6/29 Pastors for Peace Event
*/You are invited!/*
The July 26th Coalition of Boston is hosting an event for IFCO-Pastors
for Peace on *Friday, June 29, 7 PM. *
The gathering is held in honor of Pastors for Peace, based in New York
City, that has long worked throughout the country and the world to end
the U.S. economic blockade of Cuba. Every summersince 1992, the
Pastors for Peace Friendshipment caravans have gone to Cuba. When they
go, they are making a statement in purposeful defiance of U.S. laws as a
matter of civil disobedience.
The speaker on this route will be Cheryl LaBash, a journalist who
writes about Cuba and who is one of the chairpersons of the National
Network on Cuba. Her first trip to Cuba was in 1985 as a member of the
executive board of her AFSCME Local in the city of Detroit.
She willintroducethenew and exciting film, */Dare to Dream: Cuba's
Latin American Medical School./*//That training facility known as ELAM,
provides medical education at no charge and graduates over 1000 new
doctors every year, including from the United States. Cheryl works in
Michigan with Doctors 4 Detroit supporting the ELAM scholarship program,
Detroit area students and graduates. A recent graduate of ELAM, now
doing her residency in Boston, has been invited.
First Baptist Church, located at 633 Centre Street in Jamaica Plain. **
*Itwill begin at *7 PM*****with free ice cream generously donated
by JP Licks.
With questions, call Jim at 781-235-2804
To learn moreabout IFCO/Pastors for Peace, go to www.ifconews.org
For more info about the film, go tohttps://daretodreamfilm.org/
Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/events/1649905008455709/>
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The July 26th Coalition of Boston is hosting an event for IFCO-Pastors
for Peace on *Friday, June 29, 7 PM. *
The gathering is held in honor of Pastors for Peace, based in New York
City, that has long worked throughout the country and the world to end
the U.S. economic blockade of Cuba. Every summersince 1992, the
Pastors for Peace Friendshipment caravans have gone to Cuba. When they
go, they are making a statement in purposeful defiance of U.S. laws as a
matter of civil disobedience.
The speaker on this route will be Cheryl LaBash, a journalist who
writes about Cuba and who is one of the chairpersons of the National
Network on Cuba. Her first trip to Cuba was in 1985 as a member of the
executive board of her AFSCME Local in the city of Detroit.
She willintroducethenew and exciting film, */Dare to Dream: Cuba's
Latin American Medical School./*//That training facility known as ELAM,
provides medical education at no charge and graduates over 1000 new
doctors every year, including from the United States. Cheryl works in
Michigan with Doctors 4 Detroit supporting the ELAM scholarship program,
Detroit area students and graduates. A recent graduate of ELAM, now
doing her residency in Boston, has been invited.
First Baptist Church, located at 633 Centre Street in Jamaica Plain. **
*Itwill begin at *7 PM*****with free ice cream generously donated
by JP Licks.
With questions, call Jim at 781-235-2804
To learn moreabout IFCO/Pastors for Peace, go to www.ifconews.org
For more info about the film, go tohttps://daretodreamfilm.org/
Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/events/1649905008455709/>
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