Friday, July 05, 2019

Letter: BIW protesters should be supported I’m responding to Shaun Hogan’s letter of Friday, June 28, “BIW protestors should be prosecuted.”


Letter: BIW protesters should be supported

I’m responding to Shaun Hogan’s letter of Friday, June 28, “BIW protestors should be prosecuted.”  
I am a Vietnam War Veteran; 1967-1971.  Mr. Hogan appears upset about protestors objecting to BIW warships being built.  I ask Mr. Hogan,  haven’t we had enough wars? Haven’t we had enough killing and suffering?  Haven’t we spent enough taxpayer dollars on defense? All the wars have not proven one thing other than humans refuse to become civilized.  At the same time, there are people right in the United States who are suffering from poverty, from lack of a civilized health care program, from lack of shelter and so on.   
There are many young children who don’t have the luxury of a peaceful home and nutritious food.  All the dollars for warships could be much better spent on so many things to rebuild this nation and help raise people out of this economic dilemma, and there are millions of these people who could use much help. 
You ask what message is being sent to our youth.  We have a very violent society, so what message is being sent to our youth?  We have a fast food society.  What message is being sent to our youth about nutrition?  We spray toxins without fully understanding these toxins and what effects they may have on our youth!  What message is being sent to our youth by all the violence on TV and at the movie theaters? Our youth are being disregarded for multiple reasons every single day! 
It seems we should be glad to welcome an opportunity to manufacture something that is not violence and death related.  You spoke about laws.  Is it okay for some people to violate laws while other people cannot?  I guess if you can afford a gang of lawyers, one can get away with just about anything! 
Joseph Ciarrocca,

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