Friday, July 05, 2019

Independence for whom? Veterans For Peace

Veterans For Peace<>
To  Alfred Johnson  
“I do not celebrate the country we are, I celebrate those who struggle for the country we aspire to, and one day will be.
Many people will wake up today set to celebrate U.S. “Independence Day”.  However, we all know that the Independence that this nation declared was rooted in genocide, land theft and only meant freedom for some.
As veterans and as people who work for justice we value the history of this land that resists oppression, racism, sexism, all forms of hate and imperialism. We honor this long and moral resistance because it is the engine of change that moves us toward a more just and peaceful world.
At a moment in our history where the U.S. is participating in wars that rage on for decades, building military bases across the globe, caging people at our borders, stripping children from their families and banning people based on their religious identity, we know that resistance and disruption are vital.
I do not celebrate the country we are, I celebrate those who struggle for the country we aspire to, and one day will be." -Michael McPhearson
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Veterans For Peace
1404 North Broadway Blvd.
St. Louis, Missouri 63102
(314) 725-6005

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