Thursday, August 26, 2010

*For The Folkies From Muskogee And Elsewhere- The Bob Feldman Music Blog On "My Space"-Barbara Dane's Speech To GI Movement Revisited: Part 3

Markin comment:

This is great stuff for any music aficionado, especially of folk, social protest, and roots music. I am going to be "stealing" entries off of this site periodically but you should be checking it out yourselves. Kudos, Bob Feldman.


Barbara Dane's Speech To GI Movement Revisited: Part 3
Current mood: contemplative

Category: Music
In her speech to the GI Movement of the Vietnam War Era (whose text can be found in the booklet that's included in Paredon Records' FTA! Songs of the GI Resistance vinyl album of 1970), Barbara Dane said the following:

"I worked in many groovy and some lousy nightclubs and coffeehouses; I made a lot of records, did TV and radio work, and communicated in any way possible. The message was mostly through the blues: Life in the USA is a crying shame but we, the people, are real. We are as deep as the seas and as loving as the sunshine, strong as the mountains and determined as the wind. And we will prevail!

"Instant overnight, Hollywood wetdream success kept flashing in my face, but it was creepy. And I never met a super star who was really able to enjoy what the stardom brought. Most of the well-known cultural workers I knew were so damned lonely from being on the road month in and month out, getting bored with repeating their greatest hits, and out of touch with ordinary pleasures like friends and family, had no idea what was going on from the political point of view and therefore didn't understand the effect of their work, and weren't really bringing home enough money to make it worth all that trouble..."

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