Thursday, March 21, 2019

From Protest to Party: Celebrating victory at U of Michigan! Coalition of Immokalee Workers

Coalition of Immokalee Workers<>
[...] Later, at the victory celebration, the crowded hall at Episcopal Church of the Incarnation in Ann Arbor, heard not only from local allies with Washtenaw Solidarity with Farmworkers but also from Gerardo Reyes of the CIW, who delivered a moving talk about the difference between Wendy’s raw economic power, on the one hand, and the ultimately greater power of the human bonds formed in a partnership between determined workers and committed consumer allies like that at the heart of the Campaign for Fair Food:
"That is the most beautiful thing that can exist: Workers sharing their dream with consumers, and consumers supporting the idea that human beings should not be robbed of their dignity at their work place. Wendy’s doesn’t have a chance against us. The power that they have is cold, it’s structural, and it’s full of greed. And this power is a dead kind of power. We will all as workers continue with this struggle, until Wendy’s understands that the power we have built is rooted in love. This power and this love cannot be resisted by any force. As workers, we know that were going to win. We’ve already seen the changes in the fields: the elimination of sexual abuse, of modern day slavery. 

The moment will arrive that we will have not just Wendy’s, but Kroger, and other corporations, and show the world that you can do business without having to crucify the dignity of workers and exploit them in the process.

Thank you for all the work you’ve done to win this victory at the University of Michigan. Wendy’s doesn’t know it yet, but they already lost. They will eventually see the error of their ways, and become partners. That will be possible thanks to all of you..."
Coalition of Immokalee Workers
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