Dorchester TAX DAY DEMONSTRATION - Wed. April 17
To Jeff Klein

You may have noticed advanced listings for this event in DPP Updates you have received. Now that it is just a month away we wanted to do a special emailing to alert our community to the event and to ask for support in publicizing it widely. We’ll send out another reminder closer in time to the event.
Now that Trump has released his latest 2020 budgetproposal, which exacerbates the unbalanced spending by increasing the Pentagon budget and decreasing everything else, it is more urgent now than ever to promote an alternative spending vision.
We are asking everyone to:
--plan on attending the Aril 17 Tax Day event
--endorse and promote the event in you organizations and contacts
for DPP and the Tax Day 2019 coalition
Our Taxes-Our Choices
Wars, Military Spending and Tax Cuts for the Rich Are Hurting Our Communities – And Destroying the Planet!
We say:
NO to excessive military spending
NO to tax cuts for the rich
NO to nuclear weapons
NO to military bases all over the world
NO to war
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Dorchester People for Peace, Mass People’s Budget Campaign, Massachusetts Peace Action, AFSC, Mass Alliance of HUD Tenants, City Life/Vida Urbana, Boston Teachers Union, Vets for Peace, Mass Senior Action, Massachusetts Communities Action Network, MassCare (Massachusetts Campaign for Single Payer Health Care), 350 Mass Boston -- and more organizations!
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