Markin comment:
This article goes along with the propaganda points in the fight for our communist program mentioned in other class-war prisoner and defense of the Cuban Revolution articles in this space.
Workers Vanguard No. 963
27 August 2010
Free Walter and Gwendolyn Myers!
Free the Cuban Five!
(Class-Struggle Defense Notes)
We print below a statement issued on August 3 by the Partisan Defense Committee.
The Partisan Defense Committee protests the prosecution and imprisonment of Walter Kendall Myers and his wife Gwendolyn Myers. A retired State Department analyst, Mr. Myers pleaded guilty last November to charges of conspiracy to commit espionage. Gwendolyn Myers pleaded guilty to conspiring to gather and transmit defense information to Cuba, which has been under the gun sights of U.S. imperialism since capitalist class rule was overthrown some 50 years ago. At their sentencing on July 16, Walter Myers forthrightly announced, “We did not intend to hurt any individual American. Our only objective was to help the Cuban people defend their revolution.” United States District Judge Reggie Walton vindictively sentenced 73-year-old Walter Myers to life without parole, and the 72-year-old Gwendolyn Myers to 81 months. This could well be a death sentence for Gwendolyn Myers, who has already suffered a heart attack since her June 2009 arrest.
From the interests of the working class and oppressed in the U.S. and around the world, what the Myers are accused of is not a crime. We defend them as part of our defense of Cuba, a bureaucratically deformed workers state. We demand their immediate freedom.
The federal prosecutors claimed that in the years leading up to his retirement in 2007, Walter Myers examined hundreds of intelligence reports dealing with Cuba, many classified or top-secret, and that information from these were passed on to Cuban authorities. According to the federal criminal complaint, Mr. Myers, a great-grandson of Alexander Graham Bell, was recruited to Cuban intelligence along with his wife after they made a trip to Cuba in 1978. Myers’ diary of that trip recorded his growing bitterness over lack of decent medical care, oil company greed and indifference to poverty in the U.S. as contrasted with Cuba where efforts were underway to eradicate these evils.
The elimination of capitalist rule in Cuba in 1960-61 led to enormous gains for working people despite the rule of a bureaucratic nationalist caste led by Fidel Castro. The centralized planned economy guarantees everyone a job, housing, food and education. Cubans now enjoy one of the highest literacy rates in the world. Despite the crippling effects of the U.S. blockade, the free health care system is still far and away the best in economically underdeveloped countries. The revolution especially has benefited women: domination of the Catholic Church was broken, and abortion is a free health service. Infant mortality is lower than in parts of the First World, and Cuba has more doctors and teachers per capita than just about anywhere else in the world.
The U.S. ruling class has worked relentlessly to overthrow the Cuban Revolution and re-establish the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie—from the 1961 Playa Girón (Bay of Pigs) invasion to repeated attempts to assassinate Castro; from funding counterrevolutionary terrorists in Miami to the ongoing economic embargo. The U.S. rulers continue to harbor their trained terrorists, like Orlando Bosch and Luis Posada Carriles, who engineered the 1976 bombing of a Cuban airliner that killed 73 people. We say: Send Posada and Bosch back to Cuba to be tried by their victims!
We also defend and call for the release of the Cuban Five, Gerardo Hernández, Antonio Guerrero, Ramón Labañino, Fernando González and René González—courageous men who warned Cuba of the plots by such U.S.-supported gusano counterrevolutionary terrorists—as well as Ana Belen Montes, a Defense Intelligence Agency officer sentenced to 25 years for passing military information to the Cuban government. Their actions that assisted the defense of the Cuban deformed workers state from the most dangerous imperialist power in the world are not only defensible but laudable.
The Partisan Defense Committee calls on the international workers movement to take up the defense of these prisoners: Freedom for Walter Kendall Myers and Gwendolyn Myers! Free the Cuban 5! Free Ana Belen Montes! Defend Cuba! Down with the embargo! U.S. out of Guantánamo Bay now!
This space is dedicated to the proposition that we need to know the history of the struggles on the left and of earlier progressive movements here and world-wide. If we can learn from the mistakes made in the past (as well as what went right) we can move forward in the future to create a more just and equitable society. We will be reviewing books, CDs, and movies we believe everyone needs to read, hear and look at as well as making commentary from time to time. Greg Green, site manager
Thursday, September 02, 2010
* “Workers of The World Unite, You Have Nothing To Lose But Your Chains”-The Struggle For Trotsky's Fourth (Communist) International-From The Archives
Click on the headline to link to the Toward A History Of The Fourth International website for the article listed below.
Trotsky's Struggle for the Fourth International
by John G. Wright
First published in Fourth International, August 1946.
[John G. Wright (1902-1956—legal name Joseph Vanzler) joined the Communist League of America in 1933 and was elected to the National Committee of the Socialist Workers Party/U.S. in 1939. Wright translated many of Trotsky's writings and served as an SWP staff writer in New York until he died. This document proofread by Scott Wilson]
Markin comment:
As a devotee of founding father Karl Marx’s communist work and writings started in the 1840s, especially the founding document, The Communist Manifesto, I know that the slogan-“Workers of The World Unite, You Have Nothing To Lose But Your Chains”- has been honored more in the breech than in the observance for more historical reasons than I want to go into in this commentary. Nevertheless the idea behind that slogan has, rightly, animated generations of revolutionaries in the search, the necessary search, for some kind of international configuration of workers' parties and workers' republics that would give weight and meaning to the slogan and lead, at some point, to that communist future that we so fervently desire, and given just a quick look at this old benighted world today, desperately need.
The idea of some kind of workers international has animated my political work for most of my life, even before I learned idea number one in the Marxist catechism. Hell, when I was nothing but scared rabbit, wet behind the ears, wonky little know-it-all little sophomore or sometime around that period, in high school I was trying to create such an organization (or, better, a youth auxiliary to such an organization) with a now preposterous sounding little name, Student Union For World Goals. That youth organization was, besides being mildly anti-communist, programmatically, a left-center rehash of the (adult) Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) program, that I took as my political model in those days. The folly of that activity is neither here nor there today, but what remains in that from very early on I sensed that if the oppressed of the world (although I would not have used such a term at that time) were to get a fair shake in this wicked old world then they would have to make up for the political weaknesses and not having ruled previously stemming from a feeling of powerlessness by being organized massively on an international basis.
Recently, when the question of an international, a new workers international, a fifth international, was broached by the International Marxist Tendency (IMT), faintly echoing the call by Venezuelan caudillo, Hugo Chavez, I got to thinking a little bit more on the subject. Moreover, it must be something in the air (maybe caused by these global climatic changes) because I have also seen recent commentary on the need to go back to something that looks very much like Karl Marx’s one-size-fits-all First International. Of course, just what the doctor by all means, be my guest, but only if the shades of Proudhon and Bakunin can join. Boys and girls that First International was disbanded in the wake of the demise of the Paris Commune for a reason, okay. Mixing political banners (Marxism and fifty-seven varieties of anarchism) is appropriate to a united front, not a hell-bent revolutionary International fighting, and fighting hard, for our communist future. Forward
The Second International, for those six, no seven, people who might care, is still alive and well (at least for periodic international conferences) as a mail-drop for homeless social democrats who want to maintain a fig leaf of internationalism without having to do much about it. Needless to say, one Joseph Stalin and his cohorts liquidated the Communist (Third) International in 1943, long after it turned from a revolutionary headquarters into an outpost of Soviet foreign policy. By then no revolutionary missed its demise, nor shed a tear goodbye. And of course there are always a million commentaries by groups, cults, leagues, tendencies, etc. claiming to stand in the tradition (although, rarely, the program) of the Leon Trotsky-inspired Fourth International that, logically and programmatically, is the starting point of any discussion of the modern struggle for a new communist international.
With that caveat in mind this month, the September American Labor Day month, but more importantly the month in 1938 that the ill-fated Fourth International was founded I am posting some documents around the history of that formation, and its program, the program known by the shorthand, Transitional Program. If you want to call for a fifth, sixth, seventh, what have you, revolutionary international, and you are serious about it beyond the "mail-drop" potential, then you have to look seriously into that organization's origins, and the world-class Bolshevik revolutionary who inspired it. Forward.
Trotsky's Struggle for the Fourth International
by John G. Wright
First published in Fourth International, August 1946.
[John G. Wright (1902-1956—legal name Joseph Vanzler) joined the Communist League of America in 1933 and was elected to the National Committee of the Socialist Workers Party/U.S. in 1939. Wright translated many of Trotsky's writings and served as an SWP staff writer in New York until he died. This document proofread by Scott Wilson]
Markin comment:
As a devotee of founding father Karl Marx’s communist work and writings started in the 1840s, especially the founding document, The Communist Manifesto, I know that the slogan-“Workers of The World Unite, You Have Nothing To Lose But Your Chains”- has been honored more in the breech than in the observance for more historical reasons than I want to go into in this commentary. Nevertheless the idea behind that slogan has, rightly, animated generations of revolutionaries in the search, the necessary search, for some kind of international configuration of workers' parties and workers' republics that would give weight and meaning to the slogan and lead, at some point, to that communist future that we so fervently desire, and given just a quick look at this old benighted world today, desperately need.
The idea of some kind of workers international has animated my political work for most of my life, even before I learned idea number one in the Marxist catechism. Hell, when I was nothing but scared rabbit, wet behind the ears, wonky little know-it-all little sophomore or sometime around that period, in high school I was trying to create such an organization (or, better, a youth auxiliary to such an organization) with a now preposterous sounding little name, Student Union For World Goals. That youth organization was, besides being mildly anti-communist, programmatically, a left-center rehash of the (adult) Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) program, that I took as my political model in those days. The folly of that activity is neither here nor there today, but what remains in that from very early on I sensed that if the oppressed of the world (although I would not have used such a term at that time) were to get a fair shake in this wicked old world then they would have to make up for the political weaknesses and not having ruled previously stemming from a feeling of powerlessness by being organized massively on an international basis.
Recently, when the question of an international, a new workers international, a fifth international, was broached by the International Marxist Tendency (IMT), faintly echoing the call by Venezuelan caudillo, Hugo Chavez, I got to thinking a little bit more on the subject. Moreover, it must be something in the air (maybe caused by these global climatic changes) because I have also seen recent commentary on the need to go back to something that looks very much like Karl Marx’s one-size-fits-all First International. Of course, just what the doctor by all means, be my guest, but only if the shades of Proudhon and Bakunin can join. Boys and girls that First International was disbanded in the wake of the demise of the Paris Commune for a reason, okay. Mixing political banners (Marxism and fifty-seven varieties of anarchism) is appropriate to a united front, not a hell-bent revolutionary International fighting, and fighting hard, for our communist future. Forward
The Second International, for those six, no seven, people who might care, is still alive and well (at least for periodic international conferences) as a mail-drop for homeless social democrats who want to maintain a fig leaf of internationalism without having to do much about it. Needless to say, one Joseph Stalin and his cohorts liquidated the Communist (Third) International in 1943, long after it turned from a revolutionary headquarters into an outpost of Soviet foreign policy. By then no revolutionary missed its demise, nor shed a tear goodbye. And of course there are always a million commentaries by groups, cults, leagues, tendencies, etc. claiming to stand in the tradition (although, rarely, the program) of the Leon Trotsky-inspired Fourth International that, logically and programmatically, is the starting point of any discussion of the modern struggle for a new communist international.
With that caveat in mind this month, the September American Labor Day month, but more importantly the month in 1938 that the ill-fated Fourth International was founded I am posting some documents around the history of that formation, and its program, the program known by the shorthand, Transitional Program. If you want to call for a fifth, sixth, seventh, what have you, revolutionary international, and you are serious about it beyond the "mail-drop" potential, then you have to look seriously into that organization's origins, and the world-class Bolshevik revolutionary who inspired it. Forward.
*From The Pages Of "Workers Vanguard"-From The Partisan Defense Committee-Free the Cuban Five!
Markin comment:
This article goes along with the propaganda points in the fight for our communist program mentioned in other class-war prisoner and defense of the Cuban Revolution articles in this space.
Workers Vanguard No. 963
27 August 2010
Free Walter and Gwendolyn Myers!
Free the Cuban Five!
(Class-Struggle Defense Notes)
We print below a statement issued on August 3 by the Partisan Defense Committee.
The Partisan Defense Committee protests the prosecution and imprisonment of Walter Kendall Myers and his wife Gwendolyn Myers. A retired State Department analyst, Mr. Myers pleaded guilty last November to charges of conspiracy to commit espionage. Gwendolyn Myers pleaded guilty to conspiring to gather and transmit defense information to Cuba, which has been under the gun sights of U.S. imperialism since capitalist class rule was overthrown some 50 years ago. At their sentencing on July 16, Walter Myers forthrightly announced, “We did not intend to hurt any individual American. Our only objective was to help the Cuban people defend their revolution.” United States District Judge Reggie Walton vindictively sentenced 73-year-old Walter Myers to life without parole, and the 72-year-old Gwendolyn Myers to 81 months. This could well be a death sentence for Gwendolyn Myers, who has already suffered a heart attack since her June 2009 arrest.
From the interests of the working class and oppressed in the U.S. and around the world, what the Myers are accused of is not a crime. We defend them as part of our defense of Cuba, a bureaucratically deformed workers state. We demand their immediate freedom.
The federal prosecutors claimed that in the years leading up to his retirement in 2007, Walter Myers examined hundreds of intelligence reports dealing with Cuba, many classified or top-secret, and that information from these were passed on to Cuban authorities. According to the federal criminal complaint, Mr. Myers, a great-grandson of Alexander Graham Bell, was recruited to Cuban intelligence along with his wife after they made a trip to Cuba in 1978. Myers’ diary of that trip recorded his growing bitterness over lack of decent medical care, oil company greed and indifference to poverty in the U.S. as contrasted with Cuba where efforts were underway to eradicate these evils.
The elimination of capitalist rule in Cuba in 1960-61 led to enormous gains for working people despite the rule of a bureaucratic nationalist caste led by Fidel Castro. The centralized planned economy guarantees everyone a job, housing, food and education. Cubans now enjoy one of the highest literacy rates in the world. Despite the crippling effects of the U.S. blockade, the free health care system is still far and away the best in economically underdeveloped countries. The revolution especially has benefited women: domination of the Catholic Church was broken, and abortion is a free health service. Infant mortality is lower than in parts of the First World, and Cuba has more doctors and teachers per capita than just about anywhere else in the world.
The U.S. ruling class has worked relentlessly to overthrow the Cuban Revolution and re-establish the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie—from the 1961 Playa Girón (Bay of Pigs) invasion to repeated attempts to assassinate Castro; from funding counterrevolutionary terrorists in Miami to the ongoing economic embargo. The U.S. rulers continue to harbor their trained terrorists, like Orlando Bosch and Luis Posada Carriles, who engineered the 1976 bombing of a Cuban airliner that killed 73 people. We say: Send Posada and Bosch back to Cuba to be tried by their victims!
We also defend and call for the release of the Cuban Five, Gerardo Hernández, Antonio Guerrero, Ramón Labañino, Fernando González and René González—courageous men who warned Cuba of the plots by such U.S.-supported gusano counterrevolutionary terrorists—as well as Ana Belen Montes, a Defense Intelligence Agency officer sentenced to 25 years for passing military information to the Cuban government. Their actions that assisted the defense of the Cuban deformed workers state from the most dangerous imperialist power in the world are not only defensible but laudable.
The Partisan Defense Committee calls on the international workers movement to take up the defense of these prisoners: Freedom for Walter Kendall Myers and Gwendolyn Myers! Free the Cuban 5! Free Ana Belen Montes! Defend Cuba! Down with the embargo! U.S. out of Guantánamo Bay now!
This article goes along with the propaganda points in the fight for our communist program mentioned in other class-war prisoner and defense of the Cuban Revolution articles in this space.
Workers Vanguard No. 963
27 August 2010
Free Walter and Gwendolyn Myers!
Free the Cuban Five!
(Class-Struggle Defense Notes)
We print below a statement issued on August 3 by the Partisan Defense Committee.
The Partisan Defense Committee protests the prosecution and imprisonment of Walter Kendall Myers and his wife Gwendolyn Myers. A retired State Department analyst, Mr. Myers pleaded guilty last November to charges of conspiracy to commit espionage. Gwendolyn Myers pleaded guilty to conspiring to gather and transmit defense information to Cuba, which has been under the gun sights of U.S. imperialism since capitalist class rule was overthrown some 50 years ago. At their sentencing on July 16, Walter Myers forthrightly announced, “We did not intend to hurt any individual American. Our only objective was to help the Cuban people defend their revolution.” United States District Judge Reggie Walton vindictively sentenced 73-year-old Walter Myers to life without parole, and the 72-year-old Gwendolyn Myers to 81 months. This could well be a death sentence for Gwendolyn Myers, who has already suffered a heart attack since her June 2009 arrest.
From the interests of the working class and oppressed in the U.S. and around the world, what the Myers are accused of is not a crime. We defend them as part of our defense of Cuba, a bureaucratically deformed workers state. We demand their immediate freedom.
The federal prosecutors claimed that in the years leading up to his retirement in 2007, Walter Myers examined hundreds of intelligence reports dealing with Cuba, many classified or top-secret, and that information from these were passed on to Cuban authorities. According to the federal criminal complaint, Mr. Myers, a great-grandson of Alexander Graham Bell, was recruited to Cuban intelligence along with his wife after they made a trip to Cuba in 1978. Myers’ diary of that trip recorded his growing bitterness over lack of decent medical care, oil company greed and indifference to poverty in the U.S. as contrasted with Cuba where efforts were underway to eradicate these evils.
The elimination of capitalist rule in Cuba in 1960-61 led to enormous gains for working people despite the rule of a bureaucratic nationalist caste led by Fidel Castro. The centralized planned economy guarantees everyone a job, housing, food and education. Cubans now enjoy one of the highest literacy rates in the world. Despite the crippling effects of the U.S. blockade, the free health care system is still far and away the best in economically underdeveloped countries. The revolution especially has benefited women: domination of the Catholic Church was broken, and abortion is a free health service. Infant mortality is lower than in parts of the First World, and Cuba has more doctors and teachers per capita than just about anywhere else in the world.
The U.S. ruling class has worked relentlessly to overthrow the Cuban Revolution and re-establish the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie—from the 1961 Playa Girón (Bay of Pigs) invasion to repeated attempts to assassinate Castro; from funding counterrevolutionary terrorists in Miami to the ongoing economic embargo. The U.S. rulers continue to harbor their trained terrorists, like Orlando Bosch and Luis Posada Carriles, who engineered the 1976 bombing of a Cuban airliner that killed 73 people. We say: Send Posada and Bosch back to Cuba to be tried by their victims!
We also defend and call for the release of the Cuban Five, Gerardo Hernández, Antonio Guerrero, Ramón Labañino, Fernando González and René González—courageous men who warned Cuba of the plots by such U.S.-supported gusano counterrevolutionary terrorists—as well as Ana Belen Montes, a Defense Intelligence Agency officer sentenced to 25 years for passing military information to the Cuban government. Their actions that assisted the defense of the Cuban deformed workers state from the most dangerous imperialist power in the world are not only defensible but laudable.
The Partisan Defense Committee calls on the international workers movement to take up the defense of these prisoners: Freedom for Walter Kendall Myers and Gwendolyn Myers! Free the Cuban 5! Free Ana Belen Montes! Defend Cuba! Down with the embargo! U.S. out of Guantánamo Bay now!
*From The Pages Of "Workers Vanguard"- From The Partisan Defense Committee-Free Walter and Gwendolyn Myers!
Markin comment:
This article goes along with the propaganda points in the fight for our communist program mentioned in other class-war prisoner and defense of the Cuban Revolution articles in this space.
Workers Vanguard No. 963
27 August 2010
Free Walter and Gwendolyn Myers!
Free the Cuban Five!
(Class-Struggle Defense Notes)
We print below a statement issued on August 3 by the Partisan Defense Committee.
The Partisan Defense Committee protests the prosecution and imprisonment of Walter Kendall Myers and his wife Gwendolyn Myers. A retired State Department analyst, Mr. Myers pleaded guilty last November to charges of conspiracy to commit espionage. Gwendolyn Myers pleaded guilty to conspiring to gather and transmit defense information to Cuba, which has been under the gun sights of U.S. imperialism since capitalist class rule was overthrown some 50 years ago. At their sentencing on July 16, Walter Myers forthrightly announced, “We did not intend to hurt any individual American. Our only objective was to help the Cuban people defend their revolution.” United States District Judge Reggie Walton vindictively sentenced 73-year-old Walter Myers to life without parole, and the 72-year-old Gwendolyn Myers to 81 months. This could well be a death sentence for Gwendolyn Myers, who has already suffered a heart attack since her June 2009 arrest.
From the interests of the working class and oppressed in the U.S. and around the world, what the Myers are accused of is not a crime. We defend them as part of our defense of Cuba, a bureaucratically deformed workers state. We demand their immediate freedom.
The federal prosecutors claimed that in the years leading up to his retirement in 2007, Walter Myers examined hundreds of intelligence reports dealing with Cuba, many classified or top-secret, and that information from these were passed on to Cuban authorities. According to the federal criminal complaint, Mr. Myers, a great-grandson of Alexander Graham Bell, was recruited to Cuban intelligence along with his wife after they made a trip to Cuba in 1978. Myers’ diary of that trip recorded his growing bitterness over lack of decent medical care, oil company greed and indifference to poverty in the U.S. as contrasted with Cuba where efforts were underway to eradicate these evils.
The elimination of capitalist rule in Cuba in 1960-61 led to enormous gains for working people despite the rule of a bureaucratic nationalist caste led by Fidel Castro. The centralized planned economy guarantees everyone a job, housing, food and education. Cubans now enjoy one of the highest literacy rates in the world. Despite the crippling effects of the U.S. blockade, the free health care system is still far and away the best in economically underdeveloped countries. The revolution especially has benefited women: domination of the Catholic Church was broken, and abortion is a free health service. Infant mortality is lower than in parts of the First World, and Cuba has more doctors and teachers per capita than just about anywhere else in the world.
The U.S. ruling class has worked relentlessly to overthrow the Cuban Revolution and re-establish the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie—from the 1961 Playa Girón (Bay of Pigs) invasion to repeated attempts to assassinate Castro; from funding counterrevolutionary terrorists in Miami to the ongoing economic embargo. The U.S. rulers continue to harbor their trained terrorists, like Orlando Bosch and Luis Posada Carriles, who engineered the 1976 bombing of a Cuban airliner that killed 73 people. We say: Send Posada and Bosch back to Cuba to be tried by their victims!
We also defend and call for the release of the Cuban Five, Gerardo Hernández, Antonio Guerrero, Ramón Labañino, Fernando González and René González—courageous men who warned Cuba of the plots by such U.S.-supported gusano counterrevolutionary terrorists—as well as Ana Belen Montes, a Defense Intelligence Agency officer sentenced to 25 years for passing military information to the Cuban government. Their actions that assisted the defense of the Cuban deformed workers state from the most dangerous imperialist power in the world are not only defensible but laudable.
The Partisan Defense Committee calls on the international workers movement to take up the defense of these prisoners: Freedom for Walter Kendall Myers and Gwendolyn Myers! Free the Cuban 5! Free Ana Belen Montes! Defend Cuba! Down with the embargo! U.S. out of Guantánamo Bay now!
This article goes along with the propaganda points in the fight for our communist program mentioned in other class-war prisoner and defense of the Cuban Revolution articles in this space.
Workers Vanguard No. 963
27 August 2010
Free Walter and Gwendolyn Myers!
Free the Cuban Five!
(Class-Struggle Defense Notes)
We print below a statement issued on August 3 by the Partisan Defense Committee.
The Partisan Defense Committee protests the prosecution and imprisonment of Walter Kendall Myers and his wife Gwendolyn Myers. A retired State Department analyst, Mr. Myers pleaded guilty last November to charges of conspiracy to commit espionage. Gwendolyn Myers pleaded guilty to conspiring to gather and transmit defense information to Cuba, which has been under the gun sights of U.S. imperialism since capitalist class rule was overthrown some 50 years ago. At their sentencing on July 16, Walter Myers forthrightly announced, “We did not intend to hurt any individual American. Our only objective was to help the Cuban people defend their revolution.” United States District Judge Reggie Walton vindictively sentenced 73-year-old Walter Myers to life without parole, and the 72-year-old Gwendolyn Myers to 81 months. This could well be a death sentence for Gwendolyn Myers, who has already suffered a heart attack since her June 2009 arrest.
From the interests of the working class and oppressed in the U.S. and around the world, what the Myers are accused of is not a crime. We defend them as part of our defense of Cuba, a bureaucratically deformed workers state. We demand their immediate freedom.
The federal prosecutors claimed that in the years leading up to his retirement in 2007, Walter Myers examined hundreds of intelligence reports dealing with Cuba, many classified or top-secret, and that information from these were passed on to Cuban authorities. According to the federal criminal complaint, Mr. Myers, a great-grandson of Alexander Graham Bell, was recruited to Cuban intelligence along with his wife after they made a trip to Cuba in 1978. Myers’ diary of that trip recorded his growing bitterness over lack of decent medical care, oil company greed and indifference to poverty in the U.S. as contrasted with Cuba where efforts were underway to eradicate these evils.
The elimination of capitalist rule in Cuba in 1960-61 led to enormous gains for working people despite the rule of a bureaucratic nationalist caste led by Fidel Castro. The centralized planned economy guarantees everyone a job, housing, food and education. Cubans now enjoy one of the highest literacy rates in the world. Despite the crippling effects of the U.S. blockade, the free health care system is still far and away the best in economically underdeveloped countries. The revolution especially has benefited women: domination of the Catholic Church was broken, and abortion is a free health service. Infant mortality is lower than in parts of the First World, and Cuba has more doctors and teachers per capita than just about anywhere else in the world.
The U.S. ruling class has worked relentlessly to overthrow the Cuban Revolution and re-establish the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie—from the 1961 Playa Girón (Bay of Pigs) invasion to repeated attempts to assassinate Castro; from funding counterrevolutionary terrorists in Miami to the ongoing economic embargo. The U.S. rulers continue to harbor their trained terrorists, like Orlando Bosch and Luis Posada Carriles, who engineered the 1976 bombing of a Cuban airliner that killed 73 people. We say: Send Posada and Bosch back to Cuba to be tried by their victims!
We also defend and call for the release of the Cuban Five, Gerardo Hernández, Antonio Guerrero, Ramón Labañino, Fernando González and René González—courageous men who warned Cuba of the plots by such U.S.-supported gusano counterrevolutionary terrorists—as well as Ana Belen Montes, a Defense Intelligence Agency officer sentenced to 25 years for passing military information to the Cuban government. Their actions that assisted the defense of the Cuban deformed workers state from the most dangerous imperialist power in the world are not only defensible but laudable.
The Partisan Defense Committee calls on the international workers movement to take up the defense of these prisoners: Freedom for Walter Kendall Myers and Gwendolyn Myers! Free the Cuban 5! Free Ana Belen Montes! Defend Cuba! Down with the embargo! U.S. out of Guantánamo Bay now!
*From The Pages Of "Workers Vanguard"-Defend the Palestinians Against Zionist State Terror!-On Boycotts, Disinvestment and Sanctions
Click on the headline to link to the Workers Vanguard website for an online copy of the article mentioned in the headline.
Markin comment:
This article goes along with the propaganda points in the fight for our communist program on the question of the right to national self-determination that I have mentioned elsewhere in this space.
Markin comment:
This article goes along with the propaganda points in the fight for our communist program on the question of the right to national self-determination that I have mentioned elsewhere in this space.
* “Workers of The World Unite, You Have Nothing To Lose But Your Chains”-The Struggle For Trotsky's Fourth (Communist) International-From The Archives
Click on the headline to link to a Wikipedia entry for a very broad outline of the history of the Leon Trotsky-led and inspired Fourth International, it demise, and the myriad organizations that claim its heritage, rightfully or wrongfully. As usual with political Wikipedia use the information with caution and a as mere primer.
Markin comment:
Recently, when the question of an international, a new workers international, a fifth international, was broached by the International Marxist Tendency (IMT), faintly echoing the call by Venezuelan caudillo, Hugo Chavez, I got to thinking a little bit more on the subject. Moreover, it must be something in the air (maybe caused by these global climatic changes) because I have also seen recent commentary on the need to go back to something that looks very much like Karl Marx’s one-size-fits-all First International. Of course, just what the doctor by all means, be my guest, but only if the shades of Proudhon and Bakunin can join. Boys and girls that First International was disbanded in the wake of the demise of the Paris Commune for a reason, okay. Mixing political banners (Marxism and fifty-seven varieties of anarchism) is appropriate to a united front, not a hell-bent revolutionary International fighting, and fighting hard, for our communist future. Forward
The Second International, for those six, no seven, people who might care, is still alive and well (at least for periodic international conferences) as a mail-drop for homeless social democrats who want to maintain a fig leaf of internationalism without having to do much about it. Needless to say, one Joseph Stalin and his cohorts liquidated the Communist (Third) International in 1943, long after it turned from a revolutionary headquarters into an outpost of Soviet foreign policy. By then no revolutionary missed its demise, nor shed a tear goodbye. And of course there are always a million commentaries by groups, cults, leagues, tendencies, etc. claiming to stand in the tradition (although, rarely, the program) of the Leon Trotsky-inspired Fourth International that, logically and programmatically, is the starting point of any discussion of the modern struggle for a new communist international.
With that caveat in mind this month, the September American Labor Day month, but more importantly the month in 1938 that the ill-fated Fourth International was founded I am posting some documents around the history of that formation, and its program, the program known by the shorthand, Transitional Program. If you want to call for a fifth, sixth, seventh, what have you, revolutionary international, and you are serious about it beyond the "mail-drop" potential, then you have to look seriously into that organization's origins, and the world-class Bolshevik revolutionary who inspired it. Forward.
Markin comment:
Recently, when the question of an international, a new workers international, a fifth international, was broached by the International Marxist Tendency (IMT), faintly echoing the call by Venezuelan caudillo, Hugo Chavez, I got to thinking a little bit more on the subject. Moreover, it must be something in the air (maybe caused by these global climatic changes) because I have also seen recent commentary on the need to go back to something that looks very much like Karl Marx’s one-size-fits-all First International. Of course, just what the doctor by all means, be my guest, but only if the shades of Proudhon and Bakunin can join. Boys and girls that First International was disbanded in the wake of the demise of the Paris Commune for a reason, okay. Mixing political banners (Marxism and fifty-seven varieties of anarchism) is appropriate to a united front, not a hell-bent revolutionary International fighting, and fighting hard, for our communist future. Forward
The Second International, for those six, no seven, people who might care, is still alive and well (at least for periodic international conferences) as a mail-drop for homeless social democrats who want to maintain a fig leaf of internationalism without having to do much about it. Needless to say, one Joseph Stalin and his cohorts liquidated the Communist (Third) International in 1943, long after it turned from a revolutionary headquarters into an outpost of Soviet foreign policy. By then no revolutionary missed its demise, nor shed a tear goodbye. And of course there are always a million commentaries by groups, cults, leagues, tendencies, etc. claiming to stand in the tradition (although, rarely, the program) of the Leon Trotsky-inspired Fourth International that, logically and programmatically, is the starting point of any discussion of the modern struggle for a new communist international.
With that caveat in mind this month, the September American Labor Day month, but more importantly the month in 1938 that the ill-fated Fourth International was founded I am posting some documents around the history of that formation, and its program, the program known by the shorthand, Transitional Program. If you want to call for a fifth, sixth, seventh, what have you, revolutionary international, and you are serious about it beyond the "mail-drop" potential, then you have to look seriously into that organization's origins, and the world-class Bolshevik revolutionary who inspired it. Forward.
*Opinion Polls And The Question Of Peace- A Short Note
Markin comment:
Recently there have been a number of polls that have come out from various media sources indicating that the majority of American people have, in some form, turned against Obama's Afghan adventure. Every anti-war militant and leftist should take that as good news, at least in the sense that this gives us fertile ground to work in as we fight for out program of immediate, unconditional withdrawal of all American/Allied troops and mercenaries from Afghanistan.
Of course, polls in themselves can only give a very broad and , sometimes misleading, sense of the pulse of the populace at any given time. That is a given, but this short note is motivated by more than that concern. I want to make my point on this not by some high theoretical, high Marxist, high Trotskyist formulation but by a small piece of anecdotal evidence.
In the aftermath of 9/11 tensions, angers, and hatreds were running high, some of it natural under the circumstances some of it not. In any case at that time I was on the listen for any hint that cooler voices might appear that would , frankly, make it easier for we of the anti-war left to get a hearing for our anti-imperialist message. As I have mentioned before previously in this space that period was one of the few time in my long political street career that I feared being on the American protest streets, day or night. Along that line I started listening to a local call-in radio talk show. Now this was not some flaming, fire-red Fox Network/Rush Limbaugh operation but the very soul of discretion, a National Public Radio-like (NPR) talk show. Such shows if you are at all familiar with their format are noted more for long-windedness among the irate than venomous "red meat" statements, and tempers rarely flare up if at all.
On this particular day, this post 9/11, post-Afghan invasion, pre-Iraq invasion day the subject of the program turned on the question of individual callers' "peace strategies" for the Middle East (and, maybe, world peace as well although the focus was on the Middle East). The general tenor of the responses, for the most part, as was to be expected were long on the brotherhood of man (or some such hood) and short of breaking the back of Islamic fundamentalism in a way that would serve our interests (the interest of the anti-war left). Mainly the strategies were drive by proposals from policy wonks who submitted their plans in a manner befitting those who see themselves as policy-makers in exile (remember this was in Boston and and during the Bush administration when such types were around by the bushel full).
The call that drew my attention, however, and has made me even more skeptical and wary of these vaunted opinion polls was one woman caller, a mother of two, a worried distraught mother of two, a self-proclaimed pacifist along Quaker lines (and who articulated the Quaker "inner light" line very well), who solely in the interest of well-being of those two children you understand, proposed that perhaps a couple of surgical tactical nuclear strikes in the heart of the Middle East wouldn't make those two winsome children's future just a bit more secure.
Now I will not get into the little, the tiny little problem of those other mothers, those Middle Eastern mothers with their own two little winsome children and their fates under this program. I will merely speculate here, that, assuming this concerned mother did not personally have a couple of extra tactical nuclear weapons around the house (for the safety of those kids, remember) that this job, practically speaking would, of necessity, have to be detailed to the American imperial state.
But here is the kicker- when asked if she supported the furious rush to war by the Bush Administration in Iraq she quickly and unequivocally said no. I assume those quick strike nukes on behalf of Johnny and Jimmy were enough for her. So the next time you get really hung up and all excited about increased opposition to Obama's Afghan fiasco remember this little tale, this little cautionary tale, about the vagaries of peace-the peace of the graveyard. And organize, organize like crazy to get those troops out of Afghanistan before that 'concerned' mother steps into the breach.
Recently there have been a number of polls that have come out from various media sources indicating that the majority of American people have, in some form, turned against Obama's Afghan adventure. Every anti-war militant and leftist should take that as good news, at least in the sense that this gives us fertile ground to work in as we fight for out program of immediate, unconditional withdrawal of all American/Allied troops and mercenaries from Afghanistan.
Of course, polls in themselves can only give a very broad and , sometimes misleading, sense of the pulse of the populace at any given time. That is a given, but this short note is motivated by more than that concern. I want to make my point on this not by some high theoretical, high Marxist, high Trotskyist formulation but by a small piece of anecdotal evidence.
In the aftermath of 9/11 tensions, angers, and hatreds were running high, some of it natural under the circumstances some of it not. In any case at that time I was on the listen for any hint that cooler voices might appear that would , frankly, make it easier for we of the anti-war left to get a hearing for our anti-imperialist message. As I have mentioned before previously in this space that period was one of the few time in my long political street career that I feared being on the American protest streets, day or night. Along that line I started listening to a local call-in radio talk show. Now this was not some flaming, fire-red Fox Network/Rush Limbaugh operation but the very soul of discretion, a National Public Radio-like (NPR) talk show. Such shows if you are at all familiar with their format are noted more for long-windedness among the irate than venomous "red meat" statements, and tempers rarely flare up if at all.
On this particular day, this post 9/11, post-Afghan invasion, pre-Iraq invasion day the subject of the program turned on the question of individual callers' "peace strategies" for the Middle East (and, maybe, world peace as well although the focus was on the Middle East). The general tenor of the responses, for the most part, as was to be expected were long on the brotherhood of man (or some such hood) and short of breaking the back of Islamic fundamentalism in a way that would serve our interests (the interest of the anti-war left). Mainly the strategies were drive by proposals from policy wonks who submitted their plans in a manner befitting those who see themselves as policy-makers in exile (remember this was in Boston and and during the Bush administration when such types were around by the bushel full).
The call that drew my attention, however, and has made me even more skeptical and wary of these vaunted opinion polls was one woman caller, a mother of two, a worried distraught mother of two, a self-proclaimed pacifist along Quaker lines (and who articulated the Quaker "inner light" line very well), who solely in the interest of well-being of those two children you understand, proposed that perhaps a couple of surgical tactical nuclear strikes in the heart of the Middle East wouldn't make those two winsome children's future just a bit more secure.
Now I will not get into the little, the tiny little problem of those other mothers, those Middle Eastern mothers with their own two little winsome children and their fates under this program. I will merely speculate here, that, assuming this concerned mother did not personally have a couple of extra tactical nuclear weapons around the house (for the safety of those kids, remember) that this job, practically speaking would, of necessity, have to be detailed to the American imperial state.
But here is the kicker- when asked if she supported the furious rush to war by the Bush Administration in Iraq she quickly and unequivocally said no. I assume those quick strike nukes on behalf of Johnny and Jimmy were enough for her. So the next time you get really hung up and all excited about increased opposition to Obama's Afghan fiasco remember this little tale, this little cautionary tale, about the vagaries of peace-the peace of the graveyard. And organize, organize like crazy to get those troops out of Afghanistan before that 'concerned' mother steps into the breach.
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
*Songs To While Away The Class Struggle By-"The Jute Mill Song"
Click on the title to link a YouTube film clip of Karen Casey performing The Jute Mill Song.
In this series, presented under the headline Songs To While Away The Class Struggle By, I will post some songs that I think will help us get through the “dog days” of the struggle for our communist future. I do not vouch for the political thrust of the songs; for the most part they are done by pacifists, social democrats, hell, even just plain old ordinary democrats. And, occasionally, a communist, although hard communist musicians have historically been scarce on the ground. Thus, here we have a regular "popular front" on the music scene. While this would not be acceptable for our political prospects, it will suffice for our purposes here. Markin.
The Jute Mill Song
(Mary Brookbank)
O, dear me, the mill is running fast
And we poor shifters canna get nae rest
Shifting bobbins coarse and fine
They fairly make you work for your ten and nine
O, dear me, I wish this day were done
Running up and doon the Pass is nae fun
Shiftin', piecin', spinning warp, weft and twine
To feed and clothe ma bairnie offa ten and nine
O, dear me, the world is ill-divided
Them that works the hardest are the least provided
But I maun bide contented, dark days or fine
There's no much pleasure living offa ten and nine
Recorded by MacColl- Steam Whistle Ballads, Redpath- Ballad Book,
Golden Ring- Day 1
Copyright TRO Essex Music Ltd.
In this series, presented under the headline Songs To While Away The Class Struggle By, I will post some songs that I think will help us get through the “dog days” of the struggle for our communist future. I do not vouch for the political thrust of the songs; for the most part they are done by pacifists, social democrats, hell, even just plain old ordinary democrats. And, occasionally, a communist, although hard communist musicians have historically been scarce on the ground. Thus, here we have a regular "popular front" on the music scene. While this would not be acceptable for our political prospects, it will suffice for our purposes here. Markin.
The Jute Mill Song
(Mary Brookbank)
O, dear me, the mill is running fast
And we poor shifters canna get nae rest
Shifting bobbins coarse and fine
They fairly make you work for your ten and nine
O, dear me, I wish this day were done
Running up and doon the Pass is nae fun
Shiftin', piecin', spinning warp, weft and twine
To feed and clothe ma bairnie offa ten and nine
O, dear me, the world is ill-divided
Them that works the hardest are the least provided
But I maun bide contented, dark days or fine
There's no much pleasure living offa ten and nine
Recorded by MacColl- Steam Whistle Ballads, Redpath- Ballad Book,
Golden Ring- Day 1
Copyright TRO Essex Music Ltd.
*From The Archives Of The “Revolutionary History” Journal-Christian Rakovsky, Roumania and Bessarabia- A Book Review
Click on the headline to link to the “Revolutionary History” Journal entry listed in the title.
Markin comment:
This is an excellent documentary source for today’s militants to “discovery” the work of our forbears, whether we agree with their programs or not. Mainly not, but that does not negate the value of such work done under the pressure of revolutionary times. Hopefully we will do better when our time comes.
Markin comment:
This is an excellent documentary source for today’s militants to “discovery” the work of our forbears, whether we agree with their programs or not. Mainly not, but that does not negate the value of such work done under the pressure of revolutionary times. Hopefully we will do better when our time comes.
*From The Archives Of The “Revolutionary History” Journal-Albert Glotzer, Trotsky: Memoir and Critique- A Book Review
Click on the headline to link to the “Revolutionary History” Journal entry listed in the title.
Markin comment:
This is an excellent documentary source for today’s militants to “discovery” the work of our forbears, whether we agree with their programs or not. Mainly not, but that does not negate the value of such work done under the pressure of revolutionary times. Hopefully we will do better when our time comes.
Markin comment:
This is an excellent documentary source for today’s militants to “discovery” the work of our forbears, whether we agree with their programs or not. Mainly not, but that does not negate the value of such work done under the pressure of revolutionary times. Hopefully we will do better when our time comes.
*From The Archives Of The “Revolutionary History” Journal- In Honor Of Oskar Hippe (1900–1990)- Our Flag Is Still Red
Click on the headline to link to the “Revolutionary History” Journal entry listed in the title.
Markin comment:
This is an excellent documentary source for today’s militants to “discovery” the work of our forbears, whether we agree with their programs or not. Mainly not, but that does not negate the value of such work done under the pressure of revolutionary times. Hopefully we will do better when our time comes.
Markin comment:
This is an excellent documentary source for today’s militants to “discovery” the work of our forbears, whether we agree with their programs or not. Mainly not, but that does not negate the value of such work done under the pressure of revolutionary times. Hopefully we will do better when our time comes.
*From The Archives Of The “Revolutionary History” Journal-The History of the Publication of Trotsky’s Works in Hungarian
Click on the headline to link to the “Revolutionary History” Journal entry listed in the title.
Markin comment:
This is an excellent documentary source for today’s militants to “discovery” the work of our forbears, whether we agree with their programs or not. Mainly not, but that does not negate the value of such work done under the pressure of revolutionary times. Hopefully we will do better when our time comes.
Markin comment:
This is an excellent documentary source for today’s militants to “discovery” the work of our forbears, whether we agree with their programs or not. Mainly not, but that does not negate the value of such work done under the pressure of revolutionary times. Hopefully we will do better when our time comes.
*From The Archives Of The “Revolutionary History” Journal-The Present Day Relevance of the Transitional Programme(1966)
Click on the headline to link to the “Revolutionary History” Journal entry listed in the title.
Markin comment:
This is an excellent documentary source for today’s militants to “discovery” the work of our forbears, whether we agree with their programs or not. Mainly not, but that does not negate the value of such work done under the pressure of revolutionary times. Hopefully we will do better when our time comes.
Markin comment:
This is an excellent documentary source for today’s militants to “discovery” the work of our forbears, whether we agree with their programs or not. Mainly not, but that does not negate the value of such work done under the pressure of revolutionary times. Hopefully we will do better when our time comes.
*From The Archives Of The “Revolutionary History” Journal-Stalinism and Communism in Albania
Click on the headline to link to the “Revolutionary History” Journal entry listed in the title.
Markin comment:
This is an excellent documentary source for today’s militants to “discovery” the work of our forbears, whether we agree with their programs or not. Mainly not, but that does not negate the value of such work done under the pressure of revolutionary times. Hopefully we will do better when our time comes.
Markin comment:
This is an excellent documentary source for today’s militants to “discovery” the work of our forbears, whether we agree with their programs or not. Mainly not, but that does not negate the value of such work done under the pressure of revolutionary times. Hopefully we will do better when our time comes.
*From The Archives Of The “Revolutionary History” Journal-How the Bolshevik-Leninist Group of Romania was Founded
Click on the headline to link to the “Revolutionary History” Journal entry listed in the title.
Markin comment:
This is an excellent documentary source for today’s militants to “discovery” the work of our forbears, whether we agree with their programs or not. Mainly not, but that does not negate the value of such work done under the pressure of revolutionary times. Hopefully we will do better when our time comes.
Markin comment:
This is an excellent documentary source for today’s militants to “discovery” the work of our forbears, whether we agree with their programs or not. Mainly not, but that does not negate the value of such work done under the pressure of revolutionary times. Hopefully we will do better when our time comes.
*From The Archives Of The “Revolutionary History” Journal-The Bolshevik Leninist (Fourth International) Movement in Poland up to 1945
Click on the headline to link to the “Revolutionary History” Journal entry listed in the title.
Markin comment:
This is an excellent documentary source for today’s militants to “discovery” the work of our forbears, whether we agree with their programs or not. Mainly not, but that does not negate the value of such work done under the pressure of revolutionary times. Hopefully we will do better when our time comes.
Markin comment:
This is an excellent documentary source for today’s militants to “discovery” the work of our forbears, whether we agree with their programs or not. Mainly not, but that does not negate the value of such work done under the pressure of revolutionary times. Hopefully we will do better when our time comes.
*From The Archives Of The “Revolutionary History” Journal-When Tito was a Revolutionary, according to Pierre Frank and Gérard Bloch
Click on the headline to link to the “Revolutionary History” Journal entry listed in the title.
Markin comment:
This is an excellent documentary source for today’s militants to “discovery” the work of our forbears, whether we agree with their programs or not. Mainly not, but that does not negate the value of such work done under the pressure of revolutionary times. Hopefully we will do better when our time comes.
Markin comment:
This is an excellent documentary source for today’s militants to “discovery” the work of our forbears, whether we agree with their programs or not. Mainly not, but that does not negate the value of such work done under the pressure of revolutionary times. Hopefully we will do better when our time comes.
* “Workers of The World Unite, You Have Nothing To Lose But Your Chains”-The Struggle For Trotsky's Fourth (Communist) International-From The Archives
Click on the headline to link to a Wikipedia entry for a very general outline of the history of the fifth international movement that is being highlighted today (see today's earlier post)as part of revisiting the history of the Leon Trotsky-led and inspired Fourth International.
Markin comment:
Recently, when the question of an international, a new workers international, a fifth international, was broached by the International Marxist Tendency (IMT), faintly echoing the call by Venezuelan caudillo, Hugo Chavez, I got to thinking a little bit more on the subject. Moreover, it must be something in the air (maybe caused by these global climatic changes) because I have also seen recent commentary on the need to go back to something that looks very much like Karl Marx’s one-size-fits-all First International. Of course, just what the doctor by all means, be my guest, but only if the shades of Proudhon and Bakunin can join. Boys and girls that First International was disbanded in the wake of the demise of the Paris Commune for a reason, okay. Mixing political banners (Marxism and fifty-seven varieties of anarchism) is appropriate to a united front, not a hell-bent revolutionary International fighting, and fighting hard, for our communist future. Forward
The Second International, for those six, no seven, people who might care, is still alive and well (at least for periodic international conferences) as a mail-drop for homeless social democrats who want to maintain a fig leaf of internationalism without having to do much about it. Needless to say, one Joseph Stalin and his cohorts liquidated the Communist (Third) International in 1943, long after it turned from a revolutionary headquarters into an outpost of Soviet foreign policy. By then no revolutionary missed its demise, nor shed a tear goodbye. And of course there are always a million commentaries by groups, cults, leagues, tendencies, etc. claiming to stand in the tradition (although, rarely, the program) of the Leon Trotsky-inspired Fourth International that, logically and programmatically, is the starting point of any discussion of the modern struggle for a new communist international.
With that caveat in mind this month, the September American Labor Day month, but more importantly the month in 1938 that the ill-fated Fourth International was founded I am posting some documents around the history of that formation, and its program, the program known by the shorthand, Transitional Program. If you want to call for a fifth, sixth, seventh, what have you, revolutionary international, and you are serious about it beyond the "mail-drop" potential, then you have to look seriously into that organization's origins, and the world-class Bolshevik revolutionary who inspired it. Forward.
Markin comment:
Recently, when the question of an international, a new workers international, a fifth international, was broached by the International Marxist Tendency (IMT), faintly echoing the call by Venezuelan caudillo, Hugo Chavez, I got to thinking a little bit more on the subject. Moreover, it must be something in the air (maybe caused by these global climatic changes) because I have also seen recent commentary on the need to go back to something that looks very much like Karl Marx’s one-size-fits-all First International. Of course, just what the doctor by all means, be my guest, but only if the shades of Proudhon and Bakunin can join. Boys and girls that First International was disbanded in the wake of the demise of the Paris Commune for a reason, okay. Mixing political banners (Marxism and fifty-seven varieties of anarchism) is appropriate to a united front, not a hell-bent revolutionary International fighting, and fighting hard, for our communist future. Forward
The Second International, for those six, no seven, people who might care, is still alive and well (at least for periodic international conferences) as a mail-drop for homeless social democrats who want to maintain a fig leaf of internationalism without having to do much about it. Needless to say, one Joseph Stalin and his cohorts liquidated the Communist (Third) International in 1943, long after it turned from a revolutionary headquarters into an outpost of Soviet foreign policy. By then no revolutionary missed its demise, nor shed a tear goodbye. And of course there are always a million commentaries by groups, cults, leagues, tendencies, etc. claiming to stand in the tradition (although, rarely, the program) of the Leon Trotsky-inspired Fourth International that, logically and programmatically, is the starting point of any discussion of the modern struggle for a new communist international.
With that caveat in mind this month, the September American Labor Day month, but more importantly the month in 1938 that the ill-fated Fourth International was founded I am posting some documents around the history of that formation, and its program, the program known by the shorthand, Transitional Program. If you want to call for a fifth, sixth, seventh, what have you, revolutionary international, and you are serious about it beyond the "mail-drop" potential, then you have to look seriously into that organization's origins, and the world-class Bolshevik revolutionary who inspired it. Forward.
*From The Archives Of The “Revolutionary History” Journal-Siegfried Kissin and the Danzig Trotskyists
Click on the headline to link to the “Revolutionary History” Journal entry listed in the title.
Markin comment:
This is an excellent documentary source for today’s militants to “discovery” the work of our forbears, whether we agree with their programs or not. Mainly not, but that does not negate the value of such work done under the pressure of revolutionary times. Hopefully we will do better when our time comes.
Markin comment:
This is an excellent documentary source for today’s militants to “discovery” the work of our forbears, whether we agree with their programs or not. Mainly not, but that does not negate the value of such work done under the pressure of revolutionary times. Hopefully we will do better when our time comes.
* “Workers of The World Unite, You Have Nothing To Lose But Your Chains”-The Struggle For Trotsky's Fourth (Communist) International-From The Archives
Click on the headline to link to the International Marxist Tendency website for the article listed in the commentary about the call for a fifth international.
Markin comment:
As a devotee of founding father Karl Marx’s communist work and writings started in the 1840s, especially the founding document, The Communist Manifesto, I know that the slogan-“Workers of The World Unite, You Have Nothing To Lose But Your Chains”- has been honored more in the breech than in the observance for more historical reasons than I want to go into in this commentary. Nevertheless the idea behind that slogan has, rightly, animated generations of revolutionaries in the search, the necessary search, for some kind of international configuration of workers' parties and workers' republics that would give weight and meaning to the slogan and lead, at some point, to that communist future that we so fervently desire, and given just a quick look at this old benighted world today, desperately need.
The idea of some kind of workers international has animated my political work for most of my life, even before I learned idea number one in the Marxist catechism. Hell, when I was nothing but scared rabbit, wet behind the ears, wonky little know-it-all little sophomore or sometime around that period, in high school I was trying to create such an organization (or, better, a youth auxiliary to such an organization) with a now preposterous sounding little name, Student Union For World Goals. That youth organization was, besides being mildly anti-communist, programmatically, a left-center rehash of the (adult) Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) program, that I took as my political model in those days. The folly of that activity is neither here nor there today, but what remains in that from very early on I sensed that if the oppressed of the world (although I would not have used such a term at that time) were to get a fair shake in this wicked old world then they would have to make up for the political weaknesses and not having ruled previously stemming from a feeling of powerlessness by being organized massively on an international basis.
So, recently, when the question of an international, a new workers international, a fifth international, was broached by the International Marxist Tendency (IMT), faintly echoing the call by Venezuelan caudillo, Hugo Chavez, I got to thinking a little bit more on the subject. See linked post above for IMT article.) Moreover, it must be something in the air (maybe caused by these global climatic changes) because I have also seen recent commentary on the need to go back to something that looks very much like Karl Marx’s one-size-fits-all First International. Of course,just what the doctor by all means, be my guest, but only if the shades of Proudhon and Bakunin can join. Boys and girls that First International got disbanded in the wake of the demise of the Paris Commune for a reason, okay. Mixing political banners (Marxism and fifty-seven varieties of anarchism) is appropriate to a united front, not a hell-bent revolutionary International fighting, and fighting hard, for our communist future. Forward
The Second International, for those six, no seven, people who might care, is still alive and well (at least for periodic international conferences) as a mail-drop for homeless social democrats who want to maintain a fig leaf of internationalism without having to do much about it. Needless to say, one Joseph Stalin and his cohorts liquidated the Communist (Third) International in 1943, long after it turned from a revolutionary headquarters into an outpost of Soviet foreign policy. By then no revolutionary missed its demise, nor shed a tear goodbye. And of course there are always a million commentaries by groups, cults, leagues, tendencies, etc. claiming to stand in the tradition (although, rarely, the program) of the Leon Trotsky-inspired Fourth International that, logically and programmatically, is the starting point of any discussion of the modern struggle for a new communist international.
With that caveat in mind this month, the September American Labor Day month, but more importantly the month in 1938 that the ill-fated Fourth International was founded I am posting some documents around the history of that formation, and its program, the program known by the shorthand, Transitional Program. If you want to call for a fifth, sixth, seventh, what have you, revolutionary international, and you are serious about it beyond the "mail-drop" potential, then you have to look seriously into that organization's origins, and the world-class Bolshevik revolutionary who inspired it. Forward.
Markin comment:
As a devotee of founding father Karl Marx’s communist work and writings started in the 1840s, especially the founding document, The Communist Manifesto, I know that the slogan-“Workers of The World Unite, You Have Nothing To Lose But Your Chains”- has been honored more in the breech than in the observance for more historical reasons than I want to go into in this commentary. Nevertheless the idea behind that slogan has, rightly, animated generations of revolutionaries in the search, the necessary search, for some kind of international configuration of workers' parties and workers' republics that would give weight and meaning to the slogan and lead, at some point, to that communist future that we so fervently desire, and given just a quick look at this old benighted world today, desperately need.
The idea of some kind of workers international has animated my political work for most of my life, even before I learned idea number one in the Marxist catechism. Hell, when I was nothing but scared rabbit, wet behind the ears, wonky little know-it-all little sophomore or sometime around that period, in high school I was trying to create such an organization (or, better, a youth auxiliary to such an organization) with a now preposterous sounding little name, Student Union For World Goals. That youth organization was, besides being mildly anti-communist, programmatically, a left-center rehash of the (adult) Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) program, that I took as my political model in those days. The folly of that activity is neither here nor there today, but what remains in that from very early on I sensed that if the oppressed of the world (although I would not have used such a term at that time) were to get a fair shake in this wicked old world then they would have to make up for the political weaknesses and not having ruled previously stemming from a feeling of powerlessness by being organized massively on an international basis.
So, recently, when the question of an international, a new workers international, a fifth international, was broached by the International Marxist Tendency (IMT), faintly echoing the call by Venezuelan caudillo, Hugo Chavez, I got to thinking a little bit more on the subject. See linked post above for IMT article.) Moreover, it must be something in the air (maybe caused by these global climatic changes) because I have also seen recent commentary on the need to go back to something that looks very much like Karl Marx’s one-size-fits-all First International. Of course,just what the doctor by all means, be my guest, but only if the shades of Proudhon and Bakunin can join. Boys and girls that First International got disbanded in the wake of the demise of the Paris Commune for a reason, okay. Mixing political banners (Marxism and fifty-seven varieties of anarchism) is appropriate to a united front, not a hell-bent revolutionary International fighting, and fighting hard, for our communist future. Forward
The Second International, for those six, no seven, people who might care, is still alive and well (at least for periodic international conferences) as a mail-drop for homeless social democrats who want to maintain a fig leaf of internationalism without having to do much about it. Needless to say, one Joseph Stalin and his cohorts liquidated the Communist (Third) International in 1943, long after it turned from a revolutionary headquarters into an outpost of Soviet foreign policy. By then no revolutionary missed its demise, nor shed a tear goodbye. And of course there are always a million commentaries by groups, cults, leagues, tendencies, etc. claiming to stand in the tradition (although, rarely, the program) of the Leon Trotsky-inspired Fourth International that, logically and programmatically, is the starting point of any discussion of the modern struggle for a new communist international.
With that caveat in mind this month, the September American Labor Day month, but more importantly the month in 1938 that the ill-fated Fourth International was founded I am posting some documents around the history of that formation, and its program, the program known by the shorthand, Transitional Program. If you want to call for a fifth, sixth, seventh, what have you, revolutionary international, and you are serious about it beyond the "mail-drop" potential, then you have to look seriously into that organization's origins, and the world-class Bolshevik revolutionary who inspired it. Forward.
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