Thursday, March 21, 2019

Socialist Analysis - Education Revolt, Kshama Sawant Reelection Campaign Socialist Alternative

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To  Al  
Please check regularly for the socialist analysis, strategy, and tactics needed to build movements to defeat the billionaire class.

Our pages build on the proven strategies that won two historic victories for Kshama Sawant in Seattle. Our editorial team brings the experience of leading the fight for $15 to its first major victory in the nation in Seattle in 2014 and then in Minneapolis last year. Subscribe today to receive our print or electronic newspaper.
Oakland Teachers Strike: A Victory Filled With Lessons
On March 3, Oakland teachers won their strike for higher wages, lower class sizes, more student support, and an end to the proposed closing of 24 out of 87 Oakland schools. This strike marked the next step in the continued fight against school privatization. Read our analysis on the approved contract which won some but not all of their demands, and our take on the debate over the contract. The strike should be pointed to as a victory across the country, as the next step in the nationwide education revolt.
Sawant Reelection Campaign a Referendum On Who Runs Seattle: The People Or Amazon?
Socialist Alternative and Kshama Sawant made history in 2013 and 2015 by winning and retaining a seat on Seattle City Council as an independent socialist. Since then Kshama has consistently fought alongside the people of Seattle against Amazon, the big developers and the other corporate powers in Seattle. Read about the national significance of this campaign and why you should get involved! 
Roe V. Wade Under Attack - Defend Abortion Rights!
For years anti-abortion activists have been fighting and succeeding at getting laws passed that attack abortion rights. There are no guarantees these laws will be struck down in the courts, it will take a mass movement in the streets to fight back against these laws. The Democrats have continued to not take up that action, so it is on workers to take the example of the 2018 wave of strikes and fight back with organized action.
Working People Stand Up To Education Privatization
The last year has seen a teachers revolt spring up across the country. Rank and file organizing with teachers and parents beat back cuts to education and privatization with victories from West Virginia to LA. This revolt has pushed back the so-called education “reformers” funded by billionaires like the Waltons, Eli Broad, and Bill and Melinda Gates, who have been privatizing schools and attacking unions. These corporate forces are not going to give in easily, read about the strategy needed to continue the fight going forward.
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Coalition of Immokalee Workers<>
By Noam Scheiber

March 7, 2019

A program created by a group that organizes farmworkers has persuaded companies like Walmart and McDonald’s to buy their tomatoes from growers who follow strict labor standards. But high-profile holdouts have threatened to halt the effort’s progress.

Now the group, a nonprofit called the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, is raising pressure on one of the most prominent holdouts — Wendy’s — which it sees as an obstacle to expansion.
The Immokalee workers’ initiative, called the Fair Food Program, currently benefits about 35,000 laborers, primarily in Florida. Over the last decade, it has helped transform the state’s tomato industry from one in which wage theft and violence were rampant to an industry with the some of the highest labor standards in American agriculture...

And to get you inspired for today’s march, we have a bonus video and photo gallery from the first two days in Gainesville, which included a beautiful sunny picket, a powerful delegation to the offices of President Fuchs, flyering across UF’s sprawling campus, a reflection and some birthday fun at Lake Wauburg, and last night’s vigil on the steps of the UF administrative building. We hope to see you at the march today in Gainesville!
Coalition of Immokalee Workers
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Far away in Paraguay, a whistleblower needs our help RootsAction Education Fund

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This is a disturbing real-life story. You can help change the outcome.

For the past nine years, whistleblower Brigitte Fuzellier has been the victim of a nonstop retaliation campaign in Paraguay by Kolping International, a large Catholic charity, and by people associated with Kolping,” reports Mark Worth, executive director of the European Center for Whistleblower Rights.

“While heading Kolping’s operations in Paraguay in 2010, Fuzellier says she discovered widespread misconduct and degeneracy -- including a school being used as a brothel, misspending of German and EU foreign aid money, suspicious equipment deals, poor services to local residents, and threats to former employees," according to a review by the European Center. "In one gruesome incident, a bakery worker was killed when he fell headlong into a poorly-made, makeshift production machine."

Ever since then, the Center reports, “Kolping and its associates have been waging an unabated retaliation campaign against Fuzellier. The charity, which has close ties to the Vatican and Archbishop of Cologne, fired and publicly humiliated Fuzellier, filed a series of dubious criminal charges against her, smeared her reputation throughout her community, and used questionable legal tactics to limit her ability to travel.”   

Most recently, Worth says, “people associated with Kolping refiled phony criminal charges of which Fuzellier already has been cleared.”

You can click here to send a quick email to Paraguay’s minister-president, urging the government to drop the charges against Brigitte Fuzellier.

Worth, who has spoken with her many times, sums up this way: “Kolping has tried for years to break Brigitte's spirit. But they won't succeed. She is one of the bravest citizens and most sincere activists I have ever known. Not only has the retaliation failed to stop her quest for justice, it has taught her that striving for justice is among life's highest pursuits.”

Brigitte Fuzellier (center) with local farmers and indigenous tribe members in Paraguay

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This work is only possible with your financial support. Please chip in $3 now.

-- The RootsAction Education Fund Team

>> Mark Worth: “The Most Outrageous Whistleblower Retaliation Case You’ve Never Heard Of”
>> Brigitte Fuzellier: Video narration

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Veterans Call on U.S. Troops to Resist Illegal Orders to Invade Venezuela

Veterans Call on U.S. Troops to Resist Illegal Orders to Invade Venezuela

President Donald Trump has called on Venezuelan soldiers to disobey orders and join coup perpetrators headed by U.S.-backed opposition leader, Juan Guaidó. If they do not do this, President Trump threatened: "You will find no safe harbor, no easy exit and no way out. You will lose everything."
While President Trump speaks of supporting democracy in Venezuela and Latin America, the real purpose of the U.S. assault on the Venezuelan government is to fully open the vast Venezuelan oil reserves to U.S. and other Western oil corporations as well as to destroy progressive governments in Latin America that put their own peoples' needs above the profits of foreign corporations.
The Veterans For Peace Statement of Purpose states that, "we will work, with others both nationally and internationally:
  1. To increase public awareness of the causes and costs of war
  2. To restrain our governments from intervening, overtly and covertly, in the internal affairs of other nations
  3. To end the arms race and to reduce and eventually eliminate nuclear weapons
  4. To seek justice for veterans and victims of war
  5. To abolish war as an instrument of national policy."
In this spirit, Veterans For Peace (VFP) calls on all members of the U.S. military to refuse illegal orders to intervene in Venezuela. Furthermore, VFP urges all U.S. military leaders to inform the president that they will order their units to stand down from preparations to invade Venezuela.
Illegal, immoral and irresponsible U.S. actions, including "sanctions" (economic war) have already taken a great toll on the people Venezuela. Nonetheless, the vast majority of Venezuelan people and military are standing firm against foreign intervention. Now there is a very real possibility that President Trump will order U.S. troops to intervene in Venezuela, whether through a direct invasion and occupation, or through support for irregular counter-revolutionary forces. This would likely lead to a widening war that could spread to other Latin American countries and the Caribbean, bringing increasing suffering to the peoples of Latin America and the U.S.
It is illegal under both U.S. and international law to launch a military attack against another nation unless it is clearly in self-defense, and is approved by the United Nations. There are a number of options for GI's who do not wish to follow illegal orders. Veterans For Peace wants service-members to be fully informed as they make profound choices with possibly serious consequences. We urge GI's facing possible deployment to contact the National Lawyers Guild Military Law Task Force at (619) 463-2369 and/or help@militarylawhelp.comfor referral to a civilian attorney to discuss your options. Many of their member lawyers are willing to do an initial pro-bono (free) consultation.
Refuse to be used in an illegal war. Follow your conscience and be on the right side of history.

NEW WARS / OLD WARS – What Could Possibly Go Wrong Send a message now to your representative in Congress telling them to add their name to Rep. Cicilline’s legislation prohibiting the President from sending U.S. troops to Venezuela.

NEW WARS / OLD WARS – What Could Possibly Go Wrong

H.R.1004 – “To prohibit the introduction of United States Armed Forces into hostilities with respect to Venezuela, and for other purposes.” – has 33 cosponsors (all but one Democrats) and includes McGovern, Pressley, Keating andMoulton from Massachusetts.

US Regime Change Blueprint Proposed Venezuelan Electricity Blackouts as ‘Watershed Event’ for ‘Galvanizing Public Unrest’
September 2010 memo by a US-funded soft power organization that helped train Venezuelan coup leader Juan Guaido and his allies identifies the potential collapse of the country’s electrical sector as “a watershed event” that “would likely have the impact of galvanizing public unrest in a way that no opposition group could ever hope to generate.”  The memo has special relevance today as Guaido moves to exploit nationwide blackouts caused by a major failure at the Simon Bolivar Hydroelectric Plant at Guri dam…   The Venezuelan government has placed the blame squarely on Washington, accusing it of sabotage through a cyber-attack on its electrical infrastructure. Key players in the US-directed coup attempt have done little to dispel the accusation.  More

NYT’s Exposé on the Lies About Burning Humanitarian Trucks in Venezuela Shows How US Govt and Media Spread Fake News
Every major U.S. war of the last several decades has begun the same way: the U.S. Government fabricates an inflammatory, emotionally provocative lie which large U.S. media outlets uncritically treat as truth while refusing at air questioning or dissent, thus inflaming primal anger against the country the U.S. wants to attack. That’s how we got the Vietnam War (North Vietnam attacks U.S. ships in the Gulf of Tonkin); the Gulf War (Saddam ripped babies from incubators); and, of course, the war in Iraq (Saddam had WMDs and formed an alliance with Al Qaeda).  This was exactly the tactic used on February 23, when the narrative shifted radically in favor of those U.S. officials who want regime change operations in Venezuela. That’s because images were broadcast all over the world of trucks carrying humanitarian aid burning in Colombia on the Venezuela border.  More