Friday, November 27, 2015

Veterans For Peace Weekly E-Letter -No U.S.Troops To Syria!


Friday, November 25, 2015

At Thanksgiving, Veterans Call for Return to Nation's Founding Values

Fourteen years after the fall of the World Trade Center towers in Manhattan, Paris, a city beloved by the world, has been dealt deadly blows by fanatical terrorists. It is the worst attack on Paris since World War II.

Amid the clamor for revenge, and despite the clear failure of the United States’ so-called war on terror that sparked the destabilization of the Middle East and the rise of ISIL, French President François Hollande has promised a “ruthless” campaign against ISIL, in other words, a war that will be cruel, uncompromising and merciless.  <Full Statement>

Download VFP's Suggested Solutions to Confont ISIL which do not include U.S. military action.

Soldier's Heart, Warrior's Soul: Remembering Jacob George

The Jacob George Memorial Album Project has completed three albums in memory of him.  The project needs to raise $11,500 or sell 250 albums before Dec 4th.
The albums would make a great tabling item.
If interested in hosting an album release party in your area, contact Amanda Spitfire at
To make a donation or learn more about this project, click here.

SOAW Report Back by Patrick McCann

VFP members march at SOAW Vigil
It was an awesome weekend in Columbus, GA for its 25th anniversary march. The march to Lumpkin was so diverse, with many young people, who provided so much energy, with chants like "El pueblo unidos, jamas seras vencidos". 50+ people attended the VFP meeting on Saturday night at the Columbia Convention and Trade Center. Our annual march to kick off Sunday activities began with 50, but grew to 150 as we approached Ft. Benning. <More>
Photos courtesy of VFP member, Becky Luening
Photos from SOAW staff
Additional coverage of the vigil can be found on the SOAW website.
Related Articles:
SOA Watch annual protest leaving Columbus
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Memorial for Nomad Member, Michael Clift

Memorial Service:   Saturday, Dec 12th
Stephen Michael Clift
29,July 1967 to 30, October 2015
1;00 PM to 4:00 PM.
Veterans Museum and Memorial Center
San Diego CA. 92101

Please join us in celebration of Mike's Life.

Travel Opportunities for Activists

See Cuba before America invades again, this time with bankers and realtors!  Cuba is selling out of hotel rooms, and if you want to see it in the next two years, you need to act now. As this article points out, even some of those in the travel business can’t get rooms.
Only 1 room remains to travel to Cuba in January 2016 with VFP.  Our tours are led by VFP member and Cuban documentary film maker Jim Ryerson, who has been to the island more than 25 times.  If you are interested, please contact Jim. Like the other 2 trips, this one will sell out.

Here is the itinerary
(Click on Book Now to see prices)

Location Sponsored by Dates Contact
Cuba Code Pink
Feb 2016
Visit the Code Pink website
Việt Nam Việt Nam's  Hoa Binh (Peace) Chapter 160
Mar 14- 30, 2016
For more information, please email Nadya Williams
Cuba Code Pink
May 2016
Visit the Code Pink website
Palestine Interfaith Peacebuilders
May 21 - Jun 1 2016
For more information email
Columbia Witness for Peace
Jul 20-30, 2016
For more information email or call:  Patrick Bonner:  323-563-7940
Palestine Interfaith Peacebuilders
16- 29 2016
For more information email
Palestine Interfaith Peacebuilders
Oct   24-Nov     6
For more information email

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In This Issue:

At Thanksgiving, Veterans Call for Return to Nation's Founding Values

Soldier's Heart, Warrior's Soul:  Remembering Jacob George

SOAW Report Back by Patrick McCann

Memorial for Nomad Member, Michael Clift

Travel Opportunities for Activists

SOAW Moving to the Border in 2016 !

Message to President Obama from Former Drone Pilots

VFP 2016 Annual Spring Tour to Viet Nam

Member/Chapter Highlights

Upcoming VFP Endorsed Actions/Events

SOAW Moving to the Border in 2016 !

Click image to watch video
In the video above, SOA Watch Field Organizer María Luisa Rosal and SOA Watch Founder Father Roy Bourgeois make the announcement about SOA Watch's move to the border in the Fall of 2016.
The leading candidate venues for the 2016 SOAW convergence are El Paso and Nogales.

Message to President Obama from Former Drone Pilots

Click image to view Democracy Now Video
This message is part of a letter sent to President Obama.
We witnessed gross waste, mismanagement, abuses of power, and our country’s leaders lying  publicly about the effectiveness of the drone program. We cannot sit silently by and witness tragedies  like the attacks in Paris, knowing the devastating effects the drone program has overseas and at home.  Such silence would violate the very oaths we took to support and defend the Constitution.
We request that you consider our perspective, though perhaps that request is in vain given the  unprecedented prosecution of truth­tellers who came before us like Chelsea Manning, Julian Assange,  and Edward Snowden. For the sake of this country, we hope it is otherwise.
Related Article:
Drone war objectors speak out

VFP 2016 Annual Spring Tour to Viet Nam

Dates of travel:  Mar 14 - Mar 30, 2016
Each year since 2012, members of Việt Nam's Hoa Binh (Peace) Chapter 160 of Veterans For Peace invite up to 20 veterans, non-veterans, spouses & peace activists to come to Việt Nam for an insider's 2-week tour. The Hoa Binh chapter is the first & only overseas VFP chapter of American veterans living in Việt Nam!

The mission of the tour is to address the legacies of America’s war, as well as visit a beautiful country & form lasting ties of friendship & peace. 

For more information, email Nadya Williams @

Member/Chapter Highlights

Chapter 104 in  Evansville, Indiana  awards $1000 to University of Evansville student <photos>

Upcoming VFP Endorsed Actions/Events

Nov 26 - Thanksgiving Day

Dec 1 - Giving Tuesday

Dec 16 - Book Reading: We Gotta Get Out of This Place in Madison WI

Dec 24 - Anniversary of Christmas Truce

Jan 18, 2016 - MLK Day
Mar 27- April 2, 2016 - Shut Down Creech AFB
Apr 15 - GDAMS (Global Day Against Military Spending)

Apr 22 - Earth Day

May 14-21, 2016 - Sam's 5th Annual Ride for Peace
May 30 — Memorial Day (Observed)
Aug 11-15, 2016 - VFP Annual Convention at Clark Kerr campus of UC Berkeley, CA
Sep 21—International Day of Peace

Nov 11 - Armistice Day

Did you know?

 In 2003, Asheville Chapter 99 raised $20,000 to help provide kitchen equipment, washing machines and other essential items to two orphanages in Laghman and Jalalabad.

Veterans For Peace, 1404 N. Broadway, St. Louis, MO 63102


Veterans For Peace appreciates your tax-exempt donations.

We also encourage you to join our ranks.



A View From The Left- From Socialist Alternative -For Bernie Sanders

No Support To Democratic Party Candidate Bernie Sanders! (And None To Hillary Either In Case Your Wondering) Built A Workers Party Now! 

A Frank Jackman disclaimer:

I place some material in this space which I believe may be of interest to the radical public that I do not necessarily agree with or support. One of the worst aspects of the old New Left back in the 1970s as many turned to Marxism after about fifty other theories did not work out was the freezing out political debate with other opponents on the Left to try to clarify the pressing issues of the day. Those jackboot theories, mainly centered on some student-based movements that were somehow to bring down the beast without a struggle for state power, were theories that I earnestly adhered to sometimes more than one at the same time. Nevertheless by our exclusionism we were replicating the worst habits of the old Old Left (those who came of political age and fought the great class battles of the 1930s when kept their generation above water for a long time but which now despite the importance of studying have run out of steam). That freezing out , more times than I care to mention including my own behavior a few times, included physical exclusion and intimidation. I have since come to believe that the fight around programs and politics is what makes us different, and more interesting. The mix of ideas, personalities and programs, will sort themselves out in the furnace of the revolution as they have done in the past. 

Off-hand, as I have mentioned before, I think it would be easier, infinitely easier, to fight for the socialist revolution straight up than some of the “remedies” provided by the commentators in these various blogs and other networking media. But part of that struggle for the socialist revolution is to sort out the “real” stuff from the fluff as we struggle for that more just world that animates our efforts. So read on. 

Socialist Alternative Logo


world is changing. People across the US are fed up with corporate politics, and
millions are discussing socialist ideas.
need to seize this opportunity

and organize a socialist movement of thousands of activists throughout the

in building Socialist Alternative today, and together let's fight for a
socialist future." - Socialist Alternative's Seattle city Councilmember Kshama

the Black Lives Matter movement to the growing call for $15, there's a revolt
breaking out against Wall Street and the endemic inequality and racism generated
by its system.

Sanders is introducing a whole
young people to the ideas of socialism and the need to
movements against corporate hegemony.

Alternative, by leading the re-election campaign of Kshama Sawant and the fight
for $15, has begun to
the political movement to take on the billionaire class.

2016, Socialist Alternative is supporting Bernie Sanders' challenge to
pro-corporate, anti-$15, pro-war Hillary Clinton. We'll be initiating or joining
protests and actions to strengthen his challenge to corporate domination of
politics. In 2016, we're continuing the battle for a $15 across the country,
campaigning against sexism, homophobia, environmental devastation, rising
tuition, student debt and skyrocketing rents.

fighting against all the injustices of capitalism and for a socialist

contribution goes directly toward hiring organizers to build the socialist
movement to challenge corporate power. The average contribution from a supporter
like you affords nearly two extra hours of work from an organizer who can
mobilize about ten volunteers.

we count on you?

Forward this email

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Socialist Alternative | P.O. Box 45343 | Seattle | WA | 98145

Defend The Democratic Right To Protest In Paris! Down With THe Ban!

Dear friends


Various French organisations have called for a demonstration against the ban on demonstrations in Paris, as part of the state of emergency imposed by the State.


We circulated their call and have sent the following message of support to the protestors.


Global Women’s Strike

Women of Colour in the Global Women’s Strike

Payday, men working with the Global Women’s Strike


En français ci-dessous
Message in support of the protest against the ban on demonstrations in Paris
Thursday 26 November 2015
Dear friends,
We received your call for support for the right to demonstrate in Paris this Thursday. We are circulating an English translation to our networks in the UK and abroad. Your resistance is part of an international movement, of which we are also part, against the criminalisation of survival and protest. 
Our organisations have just held an international women’s conference: Caring, Survival and Justice vs the Tyranny of the Market. Because women are the primary carers, we are often the driving force in movements for justice and human rights. Speakers from many countries highlighted the work women do to ensure everyone’s well-being, including justice work against rape, detention, austerity, destitution, ecological devastation, police violence, sexism and racism.
States in every country are using the tragedy of the Paris attacks (13 November) to stifle dissent, justify and intensify military intervention, and close the borders against the hundreds of thousands of people fleeing war and starvation. Every life counts but for Western governments some count more than others. The millions of women, children and men in Africa and the Middle East – from Congo to Palestine, Afghanistan to Iraq, Egypt to Syria – killed, disappeared, maimed and displaced by occupation, dictatorships, proxy-wars, and the arms trade that fuels them, remain mostly uncounted, their names and faces unpublished.
Surveillance and repression intensify, but little is done about the huge increase in racist attacks: 115 in the UK in the week after the Paris killings, up by 300%, mostly by white men attacking women and girls in Islamic dress. We don’t how many Muslim women and girls have been attacked by racists in France, especially given its ban of the veil in public places and of headscarves in schools – but attacks reported include an eight-month pregnant woman and a schoolgirl.
And while peaceful protest and the right of assembly have been banned, including in defence of the planet during the World Climate Summit being held in Paris, commercial activities have been allowed to carry on. The market prioritised, once again.
We are with you in demanding the right to demonstrate. We will be on the anti-war protest in London this Saturday. We will circulate your demands and your petition.
Wherever we are, we refuse to have our voices silenced and our movements for justice suppressed and hidden.      
Invest in caring not killing.
Global Women's Strike
Women of Colour in the Global Women's Strike
Payday, men working with the Global Women's Strike 
More information: 


Message en soutien à l’action de protestation contre l'interdiction de manifester,
Paris, jeudi 26 novembre 2015.
Chères amies et amis,
Nous avons reçu votre appel d'action pour la défense du droit de manifester qui se tiendra à Paris ce jeudi. Nous le faisons circuler en anglais dans nos réseaux au Royaume-Uni et à l'étranger. Votre résistance fait partie d'un mouvement international, dont nous faisons aussi partie, contre la pénalisation de la survie et de la contestation.  
Nos organisations ont récemment organisé une conférence internationale de femmes : Bien-être, survie et justice contre la tyrannie du marché.  Parce que ce sont les femmes qui sont les principales pourvoyeuses de soins, nous sommes souvent la force motrice des mouvements pour la justice et les droits humains. Des oratrices de nombreux pays y ont décrit le travail que font les femmes pour assurer le bien-être de tout le monde, y compris le travail d'exiger justice contre le viol, la détention, l'austérité, la destitution, les dévastations écologiques, la violence de la police, le sexisme et le racisme.   
Les États de tous les pays utilisent la tragédie des attaques à Paris (13 novembre) pour étouffer  la contestation, justifier et intensifier les interventions militaires et fermer les frontières aux centaines de milliers qui ont fuit la guerre et la famine. Chaque vie compte, mais pour les gouvernements de l'Occident certaines comptent plus que d'autres. Les millions de femmes, d'enfants et d'hommes en Afrique et au Moyen-Orient (du Congo à la Palestine, de l'Afghanistan à l'Irak, de l'Égypte à la Syrie) qui ont été tués, kidnappés, blessés et déplacés par les occupations, les dictatures, les guerres par procuration et le commerce des armes qui les alimentent, demeurent largement ignorés, leurs noms et leurs visages non publiés.   
La surveillance et la répression s'intensifie, mais on ne fait rien contre les attaques racistes qui n'ont cessé d'augmenté : 115 au Royaume-Uni durant la semaine qui a suivi les meurtres à Paris, une hausse de 300%, essentiellement des hommes blancs s'attaquant à des femmes et des jeunes filles portant des vêtements musulmans. Nous ne savons pas combien de femmes et de jeunes filles ont été attaquées par des racistes en France,  étant donné l'interdiction du voile dans les lieux publics et du foulard dans les écoles, mais les attaques qui ont été rendues publiques incluent une femme enceinte de huit mois et une écolière. 
Et alors que les manifestations pacifiques et le droit de rassemblement sont interdits, y compris pour défendre la planète lors du Sommet sur les changements climatiques de Paris, les activités commerciales sont autorisées. Encore une fois, la priorité est le marché.   
Avec vous, nous revendiquons le droit de manifester. Nous participerons à la manifestation contre la guerre ce samedi à Londres. Nous y ferons connaître vos revendications et votre appel.  
Où que nous soyons, nous refusons que nos voix soient bâillonnées et que nos mouvements pour la justice sociale soit supprimés ou cachés.       
Investissez dans le bien-être et pas la mort !
Grève mondiale des femmes
Femmes de couleur dans la Grève mondiale de femmes
Payday, hommes qui travaillent avec la Grève mondiale des femmes 





Free Chelsea Manning Now! Free All The Class War Prisoner!

Happy Birthday
Free her now!
Support all whistleblowers!
Thursday 17 December 2015 Actions planned so far in Bucharest, London, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, San Francisco . . . (watch this space for more countries and more events).  If you organise an event, let us know and we’ll publicise it.  Please circulate this mailing to your contacts.
Chelsea Manning will be 28 years old on this day.  Formerly known as Bradley, she is the whistleblower, US soldier, Grand Marshal at San Francisco Pride 2014, who leaked hundreds of thousands of documents to Wikileaks exposing the truth about US, UK and other governments’ war crimes and corruption in Afghanistan, Haiti, Iraq, Israel & the Palestinian Authority  . . .  In doing so, she helped save many lives.  Chelsea was Imprisoned in 2010 and held for months under torturous conditions; in August 2013 she was sentenced to 35 years.
From prison Chelsea has written against the police killings of young people of colour in the US and in support of immigrant people.
An appeal to quash Chelsea Manning’s conviction is being put forward by her legal team and will be announced in late 2015 or early 2016.  We must get her out!
Sign the petition for Obama to pardon Chelsea.
Donations to her legal fund are needed also.
As pressure increases to extend the bombing of Syria, former US air force members have blown the whistle on the killing of innocent civilians in drone air strikes. We have a responsibility to defend whistleblowers who, like Chelsea, are persecuted for telling the truth about murder and war crimes, rape, torture, neglect, underfunding, starvation wages, corruption . . .  in the military, prison, detention centres, police, hospitals, care homes, and every institution.
Dallas 6 part 1
Dallas 6 part 2
drone whistleblowers portrait 1
drone whistleblowers portrait 2
Queer Strike londonstrike_image004_192
UK: +44 (0) 20 7482 2496
 US: 001 415-626 4114
UK: +44 (0)20 7267 8698
US: 001 215 848 1120

In The Time Of Your Parents'(Ouch, Maybe Grandparents') Folk Moment, Circa 1955-“Hard To Find 45s On CD: Volume Three”

Click on the headline to link to a YouTube film clip of Harry Belafonte performing his version of the Banana Boat Song (ho, hum).

CD Review

Hard To Find 45s On CD: Volume Three, various artists, Eric Records, 1999

Yes, Freddy had heard it wafting through the house, through the Jackson household as background music back in the early 1950s. He knew he had heard folk music before when June ("June Bug" when they were younger back in Clintondale Elementary days but that term no longer held sway now that they were high school juniors, and she had not been his June Bug for a while, now being Rick Roberts’ june bug) asked him whether he had heard much folk music before Bob Dylan’s Blowin’ In The Wind had hit town and had bowled all the hip kids, or those who wanted to be hip (or beat, depending on your crowd) over.

Yes, now that thought of it, he remembered having more than one fight, well not really a fight, but an argument with either Frank Jackson, dad, or Maria Jackson (nee Riley), ma, whenever they turned over the local (and only local) radio station, WJDA, to listen to their latest, greatest hits of World War II, World War II, squareville cubed, even then when he was nothing but a music-hungry kid. You know that old time Frank Sinatra Stormy Weather, Harry James orchestra I’ll Be Home, Andrews Sisters doing some cutesy bugle boy thing, or the Ink Spots harmonizing on I’ll Get By (which was at least passable). Yes, squaresville, cubed, no doubt. And all Freddie, and every other kid, even non-hip, non-beat kids, in Clintondale was crazy for was a jail-break once in a while-Elvis, Chuck, Bo, Little Richard, Jerry Lee anybody under the age of a million who knew how to rock the house, how to be-bop, and if not that at least to bop-bop. He lost that fight, well, lost part of it. In the end, after hassling Frank and Maria endlessly for dough to go buy 45s, they finally, finally bought him a transistor radio with a year’s (they thought) supply of batteries down at the local (and only) Radio Shack.

But he had lost in the big event because if they weren’t listening to that old time pirate music they were swinging and swaying to stuff like Lonnie Donegan trebling on Rock Island Line making a fool of what Lead Belly was trying to do with that song, Vince Martin and friends, harmonizing on Cindy, Oh Cindy in the martini cocktail hour breezes, The Tarriers try to be-bop the Banana Boat Song at the ball, Terry Gilkyson and friends making a pitch, a no-hit pitch, to Marianne, and Russ Hamilton blasting the girlfriend world to the first floor rafters with Rainbow. Squaresville, cubed. And you wonder why when rusty-throated Bob Dylan came like a hurricane onto the scene with Blowin’ In The Wind and The Times They Are A Changin’, angel-voiced Joan Baez covering his With God On Our Side, or even gravelly-throated Dave Van Ronk covering House Of The Rising Sun or Come All Ye Fair And Tender Ladies we finally go that pardon we were fighting for all along. Enough of folk musak.