This is a disturbing real-life story. You can help change the outcome.
For the past nine years, whistleblower Brigitte Fuzellier has been the victim of a nonstop retaliation campaign in Paraguay by Kolping International, a large Catholic charity, and by people associated with Kolping,” reports Mark Worth, executive director of the European Center for Whistleblower Rights.
“While heading Kolping’s operations in Paraguay in 2010,
Fuzellier says she discovered widespread misconduct and degeneracy -- including a school being used as a brothel, misspending of German and EU foreign aid money, suspicious equipment deals, poor services to local residents, and threats to former employees," according to a review by the European Center. "In one gruesome incident, a bakery worker was killed when he fell headlong into a poorly-made, makeshift production machine."
Ever since then, the Center reports, “Kolping and its associates have been waging an
unabated retaliation campaign against Fuzellier. The charity, which has close ties to the Vatican and Archbishop of Cologne, fired and publicly humiliated Fuzellier, filed a series of dubious criminal charges against her, smeared her reputation throughout her community, and used questionable legal tactics to limit her ability to travel.”
Most recently, Worth says, “people associated with Kolping refiled
phony criminal charges of which Fuzellier already has been cleared.”
You can click here to send a quick email to Paraguay’s minister-president, urging the government to drop the charges against Brigitte Fuzellier.Worth, who has spoken with her many times, sums up this way: “Kolping has tried for years to break Brigitte's spirit. But they won't succeed. She is one of the bravest citizens and most sincere activists I have ever known. Not only has the retaliation failed to stop her quest for justice, it has taught her that striving for justice is among life's highest pursuits.”
Brigitte Fuzellier (center) with local farmers and indigenous tribe members in ParaguayAfter doing this action,
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-- The RootsAction Education Fund Team
Mark Worth: “The Most Outrageous Whistleblower Retaliation Case You’ve Never Heard Of”>>
Brigitte Fuzellier: Video narration
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