Saturday, July 07, 2012

Independent 2nd New Hampshire Congressional District Candidate Daniel Keating Stands In Solidarity With The Shea Family Anti-Foreclosure Actions

Click on the headline to link to the Keating For Congress Committee Keating Facebook page.

From: The Keating For Congress Committee

In re: Press Release- Shea Family Solidarity Statement

Date: July 6, 2012

The Keating For Congress Committee today has announced that 2nd New Hampshire Congressional District Independent candidate and Socialist Alternative activist Daniel Keating has endorsed, and proudly stands in solidarity with, the efforts of the Shea Family of North Weymouth, Massachusetts, their friend s and neighbors, Occupy Quincy and Occupy Weymouth activists, and others to fight the pending foreclosure auction of their home scheduled for July 17th.

Mr. Keating, as a social activist in New Hampshire for the past several years, has in his travels around the 2nd District heard of many, too many cases, similar to the Shea case. Mr. Keating is painfully aware of the countless examples of those who have been subject to snap foreclosures, of those “under water,” of those who have been taken advantage of by the banks and mortgage companies, large and small, and their outrageous predatory interest rates. And also of those hard-working working people who have deprived themselves and their families of other necessities in order to pay the mortgage, and of those who cannot even dream of owning a home in this toxic housing environment.

Danny Keating says enough. It is time to fight back, to organize against the dead of night and hide behind closed doors banks and their fiendish agents- one house at a time, if necessary. The efforts of his fellow Socialist Alterative activists in Occupy Homes in Minneapolis where there have been several successful anti-foreclosure actions and the upcoming Shea case can serve as models for many hard-pressed working people to fight to keep their homes, and their dignity. Danny, if elected to Congress, on Day One will use his offices to force a stop to the foreclosures in the district, to work for a nation-wide moratorium, and to hold the banks and other lenders accountable under a very close microscope for the monstrous deceitful actions of past several years, both before and after the housing market bubble burst.

With over two million foreclosures reported nationally over the past period, an almost equal number now in the court system pipeline and many home-owners “under water” the seemingly endless nightmare of the housing crisis will be with us for many years. However, unlike some natural disaster which we have no control over, this crisis was man-made.

The now familiar popular refrain of the last year of protests, “Banks got bailed out, we got sold out,” has caught the gist of the problem. Not only did the “too big to fail” banks and corporations get bailed out (with perks intact) after looting the economy at their pleasure but their government merely “slapped their hands” with a puny 25 billion dollar settlement for the trillions of dollars of financial, economic, and emotional damage they have done to working people. This has added insult to injury while the Wall Street elite laugh about their good fortune over cocktails in their high-rise executive suites.

So while today we need to fight, desperately need to fight, foreclosures one house at a time over the long haul we need to establish financial institutions controlled by working people not by CEOs, their boards, and their governmental agents, a vast program of governmental assistance to those in economic distress not just with their home troubles but with decent jobs and quality education as well. Most of all we need a workers ‘party that fights for our interests. Those are just some of the things that Danny Keating wants to fight, fight like the devil for. Elect Danny Keating To Congress. Victory To The Shea Family! Stop All Home Foreclosures Now!

For more information about the Keating campaign, Socialist Alternative, or requests for interviews call: 603-233-2999 or email:

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