Monday, December 12, 2016

Veterans For Peace-Urgent Message For Chelsea Manning-Time Is Running Out

An Urgent Action Alert from FreeChelsea!
Transparency activist Chelsea Manning has already spent more time behind bars than any other whistleblower in U.S. history.

She’s been systematically mistreated, subjected to torture, and denied access to desperately needed health care while serving a 35-year sentence in an all-male military prison.

And if we don’t do something right now, Chelsea’s life is literally in danger.
Chelsea risked everything to do what she felt was right.
Chelsea has already attempted to commit suicide twice as a direct result of years of psychological torture she’s endured and the inhumane conditions of her captivity.

But her situation is about to go from bad to worse. KT Mcfarland, the incoming administration’s pick for Deputy National Security Advisor, has repeatedly called for Chelsea to be executed.

The Obama Administration is directly responsible for Chelsea’s unnecessary suffering. Now the President has one last chance to do the right thing, but he’ll only do it if we generate a massive outcry, right now.
We’ve already got more than 50,000 signatures on a “” petition calling supporting Chelsea’s request that President Obama grant her clemency and reduce her sentence to “Time Served.”

Our allies in Washington, DC suggest that this is much more likely than Obama offering a pardon, and if we get enough people to sign, there’s a chance we can get Chelsea free, and possibly save her life in the process.

If we get more than 100,000 signatures by this Wednesday, December 14th, President Obama will have to respond. This could be our last chance. Chelsea is depending on us.

Time is running out! Sign the White House petition to President Obama: Demand clemency for whistleblower Chelsea Manning!

Thank you!

PS - Please forward this email to everyone you know. If all of us act now, it could make all the difference for Chelsea’s future.  Click here to sign the petition.
Veterans For Peace appreciates your generous donations.
We also encourage you to join our ranks.

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