Thursday, May 05, 2016

*Looking For Few Good Lawyers-National Lawyers Guild

Click on the title to link to the National Lawyers Guild Web site.

Any one who has been a left-wing political prisoner, any leftist who has gotten into political trouble with the government knows one needs a good lawyer at ones side to have even a little chance of making the case. In short, staying out of jail. Not surprisingly, despite all the clamor about public service and pro bono work, there are few, very few good lawyers who are interested in working the hard political cases. And the government likes it that way. The case of the recently convicted and sentenced radical New York lawyer Lynne Stewart brings that fact home with a vengeance.

Nevertheless if you need one, historically, the National Lawyers Guild has been a source for good, politically conscious lawyers. Although I have had occasional qualms about their political perspectives in the past, mainly their leaving some politically unpopular causes hanging in the wind, I add a link to their website for those with politically-motivated legal cases to fight or who need information on the legal aspects of class struggle defense. Check the site out.

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