Thursday, May 09, 2019

Help Chelsea Keep Fighting Chelsea Resists Legal Fund via

Dear Supporter,

Thank you so much for your generous donations in the past to Chelsea's legal fund.

As you know, Chelsea is still incarcerated for refusing to testify before a federal grand jury about events related to her 2010 disclosures.  

Today, it will have been 62 consecutive days (as of May 8, 2019).

Chelsea has made it quite clear that she cannot be coerced into testifying, no matter what, which makes her incarceration completely punitive in nature.

Chelsea's legal team filed a motion Monday, asking the Judge to release Chelsea on the grounds that her incarceration is no longer coercive, and is now only punitive, and therefore unlawful.

As Chelsea explains:
  "After two months of confinement, and using every legal mechanism available so far, I can - without any hesitation - state that nothing that will convince me to testify before this or any other grand jury for that matter."

You can read the brief here (it's at the very bottom of the page). Also included are a declaration from Chelsea in her own words, and 11 letters in support of Chelsea:

There's also a statement to the press that summarizes the motion and Chelsea's Declaration:

Chelsea is opposed to the entire Grand Jury process, which takes place behind closed doors and without a defense attorney present.

Historically, Grand Juries have also been used to oppress and frighten targeted groups, dissidents and activists.

Chelsea has already testified at length about these matters, during her own trial, and has already served 7 years in prison, including 11 months in solitary confinement, before Obama commuted her sentence.

The first 28 days of her current incarceration were also spent under "solitary confinement conditions" in a cruel attempt to coerce her testimony. The jail calls it "Administrative Segregation" however, more than 15 days of isolation has been clearly defined as "prolonged solitary confinement," and is considered "torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment" by the UN General Assembly (

So this fight won't be over for a while, and Chelsea needs your help to keep going, so that one day, she might finally be allowed to live her life in peace.

Your donations will enable Chelsea's legal team to continue with their tireless efforts, so that Chelsea can once again be free.

Thank you,

The Chelsea Resists Support Committee

P.S. If possibile, please select 'Recurring Donation' to maximize your support.
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