VFPeNews: The Liberty Medal to George W. Bush? NO WAY!
Via vfp=veteransforpeace.org <vfp=veteransforpeace.org@mail.salsalabs.net>
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The Liberty Medal to George W. Bush? NO WAY!
Former President George W. Bush and his wife, Laura, were named to be recipients of the Liberty Medal for their "commitment to veterans." The award will be presented by Joe Biden.
This is an outrage. In the words of the San Diego Veterans For Peace Chapter, in a letter they wrote to Joe Biden:
"Veterans For Peace is outraged that you are choosing to bestow ANY type of honor on ex-President George W. Bush, especially the prestigious Liberty Medal. You cite that this is in recognition of his commitment to veterans. We, however, view his actions as directly creating more war veterans. This is due to his ill-advised and illegal war of choice in Iraq, which we condemn as a moral crime and a national disgrace."
Help Send Deported Vets to SOAW
SOA, Encuentro 2018, gives Veterans For Peace deported veteran members the opportunity to unite with those feeling the injustices, of being considered as less than human beings, but also the opportunity to share ideas and strategies with those brothers and sisters that support and fight for the rights of those not able to fight for themselves, like those vulnerable to the hate and racism that is threatening the peace of our nations. We will uncover the connections between these struggles and the plight of deported U.S. veterans to countries around the world and the unfair punishment and political detention of immigrants who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces.
We plan to send 15 veterans to stand in solidarity with SOA and other members of Veterans For Peace. VFP members will march through Nogales, AZ and meet us on the Mexican side of the border. We will participate in workshops and planning to end the U.S. oppressive and militarized foreign policy in Latin America and act in solidarity with organizations and movements working for justice and peace throughout the Americas.
How can you help? We have a goal of raising $3,000 to cover the cost of our delegation. Could you help by contributing $25, $50 or $100 towards that goal? A donation of $200 will cover the travel and lodging of one veteran. We are so grateful for any amou
![]() Press Conference: No to Troops at the Border!
Two VFP members participated in a press conference with a coalition of Border communities, including the Tohono O'odham Nation, Arivaca and other small towns, that has formed to reject the militarization ramp up of the border.
Richard Smith from our Phoenix chapter represented VFP by reading a condensed version of our statement and member Dan Kelly represented Arivaca, a town 11 miles north of the U.S.-Mexico border.
Watch the Video
Press Coverage:
Swords to Plowshares Belltower in North Carolina Capital
Veterans For Peace is hosting the "Swords to Plowshares Memorial Belltower" in the North Carolina state capital this weekend.
The Belltower is covered with memorial plaques made from recycled cans that are being inscribed by visitors to bear witness to effects of war on veterans and victims of war on all sides (including recent wars, veteran suicides, effects on families, Agent Orange, etc..)
Read the full announcement!
If you are in North Carolina, sign up to volunteer!
Code Pink Hosting Town Hall on Militarism
Sunday, November 11 8 pm ET
Hosted by CODEPINK: Town Hall on Militarism discusses the costs of militarism, weapons and war, and examines the effect and workings of the U.S. military-industrial complex, before looking at what work is taking place in the U.S. and around the world to end militarism and build a more just and peaceful world.
The lively conversation features panelists:
Chapter Contacts / VFP Organizer Conference Call
The next Chapter Contacts / VFP Organizer Conference Call will be on November 14th at 8pm EST / 7pm CST / 6pm MST / 5pm PST.
Anyone who is organizing and disseminating information within Veterans For Peace is welcome.
Please email samantha@veteransforpeace.org with the subject line: November 14 Conference Call for call-in details.
ICYMI (In Case You Missed It)
Veterans for Peace Nashville Radio Hour discusses Puerto Rico with Kat Hitchcock (who just resturned from two months in Puerto Rico.)
Tight Senate races, growing House-Dem majority, protests to save Mueller probe (features VFP member Mike Marceau with audio at the 1.38 mark!)
VFPStore: You Can Still Get an Armistice Day T-Shirt!
Armistice Day Shirts never go out of style!
We still have some left this year, in white or grey! Make sure to get them before this special 100 Year Anniversary t-shirt is out of stock!
In This Issue:
Press Conference: No to Troops at the Border!
VFPUK Releases "War School" for Free Viewings Nov 9-11th VFP Members Participate in Protest Blocking Entry to Saudi Consulate
Veterans For Peace members joined Voices for Creative Nonviolence in a series of vigils and protests over a three day period to bring awareness of the horrific war in Yemen. The United States has been sending weapons and funds to Saudi Arabia, including the Lockheed Martin bombs that killed 34 school children. On Thursday, November 9th, Voices for Creative Nonviolence, joined by VFP members blocked the Saudi Consulate.
VFP Advisory Board Member, Kathy Kelly writes, "Members of our group swiftly set up a presence in front of three entrances to the building, urging people not to enter because it is too dangerous. Criminal activities have been going on and all who have cause to be in the building should be aware of the crucial importance of ending the murderous, tortuous activities carried out by the Saudi government."
P.S. You can join Peace Action on Tuesday for a webinar discussing developments in the fight to end US military support for disastrous Saudi/UAE-led war in #Yemen. We have an opportunity to end military support before the end of the year.
Stop Wars at Home and Abroad
Plans are being finalized for the upcoming Armistice Day weekend in Washington D.C. There is a large coalition working on planning a weekend full of activities!
CELEBRATE: The Trump Military Parade has been CANCELLED!
DIVEST FROM WAR: Attend a “PEACE CONGRESS” with over 200 Peace Groups INVEST IN PEACE: Reclaim ARMISTICE DAY on its 100th Anniversary Veterans Occupy Washington: Vets will occupy McPherson Square throughout the weekend (15th Street & I Street, NW). VFPUK Releases "War School" for Free Viewings Nov 9-11th
The VFP UK Documentary, War School, is only available to watch the complete 80 minute film through this Sunday. A powerful message about the militarisation that is increasing in Britain and mirrors the same experience in the United States.
Watch the trailer here and tune in here starting tomorrow!
Reclaiming Armistice Day: Submit Your Event
Veterans For Peace has been celebrating Armistice Day almost since the organization's inception, with a few chapters doing yearly events. However, in 2008 the effort became a national effort with the passage of an official Veterans For Peace resolution. Since then, chapters across the country have been "Reclaiming Armistice Day" pushing the celebration of peace into the national conversation on Veterans Day.
'One Hundred Years Ago,' a found poem on Armistice Day
An amazing piece by VFP member Madeleine Mysko
"But one hundred years later, our nation seems to have abandoned the very idea of armistice altogether. Instead, we have shifted the focus of our celebration to the military, to those who actually carry the costly arms into costly wars we no longer even try to stop. It is telling that our current president was hoping for a military parade down Pennsylvania Avenue, glorious with flags and heavy artillery.
The piece from The Sun archives declares Nov. 11, 1918 “the greatest day in the history of the world!” But the reporter is quick to qualify “victory” for the reader:
“It was a victory not so much of material things: of ships and rifles, and cannon, and gas, and men’s lives, as it was a victory of the spirit, a spirit that even in the darkest of days did not acknowledge defeat, the spirit that never would admit that might was right or that brutality and savagery could triumph over humanity and kindliness and love and the decent things of life.”
Poor People's Campaign Conference Call
Have you or your chapter participated in the Poor People's Campaign?
Veterans For Peace is setting up a call to discuss the future of the Poor People's Campaign and VFP involvement.
If you or your chapter participated in any PPC organizing or actions (or would like to in the future), please email samantha@veteransforpeace.org with the subject line: Poor People's Campaign Conference Call to participate.
Nov 6-8 - Voices Rising for Yemen, New York City
Nov 11 - Armistice Day
Nov 16-18 - 2018 SOA Watch Encuentro
Nov 16-18 - International Conference Against U.S./NATO Military Bases in Dublin, Ireland
Dec 1 - Summit on Peace with Iran, Washington D.C.
January 10 - Friday, January 18, 2019 Peace with Iran Delegation
Veterans For Peace, 1404 N. Broadway, St. Louis, MO 63102
Veterans For Peace appreciates your tax-exempt donations.
We also encourage you to join our ranks.

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