VFPeNews: SOAW Invites VFP to the Encuentro!
SOAW Invites Veterans For Peace to the Encuentro!
Dear Veterans For Peace,
We're writing to invite you to the upcoming 2018 SOA Watch Encuentro, "Dismantle Border Imperialism: Struggle, Create, Power to the People." As a valuable partner that brings a critical ant-militarism lens, we are excited to continue this struggle alongside Veterans For Peace, whom we have partnered with since our earliest days at the gates of Ft. Benning.
So far, over 25 local VFP chapters have endorsed the Encuentro, including VFP National. To this we say, thank you. There is still time for other chapters to endorse, by following the link here. For those individuals planning on attending this year, please take a moment to register. There is no cost to attend the Encuentro, but we would like to know how many programs to print. Look for updates here, and check out our most recent video put together by friends in the struggle.
We are grateful for the partnerships we have forged over the past 28 years, and look forward to continue struggling alongside you until we achieve collective liberation across borders!
Scroll down for ways to get involved in the Encuentro!
Join VFP at the Border!
VFP enthusiastically supports this year's theme "Dismantle Border Imperialism! Struggle, Create, Power to the People!" Please join us, November 16-18, and many other peace and justice groups on the border.
SOAW strives to expose, denounce, and end US militarization, oppressive US policies and other forms of state violence in the Americas. Often these Latin American political and economic policies are directly linked to forced displacement, increased violence, and militarized borders. And as we call attention to the militarization of the border and Latin America, we also call for an end to state-sponsored terrorism and violence against our communities inside the United States. We stand with organizations and movements working for justice and peace throughout the Americas. There is no wall or border that can deter the solidarity of the people!
Join VFP At the Border!
Paul Cox Reviews New Book on the VA
"As a Vietnam veteran who served in the Marines between 1968 and 1972, I am all too familiar with the wounds of war Suzanne Gordon describes in her excellent new book. Like so many people who served in Vietnam, I live with PTSD, health issues from Agent Orange exposure, the skeletal wear and tear from lugging heavy packs in the jungle for 18 months, and hearing loss—much luckier than many, unluckier than some.
I know how hard it was to get Congress and the VA to recognize these—and other—wounds of war. Thanks to veterans’ efforts over many decades, veterans have benefited from what the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) has done to address them.
That’s why this book is both important and timely.
Also don't forget you can help Save Our VA by Urging your Congressional Representative to Co-Sponsor HR 1025!
VFP Members on Speaking Tour In Japan
U.S. VFP Members continue their speaking tour in Japan. Mike Hastie and Nathan Lewis join Rachel Clark in a whirlwind tour speaking out against U.S. militarism and war.
They have been sending regular reports, last week brought two report backs and this week we have three more to add, so make sure to check them all out!
An excerpt:
"Our presentation at Kanazawa was once again very informative and emotionally powerful for the Japanese audience. The room was packed with over ninety people. There were several newspaper reporters in attendance, along with a T.V. news crew. Nathan and I were interviewed by a couple of reporters who wanted us to clarify certain comments we made in our individual talks. When we were interviewed by the local T.V. station, they asked both of us the same question: " What is your main message to Japanese audiences?" I answered that question by saying: "War has nothing to do with protecting America's borders. It has absolutely nothing to do with freedom and democracy. U.S. wars are always about corporate profiteering, and global dominance. Wherever U.S. corporations go, the U.S. military follows to protect those corporate interests."
And check out this amazing coverage by Hokuriku Asahi Broadcasting that covered the speaking tour as a mini TV documentary.
Minnesotans March to Demand End to U.S. Wars
More than 75 people rallied and marched through the Cedar Riverside neighborhood, October 21, as part of an demonstration organized by the MN Peace Action Coalition.
Mike Madden, a longtime member of Veterans for Peace, spoke to what it means when people say “thank you for your service.” He said, “Please don’t thank me for my military service. The first year and a half of my enlistment coincide with the final year and a half of the American war in Vietnam. To the extent my service enabled or prolonged the war, it did more harm than good...Honoring a war hero has the effect of conferring the honor of the individual onto the war and its policy. But when a nation has committed an act of military aggression, it may lay not claim to military heroes. The honorable people are those who oppose the war, whether they wear the uniform or not.” He encouraged the crowd to continue their service and work for peace.
Armistice Day Special Edition of Peace In Our Times
VFP recently sent out a special edition paper on the theme of Reclaim Armistice Day to our VFP chapters and we have a few bundles still available but they are going quickly!
The content of this special edition paper is timeless. Veterans For Peace is dedicated to Reclaim Armistice Day and will continue educate the public on the need to recognize the original meaning of the day for years to come.
To order email Shelly (shelly@veteransforpeace.org) or Tarak (takauff@gmail.com) but do it quickly because we only have 17 bundles left!
p.s. You can also download the paper here!
New Member Spotlight: Daniel Kovalik![]()
Reason for Joining VFP:
"I travelled with Veterans Peace Convey to Nicaragua in 1988. During this trip, which was organized by VFP, I spent two months with numerous veterans who had dedicated themselves to struggling for peace and to aiding those around the world who have suffered at the hands of US militarism. Most of these veterans had fought in Vietnam, and they knew better than anyone how brutal and cruel war could be – to both combatants and civilians alike. I think about that experience every day, and of the veterans who impressed me with their relentless efforts to resist war, and above all with their kindness and camaraderie. I am honored to be able to join their ranks as an associate member of Veterans for Peace."
p.s. If you have someone from your chapter you'd like to spotlight, email colleen@veteransforpeace.org!
ICYMI (In Case You Missed It)
In This Issue:
Stop Wars at Home and Abroad
Plans are being finalized for the upcoming Armistice Day weekend in Washington D.C. There is a large coalition working on planning a weekend full of activities!
CELEBRATE: The Trump Military Parade has been CANCELLED!
DIVEST FROM WAR: Attend a “PEACE CONGRESS” with over 200 Peace Groups INVEST IN PEACE: Reclaim ARMISTICE DAY on its 100th Anniversary Veterans Occupy Washington: Vets will occupy McPherson Square throughout the weekend (15th Street & I Street, NW). Voices Rising for Yemen
Please Join Voices for Creative Nonviolence For THREE DAYS OF ACTION at the Saudi and US Missions to the UN, New York City, November 6 , 7, 8 2018
Dire conditions in Yemen call for our urgent attention and action. Let's encourage one another to take immediate action in the face of looming escalation of attacks in Yemen and consequent suffering caused by rising prices for food and fuel plus and other war related exacerbation of near-famine conditions.
While we seek immediate actions cross country, a number of people have planned for an action in early November, -- November 6, 7, and 8, across from and near the United Nations on First Avenue. We propose setting up 34 backpacks at the Isaiah Wall and handing out fliers while holding placards on November 6, beginning at 10:00 a.m. We realize this is election day, and our numbers might be small, but we especially call on people to consider participating in a nonviolent direct action on November 8, most likely in mid-morning, again relying on the visual of blue backpacks to represent 34 children, on a school field trip, who were killed when a Lockheed Martin manufactured missile was fired by a Saudi warplane and directly hit their schoolbus.
Voices for Creative Nonviolence has a list of resources for potential protests.
For more information contact VCNV: info@vcnv.org
Reclaiming Armistice Day: Submit Your Event
Veterans For Peace has been celebrating Armistice Day almost since the organization's inception, with a few chapters doing yearly events. However, in 2008 the effort became a national effort with the passage of an official Veterans For Peace resolution. Since then, chapters across the country have been "Reclaiming Armistice Day" pushing the celebration of peace into the national conversation on Veterans Day.
One hundred years ago the world celebrated peace as a universal principle. The first World War had just ended and nations mourning their dead collectively called for an end to all wars. Armistice Day was born and was designated as “a day to be dedicated to the cause of world peace and to be thereafter celebrated." Golden Rule Pacific Voyage Delayed
The Golden Rule peace boat will regrettably have to delay their Pacific voyage. During a sea trial on October 17th the historic wooden sailboat got 100 miles offshore before needing to return to San Diego Bay.
Many aspects of the trip were a success but the attempt brought to light a few shortcomings that will need to be addressed before the crew attempts the journey. At the moment the Golden Rule is in anchorage near Harbor Island while decisions are being made on how to proceed. Our weather window will close before the necessary work can be done, so the Pacific voyage will likely be delayed until spring.
For more information and updates, please visit the Golden Rule website or Facebook Page.
Stop Banking the Bomb Celebrates 1 Year Anniversary with Coordinated Actions
October 13 marked just over a year since Stop Banking the Bomb began its campaign against PNC Bank. Starting with just a handful of Pittsburgh volunteers from the ANSWER Coalition, Veterans For Peace, the Party for Socialism and Liberation and a few other anti-war activists, the campaign is now sponsored by over 30 local, regional and national anti-imperialist organizations. Since launching in late September 2017, the campaign has conducted over 40 actions against PNC Bank in Pittsburgh and around the country.
To mark our one-year anniversary, on October 13, the campaign conducted its first triple city coordinated action against PNC Bank. Working with our ANSWER Coalition and PSL allies in Dayton, OH and Lancaster, PA, we held three actions in three cities in front of three PNC Banks.
These pickets will continue unabated, every two weeks in Pittsburgh, PA and in many other cities around the country. We will not stop until PNC meets our demands to STOP BANKING THE BOMB!
VFPUK Member recites "Suicide in the Trenches"
James Florey reciting the Siegfried Sassoon poem "Suicide in the Trenches" outside the Imperial War Museum. VFP recites this poem every year at The Cenotaph on Remembrance Sunday.
CSN Delegation to Colombia Nov.29-Dec 8, 2018
The Colombia Support Network (CSN) is planning a delegation to Colombia for November 29-December 8, 2018. They plan to visit the Peace Community of San Jose de Apartado, Medellin and Bogota. They will meet with people involved in the implementation of the Peace Agreement between the Colombian government and the FARC guerrillas; implementation of the transitional justice system; and receipt of threats posed to human rights workers and local community leaders. The cost will be $2,500, including international travel costs from Chicago to Bogota round trip.
Interested persons may contact colombiasupport@gmail.com or at jlaun515@gmail.com.
VFPStore: Last Chance! 2018 Convention T-Shirts!
Great souvenir or collector T-Shirt from our 2018 Convention held in St. Paul, Minnesota!! Get one while supplies last!!
Front: Reclaim Armistice Day 1918-2018, "End All Wars" Helmet Design, Veterans for Peace, 33rd Annual Convention (with date and location)
Front: Reclaim Armistice Day 1918-2018, "End All Wars" Helmet Design, Veterans for Peace, 33rd Annual Convention (with date and location) Back: "If you want to thank me for my service, Work for Peace" 100th Anniversary w/VFP website
Nov 11 - Armistice Day
Nov 16-18 - 2018 SOA Watch Encuentro
Nov 16-18 - International Conference Against U.S./NATO Military Bases in Dublin, Ireland
Nov 27-29 - International Youth Conference: Reaching High for a Nuclear Weapon Free World, Prague, Czech Republic
Dec 1 - Summit on Peace with Iran, Washington D.C.
Veterans For Peace, 1404 N. Broadway, St. Louis, MO 63102
Veterans For Peace appreciates your tax-exempt donations.
We also encourage you to join our ranks.

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