SIGN: Fully fund Massachusetts' public schools
Dear fellow Massachusetts MoveOn member,
There is an urgent public education funding crisis facing Massachusetts. I'm an elementary educator in Massachusetts public schools, retiring in June after 22 years of teaching. I'm also a mom. I know too well, from all angles, the painful impact of Massachusetts' inability to fully fund our schools.
Students, family members, community members, educators, principals, school staff, and local elected officials are taking to the streets and at the Statehouse next week to urge passage of the PROMISE Act, which will increase state education aid by $1 billion per year for pre-K-12 public schools. I'm asking you to sign on to our call.
When I started teaching first grade in 1997, I had 14 students and a full-time bilingual aide. Twelve years later, I had 26 students and no aide. Among those 26 students, I had more English language learners than before (many of them newcomers to English), more students with learning disabilities, and more students suffering from childhood trauma. I am currently a Title I math teacher, but even though I teach eight groups a day, I can serve only half the grades in my school. My school needs two of me. My math intervention is extremely effective in getting children up to grade level so they will not need special education services, but I can provide services only in first, second, and third grade because of time constraints.
Thus, I will be taking a personal day on Friday, March 22, and making a five-hour bus trip to Boston and back to testify before the Massachusetts Joint Committee on Education to call on our legislature to seize this once-in-a-generation opportunity to fully fund our schools.
Thus, I will be taking a personal day on Friday, March 22, and making a five-hour bus trip to Boston and back to testify before the Massachusetts Joint Committee on Education to call on our legislature to seize this once-in-a-generation opportunity to fully fund our schools.
- realistically account for districts' health care costs,
- provide adequate support for English learners and low-income students,
- account for special education costs, and
- mitigate losses to charter schools.
The bill is also structured to ensure that every district benefits during the phase-in of reforms and that no one type of reform is front-loaded or back-loaded. And, of course, we also have to account for the unique and pressing needs of rural schools, such as regional transportation and declining enrollment, an effort that gained ground last year but must go much further this session.
We live in precarious times. An educated, creative, hard-working, and compassionate citizenry is the best hope for our future. If we shortchange our schools, we weaken our democracy and jeopardize our future. It's time to fund our future now.
We live in precarious times. An educated, creative, hard-working, and compassionate citizenry is the best hope for our future. If we shortchange our schools, we weaken our democracy and jeopardize our future. It's time to fund our future now.
–Mary Cowhey
1. "What's Behind The Beacon Hill Battle Over School Funding," WBUR, June 11, 2018
2. "Here are the basics on the bill to reform how Massachusetts schools are funded,", January 11, 2019
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Contributions to Civic Action are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. This email was sent to Alfred Johnson on March 21, 2019. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.
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