Saturday, November 12, 2016

In Search of …With Lost Loves And The Curse of On-Line Dating In Mind

In Search of …With Lost Loves And The Curse of On-Line Dating In Mind

By Bart Webber

In search of… that sure as hell fit Dan Hawkins’ fix, his inevitable lost love fix that had this time taken him by surprise, taken him for a spin as well. That terrible fix had a name, Moira Kiley, whom Dan had had a long, long for him at thirty, relationship with for three years, three and one half years if you included the six months he had been in shell-shock since she had left. It hadn’t been like he couldn’t have seen it coming, could have seen it coming if he had had his eyes wide open for there were signs and word fights that came very close a few times. And then there was that wake-up call time about a year before after they had gotten back from Paris, a freaking week after they both agreed that they had had a great time there and he had thought they had turned a corner, had thought about moving on from living together to marriage and such (that “and such” the question of children which he was ambiguous about and she was as well although less so).
That week after Paris one night, one Friday night, a night they called their “wine date” night which they were using then as a way to touch base with each other, time to enjoy each other and be silly if they liked, silliness not a strong suit between them was the night Moira first lowered the boom. She had told him that she was dissatisfied with their relationship in no uncertain terms, that the great time in Paris only made it clear to her that the episodic good times they had could not make up for all the times in between. Could not make up for his ill-humored fits of anger at her for no earthly reason making her afraid to mention anything in the slightest bit negative for fear of that rage that he could not or would not contain. What he one night called the “fire in his head” but which had kept her awake more than one night while he dozed off oblivious to her hurts, her sorrows dragged in her own head since childhood out in upstate New York where he tyrant father brooked no talk, much less back talk.

Could not make up for his usual indifference to her when he was hopped up on one of his work projects, one of his damn cases, one of his lawyer things. Or his exercise program, or his golf and golf buddies, or his craving for museums which bored her after about half an hour (except Paris where the museums blew here away with all the paintings she had read about since childhood) That after Paris time Moira coolly suggested to him that they go to couples counselling, something like that or she was leaving, was “going to find herself,” going find out what she was meant to do in this wicked old world (Dan’s term not hers) before it was too late (she was about to turn thirty, a critical age for such decisions as Dan had to acknowledge in his own turning thirty).

Dan, who had grown up in a strongly working-class neighborhood, the Acre, in Riverdale about thirty miles west of Boston had been no partisan of what he called, what the guys whom he hung around with there, in college, and in law school called “New Age touchy-feely stuff” and at first had balked but after several hours of discussion over that weekend as Moira literately was packing her bags he agreed. The funny thing was that once they found a suitable counselor, a New Age-type no question, in trendy Cambridge but who was very much into letting the couples have the floor, work out between themselves what ailed them, he could see the wisdom of Moira’s suggestion. Could see that his off-the-wall behaviors and her reactions were the source of their problems. And that her childhood fears of her father had been rightly or wrongly, wrongly in that he would never hit her unlike that tyrant father.   

Naturally he had to “kick and scream” a bit about this therapy business but after a few sessions he was, using his term wherever there was an impasse in the session, “all in.” And so it had gone for the better part of a year before the crash, the lowering of Moira’s boom. Some sessions were good, the ones where they had to deal with each other’s hurt, hurts started in childhood with Dan having to prove he was not-bum-of-the-month which his father constantly called him and she with a father who would shut her up anytime she uttered anything, anytime. No question not a happy mixture. Some sessions, and this would be part of Moira’s final indictment of him, seemed like a match between two professional talkers, the counselor and the lawyer, with her on the outside looking in. Still he, they had held on until their summer vacation for a week up in Maine. That Maine trip was another great time, a time when they not known for goofiness had beside the usual beach and dinner out routine gone and played miniature golf (which she had fairly and squarely won and chided him kiddingly about since he was a pretty good golfer), gone to an old-fashioned drive-in theater (and “made out” in the old-fashioned kiddish way they had) and to a bowling alley (which was where he had shone although both were terrible bowlers) Then, a week after that great time, this week after a great time for Moira to spring something bad which Dan had thought a lot about the six months she had been gone, Moira lowered that final boom. After a short indictment of Dan’s short-comings, after again expressing her desire to find herself, to see what she was on earth to do she packed her bags that night and told him she was going to her sister’s house where she would stay until she found a place of her own. That was the last he had seen or heard from her except a few impersonal e-mails about forwarding her mail and forwarding her cellphone number to any friends who might call expecting that she would be found there.

For that six months since Moira had gone Dan had had time to think things through, think about what made Moira tick the way she did and how what seemed like a union of soulmates (both had used that designation when they gave each other holiday and birthday cards and the like) had turned to ashes with nothing in the end left behind. So he had been sad, been in a funk, and had worked like seven banshees to try to get her out of his mind, to move on. Then one day he realized that working twelve hour days and moping around was not going to either bring her back or allow him to move on. That six months had been in any case the longest he had been without a woman, been without some girlfriend, serious or not. Dan was now aching to get back into “the game” even if he had been sobered up about his own short-comings and was slightly apprehensive about getting back into a relationship, serious or not.

Dan was not sure how to go about finding somebody since he felt that he was too old to go to the bar-hopping “meat-market” and he did not meet many available, or desirable, women in his profession so he left his feelings to stir for a while. One afternoon he heard a fellow male lawyer on his cellphone talking to somebody in such a way that he knew it was a female and that he did not know the woman well. Once the fellow lawyer saw that Dan had overheard the conversation and knowing through “water cooler” talk of his alone status mentioned that he had found Susan, the woman that he was talking to on the phone and with whom he had just set up their first date, on a well-known on-line dating service. He asked Dan to try this approach since they had vaguely talked about how hard it was to meet interesting women who were in the same profession as they were. Dan laughed and said no way that he was going to “meet” somebody, who knows some monster or serial killer, through the Internet. He had always found a girlfriend the old-fashioned way-meet them and then get their phones numbers if he was interested and go from there. But that conversation put a bug in Dan’s ear.                                                    

The long and short of it was that a couple of weeks later he decided to try “just for kicks” this new form of dating and signed up for the same service he fellow lawyer said he used. At first he was put off by the idea of paying for a dating service which despite the “come-on” of a free membership entailed payment if you wanted to get anywhere (and before he succumbed to payment he was badgered endlessly by the service about the benefits of membership). What floored him though was the questions he was supposed to answer to fill out his on-line “profile” (complete with on-line moniker-he used zackjames12 after his old friend from high school as a name he would remember easily when he logged into the site). He filled out some of the formation, left some of it blank, told little white lies about some stuff like what he was looking for in a woman which really amounted to getting somebody under the sheets, somebody to have sex with and see what happened after that but he pulled up with some bullshit about a “meeting of the minds”. Profiled flipped he clicked and he was off.       

Or Dan thought he was off but as it turned out he was having trouble connecting with most of the women on-line, probably because they were not Moira. One night when he was his father’s house in Riverdale he mentioned that since Moira had left him he had not had a girlfriend and then told the story about how he joined an on-line dating service but was not having much success except a few “chats” and a couple of cellphone calls that turned out to be not worth pursuing. He was down in the dumps about the situation. Dan’s father, Jethro, had to laugh. Women troubles would always plague the Hawkins men it seemed. Dan and his father had been estranged for several years after his father had divorced his mother to run after some other woman which had not worked out either. Dan had taken his late mother’s side and that had led to the years of estrangement (as had that constant belittling of him by Jethro). They had reconciled at his mother’s funeral and would periodically meet for supper and the elder Hawkins’ house.                

Beyond the seemingly endless women troubles of the Hawkins’ men the reason that Jethro had laughed at Dan was that he had a few years before joined the very site Dan had joined, or the senior version of that same site, Seniors Please. Jethro had always been a lady’s man of sorts, had had several girlfriends after he had left his wife and his girlfriend he was abandoning her for left him. He told Dan that over the past few years it was getting harder to meet women in the flesh. Those he came in contact with now that he was retired were concerned more about their grandchildren than dating men or else they were too young and didn’t have a clue about what he was talking about when he mentioned the hell he had raised in the 1960s. One had threatened to call the cops when he mentioned that he still liked to smoke grass and was glad that a number of states were allowing recreational purchases. Wished Massachusetts would get on the stick about it and stop keeping it as some goddam crime. So he was reduced to going on-line, or that was the way he put it to his son that night.    

Jethro told Dan that he had had the same troubles at first in reconciling the old-fashioned way he had always previously met women just as Dan had in the days before cellphones, on-line credit card payments and the Internet. But eventually he got the hang of it. Realized that all he had to do was write a couple of cogent paragraphs and the women would jump at the chance to meet him. Well not quite that easy but it seemed from what the women told him when they “chatted,” on-line, on the phone or the few he met for a date that most of the guys, older guys remember, who trolled these sites were loons, guys who thought they were twenty-something and talked boyish sex talk or about how nice some mature woman would look in a black dress and high heels. He had learned to avoid the on-line grandmothers whose idea of being appealing to a man, an older man, was to fill their profile pages with photographs of each and every grandchild. Had learned to avoid sixty-something women who had never been married since what the hell would they know about life. Was lukewarm about women who had children at home but overall he had taken the position that the rest were worth checking out-and not be too choosy looking over the on-line “meat market, senior version.” They talked some more about the do’s and don’t like don’t give a woman your real e-mail address since one woman still sends him messages about getting together and he had blown her off months before and don’t respond to anybody, woman or man, who asks for money early on, or ever. That dough will be long gone.               

That night Dan when he went back to his Cambridge apartment he turned on his computer and worked for a few hours “hitting” on every good-looking woman who did not look like a mass murderer and who could write a couple of complete paragraphs. But mostly that they did not look like or sound like Moira and that depressed him. Yeah, in search of …    

UFPJ: If this Election Made You Sick, the Peace Pledge is Your Cure

UFPJ: If this Election Made You Sick, the Peace Pledge is Your Cure

Dear UJP Activist ,
Today we are confronted with a new reality. And we cannot sit back.
When we launched the Peace Pledge, we recognized that whichever pro-war candidate was elected, we would need to rebuild a strong movement for peace and justice, for the long term. The Peace Pledge campaign was designed to carry social movement organizing through at least the first 100 days of the next Presidency.
The results are in. Though the players have changed, the message and the struggles we are working to lift-up remain the same.
Sign the Peace Pledge and prepare to take action in your community. In the coming days, weeks and months, UFPJ will be providing information about action opportunities and educational materials for your use.
Take the Pledge to Hold the Next President Accountable to Peace
“Now that the voting is over, I pledge to continue organizing for peace. I know that voting alone cannot and will not end American’s perpetual wars, so I am recommitting myself to nonviolent direct action and movement building.
I will protest, vigil, lobby, sit-in, and take creative action to dismantle the war machine and build a culture of peace with racial, economic and social justice that redirects the billions spent by the Pentagon to fund crucial programs for our people, our communities and our planet.”
Here are a few things you can do to build this campaign.
Help us continue to do this critical work and more-- make a donation to UFPJ today.

Upcoming Events: 

In Boston-Stand Out November 29 to mark UN's International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian People

To  markin 
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Stand Out November 29 to mark UN's International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian People

JOIN US - Please send to your lists
When: Tuesday, November 29, 12 noon to 1:15
Where: Downtown Crossing in Boston, in the space between Macy's and the old Filene's (now Primark). 
We are holding this Stand Out on November 29 to mark the UN's International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.
We will be joined by Iyad Burnat of the West Bank village of Bil'in, whose decade-long nonviolent resistance to Israeli settlement expansion and its Apartheid Wall is documented in the Oscar-nominated film 'Five Broken Cameras.'
Sponsored by the Boston Coalition for Palestinian Rights, the Alliance for Water Justice in Palestine, United for Justice with Peace.

Upcoming Events: 

A View From The Left-This is only the beginning

The unthinkable has happened - Donald Trump has won.  Further, the Republicans have seized control of both chambers of congress. They are planning to unleash a storm of attacks against the most vulnerable in our society.  This cannot stand.  We need to stand as one and revive the solidarity in the old labor slogan, “an injury to one, is an injury all.”  We need to build the fightback to Trump and the Right.

Within hours of Trump being elected, Socialist Alternative with Socialist Students and Movement for the 99% put out the call for mass protests across the country to unite against sexism and racism and to begin building the movement against Trump and the the billionaire class. In less than 24 hours 50,000 people answered our call! 
Please contribute $25 to grow our movement.

The numbers of people - mostly young people - who attended in each city is electrifying:New York City had 10,000 people; Philadelphia 6,000; Boston 10,000; Seattle 6,000; Oakland 5,000; Minneapolis 5,000.  Our protests were a top story on newscasts across the country and internationally - from CNN to The Guardian.

This is only the beginning.

Plans are underway for huge nationwide protests around Trump’s inauguration on January 20th and 21st to send a clear message that we reject his right-wing agenda of bigotry and pro-corporate policies.  We need to build a grassroots movement against threats to escalate mass deportations of immigrants and a clampdown on Muslim communities, among other attacks. Socialist Alternative will be at the forefront of building these demonstrations and organizing broad community coalitions to stand united against bigotry and hate.

But to challenge Trump’s agenda, we need your help.  We need the millions of people who stood for Bernie’s political revolution to join in building an independent grassroots movement that can stand against fierce attacks from Trump and the Right.  We need to raise $10,000 in the next week to begin building for the Trump inauguration protests being planned across the country.  Please contribute $25, $50, or $100 today!

Subscribe to Socialist Alternative the newspaper today!

Our paper goes beyond just telling the story of frontline struggles. We provide the socialist analysis, strategy, and tactics needed to win. Our pages build on the proven strategies that won two historic victories for Kshama Sawant, the first socialist elected to Seattle City Council in 100 years. Our editorial team brings the experience of leading the fight for $15 to its first major victory in the nation. And the ideas of Socialist Alternative are guiding our fast-growing movement all across the country.

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Dante’s Sins-Tom Hanks’ Inferno –A Film Review (2016)

Dante’s Sins-Tom Hanks’ Inferno –A Film Review (2016)

By Sam Lowell

Inferno, starring Tom Hanks, 2016 

Blame it on Dante, blame it on his conception of the twelve billion or whatever number there were rings of hell if you like. Blame it on guys, billionaire guys who get a little squirrelly with all that dough gotten from inventing some doo-dad that could be used as a vehicle for some advertising platforms and hence a hefty IPO. That is the blame part in the film under review, Inferno (you know from old man Dante’s inferno made hotter by his doomed love for the fair Beatrice but that is only sub-text here). But the solving the dilemma, the enigma part is left to the good offices a Cambridge (England, okay) professor played by Tom Hanks (although his apparent lack of knowledge of Italian makes me a little suspicious of his academic credentials-but I am not a conspiracy theorist-of course maybe he just immersed himself in Latin the language of discourse in Dante’s time).            
Now this is a thriller so the Dante theme, the bringing in of a Dante scholar from Cambridge requires a little explanation. This high tech billionaire, does his name matter, whose new found wealth has made him like many of his ilk awash in a messianic complex, awash in thinking that his billions allowed him to tweak society any way he liked (usually they just do seemingly innocuous stuff like skewing the educational system with charter schools). The new messiah billionaire here though is worried about human extinction, worried as we all should by the world population explosion pressing against finite resources. So bright boy decided that he would “thin the herd” not like old Malthus with a little starvation but with the new plague which would cut the world population in half allowing the other half to prosper. Who would, or would not survive was to be left to chance-or the survival of the fittest. In any case this goof had to be stopped, stopped in the name of crusty old humanity. So the World Health Organization (WHO) the natural agency to stop this madness brought in the good professor to solve the clues involving Dante’s Inferno (and Botticelli’s picture of what that might look like) which the billionaire left for his followers after he committed suicide (with a little help from a rogue WHO agent seeing his main chance for serious dough).        

So the chase was on to stop the madness before one of the billionaire’s acolytes found its location and sprung the plague on the world (or half the world). But there are nefarious agents afloat who want to stop the good professor from helping the WHO and who either want to sell the biological weapon to the highest bidder or who are acolytes determined to carrying out the later billionaire’s sullen plan. The good professor is helped by a young doctor trying to help him recover his memory and find out why people are trying to kill him. The professor along with the good doctor are pushed hither and yon by the various clues hidden in museums and churches in Florence, Venice and ultimately Istanbul if you can believe that. The whole caper was a very close thing but naturally the good professor (and his good gal ex-lady friend in the WHO who had recruited him to help) figured enough out to save the world-no sweat). And that helpful doctor-well watch the film. By the way spare us from messianic billionaires with screwy social ideas and the dough to carry them out.  A good fast paced thriller.

Defend Standing Rock Activists!

Workers Vanguard No. 1099
4 November 2016
Defend Standing Rock Activists!

On October 27, police and National Guardsmen brutally attacked some 200 protesters attempting to block construction on the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) near the Standing Rock Sioux reservation in North Dakota. Over 140 people were arrested and more than 50 injured as the cops deployed Humvees, armored trucks and a bulldozer to clear a protest encampment and push activists off the land. Police shot protesters with rubber bullets, gassed them with pepper spray and caged some in what activists described as dog kennels. Since August, police have arrested more than 400 people on charges of criminal trespassing, participating in a riot and resisting arrest. We say: Drop all the charges! Hands off the protesters! National Guard out!

As for the DAPL itself, Marxists have no reason to either support or oppose it. In general, oil pipelines serve a socially useful function of transporting fuel and are overall safer than other forms of oil transport. But cutting corners to boost profits is the name of the game for the energy barons and the capitalists in every industry. There is concern that an oil spill would threaten the Standing Rock Sioux reservation water supply. In order to combat the capitalists’ cost-saving schemes, which are often the cause of pipeline leaks and other industrial accidents, what is needed are fighting unions that would enforce union control of safety standards and practices in construction, operation and maintenance.

Then, both the Sioux and workers on the job would be better off. But such a perspective is not that of Terry O’Sullivan, head of the Laborers union, which represents construction workers on the DAPL. In a September 6 statement that drips with racist vitriol, O’Sullivan condemned the Communications Workers of America, the Service Employees International Union and other unions supporting the protests for having “sided with THUGS against trade unionists.”

For all his revolting bigotry, O’Sullivan hardly has a monopoly within union officialdom when it comes to siding with the bosses in the name of protecting jobs. The way forward is the forging of the unity of the workers and oppressed under a new leadership. As we observed in “Standoff at Standing Rock” (WV No. 1096, 23 September): “A class-struggle union leadership would insist on full pay for the workers every day, whether construction is carried out or not. Workers shouldn’t suffer if the pipeline is delayed—the company should!”

The escalation of repression at Standing Rock is of a piece with centuries of racist atrocities against American Indians, whose near-extermination was integral to the consolidation of U.S. capitalism. To this day, Native Americans are disproportionately mired in poverty. Only the destruction of American capitalism through socialist revolution and the inauguration of an era of socialist development will redress the great historic crimes against American Indians and lift them from material scarcity and oppression.

Damn It-Leonard Peltier Must Not Die In Jail-President Obama Pardon Leonard Peltier-Sign The Petition

Damn It-Leonard Peltier Must Not Die In Jail-President Obama Pardon Leonard Peltier-Sign The Petition    

Please sign Friends of Leonard Pelletier and the ILPDC's petition to grant executive clemency to Leonard Pelletier of the American Indian Movement who has unconscionably locked up by the U.S. federal government since 1975.