Friday, July 19, 2019

Medicare for All will save our local communities Our Revolution Jim Hightower

Our Revolution Jim Hightower<>


Medicare for All is under attack. The health care industry is pushing hard to change people’s minds that it’s the best way to guarantee health care as a human right. Despite Joe Biden’s misguided (to be kind) comment that Medicare for All is “irrational,” the truth back here in the real world is that we are making tangible progress right here in Texas.

The Medicare for All movement recently received its biggest endorsement yet in the Lone Star State! The South Texas County Judges and Commissioners Association — a highly influential coalition of Democratic and Republican county judges and commissioners — voted unanimously to endorse Medicare for All.

County commissioners and judges carry a lot of weight. They are the ones who pave our roads, build our bridges, and are the gatekeepers to county finances and services. The problem is that most county budgets are eaten up by out of control health care costs, depriving them of the funds they need to fix our roads, help fund our schools, and other projects that support the common good of our communities.

In other words, Medicare for All is a signature part of how we rebuild our crumbling infrastructure and adequately fund other services to benefit our communities. Pitch in $10 today and help us continue to organize elected officials across the state to support Medicare for Y’all!

Our counties are being forced to pay for health care (that Medicare for All could easily resolve) preventing our local communities from properly investing in the common good. Our communities can’t make critical investments if rising health care costs deprive them of funds. Is it any wonder so many of our communities, especially in rural America, are struggling to get by?

We will need local leaders on our side to achieve Medicare for All. Never underestimate the pressure a local leader can apply to their Congresscritter. Contribute $10 today to keep our momentum going strong.


Jim Hightower
National Board Member
Our Revolution

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