes with classes, campus services or meetings.”[12]

Protest at Concordia University

Striking students at McGill University delivered a letter to University President Heather Munroe-Blum, signed by many students, professors, staff and student groups, asking the school to accommodate striking students with finding alternatives to exams or issuing ‘Incompletes’ for classes. Munroe-Blum was not present to accept the letter, with her chief of staff accepting the letter on her behalf, stating that Munroe-Blum had “University business off campus.” Perhaps she was running errands for the Royal Bank of Canada, whose board of directors she also sits on. Concordia University has also shown significant opposition to the strike. The chancellor of Concordia, incidentally, is also on the board of directors of the Bank of Montreal. Concordia, facing demands from striking students to accommodate the strike, replied: “The university’s position has been the same from the beginning, and it’s not going to change.” Students who are involved in the strike, stated a Concordia spokesperson, are “accepting the risks.” She added, “[t]hose who choose not to attend exams when exams are being held, they know the consequences… There’s just nothing more we can add.” A CLASSE representative referred to the situation of the striking students at Concordia, numbering in the thousands, “Unfortunately, since the start of the conflict [they] have faced an intransigent and undemocratic attitude in their talks with their administration.” Some of the French-speaking schools had been making accommodations for striking students, but none were to be found at the English-speaking schools, where there are fewer strikers and more elitist administrators. The CLASSE representative, Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, commented that, “[o]ur coalition and our militants will be there on the campus to help the students, to help the strikers, in order to make their democratic-mandated strike respected.”[13]

Concordia University has also responded to the strike by hiring a private security firm to patrol the school. On March 26, there was a clash between striking students and security guards as the school took a harsh stance against picketing students. Some students were taking part in a sit-in on the 7th floor of the school, while others were being harassed by seven security guards on the 4th floor. Geography students were blocking the entrance to their classroom when security guards showed up, purportedly to ensure “there would be no incident,” while intimidating the students and filming them. One student who was present commented, “What happened at the classrooms so far was very calm and very peaceful. The presence of security guards is creating a really uncomfortable environment on campus. It’s really unnecessary and it feels like students are being prosecuted.” The previous week, the school had sent emails out to all of its students, “warning about consequences for students who choose to continue blocking access to classes, which could include formal charges.” The geography teacher who was supposed to teach the class then cancelled it, telling the security guards that there weren’t enough students to continue the class. The professor commented, “I just think that I’m in a really difficult position because I respect what the students have democratically chosen to do… But the picket wouldn’t permit me to pass through anyway and there weren’t enough students that were in the classroom to hold the class.” Earlier that same day, a student who was filming an argument between security guards and students “was struck in the face by one of the security guards, throwing the camera out of her hands and onto the ground.” The incident was filmed, and after the camera was thrown to the ground, the student asked the security guard for his name “for hitting a student,” after which he walked away.[14]

As it turned out, the security official that hit the student in the face “was discovered not to be in possession of a valid security permit, according to a letter sent by the Concordia security department.” The student who had been assaulted had filed a request for information from the director of Concordia University Security, to which she received a letter response informing her that the assaulting guard – hired by the school from the private firm of Maximum Security Inc. – did not possess a security license, adding, “Given the fact that he is not a licensed security agent [...] we are not legally permitted to release his name.” Concordia Student Union (CSU) VP Chad Walcott commented, “It would be very concerning if we are being blocked access to any information about the assault of a student… Having unlicensed security staff on campus is completely unacceptable.” The student who was hit told the school newspaper that, “[t]hese kind of accidents are likely to happen again… That’s what happens when you start hiring a large number of security guards for political purposes on campus when they’re not trained to do it.”[15]

CSU VP Chad Walcott later commented: “The university told us on [March 30] that this person was under review… Then we found out that he wasn’t even licensed at all, which leads me to believe that the university lied to us, or they themselves were lied to… Every security agent that is on the university premises is supposed to be a licensed individual. These individuals are also all supposed to be providing students with licenses when requested, and to fail to do so is a violation of the Private Security Act.” As section four of Quebec’s Private Security Act stipulates, “Any person operating an enterprise that carries on a private security activity must hold an agency license of the appropriate class.”[16]

Meanwhile, in late April, the Canadian Parliament – with the Conservative Party in power – are attempting to pass a bill entitled, “Bill C-26: The Citizen’s Arrest and Self Defence Act,” which “clarifies” laws around citizen’s arrests, and according to the Canadian Bar Association, “will grant greater powers to private security agencies” which “will give poorly trained ‘rent-a-cops’ greater latitude to arrest Canadians.” An official at the Canadian Bar Association warned that, “Such personnel often lack the necessary range of equipment or adequate training to safely and lawfully make arrests in a manner proportionate to the circumstances.” The only MP in Parliament to oppose the bill was Elizabeth May of the Green Party, who stated that it would be a “very big gift to the private security companies… The constitution of this country is governed by the concept of peace, order and good government… This stuff goes off in a wacky new direction, and it worries me.”[17]

The Concordia University email sent to students declared that it was “no longer possible to tolerate further disruption of university activities by a minority of protesters who refuse to respect the rights of others,” though apparently it is okay to tolerate harassment by private security guards. The university informed students that those who choose to picket will be asked for their IDs by the private security goons, “and will be reported to a panel to face the appropriate charges,” while those who refuse to provide ID “will have their pictures taken in order to be identified.” The school declared that, “[t]he charges will depend on the severity of the case but it could go from a written reprimand to expulsion.” A Concordia spokesperson stated, “[t]he university will only target students who are physically blocking access to classrooms and offices. We received complaints and we need to make sure our community has the liberty of movement. Blocking the Guy Metro building [the previous week] for example was unacceptable.” The Concordia Student Union and Graduate Student’s Association replied to the school’s email, stating, “Students will not be intimidated.” Both organizations referred to the school’s email as “dangerous” and “irresponsible,” presenting picketers as aggressive, when “in reality [their actions] have been consistently characterized by a lighthearted, peaceful, and creative nature, with very few incidents.” A student union official stated, “[t]heir message is calling for a profiling of students and a general discrimination against protesters and picketers. We think that it is highly unacceptable.” The same official added that, “We actually sat with the university administration to tell them that this email would only create conflictual relations between students and the university… We were basically told that the university did not care if things went out of hand.”[18]

Negotiations in Good Faith…? Not With Beauchamp!

In late April, the [Mis]Education Minister, Line Beauchamp, suggested that the government would agree to discussions with the students. She ensured, however, that the talks would be cancelled before they began, by demanding that the more radical, and most active student organization – C.L.A.S.S.E. – be refused the opportunity to engage in the discussions. Why? CLASSE was branded as “radical” (assuming ‘radical’ is a bad term to begin with) because it refused to come outright in denouncing violence at the protests, though there has never been any condemnation of police brutality and repression from the government, so it’s apparently a contradictory position. Moreover, Beauchamp, accustomed to operating in an authoritarian manner, empty of any notion of democratic governance, demanded that CLASSE do as she said before they could be invited to discussions with a government that had, until late April, refused to discuss the issue with hundreds of thousands of students demanding it. Beauchamp delivered an undemocratic ultimatum, stating that she would only speak with two of the three student associations involved, which together represent 53% of striking students. The student organization, CLASSE, which represents 47% of the 175,000 striking students, held a press conference in response, saying “Beauchamp’s decision was unacceptable and that there can’t be a solution to the dispute without CLASSE’s involvement.” A spokesperson for CLASSE commented, “She can’t marginalize half of the people on strike,” and accused Beauchamp of attempting to “divide and conquer” the student movement. CLASSE was not even involved in the violence that took place, and as the organization acts and makes decisions in a democratic manner, it cannot respond to authoritarian ultimatums from a woman who has no consideration for democratic methods.[19]

Education Minister Line Beauchamp

Despite Beauchamp’s authoritarian ultimatum, the other student groups remained in solidarity with CLASSE and refused to meet with the [Dis]Honourable Beauchamp unless CLASSE was present. CLASSE announced that they could only denounce the violence if the members voted on it, since the leaders of the organization (unlike those of the government) must make decisions based upon the democratic wishes of their constituents, not their personal pandering to the financial elite. Of course, the refusal by CLASSE to follow the immediate demands of Beauchamp incurred the continued denunciation of the organization by the government and its media lap-dogs like the Montreal Gazette, responsible for possibly the most deriding, rag-like, yellow-journalism-inspired newspaper coverage of the protests to date. However, on April 22, CLASSE addressed its constituents (unlike the government) and they took a vote in which they unanimously condemned the violence, stating: “The position we took to last night was to clearly denounce and condemn any act of deliberate physical violence towards individuals… As a progressive and democratic organization, we cannot subscribe to those actions.” The spokesperson for CLASSE added, however, that civil disobedience will continue: “We think that the principle of civil disobedience has made Quebec civil society a little bit more just and little bit more free than other societies.” Beauchamp replied to the announcement, clearly confused about the difference between civil disobedience (the likes of which was praised and practiced by peaceful non-violent leaders like Gandhi and Martin Luther King) and acts of violence. Beauchamp addressed her own lack of education in stating, “We all need to act in good faith. If social and economic disruptions continue, the students who endorse them will be excluding themselves from talks.” So where previously it was the refusal to denounce violence that would result in exclusion of talks, and since that requirement was met, the demand changed to refusal to denounce “social and economic disruptions,” which is the entire basis of civil disobedience, strikes, and protests. So, essentially, Beauchamp is demanding that the student organizations denounce their cause before they meet… to discuss their cause.[20]

The last strikes that took place in Quebec in 2005 were successfully divided using the same strategy as Beauchamp attempted. However, as her tactical failure was evident, the divide and conquer effort clearly was not working on Québec students anymore, who remained in solidarity with one another. The government then agreed to sit down to negotiations with the student groups in late April. The talks came to a quick end on April 25, as Line Beauchamp admonished CLASSE for sponsoring a protest the previous night which ended in violence, vandalism, and injuries. Beauchamp commented that, “We cannot pretend today that they have dissociated themselves. I consider, therefore, that the CLASSE has excluded itself from the negotiation table.” A CLASSE spokesperson replied, “Madame Beauchamp does not want to talk about the tuition hike… This decision by Madame Beauchamp is obviously another strategy to sabotage the discussions… Madame Beauchamp will not resolve the crisis without the CLASSE.”[21]

On the night Beauchamp threw her hissy-fit and again ended the chances of negotiations, Montréal had a large protest, drawing thousands of students into the streets. When the students reached a police barricade at a major downtown intersection, tempers flared: garbage cans were overturned, windows of banks were smashed, and some rocks were hurled at police cars. It is notable that violence tends to erupt in protests when confronted with a heavy police presence. A protest earlier on that same afternoon was entirely peaceful, as the police did not have a major presence, instead tailing behind the protesters in vans. It is when the protest is cordoned off, and the right to march – the right to freedom of speech, association, and movement – is being curtailed by riot police, blocking off entire intersections like some reinforced line of Storm Troopers, with police tactics aimed at attempting to separate the protesters into smaller groups, that the police presence creates an antagonizing factor. So, as the protest on the 25th of April was confronted by the line of riot police storm troopers, the protest was declared to be “illegal” by the police: as a few acts of vandalism took place, the police waited, and then began firing tear gas into the crowd of students. The crowd began to disperse and students ran, as the police threw concussion grenades and used their batons.[22]

Protest following Beauchamp’s cancellation of negotiations

The following day, all the blame was placed upon the students. In fact, this remains consistent. All the blame for all the events that have taken place is placed squarely upon the students and protesters. When, earlier in April, three out of four of Montréal’s metro lines were shut down due to bags of bricks being thrown on the tracks and emergency stop levers being pulled on the trains, the blame was also put on students, “but the police have not connected this incident to students.” One individual even released a smoke bomb in a metro station on April 18.[23] While the sources of these incidents remain unknown, the sources of the vast majority of violence at protests is quite evident: the police. It should also be noted that Québec has a bad track record of dealing with protesters and inciting violence, often through agent provocateurs. Back in 2007, at the Montebello protests against North American integration, the Québec provincial police had to later admit that they planted three undercover cops among the protesters, dressed in all black, with their faces covered and brandishing large rocks in their hands as they neared a lineup of riot police. The three men were called out by protesters as being undercover cops attempting to start a riot and justify police repression, and once their cover was blown, they made their way past the police line where they were then “arrested.” Photos of the men show that they were wearing the same police-issued shoes as the riot cops, and the government had to later admit that they were indeed police. Though, the government claimed at the time, their men were undercover “to keep order and security.” No doubt with large rocks.[24]

Emergence of the ‘Maple Spring’

Following the large protests in late April, the Liberal Quebec government – bypassing negotiations – came up with its own brand new “solution” to the protests: increase the tuition even more! Jean Charest and Line Beauchamp gave a press conference on April 27 announcing a six-point plan to end the protests, with absolutely no input from the protesters themselves. Charest began the press conference, speaking to the stenographers of power (the media), stating, “There is an increase in the tuition fees… Let’s not pretend it isn’t there.” The proposal suggested that the government would spread the increases over seven years instead of five, though Charest announced that the government would begin “indexing” the tuition costs in the sixth and seventh years to the rate of inflation, which would mean an annual increase of $254 over seven years (instead of $325 over five), resulting in a total of $1,778, as opposed to the $1,625 over five years. Beauchamp added that, “after factoring in the income-tax credit on tuition fees, the increase is $177 a year, or 50 cents a day.” Beauchamp told reporters, “I invite the students to go to their courses because the solution proposed by the government is a just and equitable solution which ensures better financing of our universities, which ensures a fair share from students, which also ensures access to university and ensures better management of our universities.” Further, Charest and Beauchamp announced that the government would add $39 million in bursaries, the premise of which suggests that it’s fine if the government takes a lot more money from students, so much as they give a small fraction of it back, without raising the obvious question of: why don’t we just keep it in the first place? A student organizer commented that Beauchamp’s “50 cents a day” argument was “very clever,” yet, “It does not touch the nub of the question.” The president of the student organization, the Federation etudiante universitaire du Quebec (FEUQ), Martine Desjardins, commented that, “Quebec families are already heavily indebted,” and the new plan would only increase the debt burden.[25]

An overlooked report from late March by the Institut de recherche et d’informations socio-economique explained that, “increased student debt from higher tuitions could have severe repercussions on public funds.” The researchers noted that, “the provincial government is creating a precarious situation when it encourages students to incur higher debt, much in the same way banks in the United States created a risky situation when they made it easy to obtain mortgages – a situation that ultimately threw the U.S. economy into a recession when homeowners began to default on their payments.” When interest rates go up, as they are set to do so, “today’s students may well find themselves in the same situation of not being able to pay off their student loans.” One of the researchers commented, “Since governments underwrite those loans, if students default it could be catastrophic for public finances… We are already seeing signs of a higher education bubble like that in the U.S… If the bubble explodes, it could be just like the mortgage crisis… The fact is, there is no need for additional funding for Quebec universities.”[26]

The student movement has now begun the campaign for other social movements, labour groups, and activist organizations to join the protests in a wider ‘social strike’ against the Québec government. The more radical student organization, which represents 47% of the 175,000 striking students in Quebec, C.L.A.S.S.E., issued a press release in late April calling for a “social strike” from the “population as a whole!”[27]

Following a massive demonstration of over 200,000 people on April 22 in Montréal demanding the protection of the environment and natural resources, the message was clear: more than tuition is at stake. A manifesto for a “Maple Spring” appeared and spread through social media networks in late April. The manifesto declared that:

2011 was the year of indignation and revolt. The Arab spring unnerved autocrats, swept out dictators, destabilized regimes and drove many to grant reforms. The images of these Arab peoples deposing their oligarchies went around the world and set an example.

Inspired by the spontaneous occupations of public places in the Arab world, the first Indignados appeared in Spain, when deep-going austerity measures were imposed on the country. The Spanish highlighted the real limits of democracy in that country, strongly affected by the economic crisis, subject to the dictates of the financial markets, with 46 per cent of its young people unemployed. The initiative produced its emulators and the movement spread in Europe and beyond.

The movement extended to North America, and from New York around the Occupy Wall Street initiative. That movement was aimed at the richest 1 per cent, the major banks and multinational corporations, which dictate the laws of an unjust global economy that is mortgaging the future of all of us. The movement then spread to more than 100 U.S. cities, but also to Canada (Vancouver, Toronto, Ottawa, Montréal).

The rebellious Arabs, the European Indignant, or the American occupiers, all have gathered behind the same message of hope: Another world is possible!

This storm of global protest against economic and political elites out of touch with the legitimate concerns of insecure peoples who are always being asked to pay more, to work harder, and above all not to demand anything in return, is now blowing over Quebec. The students’ courageous fight for the right to education now constitutes the spearhead of a profound movement of indignation and popular mobilization that has been stirring in Quebec for several years. The monster demonstration of March 22 launched the printemps érable! [Maple Spring!]

Let us join in this global current of revolt and follow the example of the Icelanders who, in January 2009, forced the resignation of the neoliberal government of Geir Haarde, which had participated in the genesis of the economic and social crisis in which that country plunged in 2008.

It’s Quebec’s turn to bring down its corrupt clique!

Charest, that’s enough! Let us demand the government’s resignation![28]

Among the ‘demands’ that the manifesto made were:

- The right to education for everyone, without discrimination linked to money;

- The right to a healthy environment and the conservation of our natural resources, to protect our water, our rivers, our forests, our regions, and not to yield to the voracious appetite of the mining and oil and gas companies;

- The rights of the indigenous peoples to their aboriginal lands;

- The right to enjoy a responsible and democratic government, serving its people and not some financial interests;

- The right to pacifism and international solidarity, clearly displaying Quebec’s opposition to the militaristic and commercial policies of the federal Conservative government;

- The right to a local, sustainable, mutually supportive social economy that puts humans at the centre of its concerns.[29]

Solidarity for the Québec students has been shown from students and unions and other groups across Canada and indeed, around the world. Students from the University of Ottawa have participated in strikes and protests in Montréal, and the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) sent a bus of students to participate in the mass rally of hundreds of thousands of students on March 22. SFUO president Amalia Savva stated, “When it comes to tuition fees in general—when we see a 75 per cent increase in tuition fees over the next five years in Quebec—that’s extremely dangerous for students not only in Quebec, but across the country, to set a precedent like that… Tuition fees are one of the common struggles students have, not only between Quebec and Ontario, but across the country and across the world as well.”[30]

A number of unions from Ontario expressed solidarity with the student strike, stating that, “We stand in solidarity with the student strikers and the professors, campus workers and community members who have supported this movement. Students in Quebec are fighting against the commercialization of education and user pay through tuition increases that create massive barriers to access and student debt that profits the banks while haunting students for years after graduation.”[31]

On April 26, roughly 50 peaceful protesters assembled in downtown Toronto, with riot police assembled nearby, demonstrating in support of the Québec student strike.[32] A progressive think tank, the Centre for Social Justice, had called for the Toronto protest, issuing a press release stating: “Join us for a rally in front of Québec’s Office in Toronto in solidarity with the ongoing student strike. On this occasion, we will be delivering a petition to be sent to the Premier’s office in Québec. With this action, we also want to contribute to bringing this great movement’s democratic and combative spirit to Ontario.”[33] Students, while fighting against tuition hikes around the world, continue to express solidarity with Québec’s strike, including signs of solidarity appearing at a protest against tuition hikes in Taipei, Taiwan, as well as small protests in Paris and Brussels specifically assembled to show solidarity with Québec students.[34]

Solidarity protest in Belgium

Solidarity protest in Paris, France

Student protest in Taiwan, also showing solidarity with Québec

Québec is not the only place where there is a massive student movement developing into a wider social movement. In fact, Chile saw the start of its massive nation-wide student protest movement in May of 2011, roughly one year ago. The movement began as a student protest and evolved into a wider social movement with demonstrations drawing hundreds of thousands of Chileans, often met with the state apparatus of repression, remnants from Chile’s military dictatorship put in power by the CIA in 1973. The student movement has continued into the new year, and on April 25, the same day that large protests erupted in Montréal, Santagio had a protests which drew tens of thousands of students into the streets (between 25-50,000), rejecting the government’s proposed reforms as “too little.” Student leader Gabriel Boric declared, “We will carry on making history… We students will not give up the fight to make education a public right.”[35] Roughly ten days prior to the protests, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper visited Chile seeking to extend “free-trade” agreements for the benefit of multinational corporations. Canada already has the largest investment in Chile’s mining industry. Reportedly, the massive student movement in Chile was not under discussion between Harper and Chilean President Pinera.[36]

So in Québec, the premier is dismissing the students and subsidizing the mining corporations. In Chile, the Canadian Prime Minister is ignoring student movements in both Canada and Chile while seeking to better secure Canadian mining interests. Thus, in the provincial, national, and international arena, Canadian politicians continually seek to protect, support, and expand the interests of multinational corporations while simultaneously undermining, ignoring, dismissing, and repressing massive student movements demanding social, political, and economic justice. This is not merely a Canadian issue, but a global one, making what is happening in Québec all the more relevant in attempting to bring about a ‘Maple Spring.’ Informal acts of solidarity and formal associations and relationships should be established between the two student movements in Québec and Chile so as to further empower and support those around the world who are partaking in a similar struggle.

What the Students are Saying

I had the chance to interview students and youth taking part in the strike and protests here in Québec. While the mainstream media inundates readers with quotes and concerns of the minority of students who do not support the strike, thus giving a very slanted perspective of the events taking place, I felt it was important to provide statements and perspectives from students who do support and have been taking part in the strike. I asked the students to tell me about their experiences, perspectives, and hopes for the strike and student movement, and what their message to the rest of Canada would be, in light of the poor information being given through the media.

Karine G. from Québec City said that her message to the rest of Canada was that, “Québec is not Canada. Our education system, like other specificities in our society, reflects our difference and our values. We are not complaining, simply trying to defend who we are and how we think it should be reflected through our institutions. Democracy supposes that citizens are free to invest in what they value the most; we think education should be a priority.” She added, “No matter what people try to justify with numbers, raising tuition fees is an ideological decision. Even though the Liberals are trying to make us believe – ‘There is no other alternative’ – we are not fools.” She expressed a great deal of frustration in getting others to understand what democracy and strikes actually represent and consist of, and finds a great deal of “ignorance and individualism” as well as apathy among others who criticize or oppose the strike.

Mathieu Lapointe Deraiche from Montréal stated that while the strike began in opposition to the tuition hikes, “I think after 11 weeks of strike, in the middle of one of the greatest student movements in the history” of the province, in both numbers and duration, “the hike of fees is now only a detail.” He added, “It is now a social crisis that [has] revealed an important generational gap (not to say ‘war’) between Quebec’s youth and the children of the ‘Trentes Glorieuses,” referring to the “30 Glorious Years” of growth following World War II, ending in the 1970s. He explained that the “social crisis” has “called into question the role of the police and the media,” such as TVA, the Journal de Montréal, and the Gazette. Referring to it as a “socio-political war between the youth and the government,” Mathieu explained that it has now reached the point where he “couldn’t be satisfied with a cancellation of the fees,” as his “actual disgust towards [the] government… transcends a financial issue.”

Freezing the ‘Spring’: State Repression of the Strike

Andrée Bourbeau, a member of the legal committee for C.L.A.S.S.E., is responsible for organizing funds to pay for the legal defense of those who are arrested at the protests (whether or not they are students), by disputing the tickets and fines which are dispersed to protesters by the police for taking part in the demonstrations. The mass arrests are done through the use of such tickets, using two Québec laws in particular to repress the student protests, which C.L.A.S.S.E. maintains – and rightly so – as being unconstitutional. For example, article 500.1 of du Code de sécurité routière (Québec law) is “unconstitutional,” explained Bourbeau, “because it prohibits any demonstration.” The article states that, “No person may, during a concerted action intended to obstruct in any way vehicular traffic on a public highway, occupy the roadway, shoulder or any other part of the right of way of or approaches to the highway or place a vehicle or obstacle thereon so as to obstruct vehicular traffic on the highway or access to such a highway.” In short, the very notion of a street protest is declared “unlawful” by Québec, which is a very violation of the right to assemble, the right to free speech and movement. Thus, it is unconstitutional. This article has led to the repression of every demonstration in Québec City, where more than 300 people have received $500 fines under this law. If any of those individuals take part in another protest, and receive another fine, the amount increases to between $3,500 and $10,500. Bourbeau told me, “this is outrageous because this is purely political repression of the student movement in Quebec City.” From the beginning of April, demonstrations have been declared illegal by the police, who threaten students that they will be fined if they take part, even if the demonstrations are peaceful, and of course the vast majority of them are.

It’s a stark reminder of the reality of how the student movement is presented in the media that with over 160 protests – with an average of 2-3 per day across the province – the rest of Canada only hears about the few protests that turned violent. Yet, for the nearly 200 protests that have taken place thus far, they are consistently met with a large police presence, fines, police brutality, and other forms of state coercion and repression. But it is the incidents of bank windows being smashed which the rest of Canada hears about. In Montréal, protests are repressed by the police through a bylaw which forbids assemblies that “breach the peace.” Bourbeau explained, “this is so broad it covers every kind of demonstration.” Thus, at each demonstration, the police arrest students and other protesters simply for being present. When some protesters react with violence or vandalism, this is referred to in the media and by the government as a “riot.”

For example, an article in the National Post written by David Frum was entitled, “David Frum on the Quebec student riots.” The first line in the article wrote, “The rioting students of Quebec got scant sympathy even before they started smashing windows and detonating smoke bombs.” He later referred to the student protesters as “a radical fringe,” who do not “deserve any sympathy.” He added: “And besides, they are part of the problem: a richer-than-average tranche of their own cohort demanding support from the taxes of less affluent people.”[37] David Frum, it should be noted, is a Canadian-American “journalist” who was previously a speechwriter for U.S. President George W. Bush, an ardent neoconservative, and was one of the loudest voices calling for the war on Iraq. Frum was also responsible for coining the phrase “axis of evil,” which George Bush first used in a speech from 2002. Hard to imagine that Québec would get fair coverage from the likes of Frum.

The use of bylaws and other unconstitutional ‘articles’ are – explained Bourbeau – aimed at “trying to demobilize the students, to make us fear going out to demonstrations and organize.” Of particular concern for protesters and organizers, she said, was the recently created police “GAMMA squad” in Montréal. In January of 2011, the GAMMA (Guet des activités et des mouvements marginaux et anarchists) squad was created as a special unit of the Montréal police, specifically designed to monitor anarchists and other “marginal political groups.” In short, it is a political policing unit, designed to engage in repression of ideological opposition to the state. These types of “squads” are typical in fascist and authoritarian countries around the world, but it’s new to Montréal. While protest organizers are very concerned about this squad, they have remained virtually out of the national media (though there is some discussion of them in the French media), so very few are even aware of their existence.

In July of 2011, C.L.A.S.S.E. filed human rights complaints against the GAMMA squad after an “unprecedented” wave of arrests, when four members of the student group, three of whom were executives, were arrested as they were preparing to organize a campaign against the tuition hikes. The stated reason for the arrests was for the organizers participating in having organized protests the previous March which resulted in a small injury of a staff member of Québec Finance Minister Bouchard’s office. A CLASSE spokesperson stated that the aim of the arrests was to “break the back” of the student movement before it even began to mobilize. CLASSE is neither an “anarchist” nor a “marginal” organization (due to it being the largest representation of the student movement), which is not to say that monitoring anarchist and other “marginal” groups (however the State defines that) is acceptable, because it is not. The “evidence” against the student organizers was largely provided by an informant for the GAMMA squad.[38] CLASSE spokesperson Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois stated, “There is no doubt about the political nature of these arrests… This is clearly an attempt by the [Montreal police] to decapitate the Quebec student movement on the eve of one of its historical struggles.”[39]

Alexandre Popovic, a spokesperson for the Coalition against repression and police brutality, explained that the GAMMA squad represents “police use of social stereotyping to hinder the legal expression of opposition to social and legal policies.” He stated, “It’s ridiculous… They have a stereotypical cartoon image of anarchists,” adding that while anarchists believe in opposing authority (which is a good thing!), they also have families, host book fairs, and engage in intellectual discussions. Referring to the complaints filed against GAMMA to the Québec Human Rights Commission, Popovic stated: “The commission needs to remind the police that we are not in a police state. We have the right to disagree and even have thoughts they might not like.”[40] CLASSE spokesperson Nadeau-Dubois explained, “This squad is really a new kind of political police to fight against social movements.” The GAMMA unit is a branch of the Montréal Police Force’s Organized Crime Unit, which “uses tactics developed to monitor mafia and street gangs in order to keep tabs on political activists.”[41]

Though apparently they don’t do a very good job of handling the Montréal mafia, since the city government they work for has been handing out public contracts to the mafia, who have connections to political parties and the construction industry as well.[42] Back in 2009, a former city government opposition leader, Benoit Labonte, facing corruption charges, stated that the Montréal mafia controls roughly 80% of City Hall, telling Radio-Canada, “Is there a Mafia system that controls city hall? The response is yes.”[43] Mafia-connected construction executives have been involved in election campaigns in municipalities all across the city of Montréal and elsewhere, and have thereafter been awarded with lucrative public contracts.[44] Arrests were made on anti-corruption charges in Montréal in late April, and among the 14 suspects arrested, two of them were Liberal Party organizers, putting Jean Charest’s government further on the offensive. One of those Liberal Party organizers was personally given an award by Jean Charest at a Liberal Party meeting in 2010.[45] Back in September of 2010, Jean Charest’s Québec government was declared by Maclean’s Magazine to be “the most corrupt province” in Canada. Marc Bellemare, the province’s former Justice Minister in the Charest government, spoke out about the rife corruption, favouritism, collusion and graft, with Charest granting Liberal Party fundraisers a say in the appointments of judges, not to mention his government’s deep connections to the overtly-corrupt construction industry. Interestingly, “it costs Quebec taxpayers roughly 30 per cent more to build a stretch of road than anywhere else in the country.”[46] So if Québec really is concerned with “balancing the budget,” perhaps the government – and the police, for that matter – should start with ending corruption in the governments itself (as if that were even possible!). It seems that the government is more interested in supporting organized crime than organized students.

I do not mean to paint Charest as a pawn of the mafia, since he always has been and always will be far more beholden to elite financial and economic interests, specifically that of the powerful Desmarais family (Canada’s equivalent of the Rockefeller family), with its patriarch Paul Desmarais Sr, who treats Charest like a little poodle, and who has established close connections with every Canadian Prime Minister since the 1970s, and all but two of Québec’s premiers in the same amount of time. As one reporter with the Globe and Mail explained, “Desmarais has been personally consulted by prime ministers on every major federal economic and constitutional initiative since the 1970s. Most of the time, they’ve taken his advice.”[47] It was also reported that, “[o]ver the last several years, [Paul Desmarais Sr.] has spun his web to such an extent that it now enables him to call the shots,” especially in promoting his right-wing economic vision, with “a disproportionate influence on politics and the economy in Quebec and Canada.” In particular, Desmarais “has a lot of influence on Premier Jean Charest.” Quebec writer Robin Philpot wrote that when Paul Desmarais received the French Légion d’honneur (Legion of Honour) from French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Jean Charest was in attendance, of which Philpot stated, “He took him along like a poodle.” Philpot added, “It’s a very unhealthy situation for a government to be indebted to a businessman that has his own interest at heart. They get their hands tied.”[48]

Québec Premier Jean Charest (right), with French President Sarkozy (centre), and Canadian billionaire oligarch Paul Desmarais, Sr. (left)

And now Charest is attempting to ensure that future generations of students are themselves beholden to the same interests he is: the bankers and corporations, the political-economic and financial elite who dominate the province and the country.

The Students ‘Spring’ Forward

Following Charest’s announcement of a new “seven-year” program for the tuition hikes (with even more tuition costs added on!), students took to the streets in another night of major protests in Montreal. Student leaders rejected the absurd proposal, declaring, “It’s not an offer, it’s an insult.” When some students in the protest occupied an intersection and sat down in the street, the police responded with tear gas. Then, after two hours of peaceful protest (apart from police aggression and a few projectiles thrown at police in response), the police declared the demonstration to be “illegal” and began arresting people.[49]

In late April, in the eleventh week of the strike, international media have finally taken notice, as the student movement is making its way into the headlines of CNN, the BBC, and Al-Jazeera. Martine Desjardins, president of the Fédération étudiante universitaire du Québec (FEUQ), one of the main student groups, commented that, “I think we’ve seen that no matter how far reaching the movement is, Charest just isn’t listening… After months of taking to the streets, it’s encouraging and surprising to see the struggle catching on like this. It’s been tiring for students to have to keep marching and striking but this gives us new hope moving forward.” However, despite the general perception of the protests, both student leaders and the police themselves admit that the vast majority of those assembled do so peacefully. Constable Yannick Ouimet of the Montreal Police said, “We know that 99 per cent of the people who show up to protest want to do so peacefully… What we’re seeing now is that the peaceful protesters and their leaders are helping police identify criminals so that they can be removed from the crowd.” Desjardins reflected on the latest “proposal” from Charest, calling it “a smokescreen.” He explained: “the offer was never mentioned when we set down to negotiate with the government. Instead, it was sent above students’ heads as an attempt to win over the general public.” While the media continues to repeat the falling support for the students among the general public – figures which are attributed to the violence – Desjardins felt it noteworthy to point out, “We’re seeing small openings and we’re seeing our support base broadening. It’s not just students out there, it’s parents, teachers, trade unions and different social groups. We don’t want to have gone through all of this and to go back to school empty handed.”[50]

Québec students are increasingly frustrated with the government response to the strike. At a protest in late April, a number of students gave their complaints to the media. “I don’t think there is any class of society that would like to be ignored for three months,” one student explained. She added, “Now, all of a sudden, people realize something is going on because some windows were broken.” Another student, and mother of two, Aurélie Pedron, raised the issue of agent provocateurs being used to demonize the students: “When there are vandals on bicycles, with rocks so huge that you could not find them on Ste. Catherine Street [where the protest was taking place], when it’s a bookstore whose window is smashed, do you really think it is students who do that?.. Don’t take us for idiots.” Another student explained that, “the government approach is to present us as a bunch of vandals.” One political science student explained, “this has become more than a student fight, it is a fight against the government and the state.” Another student at the protest agreed: “The issue is bigger than tuition fees. It is a question of re-establishing democracy. There is no democracy. We are closer to totalitarianism. Decisions are made without listening to the people.” Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, the spokesperson for CLASSE, elaborated on the increased scope and vision of the struggle of students: “Those people are a single elite, a greedy elite, a corrupt elite, a vulgar elite, an elite that only sees education as an investment in human capital, that only sees a tree as a piece of paper and only sees a child as a future employee.” Thus, he explained, the student strike would be “a springboard to a much wider, much deeper, much more radical challenge of the direction Quebec has been heading in recent years.”[51]

C.L.A.S.S.E. spokesperson Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois

Andrée Bourbeau of CLASSE told me that, “if Quebec is the province that has the lowest tuition fees and the best system of bursaries, it’s because we fought since the 1960s through organized actions and strikes,” with the current 2012 strike being the ninth one, and the largest of its kind, with the longest duration. She added, in regards to the methods of the student organizations, that, “we have practiced direct democracy through our student general assemblies for several decades now,” and that it is through this ‘direct democracy’ approach that decisions of the students are made before approaching the government. When the government ignores and dismisses the demands of the students, it is through the direct democracy approach of syndicalisme de combat that the students decide to target – through civil disobedience and peaceful assembly – the economy itself. “Transparency is very important,” explained Bourbeau, “Acting with syndicalisme de combat means that we mobilize people, we organize demonstrations and actions. The movement is its members, not an enlightened elite.” I asked her what her message to the rest of Canada was, to which she replied:

I wait for Canadian students to start struggling for their rights, for free tuition and self-governed universities. I don’t think Quebec has to be different than the other provinces in regards to social programs and public services. [I speak] in solidarity with the people of Canada!

The “political police” and its corrupt and elite-beholden government sponsor continues to repress dissent, demonize an emerging social movement, prevent the expression of basic – constitutionally guaranteed – rights and liberties of hundreds of thousands of youth and activists across the province. The government of Québec is attempting to turn a potential ‘Maple Spring’ into a ‘Hopeless Winter.’ But as we here in Montréal can see and feel, winter is on its way out, the temperature is getting warmer, the sun is starting to shine more and more, and spring is sprouting!

Message from Canada’s Youth: We Refuse to be a Lost Generation!

The argument that Québec students are “whining and crying” about “entitlements” is not only wrong, but deeply immoral. What Québec students are doing is finally standing up and saying, ‘No More!’ What Québec students are doing is not a misguided attempt to preserve “entitlements,” but to try to ensure for ourselves a future, a future which is being – year-by-year – stolen from us. My generation of Canadians – and for that matter youth all over the world – are shackled with more debts than any before us, with less job opportunities, with more poverty, and with the burden of beginning our lives under a system which has consistently favoured the rich few at the expense of the rest. We are told to go to school and get a good job. So we go to school, get deep into debt, and graduate into a market with few jobs. With professional degrees, we go work at Starbucks, so that we may pay the interest on our student debts, or the interest on our credit card debts, struggling to pay our monthly rent, or living at home for much longer than any generation before us because we simply can’t afford to move out. Rents are going up, and housing prices are sky-high in an absurd bubble waiting to burst. So then we are told that if we want “a future,” we have to buy property. None of us can afford a $500,000 condominium in Vancouver or Toronto, so we are told: get a mortgage, it’s the “smart” thing to do. So we get a mortgage, because our parents, our banks, and our government said: “It’s the smart thing to do.” And when this absurd housing bubble pops, our interest payments on our mortgages will skyrocket, and our student debts will skyrocket, and our credit card interest payments will skyrocket, and we won’t even be able to keep up with the increasing costs of food.

We are doomed to poverty before we even have a chance at possibility. We were raised with expectations of a life we could have. For those of us who grew up middle class, like myself, we grew up in a world built on a mirage of debt. The average Canadian household today spends 150% of its income, so that for every $1 they make, they owe $1.50. The average Canadian household is $103,000 in debt, largely due to mortgages, but also as a result of credit card debt, student debt, and other loans. Canada’s big five banks help provide the mortgages, the student debt, tell us to get credit cards, and through the Bank of Canada (our central bank), keep the interest rates low so as to encourage people to get more loans and go deeper into debt. Everyone is told to get an RRSP because “it’s the smart thing to do.” So we save what money we can, and put it into an RRSP account. Yet, if we want to spend that money, we have to do so on property. If we take out the money for anything other than a house or condo (which would still require us to get a mortgage to cover the full expense), then we lose a huge percentage of the money within the account. I took a class in high school where the teacher explained to all the compliant young students that investing your money in an RRSP is “the smart thing to do.”

So now our parents are struggling to pay their rent, meet their interest payments, or even pay for food. They work several jobs, and still we struggle, day-to-day and week-to-week. Our parents see us – their children – also struggling, falling behind and not meeting the social expectations that were set for us: when to move out, when to get an apartment, when to go to school and graduate, when to get a job, when to get a house, when to get married, when to have kids, etc. So our parents, naturally, want the best for us, want us to have what they tried for but are now struggling to even maintain as an illusion. So they tell us: get a student loan to go to school and get a good job, get a credit card, get a mortgage to buy a house. They encourage us to follow their path, when where they currently stand is already dangerously close to the cliff’s edge. Our path, then, is much rougher, much more dangerous, and all the more illusory than theirs. They see only their own children, and want the best. But we, their children, see each other: we see our friends, co-workers, fellow students and compatriots; we see our entire generation and how we all struggle. Our parents see the individual struggles of their own kids. We see and feel the collective struggle of a generation. We did what we were told, and now we are left with massive debt and no jobs, higher rents and fewer hopes. We did what we were told, year after year, because, as they say, “It’s the smart thing to do.” We did everything we were told to “get ahead,” and now we are being left behind.

So what the students in Québec are doing is simply trying to catch up, is simply speaking up and saying that we don’t want to be a “lost generation,” doomed to debt bondage. And now that we – finally! – are awakening to our situation and taking action, we are derided and dismissed, insulted and ‘dissed’, spat on and chastised, beaten with batons, bombed with tear gas. We are told, now, that we are “crying and whining,” that we are spoiled children, demanding “entitlements” and subsidies. We aren’t asking for a free ride through life, all we are wanting… is the chance to have a life.

The future is the world that we are inheriting, and before we can even enter the future, it’s being stolen from us. We are disciplined under heavy debts and higher costs before we have the chance to even reach a true sense of autonomy and independence. We are indebted before we even move out of our homes, before we get our first job. And then we are told we are spoiled and entitled!

It’s time for older generations to move aside, to stop telling us what it is we should want, how we should get it, and then deride us for not doing what they say. If we feel we are ‘entitled,’ it is because we were raised to feel that way. This is partly the fault of our parents’ generation, who have lived a life in debt, and who now instruct us to follow them into the abyss, and dismiss us when we say we want to chart our own course. Well now it’s time for them to move aside. They tried, in the 1960s and early 70s, to civilize society and make a better world – something we are now told is not worth aspiring to – and indeed, achievements were made, but it was stopped short. The elites of our society saw the emergence of social democratization and struggles for liberation and put a finish to it. The system they constructed to strangle the struggle for liberation is what we call “neoliberalism” and debt-domination.

Demonstration in Montréal

Now, all around the world, from North Africa, to Latin America, East Asia, Europe and right here in Québec, the youth are finally standing up against this ruthless global system of exploitation, militarism, racism, and domination. What the students in Québec are doing is joining the global struggle as it emerges around the world, and setting an example for the rest of Canada and North America, who have so far been lagging far behind. We are not preserving entitlement; we are seeking empowerment. If our parents failed to do it, it is left to us. So, for those in previous generations who only want “the best” for their children, it is time to stop telling us to follow their examples, and time to start following ours. It is time to stand with and behind the youth, instead of out in front and above us. It is time to support us where we need it most. What the youth of the world are now saying is that we will welcome your support and encouragement, but if you get in our way, we will push you aside and leave you behind. So if you – like all people of this world should – desire a better world for your children, want to enter a more hopeful future, and create a more equal and fair society, it’s time to step up to the plate and stand behind the vanguard of the revolution: the youth!

Andrew Gavin Marshall is an independent researcher and writer based in Montreal, Canada, writing on a number of social, political, economic, and historical issues. He is also Project Manager of The People’s Book Project. He also hosts a weekly podcast show, “Empire, Power, and People,” on


[1] Press Release, “TD Economics outlines plan for prosperity in Quebec report,” Newswire, 10 April 2007:

[2] Claire Penhorwood, “Quebec tuition fight about keeping education accessible, students say,” CBC News, 21 March 2012:

[3] Kamloops Daily News, “It’s hard to feel sorry for these Quebec students,” Winnipeg Free Press, 25 February 2012:

[4] Gary Mason, “The crushing weight of student debt,” The Globe and Mail, 7 July 2011:

[5] Jacob Serebrin, “Half of full-time Quebec students live on $12,000 a year,” Canadian University Press, 19 November 2010:

[6] Stefani Forster and Alexander Panetta, “Quebec Student Strike: Montreal’s Riotous Night Leaves A Mess After Government Talks Break Down,” The Huffington Post, 26 April 2012:

[7] Canadian Press, “Some key events in Quebec’s battle over tuition hikes,” The Winnipeg Free Press, 27 April 2012:

[8] Antonia Maioni, “Charest’s Marie Antoinette moment,” The Globe and Mail, 24 April 2012:

[9] CBC, “Violent Montreal student protest nets 17 arrests,” CBC News, 20 April 2012:

[10] Giuseppe Valiante, “Montreal protest turns violent,” QMI Agency, 20 April 2012:

[11] CTV, “Tuition protesters unrelenting, in spite of injunctions,” CTV Montreal, 12 April 2012:

[12] Ibid.

[13] Henry Gass, “Students continue striking into exam period,” The McGill Daily, 15 April 2012:

[14] Joel Ashak, “Campus security clashes with students,” The Concordian, 27 March 2012:

[15] Joel Ashak, “Agent involved in alleged assault found unlicensed,” The Concordian, 1 April 2012:

[16] Corey Pool, “Scrutinizing Security,” The Link, 3 April 2012:

[17] Jeff Davis, “Citizen’s arrest bill gives more power to rent-a-cops, police warn,” Postmedia News, 24 April 2012:

[18] Joel Ashak, “Campus security clashes with students,” The Concordian, 27 March 2012:

[19] Karen Seidman, “Students’ battle against Quebec heats up,” The Gazette, 17 April 2012:

[20] Sarah Deshaies, “Students, education minister start talks in Quebec,” Canadian University Press, 26 April 2012:

[21] Kevin Daugherty, “Tuition negotiations hit a roadblock,” The Gazette, 26 April 2012:

[22] Megan Kinch, “BLOG: Montreal Demonstration “Turned Violent” When Police Shot Explosives at Us,” Toronto Media Co-op, 26 April 2012:

[23] Sarah Deshaies, “Quebec education minister reaches out to select organizations as student strikes reach 10th week,” Canadian University Press, 18 April 2012:

[24] CBC, “Quebec police admit they went undercover at Montebello protest,” CBC News, 23 August 2007:

[25] Kevin Dougherty, “Protesting Quebec students reject Jean Charest’s new six-point plan on education,” The National Post, 27 April 2012:

[26] Karen Seidman and Kevin Daugherty, “Increased student debt from higher tuition could cost Quebec, report contends,” The Montreal Gazette, 28 March 2012:

[27] CLASSE, “Quebec students appeal for wider ‘social strike’ against Charest government,”, 27 April 2012:

[28] Various, “Manifesto for a Maple Spring,”, 26 April 2012:

[29] Ibid.

[30] Jane Lytvynenko, “U of O students show solidarity with Quebec,” The Fulcrum, 28 March 2012:


[32] James Hamilton, “Toronto rally for Quebec Students,” Toronto Grand Prix Tourist, 26 April 2012:

[33] CSJ, “Solidarity With Quebec Student Strike!”, Centre for Social Justice, 26 April 2012:

[34] Mediaswap, “International Support for the Québec Student Strike Against Tuition Hikes,” 28 March 2012:

[35] Jill Langlois, “Chile: Students protest for free education, reject President Sebastian Pinera’s $700 million funding offer,” Global Post, 26 April 2012:

[36] Jennifer Ditchburn, “Harper looks to Chile for help in joining lucrative Pacific trade pact,” The Globe and Mail, 16 April 2012:

[37] David Frum, “David Frum on the Quebec student riots: Grandpa’s free ride,” The National Post, 27 April 2012:

[38] Vincent Larouche, “Des étudiants se disent persécutés par la police,” La Presse, 18 July 2011:

[39] Jacob Serebrin, “Student union’s human rights complaint against Montreal police,” Maclean’s On Campus, 20 July 2011:

[40] Max Harrold, “Montreal police unit to monitor anarchists,” The Gazette, 14 July 2011:

[41] Christian Macdonald, “Political policing in Montreal,” The Dominion, 9 November 2011:

[42] CBC, “RCMP challenges Quebec request for Mafia evidence,” CBC News, 18 April 2012:

[43] CTV, “Mafia ties run deep at city hall: Labonte,” CTV Montreal, 22 October 2009:

[44] Linda Gyulai, “Quebec collusion squad casts a very wide net,” Postmedia News, 18 April 2012:

[45] Brian Daly, “Two Que. Liberal organizers among corruption suspects,” The Toronto Sun, 19 April 2012:

[46] Martin Patriquin, “Quebec: The most corrupt province,” Maclean’s, 24 September 2010:

[47] Konrad Yakabuski, Like Father, like sons?, The Globe and Mail, 26 March 2006:

[48] Marianne White, “Author delivers high-voltage critique of Paul Desmarais Sr. — the man behind Power Corp,” Ottawa Citizen, 21 October 2008:

[49] Christopher Curtis, Roberto Rocha and Max Harrold, “Jean Charest’s new education offer results in huge night of protests,” The National Post, 28 April 2012:

[50] Christopher Curtis, “Quebec student strike makes international news, but “Charest just isn’t listening”,” The Montreal Gazette, 28 April 2012:

[51] Graeme Hamilton, “Quebec student protests not just about tuition but battle against ‘greedy elites’,” National Post, 28 April 2012: