Saturday, February 09, 2019

Nothing short of Medicare for All in 2020 Our Revolution Heather Gautney

Our Revolution Heather Gautney<>

Our Revolution

If Democrats are serious about defeating Donald Trump in 2020, they cannot continue to play footsie with drug and insurance companies and allow them to exploit our sick and our elderly.
Sen. Bernie Sanders, if he runs, would be the only presidential candidate who has taken on corporate health care profiteers on behalf of the working class and organized to pass Medicare for All through social movement pressure.
In the lead up to 2020, Democrats have put several health care plans on the table, all of them claiming to improve access to care. But making health insurance more affordable is not the same as guaranteeing healthcare for everyone. Sanders and Rep. Pramila Jayapal’s plans are the only ones that will make health care truly universal.
The time for half-measures and empty promises is over. We need a leader with the political courage to demand health care for every single person in this country.
This won’t come as a shock to many of you, but presidential candidates who signed on to Sanders’ 2017 Medicare for All legislation are already starting to backpedal on whether healthcare should be a public good.
Not only is it unethical to allow corporations to profit off our healthcare system, but the only way to cut costs is by taking it out of the hands of private insurers and allowing the government to negotiate prices. Sen. Sanders’ Medicare for All treats people equally, regardless of income or employment status -- and not as a commodity to be exploited by private companies.
In solidarity,
Heather Gautney
Executive Director
Our Revolution

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