Friday, July 05, 2019

"Weird things happen." Progressives beat the establishment. RootsAction Team

RootsAction Team<>
"When there is a very low turnout, weird things happen,” New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo told a radio interviewer. He was worried that the progressive District Attorney candidate in Queens might win the next day.

Cuomo had good reason to worry. Voters did turn out, and the latest vote count indicates that progressive Tiffany Cabán has won!

To corporate Democrats like Cuomo, that’s really weird -- and distressing. To us, that’s really wonderful -- and inspiring!

A week after Cuomo’s fretful remarks, Cabán is about 1,200 votes ahead of the establishment candidate, with only a few thousand absentee ballots yet to be counted.

Two days before the election, RootsAction sent emails to the 8,000 people on our active email list in Queens. We wrote: “In the first competitive Queens DA race in over 60 years, Cabán is the only candidate who will reckon with the racially-biased criminal justice system and deliver transformative justice to the borough.”

And our email added: “In the DA’s office, she will work to decriminalize poverty, end the war on drugs, keep immigrant communities safe, and treat substance abuse as a medical issue. She will end cash bail, close Rikers Island and stop building new jails. And she will tackle corporate crimes and economic violence.”
In the aftermath of the history-making election, BuzzFeed News reported that one of the 15 corporate Democratic lawmakers named by RootsAction in our new “Bad Blues” report, Congressman Gregory Meeks, is likely to be the next target of progressives in Queens.

If you support our work and want us to have even more impact, please throw some money in the hat for this ongoing project.

As BuzzFeed reported, “RootsAction, an online group dedicated to ‘galvanizing people who are committed to economic fairness,’ this week named Meeks as one of the 15 members of Congress who should be primaried. . . . The RootsAction list also included Steny Hoyer, the House majority leader, and New York Rep. Eliot Engel, who is currently facing two primary opponents in his Bronx district.”

When breaking the story about RootsAction’s “Bad Blues” report, HuffPost noted that we were bringing national attention to the need to challenge Meeks in next year’s primary: “Meeks, a corporate-friendly opponent of tougher banking policies like the financial transaction tax, succeeded former Rep. Joseph Crowley as chair of the Queens County Democratic Party after Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ousted Crowley in a June 2018 primary.”
Our full “Bad Blues” report can be read at From the webpage, please share via social media.

RootsAction is serious about helping to get genuine progressives into office. We can fight the power of the establishment, and we can win.

But that means large numbers of people need to do what they can. For some, that involves doing volunteer work, knocking on doors, making phone calls. Others, who don’t have much time to volunteer, can still help by making a donation.

As RootsAction follows up on our “Bad Blues” report with outreach around the country, we ask you to contribute what you can afford.

Thank you!

-- The Team

P.S. RootsAction is an independent online force endorsed by Jim Hightower, Barbara Ehrenreich, Cornel West, Daniel Ellsberg, Glenn Greenwald, Naomi Klein, Bill Fletcher Jr., Laura Flanders, former U.S. Senator James Abourezk, Frances Fox Piven, Lila Garrett, Phil Donahue, Sonali Kolhatkar, and many others.

>>  Common Dreams: “New Report Details the 15 House Democrats That Should Face Progressive Challengers”
>> “Bad Blues: Some of the House Democrats Who Deserve to Be ‘Primaried’”
>>  BuzzFeed News: “After a Major Win Tuesday Night, Progressives Are Looking at Ousting Another Establishment Democrat in New York”
>>  Daily News: “Tiffany Cabán Stretches Queens DA Lead from Election Day - - Absentee Ballots Still Uncounted”
>>  Daily News: “Cuomo Warns of ‘Weird Things’ When Voter Turnout Is Low in a Subtle Knock Against AOC and Progressives”
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Now that we've come so far, we have a responsibility to future generations to finish what we started. Our Revolution (Thank You)

Our Revolution (Thank You)<>

Thanks to all of your incredible grassroots support — the political revolution that we have been working towards is closer to becoming a reality than ever before. When reviewing your responses to our debate survey, it was clear that our movement understands that the crisis our democracy faces requires bold action on many critical issues. Our Revolution places the highest importance on tackling the immediate danger of climate change, but we also understand how important Medicare for All really is.

Here is a breakdown of results, many of you choosing not one issue, but 6 or 7 of our top 15 issues of today:
Survey Results
Now, thanks to your tireless organizing to reclaim a democracy that works for the people of America, new polling shows that Bernie Sanders is the most popular candidate in the entire Democratic field. And no wonder, the ideas we heard on the debate stage — getting big money out of politics, Medicare for All, free college education, ending private prisons, and more have become mainstream ideas within the Democratic party.

We all know that those ideas didn’t become popular because of the corporate owned media. On the contrary, our vision of a democracy of, for, and by the people is continually demonized and slandered.

Despite these attacks from frivolous pundits who treat politics as a sport — and dangerously naive presidential candidates who spent their first day in the race attending swanky fundraisers and taking money from Health Insurance and Comcast executives — our ideas are winning, and it wouldn’t be possible without you.

That’s why we are taking the time to sincerely thank you for all of your hard work. Together, we’ve already changed America. Now that we’ve come so far, we have a responsibility to future generations to finish what we’ve started.


Our Revolution

Did anyone else notice that every Democratic candidate now sounds like a Bernie Sanders mini-me?

 Did anyone else notice that every Democratic candidate now sounds like a Bernie Sanders mini-me?  

Issues like: Medicare for All, $15 minimum wage, paid family leave, the climate crisis, equal rights for all, reforming the criminal justice system – that no one was talking about 3 years ago – suddenly appear to be the Democratic party platform! [if you believe the candidates on the debate stage, anyway….I personally find it hard to believe any candidate that takes corporate money will actually represent US when they get into office, but – hey, that’s just me, right??]

Here’s the thing: being a true leader is not just about having great ideas.  Being a true leader is about having the courage of your convictions to express them openly and build support for them WHEN THEY’RE NOT POPULAR.

There are generally 2 ways get things done in politics:

1)      Wheel and deal behind closed doors  - or -

2)      Rally people – as in, “We the People” – to push for change. Let so-called “representatives” in government know they need to stand up for the public interest, or get replaced by someone who will.

There’s a word for most of the candidates I saw on that stage – FOLLOWERS.

The only leader I saw on that stage was BERNIE SANDERS.

If you agree, please remember Democracy is not a spectator sport….ORGANIZE FOR BERNIE!

Sonya Bykofsky,

Activist, Humanist, Berner!

 Please join us at these events! 

 Tonight: Socializing with Socialists 
July 2nd, 7:00pm, Thistle and Mirth, 44 West St, Pittsfield, Massachusetts 01201 -- Meet up with our allies at Berkshires Dem Socialists for their monthly social...

RSVP here:

 4th of July Pre-parade walk!
Thursday, July 4th, 8:00 AM

Meet at the corner of Charles and Wahconah Streets at 8am. We will walk the 4th of July Pittsfield Parade route to distribute literature, raise visibility, and have the conversations that matter in an election that is as important as this one.  Kid Friendly!

RSVP on the Bernie Sanders event site:
and/or on Facebook:

 Organizing/Socializing for Berkshires4Bernie 
Sunday July 7th, 4-6pm, J Allen’s Clubhouse Grille, 41 North St, Pittsfield, MA 01201 -- Join us to strategize events and activities to build Bernie support in the Berkshires! Come share your ideas, learn the BERN app, and meet other Berkshires For Bernie folk!

RSVP here:
 As Bernie has said, it will take "guts" to create real change.  

The signers of the Declaration knew it might literally cost them everything. And although the language norms were quite different then, here is the signers' stirring pledge at the closing paragraph of the Declaration:

"We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these united Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States... And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor."

We mutually pledge to each other... Not Me. Us.

...our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor..... Guts.

Berkshires4Bernie is an affiliate of MA4Bernie2020!  Please help expand our reach ==> Join MA4Bernie2020 Facebook group and/or visit their web page
About MA4Bernie2020
MA4Bernie2020 ( is an independent, all-volunteer network of groups across Massachusetts working to amplify the national Bernie Sanders for President campaign, with the goal of winning the majority of the 2020 National Convention delegates in the Bay State’s March 3, 2020 Presidential Primary.
  • Show up to campaign at an event when you can and/or initiate another  campaign event (we’ll help and we'll post it here and online)
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Letter: BIW protesters should be supported I’m responding to Shaun Hogan’s letter of Friday, June 28, “BIW protestors should be prosecuted.”


Letter: BIW protesters should be supported

I’m responding to Shaun Hogan’s letter of Friday, June 28, “BIW protestors should be prosecuted.”  
I am a Vietnam War Veteran; 1967-1971.  Mr. Hogan appears upset about protestors objecting to BIW warships being built.  I ask Mr. Hogan,  haven’t we had enough wars? Haven’t we had enough killing and suffering?  Haven’t we spent enough taxpayer dollars on defense? All the wars have not proven one thing other than humans refuse to become civilized.  At the same time, there are people right in the United States who are suffering from poverty, from lack of a civilized health care program, from lack of shelter and so on.   
There are many young children who don’t have the luxury of a peaceful home and nutritious food.  All the dollars for warships could be much better spent on so many things to rebuild this nation and help raise people out of this economic dilemma, and there are millions of these people who could use much help. 
You ask what message is being sent to our youth.  We have a very violent society, so what message is being sent to our youth?  We have a fast food society.  What message is being sent to our youth about nutrition?  We spray toxins without fully understanding these toxins and what effects they may have on our youth!  What message is being sent to our youth by all the violence on TV and at the movie theaters? Our youth are being disregarded for multiple reasons every single day! 
It seems we should be glad to welcome an opportunity to manufacture something that is not violence and death related.  You spoke about laws.  Is it okay for some people to violate laws while other people cannot?  I guess if you can afford a gang of lawyers, one can get away with just about anything! 
Joseph Ciarrocca,

750 people Sunrise Dyanna Jaye

Sunrise Dyanna Jaye<>
Last night, 750 people joined the mass call where we laid out our plans to win a climate debate. The essence of that plan is this:
Several members of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) have introduced a resolution to hold a climate debate, and it’s supposed to go up for a vote at their national meeting August 22-24. At that meeting, representatives from each state will be voting on the climate debate -- and they're supposed to be representing what constituents in THEIR states want.
So for the next 7 weeks until that meeting, we’re going to show up at the offices of our local DNC members and make sure that they feel the pressure and hear loud and clear that the people demand a climate debate.
To win, we need to make Democratic Party members in every state feel the urgency of the climate crisis and the absolute need for a climate debate. That means we’re going to need demonstrations at Democratic Party offices across the country: Whether that’s a speak-out outside their office, an office takeover, a sit-in, or sitting-in outside, like we did last week in DC.
When we show up at local offices, we’re not just pressuring those state and local officials: we’re sending a message to national party officials and to the public that young people won’t let our leaders keep treating our generation’s survival as a secondary issue.
If we can make party officials all across the nation feel the public pressure from our movement and our generation, I know that we can win.
Dyanna Jaye

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Gary Anderson: Honoring our revolutionary heritage July 03, 2019 By Gary Anderson Guest column


Gary Anderson: Honoring our revolutionary heritage


The most celebrated day of summer is Independence Day. A day of parading our heritage of hard-won freedom from oppressive governance and the creation of a principled embrace of equality for everyone. The sovereignty of our new nation would now be subject to the self-governing autonomy of collective individual empowerment. Not too shabby an idealistic accomplishment for a bunch of all-white, all-male British outliers who knew how to transform a Tea Party into the defeat of colonial rule while still rationalizing the economics of slavery, the subjugation of indigenous peoples, and the second-class citizenship of women. Traditionally, above all else, the Fourth of July’s stars and stripes strutted patriotism tops off its meritorious if cherry-picked reverence with an awesome display of inspirational pyrotechnics symbolizing America’s birthday conceived and realized by armed revolution. The still resounding “Shot Heard Round the World” was about violent change achieved by citizen-controlled weaponry later bestowed as a fundamental right by the Second Amendment. That’s a lot of politically charged history-making, mostly compelled by still unreconciled complex concepts about freedom and its protection, about sovereignty and its problematic border with hegemony. 
This year marks America’s 243rd anniversary. We celebrate that long history of what we still hold as a peace-loving nation even though our country’s been at war almost continually since its inception. We are at war now. It’s a chronic affliction that we suffer almost without acknowledgment, not through stoicism but because less than 1% of Americans carry that water for the rest. They do all the heavy lifting, so far away from American life that most of us can’t even identify the geographical location with any exactitude. The price is so exorbitant that our government literally has no accurate assessment of the actual cost. The Department of Defense is an immense unaccountable pie slice of an economy addicted to funding its insatiable “budget” because it remains such a formidable capitalist engine. Cowed by patriotism, we write a blank check and leave an ever-mounting national debt to our children and grandchildren while we even more shamefully deny rightful payment towards taking care of our veterans. We surely must make our Founding Fathers and Old Glory proud. 
Those who laid the foundation for our nation never dreamed of America becoming the largest standing military force the world has ever known. Their idea of sovereignty wasn’t imagined as ever being worldwide, nor predicated on domineering a “Global” economy. They never conceived that America’s might would grow so large that it would endanger the planet itself, that what would fuel it would unalterably change the climate and become our greatest threat to national security. That’s not the exaggerated rhetoric of alarmist environmentalism. That’s our own military’s repeated assessment despite Congress’s continued deafness. 
All of the above sets the stage for what’s become familiar political theater attendant to each christening ceremony at BIW. Instead of spending the first weekend of summer relaxing, 22 activists chose to be arrested for protesting yet another paradoxical defense product purportedly necessary for America’s already excessive national security when actually part and parcel of the greatest threat to our planetary survival. Nine of those revolutionaries made the additional commitment of opting for jail over bail to gain additional media attention. 
Last time around, the local DA dismissed all charges so as to dissuade even more celebrity to those breaking the law, denying the desired notoriety underpinning the purposeful violation of the law for the sake of exposing an ultimately far, far greater disturbance of the peace in aiding and abetting the continuance of militarism. 
Maybe BIW doesn’t deserve to be the ground zero of such protest, but it’s definitely part of the problem rather than part of the solution. Granted, it tried to support sustainable clean energy by potentially building wind turbines, but the political winds of a divisively becalmed and rudderless governance ultimately left the otherwise fully on board shipbuilder high and dry. Conversion wasn’t its goal but rather diversification in championing an apolitical bottom line. Its ironic communist-built Chinese drydock stands testimony to the vagaries of a global economy’s core allegiance to profitability, foremost and forever. 
Connecting the dots has never been our patriotic forte. Our political forte has been to separate the dots as far as possible. Today’s BIW protesters and those long-ago revolutionary Tea Party participants have more than a little in common. 
Gary Anderson lives in Bath.