Friday, July 05, 2019

Happy Birthday Mississippi John Hurt-*Sweet and Low- The Blues of Skip James-Part Three

Happy Birthday To You-

By Lester Lannon

I am devoted to a local folk station WUMB which is run out of the campus of U/Mass-Boston over near Boston Harbor. At one time this station was an independent one based in Cambridge but went under when their significant demographic base deserted or just passed on once the remnant of the folk minute really did sink below the horizon.

So much for radio folk history except to say that the DJs on many of the programs go out of their ways to commemorate or celebrate the birthdays of many folk, rock, blues and related genre artists. So many and so often that I have had a hard time keeping up with noting those occurrences in this space which after all is dedicated to such happening along the historical continuum.

To “solve” this problem I have decided to send birthday to that grouping of musicians on an arbitrary basis as I come across their names in other contents or as someone here has written about them and we have them in the archives. This may not be the best way to acknowledge them, but it does do so in a respectful manner.    

Happy Birthday Mississippi John Hurt-*Sweet and Low- The Blues of Skip James-Part Three

Click On Title To Link To YouTube's Film Clip Of Skip James Doing "Crow Jane".

Heroes Of The Blues: The Very Best Of Skip James, Skip James, Shout Factory, 2003

The contents of this CD only confirm Skip's power. His great falsetto voice accompanied by guitar or piano (as a nice change up) hold forth here. Interestingly, the CD features newer arrangements of several songs from James' 1931 Paramount recording, like the well-known title track "61 Highway” (this is the most fervent rendition of several that I have heard on various CD compilations. By the way Mississippi Fred McDowell does a tanked up version of this one, as well). There are also some moodier songs for piano here like the "22-20 Blues" and "Illinois Blues”. Also featured here is the classic “I’m So Glad” that Cream turned into a rock classic. The killer on this one though is the haunting “Cherry Ball Blues”. Here is the “skinny” though on James. Like a number of blues artists you have to be in the mood and be patience. Then you don’t want to turn the damn thing off. That is the case here.

Stop Nuclear War Preparations at Hanscom: Walk for a Nuclear Free Future July 27 @ 12:30 pm - 4:00 pm

Stop Nuclear War Preparations at Hanscom: Walk for a Nuclear Free Future

July 27 @ 12:30 pm - 4:00 pm

Grafton Peace Pagoda's Peace Walk
Join the monks and nuns of the Grafton Peace Pagoda at Hanscom Air Force Base on July 27, and for the other events on their 8-day walk for nuclear disarmament. 
Gather at Panera Bread in Lexington Center at 12:30, and begin walking from Lexington Battle Green at 1 pm.  We will approach Hanscom Air Force Base from Route 2A onto Hanscom Drive and Old Bedford Rd, at the Vandenberg gate. We expect to arrive at the base at approximately 3:00 and will vigil there until 4:00.   
Call Jennifer (410) 952-6145 for further information. 
Home to the Nuclear Command, Control, and Communications (NC3) Integration Directorate, Hanscom coordinates work to develop the system that will be used to coordinate U.S. nuclear forces in a future nuclear war.  We demand that this program be cancelled.   Read about Hanscom’s work to prepare to wage a nuclear war.
See the attached flyer for more information: Hiroshima Nagasaki Day flyer 2019
"Not one step back"

Cole Harrison
Executive Director
Massachusetts Peace Action - the Commonwealth's largest grassroots peace organization
11 Garden St., Cambridge, MA 02138
617-354-2169 w
617-466-9274 m
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New Bernie sticker, inspired by FDR<>
To  alfred johnson  

Alfred –
Bernie wants to continue President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s vision of an Economic Bill of Rights to guarantee health care for all, education for all, and jobs for all.
So to show your support and help win this election, we’re renewing a classic FDR-inspired design as a Bernie 2020 sticker.
Bernie FDR sticker
This is a limited-time offer, so chip in now.
In solidarity,
Team Bernie

Nominate a leader in your community Team Bernie

Team Bernie<>
To  alfred johnson  

Alfred -
Have you heard about our Community Connector program?
Community connectors are Bernie supporters who are trusted in their community: People like your local imam, rabbi, or pastor; the Bernie supporter who runs a generations-old family farm or who chairs the local PTA; the nurse who is also a leader in their union; or the Bernie supporter who runs a small business in their town.
The Bernie Community Connector program will connect leaders directly with the campaign and also provide trainings, workshops, and opportunities to organize on behalf of the campaign in their area.
Do you know someone who is a grassroots leader? Nominate them to our Bernie Community Connector program.
Being a community leader doesn't mean you've got to have a fancy title. All we're looking for are folks who are building the political revolution in their communities and are eager to elect Bernie as the next president of the United States.
We've got a lot of work to do, and we need to get started now.
Thank you for being a part of growing this movement.
In solidarity,
Team Bernie

Independence for whom? Veterans For Peace

Veterans For Peace<>
To  Alfred Johnson  
“I do not celebrate the country we are, I celebrate those who struggle for the country we aspire to, and one day will be.
Many people will wake up today set to celebrate U.S. “Independence Day”.  However, we all know that the Independence that this nation declared was rooted in genocide, land theft and only meant freedom for some.
As veterans and as people who work for justice we value the history of this land that resists oppression, racism, sexism, all forms of hate and imperialism. We honor this long and moral resistance because it is the engine of change that moves us toward a more just and peaceful world.
At a moment in our history where the U.S. is participating in wars that rage on for decades, building military bases across the globe, caging people at our borders, stripping children from their families and banning people based on their religious identity, we know that resistance and disruption are vital.
I do not celebrate the country we are, I celebrate those who struggle for the country we aspire to, and one day will be." -Michael McPhearson
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Veterans For Peace
1404 North Broadway Blvd.
St. Louis, Missouri 63102
(314) 725-6005

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Casualties of The Invisible Draft RootsAction Education Fund

RootsAction Education Fund<>
Stacy Bannerman secured the first-ever Congressional hearing on the effects of war on families of veterans. She is now pursuing accountability from a new angle, as she describes in this note to RootsAction supporters: 

There’s a false moral narrative in this nation that says the only people hurt by war (apart from the vast majority of the victims who live in the nations attacked) are the ones who signed up.

But more family members of post-9/11 veterans are suffering mental and physical injuries due to the consequences of combat in Iraq and Afghanistan than service-members themselves.

I’ve been telling the truth about the war at home for years, hoping to end these endless wars, hoping to eradicate the lies with the truth about the human costs of war. That’s why I’m talking to several class-action attorneys, law firms, and nonprofit legal advocacy agencies about a lawsuit to be filed on behalf of a group of women and kids alleging the U.S. government knowingly failed to protect them from veteran domestic violence.

I’m an author and long-time anti-war activist suffering PTSD from living with my two-time Iraq War combat vet, who strangled me and threatened me with a semi-automatic weapon.

I’ve submitted a massive FOIA request with the Department of Veterans Affairs requesting records proving VA personnel have complied with mandatory reporting policies and laws that require VA professionals to contact the proper authorities in known or suspected cases of veteran domestic violence and child abuse. There are fees associated with getting those documents and time and costs involved with advancing the class action. Will you please make a tax-deductible donation so I can continue with this potentially lifesaving and law-changing work?

I’m also working to secure a lawyer experienced in handling federal disability cases, because family members suffering service-connected injuries deserve Veterans Administration (VA) disability benefits.

The VA already offers a range of benefits to children born with spina bifida or certain other birth defects as the result of parental exposure to Agent Orange while serving in Korea or Vietnam. But there are potentially millions more family members who’ve been injured or permanently disabled due to their veteran’s service or service-connected injuries.

In a study of adult children of combat veterans with PTSD, which I wrote about in my book Homefront 911: How Families of Veterans Are Wounded By Our Wars, researchers found shockingly high rates of hypervigilance, of alcohol and drug use, and physical and emotional abuse while growing up under the care of their combat veteran parents.

Suicide rates of children of male Vietnam veterans in Australia, most of whom served a single tour, are triple that of civilian youth. Time will tell if that rate is even higher in the children of veterans who served multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. We already know post-9/11 military kids, spouses, and caregivers of veterans have higher rates of suicide and suicide attempts than their civilian counterparts.

The Military Times published a groundbreaking report on "The Army’s Hidden Child Abuse Epidemic" in 2013, stating that “the spike in abuse and neglect cases [between 2009-2012] dovetails with the grind of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.” Research conducted by the Department of Defense and others shows that early exposure to violence may alter children’s DNA to produce cellular changes equivalent to seven to ten years of premature aging.

Caregivers and children of veterans are the foot soldiers in America's invisible draft, and they ought to have VA benefits when they are wounded by our wars. As I’m working to end America’s endless wars, and hold the VA accountable for failing to enforce mandatory reporting laws and policies, I’m also working to make sure we are caring for all “who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan.” Not just some.

I believe a nation that wages endless war has a moral and fiduciary responsibility to cover the costs of the people who are collateral damage, including at home.

My mental and physical wounds, including PTSD and a life-threatening infection due to dangerously stressed immune function, were the result of a war I never signed up for but will be fighting for the rest of my life. I’m slowly getting better but being 100% disabled for several years effectively bankrupted me.

Stacy's finances have been ruined. Unable to pay her rent, she must move out by July 12 and is seeking new housing. Can she count on your contribution to help find safe housing and continue this work?

Click here to support Stacy Bannerman and her upcoming work with a tax-deductible donation.Half of every dollar you donate will go directly to Stacy, while the other half will support RootsAction Education Fund's efforts to raise up the voices of whistleblowers and truth-tellers.

A rare level of courage, clarity, and credibility is required for the work that Stacy Bannerman does, and the massive project she’s got underway. Please consider making a donation today to help Stacy stay housed and mobile and provide the financial stability necessary as she’s making the case for federal accountability for the families who are killed or wounded when the war comes home.

-- The RootsAction Education Fund Team

Share on Facebook and Twitter.

>>  CNN: Study: Bush, Aides Made 935 False Statements
>>  New York Times: When Strains on Military Families Turn Deadly
>>  Homefront 911: How Families of Veterans Are Wounded By Our Wars
>>  Military Times: Veterans Can Now File Class-Action Lawsuits Against VA
>>  Military Times: The Army's Hidden Child Abuse Epidemic
>>  Suicide Prevention Resource Center: Military Children and Suicide Risk
>>  Australian Institute of Health and Welfare: Suicides in Vietnam Veterans Children a Continuing Problem

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